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Realistic or Modern Same Love

Dammit, Scarlett thought as she realised two horrible things:

1: She was out of cookies.

2: She was out of books and video games.

Maybe she could descreetly leave to get more? She facepalmed at the thought. The weekend was almost over, so she may as well be social. She threw a hoodie on and grabbed her bag.

She was going friend shopping.

Minus the shopping.
((Holy shit, @Bupkis, I didn't realize that I had yet to post my reply...I'm so sorry lovely! I literally was sitting in class when suddenly *thought bubble* I wonder why I haven't heard from Bupkis...I am an idiot.))

Everest Armstrong

Eve smiled just slightly at Elodie's response to her
suggestion of the girl going home to her own bed. At least Everest wasn't going to stay there on her own like she had figured would be happening before hand. Her head started to swim and her vision doubled causing her to feel groggier than earlier. She glanced from the woman across the counter and then back to her friend. Elodie's fingers had nearly brushed her arm, Everest noticed. How cruel. She sighed softly yet happily. Her father was going to be okay; everything for this night was going to be okay. Looking around at all the empty seating before following Elodie shortly after, Ev chose the seat next to her friend and took in a deep breath. Eyes closed. Her head tilted back against the seat she was now occupying.

When her eyes opened up again to glance beside her, El was still there now curled into herself, looking as fragile as ever. Ev reached over to pat her shoulder but refused the urge to do so and went on looking blankly up to the ceiling. It would be much easier for her to have fallen asleep had the lights not been so bright. It would only be a few more hours now before the sun would come up to grace the earth with its warm glow.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Ms. Armstong..miss..." A gentle feminine voice whispered to Everest bringing the blonde from her slumber and bringing awareness to the teen. By now the sun was shining into the hospital windows behind and around them, Eve's glacier gaze landed onto Elodie who seemed to still be resting as before then back to a woman dressed in scrubs as most of the nurses wore. "Good morning, your father, Mr. Armstrong, was awake earlier but has been sleeping soundly for the past hour. Everything went fine and he should be good to go tomorrow sometime.." Everest had risen from her chair hence interrupting the lady and quickly asking what had happened. The nurse was quick to ask Everest to speak with her away from the other surrounding people in which Everest agreed. Away from it all though not too far, they spoke in private. It only took about five minutes before Ev's face had lost color and she was walking back to El. Her main concern wasn't her dad anymore; he was getting what he deserved even with his daughter's heart torn from the devastating news.

Elodie Amelie Bellamy

Elodie wasn’t entirely sure how she passed the night. Fatigue and anxiety together made her groggy and not completely aware of herself and her surroundings at all times. She remembered vague snippets, dreamlike in their fogginess but vivid enough for her to know them to be real memories, of pacing quietly around the waiting room. Sometimes she just had to move; her knees would hurt, her heart would race, and she just had to start walking. There wasn’t enough room in her mind for disbelief at her current circumstances. At this point, she was just accepting them and going with it, trusting and relying on absolutely no one and nothing - so far out of her comfort zone that her mind wasn’t even able to fully grasp it, not yet. Instead, she watched Everest sleep - blessed, blissful sleep. Elodie was glad for it. It gave her some comfort, some small glimmer of peace, to at least see Everest sleeping. And she felt useful, too, as though she were standing guard for Everest in her most vulnerable state. Elodie supposed she was, in her own way. It felt nice to be protective of someone, unfamiliar as it was. Perhaps that’s what drove Elodie to her feet every now and then, what kept her awake, a fierce instinct to protect and guard that she didn’t know she had, and probably wouldn’t until she got a good nap in somewhere.

But Elodie didn’t remember the night in vivid detail. There were bleary gaps where she didn’t remember sitting again and curling up into her former position, or didn’t remember getting to her feet again, or didn’t remember checking on Everest. She didn’t remember watching the second hand on the analog clock above the nurse’s station ticking past each solid black number, or the hour hand ticking slowly along with it. She didn’t remember the sun coming up, or the nurse appearing to talk to Everest. If she had been asleep, she didn’t feel like it, nor did she remember falling asleep. It felt like she was just in and out of existence. Funny enough, this was how she used to spend “bad nights” where fluctuations of panic and tears would deprive her of sleep. Even though one of those nights hadn’t happened in a long time, Elodie was still tense by morning, distantly waiting for the panic to set in. She was fairly sure she hadn’t slept a wink. Then again, there hadn’t exactly been a huge window to do so, in retrospect. It had been well after three, nigh four, in the morning the last time she remembered checking the time. It was light out now, and she didn’t have a good idea of how long it had been light out, but she had some dim intuitive sense that it was still early in the morning by the time the nurse came to rouse Everest.

Elodie watched Everest turn her gaze on her and quickly looked away automatically. And regretted it a moment later. Regardless, the moment brought her to her senses once more, particularly now that Everest’s attention was revived. Elodie registered relief on Everest’s behalf and apprehension as Everest was first called away and then returned. But exhaustion blurred everything and even as Elodie registered these things, she did not truly, wholly process them. And so when Everest came back looking worse than she had five minutes ago, Elodie wasn’t totally aware. She got to her feet and if she swayed, she didn’t notice it. Apparently having spent the past few hours watching Everest sleep on and off afforded Elodie a degree of intimacy that, on later reflection, probably didn’t exist at the time. Perhaps it was also her exhaustion that contributed, but either way, with just the two of them in the brightly lit waiting room, Elodie whispered, “let’s come back later.” The magnitude of what she’d done was completely lost on Elodie, who pulled her phone out of her pocket. At least she had the presence of mind to realize that she should not be driving in her state, particularly with Everest as her company - the last thing either of them needed was another reason to come back to the hospital. Her phone, on its last stretches of battery, had a few missed texts from Emmanuel, reassuring and supportive, but most importantly, notifying her that if she were to call, he’d wake up and come get her. So she did, whispering the whole time:

“Elodie?” He was groggy.

“Emmanuel, voudrais-tu venir?” [Emmanuel, would you like to come?] She gave him the name of the hospital, which was easy enough to ascertain from a cursory glance around the waiting room, and hung up immediately after.

The facts, in Elodie’s mind, were thus: Everest was staying with her, and she was coming to her house (with Emmanuel as their escort), and they’d return at some point later in the day to check on Everest’s father. As for Elodie’s own car and Everest’s bike, they could just as easily reclaim them when they returned later and were in better states to handle potentially dangerous vehicles.

Phone call over, Elodie collapsed into a chair, her forearm laying against the thin wooden armrest of the chair, and her head lolling onto her shoulder. She couldn’t sleep. She should’ve bought Everest breakfast, she realized. It hadn’t, and didn’t, even occur to her to buy anything for herself - she was beyond eating right then. She was also beyond acknowledging Everest for the moment, who for all the world could’ve been in another state entirely for all Elodie appeared to know. But she did know Everest was there, she just didn’t regard her as an individual, and more as just a part of who she was and what she was doing that day.

Emmanuel would be very amused (among other things) indeed.

@ShadedRose (my dear, it’s totally okay! I figured you were either busy or had lost interest and I didn’t want to call you out on it. Anyhow so this response is a lot longer than need be; I really wanted to try to set the stage for the state that Elodie’s in right now, which is to say, generally indisposed. So if Everest agrees to go with Elodie, not that Elodie posed it as a question exactly so much as a declaration, but if Everest goes with it… If your post is really short (I didn’t exactly give you much wiggle room here) I can just control Emmanuel. Could also time skip to being at Elodie’s house. Let me know, we can also talk further in OOC!~

Edit: just fixed the translation. My bad. My French is a little rusty.)
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The shock of what had just been revealed broke Everest's heart a little more than she would ever say. Her chest was tight and breathless while trying hard to swallow everything down. The hurt and betrayal being the main subjects of pain. She felt like crying in this transition of information to her brain but not a tear fell; anger was beginning to build and was soon added to the equation showing her current emotions. Idiot, you knew he wasn't gonna stay out for long... Groaning softly, Ev realized Elodie had been awake or had just done so. It was good to see her still, hopefully she wouldn't hate Everest for asking her to stay by the girl through the night. That may have been the only reason Everest had slept soundly through much of what had been left of the early morning. She could have thanked the voiceless girl over and over again but that wouldn't have expressed Ev's complete gratitude. Not by a long shot. Looking at Elodie's looming figure, she noticed the curly blonde's lips move in a, what Ev had assumed to be, voiceless fashion. The soft prickle of words hit her ears with a light melody, if someone had been breathing beside her there may have been no hope whatsoever in retrieving the message. She finally gave a lazy yet wide smile knowing immediately how much of an honor it was to have heard El's voice after only a party and sleepover in the hospital.

