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Fantasy Sail

He leaned against the railing and casually sharpened his hook with a filed. "Pirates attack at night, like I did. I'm not taking any chances of one sneaking past my crew and into my quarters. If we're in separate beds, you could easily be taken without me knowing."

"If your father doesn't complete the task, you stay with me." He put the file down and came towards her. He gazed into her eyes and leaned forward. Their lips were almost touching, "Who knows, you may want to stay with this dashingly handsome captain after all."
Rosemarie looked down.

"But I wouldn't be able to see my Papa anymore," said Rosemarie quietly.

She looked back to him.

"I must admit," Rosemarie continued, "I am not at ease with sleeping in the same bed as a man."
"It's better than with my crew." He whispered in her ear. He turned and look at the map he had laid out. He calculated how far they were from her father and where he wanted to go.

He walked up behind her and put his hand on top of hers. "Three notches port side....Perfect." He smiled and let go, "You're a natural."

He looked up at the crow's nest and smiled. "If you want to see an beautiful sunset, follow me." He walked down the stairs and started to climb the ropes.
Dulio and his crew engaged a royal frigate in a broadside fight. Cannons firing, men clashing swords, Muskets and pistols firing, it was frantic havoc. Dulio yelled to his men " REMEMBER MEN THERE IS NO PURPOSE IN LIFE IF YOU DIE" as he was clashing with the enemy captain. Finally he killed the captain and the crew lost it's morale. The men were taken prisoner and they took any goods from the ship then sank it. One of his men came up to him "Sir we have taken minor damage we need to sail to a port and repair her. Dulio replied " I agree after the shots we have been taking it does not look good for our ships health. Prep the men we are sailing for a pirateer port. The man replied " aye sir" as the man scurried down the stairs and along the walk way as Dulio turned the ship around. after an hour or so of sailing they decided to start singing shanties to pass the time. His sailor came back and showed a map" The closest port is the 'three notches port' sir" Dulio said " then we go there to repair" they started sailing to there with a their Black flag up with death and his scythe in hands.
Rosemarie looked up nervously. Her Papa never let her go up into the crow's nest. He always said it was too dangerous for her.

Nevertheless, she decided to follow him. She made her way up to the crow's nest, taking her time as she did so.
The crew was getting tired but they could see the island not to far from there position. A sailor yelled " NOT TO MUCH FARTHER NOW CAPTAIN"

Dulio replied " Thank the good lord we are almost there" the ship was still a bit from the port. The man in the crows nest said " Captain i think i see sails." Dulio said " they better hope they are friendly because our ship can take anything and deal lots" And men were praying to get a brake
Killian quickly came to the top and waited for her. When she arrived he helped her into the crow's nest and looked at his crew below. Despite the rigorous orders they were given of day to day life they were almost always in good spirits. Not many captains had that.

The sun was beginning to set and the sky put on quite a good show for them. He smiled at Rosemarie as the sky was streaked with pink, orange, and yellow. "Isn't it beautiful?" He whispered

The day to day grind of being a pirate, especially a captain, wasn't an easy life to live. It was moments when the sky showed off her beauty and the sea welcomed you that Killian couldn't help but love.

He pulled out his spyglass and looked through the lens. They weren't far from a port. Soon it would be dark and he didn't want her to be in danger out in open water. So tonight they would dock.

"Lower the main sails! Raise the white flag! Get ready to drop anchor!" He called down. He watched their flag change from black to white as they pulled into the harbor. He wasn't fighting tonight unless someone wanted to come aboard his ship uninvited.
Rosemarie tore her eyes away from the beautiful sunset.

"Why are we going to port again?" Rosemarie asked. "And why do you need to change the flags?"

She had asked her Papa that question many times before, but he had never told her why he changed the flags. She was always curious.
"You are quite perceptive." He smiled at her, "We're going to port in case we're attacked. I'd rather not be in open water with you. I have a shaman on board and she has a special weapon that requires the use of land."

He left it at that. If he needed to use them she would get to see Echo's demon dogs. He didn't use them often, but tonight he would have them below deck. Any sound of alarm and the intruders would pay dearly.

The ship gently made its way into a port. Killian watched his first mate pay the docking fee and write in the ledger. "The white flag signals to other ships peace. I'm not looking to fight. We're here until morning. It's to make us appear less threatening."

He turned to her with a rope in his hand. "Now, you can climb down or you can swing down. We need to get that ring on your finger." With the rope in his hand he swung down and landed on the deck where he quickly disappeared into the quarters to retrieve her ring.
Rosemarie was not at all comfortable with swinging down, so she decided to climb down. She began climbing down and soon reached the deck.

