

On temporary hiatus until Saturday.
Greetings, netizens of RP Nation!

It has come to my attention that it is imperative for me to finally introduce myself, thus, here I am. Awkward as I am in my actions, I hope you will excuse my quirks and all.

Since I am left at a stalemate for words, I will briefly end this with a smile, and say that I hope not to be a bother to you all!
Welcome! Hello! Glad to meet you, nice of you to join us! ^_^

Join lots of RPes, make lots of friends, all that jazz
Thank you for your nice words and advice! I will do my best to heed to them, even with my socially-inept nature.
Of course someone would comment! ^_^

Although it is late and/or early for a lot of active people on this site

It's 4am for me
Oh! Luckily, it's a weekend tomorrow, right? [Or am I wrong? Forgive my assumptions if they are inaccurate.] I'm okay with the decrease in number, because that's a normal thing for me, to be honest, and it makes it significantly easier to navigate and reply to threads. [in my opinion, at least.]

And 4 AM? I'm in awe at how you can still be up at such ungodly hours. [unless you're watching a marathon or need to pull an all-nighter.]. The only way I could stay up at such late hours would be if I drank a lot of milk, [A lot. Like 5 glasses of milk?], and even then, I'd be scared out of my wits over every little bump in the night.
My cat woke me up with vomity noises, but no vomit nor illness

Then she left xD Asshat

Usually when I wake up I have difficulty going back to sleep
I can vaguely relate to such a problem, although mine was a bit of a chilling experience. See, my companion sleeps on the bed with me. One night, he suddenly woke me up, barking. I woke up, but he was barking at, well...nothing. So, I'm now scared of waking up when my dog barks.

The same goes for me. Waking up in the middle of the night isn't exactly fine with me. It just makes me all the more fearful about everything, to the point that I don't want to move and that I don't want to cover my eyes, out of fear. [How contrary to my terror.] That, or I just wake up from a falling dream. You know, the dreams where you fall, and then suddenly wake up, feeling as if you had fallen off a building.
My cat sleeps with me too, but she was on the floor dry gagging this morning.

Anyway, my lack of sleep is more of a physical thing then mental, I'm not scared or nervous of the dark much anymore. And I rather enjoy the sensation of falling in a dream. Actually I try to stimulate it sometimes. But for some reason, feeling the effects of paralysis beginning or wearing off is far more common for me.
It's nice to see a common thing between us. I quite like cats, myself, however, it seems that cats do not share my feeling and usually hiss at me or run away. [Perhaps something is wrong with my approach.]

I'm a bit jealous that yours is a physical affliction rather than a mental bother. I guess that the main reason why I've been a bit skittish in the night lately is because of my sudden interest in gruesome murders and dark subjects such as criminology; examples such as the case of Albert Fish, [with him jumping out of closets naked and having a strange fixation on someone's behind] or perhaps John Bulger's case, where he was brutally tortured by a pair of ten year old boys.

I love to dream myself. Most of my dreams are rather difficult to explain, though. In fact, I've stopped having nightmares concerning horror icons, and instead, it's switched to a bunch of oddities. For example, in one dream of mine, I was a girl, a princess in some mansion. I also remember two butlers, one pure white and the other the opposite. From there, it switches to a scene where my house is burning, although my house is split in half the way dollhouses were made, with a few family. Then suddenly a boulder comes from nowhere, a friend of mine saves me and my family, then they die. After that, it reverts to a classroom, where I'm just talking with my friends.
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If you like the dark and criminally insane, you might like Rob Dyke, he makes interesting videos

Rob Dyke

From age 6-13/14ish I had nothing but nightmares, not every night but they were the only dreams I remembered. Now my dreams are rather intricate and back and forth from good and bad. The worst dream I had recently was of me getting brain damage, stuck with a bit of word salad. I understood others, and knew what I wanted to say but everything came out wrong and no one understood me.

I never much had monster dreams or things filled with horror icons either.
Oh, I know him. Throughout my research over my lingering interest, that name popped up at some point and I was able to watch one of his videos. It was altogether nice; the music was quite off-putting, in my opinion. I'm someone who's generally scared of the darkness yet infinitely intrigued by it, but there are moments when I gain a completely apathetic attitude to most things and display a more philosophical and intellectual demeanour, albeit blunt. In such a state, I usually end up insulting a few friends by my criticism, although I do always apologise afterwards.

Around that age, I could almost say the same thing. The ones I recalled the most were the nightmares. They were usually so vivid in my mind that even with my eyes wide open, I could still envision them moving about my everyday life or just getting right in front of my face. I also had a few prophetic dreams about my life, but that's it.

My monster dreams are scary, though. I'd rather not think back on those days when my father would force me to watch through a bunch of horror movies. He was always a horror movie buff, so he had a hefty collection of them.
I like Rob Dyke, he makes a good variety of videos. So I watch him on occasion, though his 'horror' wasn't why I started watching.

In my monster dreams, even as a kid, the monsters weren't the scariest part.

In most of my dreams, I was abandoned or rejected and that's how the monster got me. I only just realized this right now xD Thinking back on old dreams. Wow.
Really? That's nice to know. I'll have someone's videos to watch & avoid.

So you fear both abandonment and rejection in general or is it only restricted to certain people? And as to how the monsters got to you after a sad event befell you, wow, they're like your inner demons that want you to notice them or something along those lines.

Still, I'm glad to be of help in your realisation. [if that wasn't a positive effect though, then you have my eternal apologies for bringing up something unpleasant.]
I don't think I've ever actively been fearful of rejection before. Generally speaking I like being alone, and I don't often care about what others think. Though these were dreams from my childhood, so I might've just changed since then, which is reasonable.
Oh, hello, hello, please come in! I apologise for my absence. Do make yourself at home, sir or ma'am.

Hmm, my traits are rather inconsistent, then. I think I could be called moody...? Sometimes, I love being alone, relishing the feeling of solitude, especially in cold darkness, with only my thoughts as a companion. Other times, I could be deathly afraid of isolation. Although it's usually just an effect of reliving my nightmares.

My fear of rejection is just as erratic. Usually, I have no need to be terrified of it, being comfortable in my position. But then times arise when I am frightened by such a thing, to the point of being irrational.
Oh, sorry for my late reply! But wait, does what you said mean you have the impulse to kill people?
I think so. It's more of a dark musing of mine that somehow surfaces within my consciousness. Let me give you a scenario.

I'm in a crowd, and have nothing much to do. Because of boredom, my mind tends to stray towards topics that are meant to be thought of in isolation, until it finally reaches the deep and murky depths of my sanity. Out of boredom, I would suddenly imagine situations such as: "If I throw a grenade here, how many people would die?" or "What if I were to attack everyone with a katana [because those are really sharp], how many could I slay before someone ties me down?", and there's the more frequent "If I were to jump off of that ledge, how many people would cry and would I survive?"
Welcome to RPNation and while I don't consider myself a netizen; I'm a passionate roleplayer and I do enjoy studying things online. Anyway I hope you're having a great time here and it's nice to meet you! So I hope this made you smile and that you can make lots and lots of friends. Hopefully you already have! ^_^

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