Rubbing at her face with a tired laugh, Eve forgot about the troubling news deciding to let it go for the moment and come back to it later. Elodie's declaration of them coming back later sounded like a perfect idea. They didn't need to stay any longer. Glancing over to where the nurse had been watching them, the woman had turned away by now and was making her way from them and eventually disappeared out of sight. Eve's head turned from the now empty hall and try to focus on Elodie's low speaking. She had apparently began a phone call but Everest was unsure what had been said besides the name of her brother. After a moment of standing and watching the people around her, Ev takes a seat. She would have apologized had the tired state of her friend not been made clear as day. She was just grateful that they wouldn't have to drive themselves home while tired like this.


Elodie Amelie Bellamy

Emmanuel, dressed, awake, and overall well put together arrived at the hospital in pretty short order and had no trouble finding Elodie. The only other girl in the waiting room must then be Everest, he figured as he strolled over to his slouching, barely conscious sister. Going to the party had been a huge leap of faith for her; he’d witnessed firsthand in the past how stressful situations like that could be for her. She would’ve been drained from the simple act of going to the party, let alone staying out and awake all night, keeping someone company (which he hadn’t seen her do for anyone except for Milly), and - did she drive here? She must’ve. He’d have to talk to her about that later, which was a strange notion, even to Emmanuel. In fact, the whole situation was a little baffling to him, but for his part, he was taking it in stride. Even if Elodie had been in a state to be answering questions (that is to say, fully awake and not in public), he would’ve refrained from doing so. Interrogating Elodie never went well and there’d never been any need to, as she usually willingly volunteered information. She saw no need to hide things from him and for that, he was grateful. Ironically, communication between he and his sister was very open and easy. Ever since he’d learned to adapt, anyway.

The girl next to Elodie - Everest, Emmanuel reminded himself (all these E names… their parents ought to get together and chat) - looked exhausted as well, but not nearly as out of it as Elodie was. What he knew was that this girl, Everest, was the reason they were there in the first place but otherwise, he was even more in the dark than Elodie was and Elodie knew just about nothing (aside from what she’d witnessed of Everest’s behavior and reactions). He walked over to the two of them and, after taking a brief look at his sister, offered her companion a bright toothy smile.

“You must be Everest,” he said, proffering a hand for her to shake. “And you must be exhausted, too. You probably know who I am but I’m Emmanuel, Elodie’s older brother. I’m gonna take Ellie home -” at this Elodie hummed in acknowledgement, but didn’t rise; though she wasn’t asleep, she wasn’t keen on moving either. “If you wanna come with us, my car’s just outside. I’m gonna get her up…” he paused to nod in Elodie’s direction, “…and then drive her home. We can meet you by the car.”

@ShadedRose (FYI I will be out of town and out of service all of tomorrow and a good portion of Friday. If this isn’t enough to respond to, let me know now so I can add more~)
Bupkis said:
Elodie Amelie Bellamy

Emmanuel, dressed, awake, and overall well put together arrived at the hospital in pretty short order and had no trouble finding Elodie. The only other girl in the waiting room must then be Everest, he figured as he strolled over to his slouching, barely conscious sister. Going to the party had been a huge leap of faith for her; he’d witnessed firsthand in the past how stressful situations like that could be for her. She would’ve been drained from the simple act of going to the party, let alone staying out and awake all night, keeping someone company (which he hadn’t seen her do for anyone except for Milly), and - did she drive here? She must’ve. He’d have to talk to her about that later, which was a strange notion, even to Emmanuel. In fact, the whole situation was a little baffling to him, but for his part, he was taking it in stride. Even if Elodie had been in a state to be answering questions (that is to say, fully awake and not in public), he would’ve refrained from doing so. Interrogating Elodie never went well and there’d never been any need to, as she usually willingly volunteered information. She saw no need to hide things from him and for that, he was grateful. Ironically, communication between he and his sister was very open and easy. Ever since he’d learned to adapt, anyway.

The girl next to Elodie - Everest, Emmanuel reminded himself (all these E names… their parents ought to get together and chat) - looked exhausted as well, but not nearly as out of it as Elodie was. What he knew was that this girl, Everest, was the reason they were there in the first place but otherwise, he was even more in the dark than Elodie was and Elodie knew just about nothing (aside from what she’d witnessed of Everest’s behavior and reactions). He walked over to the two of them and, after taking a brief look at his sister, offered her companion a bright toothy smile.

“You must be Everest,” he said, proffering a hand for her to shake. “And you must be exhausted, too. You probably know who I am but I’m Emmanuel, Elodie’s older brother. I’m gonna take Ellie home -” at this Elodie hummed in acknowledgement, but didn’t rise; though she wasn’t asleep, she wasn’t keen on moving either. “If you wanna come with us, my car’s just outside. I’m gonna get her up…” he paused to nod in Elodie’s direction, “…and then drive her home. We can meet you by
the car.”

@ShadedRose (FYI I will be out of town and out of service all of tomorrow and a good portion of Friday. If this isn’t enough to respond to, let me know now so I can add more~)
Everest was staring out the window with her back to the rest of the hospital having stood up many a time before finally settling down again and choosing to act like she wasn't there. Mentally, this was a simple task but the remembrance of Elodie kept her somewhat grounded. She was thinking about how to get the bike back to the shop and possibly going home despite her drowsiness but then someone was there. A young man by the looks of it was standing there near Elodie and had actually spoken to her, this was a bit startling though it was easy to know who he was. Smiling slightly, Everest stood up slowly and nodded her head at Elodie's brother. "Thanks for coming." Was her response while giving his hand a somewhat firm shake. Taking in his toothy smile, Eve felt glad that El had someone like him in her life. It was a weird thought but a sincere one.

Glancing over to her friend as Emmanuel said he'd be taking her home, Everest smiles again. She was fixing to say she would just drive herself home but then she rethought it and agreed to meet at the car. After watching Emmanuel help El up and head for the exit Eve went down the hallway to where her dad was said to be staying in and peeked inside. There was a nurse in there checking his blood pressure but no one else and she could tell by how still he was laying that he had yet to re-awaken. Being both reassuring and disappointing at the same time. It didn't matter though and before too much longer she was outside trying hard to shield her eyes from the sun and walking toward Emmanuel's vehicle (only knowing it was his from the direction in which he was walking).

@Bupkis ((Plenty~ Thanks for the heads up! I do hope that you have a good time doing whatever ^-^))
Elodie Amelie Bellamy

Emmanuel and Elodie reached his car shortly before Everest exited the hospital. Once Emmanuel had gotten Elodie to her feet and walking, she came to her senses. She was still tired to say the very least but at least she was more than half conscious. The sudden harsh light helped with that. Elodie was shielding her eyes from the sun with the back of her hand, groaning in complaint while Emmanuel snickered.

“You sure you’re not hungover?” he said.

“I didn’t drink, Em,” Elodie said, turning to squint at him. He laughed.

“If you say so,” he said, pulling an expression of playful knowing. Elodie stuck her tongue out as Emmanuel reached over her to open the passenger door. “You good sitting shotgun?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” she said, one hand on the car to steady herself before climbing in. Emmanuel raised a brow at her but if he was planning to say anything, it was derailed by Everest’s approach. As Elodie settled in her seat, Emmanuel turned to Everest and, with an exaggeratedly regal flair, opened the door to the backseat for her.