She was excited to go on land. This would be her second time on land since she was a babe.
Killian came back up with the ring in hand a shawl on his arm. He slipped the ring back on her finger and put the shawl around her shoulders. "I'll be back, darling." He kissed her cheek and went below deck.

Once down there he found Echo and smiled. "We've reached port. There's a new lass on board who is not to be harmed. Bring your dogs aboard the ship and keep them down here. I'll be back shortly." He smiled at her and walked back up the stairs.

"We won't be attending the pub tonight. Where would you like to go?" He smiled at her as they made their way into the village.
Rosemarie turned to him. She pulled the shawl tighter around her shoulders. She thought very carefully for a moment, trying to think of something. She finally opened her mouth.

"I-I don't know, what places are there to go?" said Rosemarie with a bit of curiosity in her voice. "This is only my second time on land since I was a babe. I don't really know what kind of places there are."
It was getting dark, it was hard to aim at what you were shooting at when it was dark. And still, no sign of a merchant vessel. "Ship!" the man in tge criws nest shouted, pointing in the opposite direction they were facing. "She looks damaged!" he shouted.

"Then it isn't ours." Connor shouted back up. "And it shouldn't care that we are gere." he continued again. Then again, it could be their ship, if another pirate crew went after it and failed..

He looked back at the man and walked towards him with a toothy smile that became noticeable once he got close enough, "Heh, not unless you tell us where the treasure is lad. The captain really wants that treasure, and let me tell ya' if given the choice he is willing to kill hundreds of innocent lives just to get what he wants," he knew this wasn't true but if lying will get him to talk sooner rather than later then he was sure the Captain wouldn't mind. Plus, he knew that Odette loved to be feared by many; one of the few traits that they share. "Given, we need to keep you alive so you can tell us what we need to know, but we have ways of torturing our victims." Ronan talked as he slowly walked behind him taking the rope that bound his wrists and made him stand. "I myself have had my fair share of victims so don't you dare try anything you'll later regret." He said deeply to intimidate him and tugged on the rope harshly almost to where he fell. "Come along now," he then stated a bit lighter and walked towards the door. Ronan loved scaring prisoners, he didn't enjoy torturing as much as he did scaring oddly enough.

He led the prisoner out of the quarters and down a few stairs. Other members of the crew smirked at him as if they were looking upon a living trophy for their capture. They looked like they so badly wanted to yell and poke fun at the prisoner but they knew all too well what the rules were on the ship. One of them being "Never talk to the prisoner". Not only was there that rule but Ronan was the one leading him and that was an enforcer that they definitely did not want to break the rules around. The captain and him were the only ones allowed to talk to the prisoner.

Of course, the silent treatment is lame but effective. Once they were off the stairs Ronan made a U-turn into another set of stairs that went downward below deck where the prison cells were located.



He was back on the waters in his ship and crew with fire burning in his eyes. The whole crew saw it and he knew it. The was defeated once and he will not be defeated again. The captain had just made port and heard rumors of a lass who was very good at hunting down people and capturing them. So he took some money he had stashed away for a rainy day such as this - even though it was more like a storm without his daughter - and found the girl Captain Starr giving her his money and find his daughter. He still wasn't sure what she was capable of so in the meantime he decided to track down the La Muerte and battle Darkwaters for the map.

"Captain!" He looked up to the crows nest where he heard someone of his crew call his name and saw he was pointing somewhere. Tavian looked to where he was pointing and saw a navy ship heading for them in the distance.

"Of all the damn times that they show up... All hands on deck! Load the cannons! Let them come." This surprised everyone. Since he only stole from ships when the crew needed weapons or food if they had plenty of the essentials then the ship would just flee which meant less danger for his daughter. They had just made port and stocked up on food as well as weapons so it was unusual to the crew. Not only that but he never has asked to load the cannons but they always had it just in case. Captain Tavian was definitely looking to sink this ship and was thirsty for blood to be spilled on his ship. Tavian took out his sword waiting for them to come.
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Beowulf said:
It was getting dark, it was hard to aim at what you were shooting at when it was dark. And still, no sign of a merchant vessel. "Ship!" the man in tge criws nest shouted, pointing in the opposite direction they were facing. "She looks damaged!" he shouted.
"Then it isn't ours." Connor shouted back up. "And it shouldn't care that we are gere." he continued again. Then again, it could be their ship, if another pirate crew went after it and failed..
( Are you talking of my ship?)


