Salutation, People of Earth


Junior Member
I am well informed that the phrase above is the way to greet another human being... in 2089

The current calendar is 2014

... Alright, let's use greeting's phrase in 2014


Aah, okay. now I'm going to introduce myself. You can see my full (username) on above, aand you can also see about me in my profile. Pretty much nothing unusual (i don't have any tentacles or spaceship or have been frozen on ices in 2000 years, believe me!) Well, one more thing : if you're tired typing my full (username) you can call me eep. NO QUESTION ASKED.

Aand one more thing (again, and maybe another things), I REALLY WANT TO RP WETH YUO GUYYS :* (soo much, i even go through capslock, grammar error, and kissing emoticon acute syndrom TWICE). I hope we all can have fun together!

With kisses and emoticon

jukeboxingirl90 (ugh it's a long name...)
Hello and welcome, jukeoboxingirl90. Eep! That's too long. So.. eep, I'm glad you found us and hope you'll make yourself at home.

If you have any questions as you're getting oriented to the site, just reach out. You may also want to pop by the shout box (available from the "forums" view) for real-time chat with members. We're all friendly. :)

Welcome again to RpN!

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