“Ladies first,” he said.

Once he was behind the wheel and moving the car, Emmanuel had to refrain from reaching over to start playing music. For one, Elodie was already dozing off, angled away from him and curled into the back of her seat as much as the seatbelt would allow. But music was also always Elodie’s domain. She was a talented musician, but she was also very particular about the kind of music she listened to. In fact, she had a whole Spotify playlist on her phone dedicated to car rides. Loud, sudden noises still bothered her; while some genres grated on her, others could actually frighten her - or at least, they used to. Now she would just appear uncomfortable. Upon questioning, she once told Emmanuel that it made her feel raw, vulnerable, and unsafe. It didn’t make sense to him admittedly but he didn’t tell her as much. He just went along with it. Besides, she already knew how nonsensical a lot of her quirks were. She didn’t need someone to tell her so.

After sparing her a fond, concerned glance in lieu of starting the music, Emmanuel briefly lifted his gaze to the mirror so he could check on Everest in the back. He smiled and then focused again on driving.

Elodie and her brother lived in a dainty, modest two-story home with a small, well kept backyard. It fulfilled Elodie’s need for simplicity, elegance, and order while satisfying Emmanuel’s warmer, welcoming nature. If it had been entirely up to Elodie, there probably wouldn’t be a backyard and the house would be far more secluded; they’d compromised.

Once they parked in the driveway (sans garage), Emmanuel cheerfully said, “we’re he-ere!” Elodie covered her face in the crook of her elbow. “Oh, c’mon,” Emmanuel said, getting out and walking around to the passenger side. He managed to coax Elodie out of the car and onto her feet, at which point she immediately headed for the front door of the house.

Emmanuel politely opened the door for Everest. “Welcome to our humble abode. We don’t have a guest room, but the couch is pretty comfy if you’re okay sleeping there. I’ll grab an extra blanket and some pillows for you.”

@ShadedRose (FYI, I start school tomorrow, so responses may be slow or brief… if they’re not already.)
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Bupkis said:
Elodie Amelie Bellamy

Emmanuel and Elodie reached his car shortly before Everest exited the hospital. Once Emmanuel had gotten Elodie to her feet and walking, she came to her senses. She was still tired to say the very least but at least she was more than half conscious. The sudden harsh light helped with that. Elodie was shielding her eyes from the sun with the back of her hand, groaning in complaint while Emmanuel snickered.

“You sure you’re not hungover?” he said.

“I didn’t drink, Em,” Elodie said, turning to squint at him. He laughed.

“If you say so,” he said, pulling an expression of playful knowing. Elodie stuck her tongue out as Emmanuel reached over her to open the passenger door. “You good sitting shotgun?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” she said, one hand on the car to steady herself before climbing in. Emmanuel raised a brow at her but if he was planning to say anything, it was derailed by Everest’s approach. As Elodie settled in her seat, Emmanuel turned to Everest and, with an exaggeratedly regal flair, opened the door to the backseat for her.

“Ladies first,” he said.

Once he was behind the wheel and moving the car, Emmanuel had to refrain from reaching over to start playing music. For one, Elodie was already dozing off, angled away from him and curled into the back of her seat as much as the seatbelt would allow. But music was also always Elodie’s domain. She was a talented musician, but she was also very particular about the kind of music she listened to. In fact, she had a whole Spotify playlist on her phone dedicated to car rides. Loud, sudden noises still bothered her; while some genres grated on her, others could actually frighten her - or at least, they used to. Now she would just appear uncomfortable. Upon questioning, she once told Emmanuel that it made her feel raw, vulnerable, and unsafe. It didn’t make sense to him admittedly but he didn’t tell her as much. He just went along with it. Besides, she already knew how nonsensical a lot of her quirks were. She didn’t need someone to tell her so.

After sparing her a fond, concerned glance in lieu of starting the music, Emmanuel briefly lifted his gaze to the mirror so he could check on Everest in the back. He smiled and then focused again on driving.

Elodie and her brother lived in a dainty, modest two-story home with a small, well kept backyard. It fulfilled Elodie’s need for simplicity, elegance, and order while satisfying Emmanuel’s warmer, welcoming nature. If it had been entirely up to Elodie, there probably wouldn’t be a backyard and the house would be far more secluded; they’d compromised.

Once they parked in the driveway (sans garage), Emmanuel cheerfully said, “we’re he-ere!” Elodie covered her face in the crook of her elbow. “Oh, c’mon,” Emmanuel said, getting out and walking around to the passenger side. He managed to coax Elodie out of the car and onto her feet, at which point she immediately headed for the front door of the house.

Emmanuel politely opened the door for Everest. “Welcome to our humble abode. We don’t have a guest room, but the couch is pretty comfy if you’re okay sleeping there. I’ll grab an extra blanket and some pillows for you.”

@ShadedRose (FYI, I start school tomorrow, so responses may be slow or brief… if they’re not already.)
Ev arrived to the car shortly after Emmanuel had helped his sister into the passenger seat. She smiled in appreciation to the man holding open the door and slid into the back seat. Once the door was closed, her hand snaked over her shoulder and soon pulled the seatbelt across her chest and buckled up. It was hard to believe how the night had gone from hyped-up partying to peaceful chatting to calamity. Her heart squeezed thinking about how much crap she'd drug her new found friend into; she did not want people knowing about her dad's drug issues and all that he had done in his past. People seemed to dig up stories no matter what though so why not be honest with those around her? Her father was now in the hospital six months out of prison due to a car crash that had taken a couple of people's lives because of his stupid choice of driving drunk. What a reckless move. Whatever.

Everest's head bent sideways to lean against the window, her eyes only staying open long enough for her to watch the passing cars and buildings.

Feeling as the car slows down, Ev opens her eyes and looks out. Seeing where they were pulling into she takes it all in. The simpleness of the place was nice and completely normal.
Wow-za, what a nice place.. Her seatbelt was unhooked as the vehicle comes to a halt within the garage. It was an unusual sight for her to be surrounded by but acts cool. She waited for Emmanuel to get Elodie from the car before getting out on her own and looking around again.

Once inside Everest was no longer interested in looking all around her. Now it was sleepy time as the sofa came into her view and was told that she could sleep there. "Thanks, this is perfect..don't worry about a pillow." She smiles faintly and lays down onto the comfy furniture, her back facing the rest of the room and face nearly touching the cushions. She was quick to fall asleep then.

@Bupkis ....this is only if you're still interested...I never thought that I'd be gone so long, I am sorry. I also hope that you're doing well! It's been much too long.))
Elodie Amelie Bellamy

Emmanuel, having had no chance to intervene and help Everest feel more at home before she promptly passed out, decided to busy himself elsewhere. It was a weekend and so, without work to attend to, he figured he could run some errands before the girls woke up… namely, groceries. The kitchen was looking a little sparse. Plus, they’d probably be hungry when they woke up (god knows what they’d been doing for the past twelve or so hours) and wouldn’t he be just the perfect, considerate host if he had a home cooked meal prepared for them? Decision made, he scribbled a note and left it on the coffee table in the living room in case either of them woke up before he returned and then quietly departed.