He was back on the waters in his ship and crew with fire burning in his eyes. The whole crew saw it and he knew it. The was defeated once and he will not be defeated again. The captain had just made port and heard rumors of a lass who was very good at hunting down people and capturing them. So he took some money he had stashed away for a rainy day such as this - even though it was more like a storm without his daughter - and found the girl Captain Starr giving her his money and find his daughter. He still wasn't sure what she was capable of so in the meantime he decided to track down the La Muerte and battle Darkwaters for the map.

"Captain!" He looked up to the crows nest where he heard someone of his crew call his name and saw he was pointing somewhere. Tavian looked to where he was pointing and saw a navy ship heading for them in the distance.

"Of all the damn times that they show up... All hands on deck! Load the cannons! Let them come." This surprised everyone. Since he only stole from ships when the crew needed weapons or food if they had plenty of the essentials then the ship would just flee which meant less danger for his daughter. They had just made port and stocked up on food as well as weapons so it was unusual to the crew. Not only that but he never has asked to load the cannons but they always had it just in case. Captain Tavian was definitely looking to sink this ship and was thirsty for blood to be spilled on his ship. Tavian took out his sword waiting for them to come.
" SIR THEY SEEM TO BE LOADING" Dulio looked down and said " Let them know that we are not an enemy, sing a shanty lads". His crew looked at him confused but they got ready to sing anyway . The captain started " T'is a tough damn life full of toil and strife, we weather man undergoes. And we don't give a damn when we drink our rum, how hard the wind still blows. cause were homeward bound from the arctic round with a good ship tart and free, and we don't give damn when we drink our rum, with the girls of old maui." His men then join in chorus " Rolling down to old maui me boys, rolling down to old maui. And were homeward bound to the arctic round, rolling down to old maui" And they continued, but just to be safe their cannons were already loaded. Not only that but they temporarily armored the ship's wounds. They also had their flag lowered and a striped, Black and white flag came up to represent a neutral ship.


Beowulf said:
im guessing pheonix is too
((Well then.... Geuss I'm going to have to be involved.))

"Capt'n! Second ship! Headed for the the damaged one! Guns seem to be loaded!"

Now, Connor was a pirate, he had made piece with that demon long ago, but he still had standards. Taking out his spy glass, he swung it across the horizon before finding the wounded ship, and swinging it a bit farther found the approaching ship with cannons out.

What the man failed to mention, was the flag of neutrality. Well, being neutral simply meant anyone would attack him. Clear alliances were a blessing and a curse, but neutrality invited anyone to f**k with you. It looked like the wounded and limping ship was preparing for a combat, however, and he doubted the other one would miss the opportunity a damaged ship with less crew held. "Turn us around, prepare port side cannons. Don't roll them out, but load up chain shot." He wasn't going to try and sink either vessel, just teach them a lesson if it came down to it.
In the Pub Will Royal stayed, from mid morning all the way on to dusk; with nearly thirty-six men interviewed, and only one half-decent man found, he pondered what to do next. Originally his plan was to find a decent crew, get the ship in tip top shape, and set sail, but without a decent crew, without any crew, that plan just wouldn't work. He took a sip of the port given to him early, the bottle was close to being empty now.

"Sir?" The halfway-decent man that Will Royal had found, and had taken on as the first of his crew, began. "I suppose we best be heading somewhere, right?" His question came as timid and unsure as any could, which was not all together surprising given his age and stature. Will looked at him, his face still caught in that puzzled look that so often comes from such serious pondering. With no answer the half-way decent man - hardly a man and more of a boy really seeing that he was only 16, rather small, and a bit too timid for his career choice - let out a sigh and sunk down into his seat (he had been quite excited about setting sail). "Oh, Sir!" He said enthusiastically, sitting up in his seat.

"Captain." Will corrected lightly.

"Sorry," the boy said, "Captain." he added having forgot again. Then there was a pause, it seemed he had forgotten what he had begun to say also.

"You were saying Tom?" Thomas Catter was the boys full name, but Will had already decided to call him Tom.

"Oh, right, sorry Captain." Will laughed in delight, the title of Captain pleasing him more than he had first thought it might, and perhaps enlarging his head a tad, which may have been rather large to begin with. Tom continued, "Well, I've heard say that China men are the best with sails, and you see Captain, I just happened' to have heard talk about a ship from Eastern waters heading for San Josente bout' a week or so back." Will thought about what Tom was saying, while he did so, he scratched his chin. "You did say we needed to fix the sails, sir, and we need more crew as it is."

