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Realistic or Modern Salem 1692



So emo I was born black
The year is 1692 and the rise in the paranoia regarding witches is reaching an all time high. Sin runs rampant in the town from the bar/pub to the brothel. Even the town Reverend lives in sin. The slightest implication of witchcraft could get you hung, burned at the stake, or even stoned. So far our town has witnessed the hanging of four people (three women, one man). And not a single one of them truly a witch. Should you be accused of witchery, you will be taken to the jail until your trial.

Town Jobs:
-Magistrate [[Me, as Jedidiah Walcott]]
-(2)Field hand
-Chandler (Candlemaker)
-Jail Guard
-(4)Brothel woman
-Cobbler (shoemaker)

-Use good grammar and English
-Use "*" to describe actions (Example: "No!" *pushing over the desk*)
- Romance is allowed

- No restrictions on harsh language and explicit content

- No god modding!!!!!
- Only one character per job unless noted
- One character per person
- Keep period appropriate. It's the 1600s. So clearly no one would be filming a hanging on their iPhone!

If you're interested, please leave a brief description of your character. Be sure to include the name, age, and what job you're interested in.

Let's see if you survive the trials!

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