Meanwhile, Elodie quickly became a restless sleeper. Once the utter exhaustion began to wane, her body, unhappy with the disrupted schedule and unwilling to sleep away the daylight, refused to stay asleep for too long. When she woke up, it was getting into late afternoon. There was still a tinge of fatigue in her bleary eyes, but the edge was gone and she was at least functional again. She yawned into the crook of her elbow, gathering her wits about her and trying to let her mind catch up to the present—remembering where she was, when it was, what she’d been doing…

To her surprise, the thought was jolting, the curiosity overpowering. She clumsily got to her feet, still fully clothed from the night before, and left her room. She didn’t get far: as soon as she saw Everest sleeping on the couch she stopped, wavered, and turned back. At least she knew where Everest was and what she was doing; for the time being, that knowledge was satisfactory. And she might as well make the most of the window of time. While, unbeknownst to her, Emmanuel worked in the kitchen to prepare a hardy late lunch for the three of them, Elodie showered (which at least made her feel human and grounded again), washed up, and changed. Thinking pragmatically, Elodie prioritized comfort over style. If she ended up spending another night in the hospital with Everest, which she would do in a heartbeat if Everest would have her, she needed to be prepared. With that thought, she stilled before going to check on Everest again. Perhaps she should get a change of clothes together for Everest as well (although Everest was bigger… would her clothes be too small? Worth a try) and maybe an overnight bag for the two of them. Just in case.

@ShadedRose (hope you don't mind the slight time skip!)
Nothing like a fresh cooked meal! Wait. Everest's baby blue's parted enough to get a glimpse of the unfamiliar furnishings and unusual comfortableness. The couch at her house wasn't nearly this comfortable and she sure was not upstairs in her bed. Her orbs closed then opened back another few seconds later. She was tired and her head was aching from stressing so much hours before crashing and that's when she remembers all that had happened. Groaning quietly, she hid her face in her hands and rubbed at her cheeks trying to become more lively. Everest is most definitely not a morning person whether it be in the middle of the day or not.

Grunting slightly as she stands to stretch, the white headed girl reaches a hand into her pocket and takes out her phone to see the time. It was a bit later than she would like but at least she had gotten to sleep without worrying about anyone or anything. Speaking of anyone, I wonder how Elodie is? Her newest friend had seemed quite drained last night or earlier this morning. It made Ev feel a slight twinge of guilt creeping up inside of her stomach. I shouldn't have asked her to stay...she's probably so tired.. Worrying about this topic, she starts to wander around, slowly making her way toward the kitchen where the wonderful smells were coming from.

Poking her head around the doorway and looking around, she spots Elodie's older sibling and smiles seeing him making their meal. "Need any help?" She had to cough a little to clear her throat before saying this but managed and waits patiently for an answer. It would be a nice way to show gratitude for what he had done, going and picking them up from the hospital, that is. Her eyes glanced off the walls in interest. She wondered if her dad could keep himself out of jail long enough maybe they could have had a nice place like Elodie and Emmanuel. Maybe she could still buy a place like this one even if her father was in jail or not. That reminded her about the car accident and an involuntary sigh escaped through parted lips. Quickly shifting from her previous position in the doorway, she steps into the separate area and looks around more closely now. Her dad would have to be pressed to the back of her mind for now; Elodie was way more interesting, anyway. Eve smiled inwardly at that thought which had the potential to make her laugh. Either way, she would be waiting.

Elodie Amelie Bellamy

While Elodie went through her belongings, trying to pick out the baggiest clothes she had (what looked fashionably big on her had a better potential to fit Everest comfortably), Emmanuel wrapped up lunch in the kitchen just as Everest entered it. Always cool as a cucumber, he managed to not even be startled as she came up behind him. Instead, he continued placing food on three separate ceramic plates with a cheery smile. “Ah, the perfect houseguest,” Emmanuel said, picking up a now fully stocked plate and proffering it to Everest. “No help necessary, but thank you,” he said. “Just do me a favor and eat. I don’t know when either of you ate last, and if Ellie isn’t down soon—”

“Ici,” Elodie said in a tone just firmer than a whisper, dropping two backpacks by the entrance to the kitchen before she herself walked in. After a few sluggish moments she smiled at Everest, surprising herself with how acutely timid she suddenly felt. It was as though she’d forgotten how to act and every movement felt exaggerated, scrutinized, wrong and mechanical. Nonetheless, she took her plate from Emmanuel, who affectionately and teasingly greeted her with a “bon matin.”

“Alright, kids,” Emmanuel said, picking up the last plate of food. “I say we eat in the living room. Sound good?” Without waiting for their reply, Emmanuel balanced his plate with one arm while he took a can of soda from the fridge with the other and proceeded out though the archway, past Elodie’s bags, and into the living room to park himself on the sofa. “There’re drinks in the fridge, Everest!” he called. Once he turned the television on, he fully left a very unsure Elodie alone with Everest.

Emmanuel did everything deliberately, of course, conniving (but well-meaning) as Elodie knew him to be. Their tiny dining room table was currently and understandably only set for two, but that wasn’t why Emmanuel had opted for the living room instead. They often had guests over, as Emmanuel’s social life flourished a little more than Elodie’s tended to. There were folding chairs stacked in a closet should they ever need them. But Emmanuel knew his little sister well. The dining room would’ve been incredibly uncomfortable for her, even being as fond as she seemed to be of Everest—in fact, that fondness might’ve made it worse. It would’ve been too close, an invitation for questions and conversation that Elodie couldn’t manage asking or receiving. Being so closely observed like that would’ve been miserable for her at best, not to mention frustrating. At least when they had guests over, they were there for Emmanuel and often didn’t have any need to speak to Elodie and Elodie had no need to speak to them. In this case, the living room seemed more appropriate—far more relaxed, spaced out, centralized on a television and coffee table instead of other people.

But he was also giving them a choice in the matter. In a sense. They didn’t
have to follow him if they didn’t want to. There were still two chairs set out, after all. And he was giving them a moment alone, which is what any good wingman should be aiming to do, right? Or he fancied himself a decent wingman, anyway. Tried to be one. The occasion didn’t arise often, to be fair.

Elodie looked down at her food, nervous as anything, trying to make her mind come up with the right things to do and say faster than it could. Coming up with nothing satisfactory and realizing that she’d let this pause go on for a little too long, she finally looked at Everest and then gestured to the living room where Emmanuel had disappeared as though to say, “shall we?” They’d be ready to leave as soon as they finished eating, unless Everest had any other preparations to make first. Elodie didn’t know when she’d woken up and wasn’t sure if she’d had a chance to make a trip to the bathroom or anything of the sort yet. For now, Elodie would be following Everest’s lead.

@ShadedRose I was hoping a longer reply would make up for my absence.
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Everest smiled slightly at Emmanuel's comment and stayed where she was though noticing that he had seemed to have finished things up. Her eyes widened for a second as she was handed a plate practically over flowing with food. "W-what?! You cooked all of this?" She realized quickly that it may have sounded rude and closed her mouth quickly shaking her head. "Thanks so much." Looking back down at the plate she listened to him go on just before hearing Elodie's soft calling. Glancing over her shoulder, Ev smiled more. Her expression changed to confusion as the bags were set down but it took no more than a moment to figure it out. "Good morning."

Holding the plate in her hands, Everest looked back at Emmanuel and watched as he headed from the kitchen into the living room. She had never eaten at a table, the living space was always were she and her father would sit while watching cartoons or whatever they could find that wasn't the news. She didn't like how mushy and nostalgic she was suddenly feeling; it wasn't normal. "Okay!" She responded to Elodie's brother then went to the fridge. Taking out a soda she turned back to El and gave another smile.

Seeing the nervousness settling into Elodie as it so often did, Ev spaced out. Her mind going elsewhere not to ignore Elodie's nervous tendency but to give her space as well. She remembered her brother then, also. He would have liked eating breakfast while around friends and family even if they weren't blood or like him. Everything in her wanted to break at the thoughts that were starting to plague her mind from simply being so close to someone. It was rare and had not happened for years now. No one had the same bond as she and him. She hadn't realized all at once but El's gesturing toward the living room soon kicked in and Everest's feet began to move. "Yeah." She murmured and walked from the kitchen avoiding the pre-packed bags set down and looked for a place to sit.

Her search ended upon seeing the perfect spot. It was out of their way as she was still very new at being inside of someone else's home. Not that she never got visitors or went to people's places but Everest felt like she owed them way more. After all driving to the hospital at about three or so in the morning to pick up your sister and some chick she was hanging out with was a pretty big deal, at least Eve assumed so. She sat on the floor then on the right side of the couch, her shoulder leaned against the furniture and hands still holding onto her plate and the drink she had grabbed. She opened the soda then began eating; she would need all the energy she could get.