"Yes," Will said, "You are absolutely right Tom... But how can we get to San Josente?" The question was rhetorical, but Tom answered it nonetheless.

"Couldn't we patch the sails enough to get us there? It's only a day or so North of here if I remember correct." Will laughed with delight and stood up quick.

"Tom, you have it right." He took a drink from the bottle of port and handed it to Tom. "To San Josente!" Will wiped his mouth and hurried off to gather the provisions they would need.

"To San Josente!" Tom cheered and took a drink, sadly for him the bottle was empty. He looked down inside of it, then he flipped it over and tried to shake out a few drops but, nothing, the bottle was empty. He set it down disappointed, then, realizing Will was already gone, jumped up from the table and ran out after him.
Beowulf said:
((Well then.... Geuss I'm going to have to be involved.))
"Capt'n! Second ship! Headed for the the damaged one! Guns seem to be loaded!"

Now, Connor was a pirate, he had made piece with that demon long ago, but he still had standards. Taking out his spy glass, he swung it across the horizon before finding the wounded ship, and swinging it a bit farther found the approaching ship with cannons out.

What the man failed to mention, was the flag of neutrality. Well, being neutral simply meant anyone would attack him. Clear alliances were a blessing and a curse, but neutrality invited anyone to f**k with you. It looked like the wounded and limping ship was preparing for a combat, however, and he doubted the other one would miss the opportunity a damaged ship with less crew held. "Turn us around, prepare port side cannons. Don't roll them out, but load up chain shot." He wasn't going to try and sink either vessel, just teach them a lesson if it came down to it.
They were actually luring the other ship to a false sense of security. Just then they raised a flag that had been talked of in legends. ' Death's frigate' as they raised the flag with the dual scythes. And the ship quickly turned to meet the other with her broadside of 25 heavy cannons. " if they won't stop and come to a mutual gain we blow their ship to ocean floor."

@Beowulf @Maeve Valor
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Killian raised an eyebrow at her response. "Your father never let you out at port? Well, my dear, let's take you where you'll have a grand time."

He led her down a couple streets until he heard music. They walked towards it and into a barn full of people and food. Killian looked down and was grateful he had switched his hook out for a fake hand covered by a leather glove. He pulled her into the center of the dancing group.

"Put your hands here..." He positioned one on his shoulder and held her other hand. With his remaining hand he rested it on the small of her back, "Just follow my lead. Trust me. Let your body freely move."

He started out with small steps, reminding her every so often to relax. Soon he was twirling her along with the other dancers. This would be a night for her to remember.
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She slowly began to relax. She was afraid she would make a fool out of herself. It's not like she hadn't danced before. She had. She just hadn't done so in front of people she didn't know.

"I'm not very good at this," said Rosemarie.

She looked down at her feet.

"How am I doing?" Rosemarie asked without looking up.
"Brilliant." He smiled back at her. After a few more songs he led her towards the food and handed her some water. He led her to a bench just outside the barn and sat down.

"What do I have to do to get a smile out of you? I promise you'll see your father soon. I won't keep you from him for long." He sat back and wrapped his arm around her, "But you need to explore. Open up to the world around you. Don't be so shy. I won't bite. Unless you want me to."

He smiled down at her and winked. He studied her for a moment. Her father was right for keeping her hidden up to this point. She was beautiful. He tilted her chin up and softly kissed her, his eyes so kind and soft. He wouldn't let her look away from him and instead kissed her again. If she opened up to at least him her journey would be much more smooth.
Penelope, sitting by her mast, let her fingers fall from the ropes. The Jolley Rodger now at port, she stared at the lights emanating from city. That girl, the way the captain looked at her. It brought shivers down her back, she was a girl who belonged with her feet on land, not steering a ship. She had spend over year on the ship and the only looks she got were orders. Not that she was complaining, she had never come to sea seeking romance of sorts, especially after... she pushed her thoughts away, tying off her side, and heading below deck. Her quarters were small and with the many others, a hammock and a chest the size of a small dog.

It wasn't much, but it wasn't like she had anything personal. Without rum or alcohol or excess gold, it was spacious, holding a few books, a few small daggers, and some pictures from a time gone by. She felt odd, sitting in the dark depths of the deck, a single gas lantern flickered on and off, but it was hardly company. Finally dulled and unable to sleep, she headed back on deck, the stars above shining the many constellations.

(Are we allowed to head into town?)

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