@Bupkis glorious as always~!
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Elodie Amelie Bellamy

It took Elodie no time at all to decide; she made a beeline for one of the two comfy but more importantly single chairs in the living room, which rested on either side of their couch, facing the television. It was a modest setup, thrifty and thoughtful but not stingy—Emmanuel enjoyed putting it all together and Elodie delighted in the organization, efficiency, and simplicity of it. She and her brother spent many a night sitting on the couch together, leaning into each other, enjoying a movie or TV marathon. The tradition started when she was younger and just getting comfortable with him. Thrilled at the prospect of having someone like Emmanuel around—someone who was warm, caring, enthusiastic, protective, attentive, all the qualities of a wonderful caretaker and exhilarating in their newness—once she was talking and adjusting to her new life, she was desperate for physical contact and affection. At first, she’d treated it as though it could be taken away from her at any second. She was overeager to have as much of it as possible, reluctant to let any opportunity slip, and fearful to initiate. Plus, falling asleep on the couch, snuggled into her brother’s side made it a little easier for her to sleep. Once she became more accustomed, they settled into more of a routine.

But they also kept the single chairs. For guests, yes, but primarily for show. They filled the room out a little more. And they had the odd benefit, like this case, where Emmanuel was on one side of the couch and Everest on the other; even though they weren’t both sitting on it, the space was still far too crowded for Elodie. So she opted for one of the singles instead, the one closer to Emmanuel, where she sat with one leg tucked underneath her and her head bent to devote all of her focus on the food in her lap. She was hopeful that the more she focused on the food, the less she’d feel like Everest was staring at her. The thing was, Elodie wasn’t sure if she wanted Everest to or not. Either way, tempted as she herself was to look at Everest, remind herself of her white hair and smile, she refrained and instead did her best to eat as quickly and cleanly as possible. The TV droned in the background.

“I’ll drive you guys back to the hospital,” Emmanuel said, putting his empty plate on the coffee table in front of him (which he had to stretch a bit to reach). He was a fast eater. “Whenever you’re ready. Just let me know and we’ll get going.” He stood up, stretched, and retrieved his plate to bring into the kitchen, leaving his sister and Everest alone again. For his part, Emmanuel was dying to ask questions, but from experience, knew better. He’d wait until Everest felt like sharing, if she ever did; unfortunately for him, patience was not one of his stronger talents. He’d had to force it with Elodie and with her, it became second nature. Otherwise, being patient was as much a struggle as ever.

Elodie finished as much of her food as she was going to shortly thereafter (Emmanuel always made far too much, since his portions were so much bigger than hers, but they usually had leftovers available which was nice). Instead of immediately following Emmanuel into the kitchen, where he was humming as he cleaned up, she set her plate down on the coffee table and paused, thinking. Finally she leaned back and pointed to the two bags sitting against the wall next to the kitchen. “For you,” she whispered, without managing to look at Everest. She wanted to add that there were clothes and travel toiletries in there (lighter than Elodie’s bag, which additionally contained a few books) for however long she might be displaced, if she was; she wanted to add that they could leave whenever Everest was ready; she wanted to add a lot of details but couldn’t and so settled on just “for you,” hoping that conveyed enough information.

Deciding to attempt being a good hostess to someone who was actually here for her, as her friend, Elodie sat back in her chair. She was fidgeting, her hands in her lap, but she was waiting, trying to be polite as she could and wait for Everest to finish before making any moves.

@ShadedRose every time I think “I should try to shorten my post to move things along” shit like this happens. We’ll get there eventually, haha
The strangeness that came with her sitting with people who didn't want to keep a conversation or speak at all scared her, somewhat. Yes, even the fearless Everest has her weakness. Hers was always being left to her thoughts. That was how things got so bad and that is what she blames for the guilt she sometimes encounters when bringing up her long lost loved one and how her father's drinking was destroying their life together. Sighing quietly with her face tilted downward to the floor she looked back up when she remembers about the plate full of food and her empty stomach. She began eating then. Slowly, savoring every bite in case she ended up forgetting to eat later on.

Her eyes glance to Elodie but only long enough to notice how alike they must have looked with their heads down in total quiet. It was aggravating to sit so still and if she were home Everest would have already began going on about something completely random. Her father had always seemed to enjoy her off the wall topics and would contribute to the discussion enthusiastically. Knowing that El's situation was much, much different, Ev accepts this and simply eats her food while trying to focus her ears on the tv rather than listen to the statically silence.

It was a small amount of time later that Emmanuel stood up already having made the contents of his plate vanish. If Everest were feeling well, or anything like herself, she too would have had the plate cleared by now but that isn't the case right now. Her eyes closed as she swallowed another bit. She wanted to say how grateful she was but a strange calm was trying to come over her. It was like her brain was telling her to do nothing but relax. Just relax and eat. Enjoy it. Stop worrying; stop thinking.

Everest moved in her seat, shifting slightly this way and that until she finally quit moving altogether and sighs. Again. Inhaling, Ev looks over at Elodie and smiled slightly. "You didn't have to do that..." She glanced toward the bags as she heard the two words. Shifting around again, Eve shakes her head. "I'm not exactly sure what I'll do yet.." She admitted quietly and got to her feet. Half the plate still covered in the tempting substances. She couldn't stay so still for a moment longer with whatever was eating away at her insides. Taking up the drink, she finished it slowly then glanced around. Her feet moving her through the living area and past Elodie quietly. In the kitchen she went to the trash can and emptied her plate but felt guilt for wasting half of it away. "I'm sorry, the food was awesome though." She said upon turning and spotting Emmanuel. She went to the sink then and rinsed it off. "I think I'm ready to go." Turning off the water she turned and looked at the bags on the floor. "Sorry for stealing your sister away." She chuckled which made her feel better than she was.

((@Bupkis you're fine! And I understand ^-^ I'm running out of ideas though so if you have anything up your sleeve don't be shy to express it. And yes, we'll get there!))

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Elodie Amelie Bellamy

Elodie trailed in behind Everest, making brief eye contact with her brother who offered her a small smile. “Don’t worry about it, Everest,” he said, clearing the last of the dishes as Elodie wrapped her own in plastic wrap to be put in the fridge for later; she hated wasting her own food. It was a habit that had never really died, even after moving in with Emmanuel. It wasn’t hurting anyone, so why not? “I’m just glad you ate as much as you could. Anyway,” he said, drying his hands with a dishtowel, “if you’re ready, and I presume you are too, Ellie?” Elodie nodded, gently closing the fridge. “I’ll drive you both back to the hospital, then. And then you guys can decide what you’re doing from there. Sound good? Great. I’ll be waiting in the car. Take your time.” On his way out, he picked up the bags Elodie had left to bring to the car with him. His sister was sweet and thoughtful, but he wasn’t sure how Everest would receive the intention. A bit of a presumptuous gesture on Elodie’s part, if well-meaning. Either way, at least they’d be available if Everest’s decision ultimately required them. If not, there was no harm done.

Elodie didn’t waste much time following her brother and even once she was strapped in and they were moving, she wasn’t very attentive. Or present at all, really. Though she wasn’t sleeping this time around, she was definitely zoned out, lost in her own world as she stared out the window. Emmanuel didn’t think he would’ve been able to reach her if he’d tried. He fervently hoped that Everest was okay with all of this—while uncomfortable atmospheres never seemed to affect him, they certainly affected Elodie, perhaps more so because she was often at the root of it. He would try to alleviate some of it himself (he debated asking the obvious questions, like what the hell is going on), but he wasn’t sure what was going through Everest’s head or Elodie’s and didn’t want to interrupt or upset anything. Best to just fulfill what Everest needed for the time being… and worry about consoling Elodie later. He had no doubt that it would be necessary. But what about Everest?

“Alright,” he said, bringing the car to a stop in front of the hospital. Nearby was the parking lot, where the two girls had left their vehicles early that morning. “This is where I leave you guys to do whatever it is you need to do. The bags are in the backseat there if you want them. If you need anything more from me, let me know. And Everest?” He looked into the mirror to make eye contact with her. “Don’t be afraid to let Ellie know what you need. I’m sure she’ll be more than happy to oblige.” Elodie, accustomed to Emmanuel speaking for her, nodded in confirmation and got out of the car with all the usual quiet and grace that she did most things. She paused, waiting to follow Everest’s lead.

@ShadedRose we'll have to start plotting a bit more pretty soon, huh?
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Everest Armstrong

Everest was still unsure about what she would do once at the hospital though she trusted that Elodie and her brother really were there to help in any way possible. She felt a kind of trusting bond growing further within her chest. It had to have been at least a couple years since the last time she could say that she tusted in a person. Even if this person had only become so great within a twenty-four hour period in her life. The car doors closing and watching Elodie and Emmanuel's beautfiul home disappear from her sight were what made everything a bit more real. She really had fallen last night and now she needed to think about the next step. What would she do next? The question burned inside of her skull.

The world was in slow motion as Elodie's brother drove them back out to the hospital. Her fingers fidgeted with the sleeve of her jacket, the smooth leather between her skin relaxing her to the point of looking around. El was in her own world it seemed and Emmanuel was focused on driving. Everest closed her eyes re-playing that night before everything went spiraling downward. She smiled. Elodie opening up to her slowly over their hours of speaking (or typing, rather) had been great. Meeting Elodie and getting to know her out on the front lawn of some stranger's house was awesome. It had definitely been worth it, she just wished that things hadn't gone so terribly wrong on Everest's side. It had been a perfect start to a horrible disaster; if it had truly been that dramatic. Ev's eyes blinked open when she remembers her aunt still had not contacted her since during the party last night. She had left before Eve had made it; probably not wanting to meet her niece in fear of being told off as Everest was so good at doing.

The hospital came into sight what seemed like mere moments later and with a relieved sigh, she sits up slightly. By now the decision was made of what she needed to do and what that she wanted Elodie there too. Comfort; friendship. Ev needed both right now in this troubled state in her life. As soon as the car was brought to a halt she unbuckled her seat belt ready to get this show on the road. She was prepared now, she is sure. Her movement was stunted by Emmanuel's speaking her name. Her eyes went up to look back at the older male's. She smiled and even forced a small grin with a nod of her head. "Alright, thanks." Her hands brushed the door's handle and soon she climbed out from the backseat leaving the bags where they had been originally placed. "We won't be needing those..." She confirms finally and closed the door. Sucking in a long breath, she steps from the safety of the car and turns to look at Elodie. "Another night spent here might kill my back." She stated with a grin then began her trek into the hospital. The same pure white walls meeting them once inside and a new person behind the counter greets them both.

The woman seemed a bit taken back by the disheveled Everest and the smaller, much nicer dressed girl accompanying her. Everest ignored the surprise, so used to it, and continues past the desk heading directly toward her father's room. She even pauses to look back at Elodie. "Do you want to meet my father?" This question would completely rely on whether El was comfortable enough with Everest or not. It was her decision to make and smiling calmly, Ev waited for a response.

@Bupkis, yep...we'll think of something, I'm sure.
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Elodie Amelie Bellamy

As they stepped out of the car and Everest started towards the hospital, Elodie turned to meet her brother’s eyes. He was watching her with an eyebrow quirked from the driver’s seat, where he’d propped his feet up on the dashboard with his ankles crossed. Elodie began to sign to him, but before she could finish her sentence he laughed, pulled her copy of Catch-22 out of the glove compartment, and waved it at her. She smiled gratefully, waved, and hurried to catch up to Everest, who may or may not have noticed the brief exchange. It wasn’t supposed to be private, but it didn’t matter either way. Elodie didn’t think Everest would be bothered—at least, she hoped not. Her anxiety whispered nasty things to her about intrusion and assumptions, but she quelled it with firm footsteps and her eyes glued to Everest’s back.

In fact, Elodie was so focused on watching Everest that she was even embarrassed when she turned to address her. In a matter of seconds Elodie felt her face heat up and she averted her gaze, looking to the floor instead as though she had been the whole time. She couldn’t muster any sound so she nodded instead with an awkward jerk of her head, as though she’d forgotten how. Her fears screamed at her to say no, to turn around and sit in the waiting room or even go back out to the car and have Emmanuel drive her home, where she could hide in her room. And then she had fears about those fears: what about Everest? What would she think? She’d hate her, she’d be alone and scared and sad, probably. What about the lady currently watching them, so surprised to be approached by a pair like them? What about Emmanuel, or Everest’s father himself? There was no winning… but then again, Elodie was used to it. She was used to feeling like every decision she made was wrong and somehow hurting someone if not herself. And on top of all of that, as terrified as she was and as uncomfortable and unfamiliar as this all felt, she wanted to stay with Everest. She wanted to know what she was feeling and thinking, wanted to be able to hug her as she cried (of course, that was just a fantasy). Granted, she had anxieties about that desire to stay with Everest, too—what would Everest think about that? Would she notice? Would she care? Should she back off? Is she being too overwhelming? Or underwhelming?—but she figured that her best bet was to stay and follow like she wanted to. That would probably seem the most natural.

As she trailed Everest to her father’s room, bitter and self-deprecating mantras repeating in her head along the way, she felt her fingertips grow cold.
Not now. Keep it together. Walk. Don’t stumble. Her hands were beginning to quiver (her legs too, but that was more easily disguised by focusing on walking) so she hid them behind her back, grabbing her wrists as tightly as she could to keep them as steady as possible. As long as she could just stay focused, everything would be okay. At least until she actually met Everest’s father, that is. It occurred to Elodie that she was putting so much of herself on the line, revealing so much of herself and leaving herself vulnerable, for a girl she’d hardly known for 24 hours. There were more doubts and anxieties following that revelation—was she doing the right thing? Was this stupid? Embarrassing?—but more surprising than that was that, on some level, on some dumb, silly, frivolous, guarded level, she wanted this. There was nowhere else she’d rather be.

Or, perhaps, more accurately, no one else she’d rather be with.

@ShadedRose Sorry for the absence! Things have finally calmed down for the foreseeable future, so I’m back, if you’re still around :)
Everest Armstrong

As Everest waited quietly for Elodie to make up her mind on what she'd like to do, Ev tried not showing her own anxiety. Part of her didn't want El to go in with her simply for the fact that Everest may or may not be able to control her anger directed at the man in the hospital room. It was like a constant hurricane in her mind at the moment so anything would be possible to happen once the door was opened and Ev had stepped inside. She just did not want Elodie to be mixed up in any of it. Her hands laid limp at either side of her body and her eyes not once left Elodie's. If she would have thought it over more the girl most definitely would have chosen to stare at the wall or something else to give her friend a bit more privacy to think. She hadn't meant to put El on the spot but at this time none of this occurred to Everest.

In the silence the world around them seemed nonexistent. How could such calamity be present at the same time as peace? Last night was the peace that Everest had been so craving and she found it whether she had believed she would or not. Ev's mind swirled wondering how things would have gone without meeting Elodie. How did it happen? How was this girl still sticking with her? Ev's own uncertainties were swiftly setting in making her sway slowly from side to side. It was hardly noticeable and she did well not to make it seem like she were going to fall at any second. She would not worry El anymore than she already had. If Elodie said no Everest would probably nod and walk her back out to the car. The idea of El leaving sure of hell scared Everest although it scared her worst to have El in an uncomfortable situation where Ev had no control or understanding about what would happen. Blinking, Ev slowly refocused on her companion and was able to see her looking somewhat confident. It was a faint vibe but Everest could tell that Elodie would go in with her.

Carefully, Everest shook her head. "You don't have to be here, you can go back to the car and I can always text you later.." She wanted to be sure that El felt safer than she may be feeling. It always seemed to help Ev out by knowing her level of safety. For example, there was always a deep fear of crashing while driving out of rage (exactly what happened that night). Her lips went up in unison to show a small, appreciating smile. She looked back to the hallway and gestured with a tilt of her head for El to follow and started moving back toward the room as she was now determined to do. The sooner this was over the better. At least Everest's conscience wouldn't bother her anymore. When she got to the door it was obvious that someone was speaking inside. She recognized the voice as her father and the sound of what she presumed as a doctor. Opening the door, she was proven correct. Looking over her shoulder once more to see Elodie she gave a thumbs up and stepped into the room, letting the door squeak open and stop on its own. In the hospital bed lay a young man seemingly in his mid-thirties with dirty-blonde hair and dark brown eyes. He didn't look much like Everest but their noses and face features were pretty close. He smiled weakly as his daughter came in then glanced behind her to see Elodie whom he also smiled at. It was a fatherly smile that any child would know to be a dad's signature look.

"Hey, Everest, I was wondering when you'd show up to check on your pops!" His eyes shone in a friendly light unlike Everest's which were hardened and pale blue. She stood tense still not having moved far from the doorway. Her eyes averted away from his and she bit at the inside of her lip. At the sudden taste of blood she snapped back into focus and walked forward, her face seeming to be shadowed by the anger she was fighting back. "I almost didn't." The words came out as sharpened daggers which seemed to have hit her dad like she had desired them to. "I know, E...I'm sorry, so so sorry." His eyes had softened and made him look tired, extremely tired. It didn't have any affect on Everest though. She didn't stop staring with her stone cold eyes. If looks could kill he would have already been done for. "So, how're things at the shop..? And who's she?" His head tilted to the side to see Elodie, his fatherly smile returning. "I didn't know that you had any new friends." He looked back at Everest who had her arms crossed in irritation. "Her name's Elodie." She said and looked away. It felt like forever before Everest said anything else prompting her father to speak again. "I'll be out of here in the next couple days," He started but it was quickly made apparent that Ev had no interest in listening. "You wouldn't even be in here if you weren't drunk off you ass!" It was the first outburst that was soon followed by the clenching of fists and reddening of her cheeks. There was no mistaking her feelings at this time. Her anger was bubbling up inside and it wasn't being hidden. "No, after you leave here you'll be going back to jail where you belong." Her eyes were glossy with tears and she turned from his view to stare at the wall out on the other side of the hallway. She wasn't sure why she'd come. Remembering El's presence calmed her slightly. Looking up after a minute Cris shook her head and quietly took in a breath. "Sorry..." She had certainly been saying that word a lot lately.

@Bupkis sorry about the length and how uncreative I'm being >.<
Elodie Amelie Bellamy

Elodie followed Everest like a shadow, staying a respectable distance behind her but still mimicking her every move so as not to let the gap grow too far. Once they opened the door to her father’s room Elodie bowed her head a bit, just enough to let her mess of blonde curls obscure parts of her face. She could still see the room in front of her—the lack of family, the lack of cards, flowers, balloons, or other thoughtful “get well soon” trinkets from the gift shop. And, finally, the jovial man in the bed himself, who didn’t seem old enough to be a father let alone Everest’s, but he had the tone and attitude to be one. Not that Elodie would know, she’d only met her own father a handful of times and only in more recent years. And her father didn’t know how to be a father. She didn’t fault him for that, though. Fatherhood (or parenthood altogether, she thought wryly, reminded of her mother) wasn’t fitting for everyone. In retrospect, she had more respect for her father than her mother. Her father at least recognized that he wasn’t fit to raise a child from the get-go, when Emmanuel was born. Her mother, at that point, hadn’t argued, probably hadn’t considered herself right for the job either. So what changed when Elodie came along? There was no wealthy relative willing to take in another baby to pass her off to with her father no longer in the picture, sure. But still, if her mother knew she wasn’t suited for children, why keep Elodie? Especially if she knew enough to realize that she couldn’t raise Emmanuel when she had the means to—why elect to raise Elodie in the slums that she grew up in? The answer was too obvious and pathetic: her mother had hoped differently. And Elodie resented her for it, but more than that, she resented herself. When she was younger, she used to wish she’d never been born. Later on, she used to wish she’d be given up for adoption. If she had, she wouldn’t have grown up in the circumstances she did. None of that… stuff… that had happened before Emmanuel came would’ve happened. She could’ve been loved, wanted, and cared for. Maybe she wouldn’t be this anxious, silent freak that she was.

But she wouldn’t have met Emmanuel. Or Milly.

Or Everest. And her father.

Feeling guilty for musing on her own family life while Everest’s was exposed right in front of her, Elodie focused again and raised her head just in time to hear herself being introduced. With her hands trembling but safely hidden behind her back, she offered a quick, knee-jerk smile that she couldn’t maintain for more than a split second. After a short delay, Elodie registered that Everest’s tone wasn’t exactly the warm and concerned tone one might expect a child confronting their hospitalized parent to have. She’d missed something and, knowing that, her heartbeat quickened uncomfortably. Her fingertips were already icy and numb which made gripping her wrists difficult. On top of that, her already existing guilt was compounded—how could she possibly have the gall to feel sorry for herself with a scene like this in front of her? Couldn’t she, for once, be a little selfless and unconcerned with herself? Couldn’t she get out of herself
for once?

She’d heard that a few times as a child, when she couldn’t or wouldn’t talk and the adults didn’t understand why.

Elodie didn’t have the time to berate herself for repeating the same mistake that she was beating herself up for in the first place. Everest’s sharp, angry tone rang in her head and translated to alarm bells, too many going off at once. The shock of it made it worse, not to mention the words themselves.
Get it together get it together get it together it’s not that hard what’s wrong with you how can you have a panic attack when Everest is she’ll think you’re a freak she’ll hate you you’re embarrassing yourself you’re selfish selfish selfish stop get it together

Underneath, some remote part of her was wondering about Everest’s background, her relationship with her father, the nosy “what happened?” that nobody can help. And, of course, her affection for Everest, which kept her rooted to her spot, despite the fact that in any other circumstance she would’ve escaped to a private location by now (typically a bathroom) to weather out the storm of what was in all likelihood an oncoming panic attack. If it wasn’t one already, that is. If it was, she was doing a good job of suppressing it, but that was taking so much of her focus and energy that she wasn’t doing as good a job at offering any support. Which was why she was there in the first place.
Damn it just shut up and be a good friend stop getting wrapped up in your own problems fucking selfish I don’t know why you thought you could do this

Though she felt horribly alone in Everest’s shadow, she refused to move, instead opting to stay still and as strong as she could. Hoping Everest wouldn’t notice her distress. Or her father. Elodie wasn’t sure which would be worse.

@ShadedRose no worries at all! I’m getting a little unnecessarily lengthy, too. We totally can (and maybe should, lol) cut down a bit. I’m sort of taking my own anxiety and heightening it in order to try to imagine how Elodie would be responding in this situation. So, she’s on the fast track to an inevitable panic attack, but just to clarify, I don’t want that to detract or distract from your scene. That’s the only reason Elodie hasn’t started hyperventilating yet.
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Everest Armstrong

"E, calm down..." The voice of her father was calm, cool and collected sounding only causing Everest to become more enraged. How was she supposed to be calm with everything going on? Her eyes squeezed shut and a bit shakey she breathed in. Her back was still to her dad in the bed but something else was starting to distract her. The look in Elodie's eyes, the panicked look which Everest could recall seeing at least a hundred times in her own brother's eyes. She recognized this and cursed herself inwardly. How could she allow this to happen? It had been completely selfish of her to ask Elodie to come and be with her through something like this. Something that she knew could have the potential of upsetting her friend. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry... Her head started pounding then. Calm down baby..take a breath. The voice of a woman came to mind and Ev's eyes clouded with images. A young girl with bright blonde hair sitting with a woman in her early twenties holding the girl's hand and holding a smaller child in her arms. The boy was shaking rapidly and his eyes were wide with fright. Her brother, she remembered also had frequent panic and anxiety attacks.

Coming back to the present, Everest turned back to her father and spoke quietly. "What was that song that mom used to sing?" There was no anger left though her body remained stiff. Her dad looked taken aback but answered. "You are my-"

"Sunshine." Everest finished for him and started humming the tune. "Thanks, I'll see you later dad." She looked at the man in the bed and was a bit shocked to see him smiling. He looked happy regardless of everything she had said and how mad she'd gotten. She turned to El and very slowly started moving around her. "Come on, El." Her hand lightly touched Elodie's shoulder and Everest kept moving. The thought of sending Elodie into a panic attack scared Ev to the point that she paused and waited to make sure that El was able to follow.

@Bupkis I'm trying desperately to think of something else but nothing's coming to me..I'm sorry! Don't be sorry Elodie going into a panic attack works just fine. Everest needs to get away from her dad and I want her to try to help Elodie cope with her attack. I agree with the lengths being lowered so here ya go!
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Elodie Amelie Bellamy

Elodie’s thoughts were beginning to stall and cloud. She wanted to sit down right where she was, run as far as she could, and stay still and act normal all at once and she wasn’t sure which impulse to follow, if any, or if she even could. She felt involuntary tears coming to her eyes which she could do nothing to stop as her wrists became more and more difficult to hold and her breathing grew laborious and beyond her control. Knowing she should take a deep breath didn’t help, even if she’d had the presence of mind to actually focus on her breathing. The extra intake of oxygen made her feel dizzy and her legs feel weak but she was beyond the ability to act. Overwhelmed with sensation and stimuli, she flinched when touched as though burned, but it got her attention.

With shaky, unsure steps, she turned to follow Everest, trying to block out thoughts of her father for the time being. The guidance was what she needed, someone telling her where to go and what to do so that she didn’t have to make that decision herself. As soon as it occurred to her that she should be grateful, she spotted a bathroom just a few steps down the hall and her trained autopilot kicked in; after having weathered so many panic attacks by now, it was her instinct to retreat to the closest available private space, which tended to be the nearest bathroom. These were singles (fortunately, though she didn’t think of it at the time) and luckily for her the women’s one was unoccupied as she unceremoniously flung open the door and let it shut behind her, forgetting about Everest for the moment. It was probably dirty but she couldn’t think about that as she slid to the floor with her back against the chill tiled wall, fingers tangling themselves in her curly hair and trembling. She pulled her knees as close to her chest as she could and covered her face with her forearms, letting herself cry and hyperventilate, her mind empty of anything but a general and overpowering terror.

@ShadedRose nothing to be sorry for! <3 I don’t want to forget about Everest’s dad though, Elodie’s definitely going to want to know more once she can think about it.

Everest turned sharply making the floor beneath her shoes squeak painfully loud. She hadn't thought that El was so close on the verge of loosing control; even if she had, Ev was afraid that she wouldn't have been able to do anything to help. Not until now, that is. As soon as Elodie had shut the bathroom door, Everest was just outside hesitating to knock. Her mind told her to leave her alone to collect herself but her heart ached at the thought of Elodie facing this alone. Knocking, she quickly tried the handle. It was miraculously unlocked as she slowly shoved it open and slid through the small space she provided. Her eyes swept over Elodie's curled up posture and she tried staying calm. Reaching El's side, she got down on both knees and began speaking softly.

"Elodie, it's okay..let it all out." She wasn't interested in making the girl stop crying, it was the shaking and hyperventilating that truly worried her. Flashing back, Everest could see her brother, his body trembling just as Elodie's. In this moment they looked so alike and Ev took in a deep breath. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey...you'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please, don't take my sunshine away." Her voice was smooth after clearing her throat at the beginning and watching with concern filled eyes, she waited for a reaction from her friend.


Elodie Amelie Bellamy

Elodie felt a surge of affection so powerful and warming that her breathing hitched. Some crazy, impetuous impulse wanted to touch Everest, wanted to be touched, but she was still too overloaded for touch to do anything other than make her skin crawl. Instead, she focused on Everest’s voice, the only thing she wanted to hear. At the moment, it felt and sounded like protection, like security. She wasn’t even processing what it was that Everest was saying—or singing, as the case may have been—until her breathing was back under control and her head was no longer spinning. She recognized the song, though she wasn’t sure from where, and it made her want to laugh. A sweet, pretty song, but oh so tragic. Never mind; she was content to take it at face value. Her cheeks heated just from the thought of Everest singing—Everest singing to her in particular.

She let her tense hands slacken and loosen, allowing her to pick up her head just enough to peer at Everest. How badly she wanted to study her, to stare at her all day and feel this safe. Inevitably, however, the humiliation hit her and she looked away. She began to sign
sorry when it occurred to her that Everest may not be at all familiar with ASL. Instead, she tried to say it out loud, but only managed to mouth it, perhaps still too shaky for it to even be intelligible. God, she wanted to disappear. She imagined being evanescent, turning into vapor and slipping through the cracks in the walls and the pipes in the sink and under the doorway to vanish. Often Elodie was reminded of the Invisible Cloak from Harry Potter and wishing so fervently that her chest would ache that it were real, so she could pull it around herself and be truly alone. The idea stuck fast, so as a young teenager, Elodie got into the habit of pulling blankets around her when she was alone in her room or after a panic attack or some other episode. Sometimes she shrouded herself completely, other times leaving her face exposed—occasionally to read. In this moment, with Everest sitting in front of her and Elodie feeling so vulnerable that she could throw up, Elodie wanted nothing more than something to cover herself with, something to let her hide.

But that wasn’t an option. So it came down to trusting Everest. For the moment, anyway. Besides, there’d be plenty of time to ruminate on how much she’d just screwed up later.

The guilt was what finally got her to her feet, still looking away, but at least steady now. She gestured shyly to the door and then pulled her arms around herself in a familiar position, as though both bracing herself against an attack and holding herself together.

@ShadedRose <3

"Please don't take my sunshine away.." The icy haired blonde finished the final course softly, her eyes searching silently for any sign of a negative reaction she may have caused. Nothing bad seemed to occur. She had watched as Elodie's hands began to still and she started to look far better than originally. Meeting the pretty blue orbs she had for eyes with her own, Everest smiled down at the girl peeking up at her. "Any better?" She asked though didn't worry over an answer. El wasn't shaking anymore and that was answer enough. Her eyes watched the signing for sorry though she had no idea what it's meaning had been. Frowning slightly before noticing her mouth shaping the same word, she was able to understand then. "An apology isn't necessary."

It felt good seeing Elodie looking more alive rather than anxious. To her astonishment it wasn't long until the once shaken individual was back up on her feet. She stayed on the floor for a moment longer, watching. She didn't mean it as weird or anything though her interest in El's strength was never ending. Getting up, Everest nodded once to Elodie then went for the door. Once the door was open, a blast of fresh, cooler air hit Ev's bare arms and face. It felt great. Her head tilted slightly as to make sure that her companion was still ready to leave the temporary room of peace. After they had left the restroom, Everest's feet led them toward the exit. She was tired of being in the hospital and didn't want El's brother waiting longer than need be. When she walked past the front desk there was a new, older woman sitting behind the counter rummaging through stacks of papers. She smiled briefly at the two as they made their leave but Everest was more focused on the sunlight shining from outside the tinted glass. Her eyes squinted for a short amount of time after walking through the automatic doors and she waited quietly before continuing with Elodie close behind.

When they arrived back at Emmanuel's car Ev glanced over to where her bike was parked then returned her attention to El. "I'm sorry about what happened in there..I need to get that guy's bike back to the shop before he comes to pick it up, but I'd like to hang out sometime. If you want, that is."

@Bupkis I missed youuu~!


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