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Fantasy Sail With Me (Main)



Junior Member
liostwolf liostwolf , Nuclear Magician Nuclear Magician , JDaQuavion JDaQuavion , BlackeRaine BlackeRaine , Idees Idees , Boberto Beans Boberto Beans , PenutTheGhost PenutTheGhost (post order)

A red tiefling stood in waves, letting the water lap at his boots and legs, hands on hips, and in turn, on his weapons. He was waiting for someone, anyone to show up, a ship floating around in the docs behind him. The man had let out a poster a few weeks ago, months if you lived in Melenorth. He leaned against the wood of the floating docks and searched around, waiting, waiting, waiting. At this point he was getting impatient. He knew that he hadn't set a specific time up, but would assume most people would want to be early.
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Braddock's eyes darted back and forth as he crept through the Port Quarter toward the docks. He tried his best to appear nonchalant and avoid giving the impression that he was sneaking. He had to force himself not to swear as his metal shoes struck stone, the ringing causing him to flinch as he walked. Smiling politely as people turned to look at him, he started to whistle in what he hoped was a disarming manner. "Now, now, old boy. Nothing to see here. Just a common dockhand. No one special." Braddock nodded genteelly before straightening his bicorn and powering forward.

As he neared the docks, Braddock slowed, alert for the faintest sign of his parents' representatives. No one obviously stood out, but his parents were crafty. He wouldn't put it past them to tell their agents to dress like commoners rather than wearing their uniforms. Slowly twirling his moustache, he grinned to himself. His parents might be sneaky, but so was he. He'd ditched the finer elements of his outfit weeks ago. Giving the docks one last thorough look, he straightened his bicorn again and strode toward the appointed place. He could see an imposing figure ahead, blood-red skin standing out against the ship behind him. "A suitably roughish fellow, I'm sure. With a ship of his own, no less. Quite a fortunate discovery. And to think someone was going use that poster to wipe" Head up, shoulders back, Braddock strode forward, arm outstretched to the pirate before him. "Capital day, wouldn't you say, old boy? Braddock Colt. Buccaneer extraordinaire. How do you do."
Seiga thought many things, his past, his family, the people, the guards. But he's seen this poster, and thought maybe he could change for the better, this was a chance, it might be risky, but looking on both the negative and the positive sides, he's decided to come to this place these docks, to maybe find a change, there could probably no one and just a bummer, but he can't turn back now, he creeps to the docks with stealth and style. Then he ditches his plan and goes straight up to the docks. Seeing many people, considering maybe to find somebody who possibly looks like him, or even related in a small way, considering everybody on his land thought he was disgusting, but maybe that was just the guards. He looks around for somebody who seems important, seeing all the people looking at him he tries to ignore them, he tries to tell them to politely to stop talking about his race. He sees a interesting bunch talking and he walks over.

He sees the "human horse thingy" (Centaur) giving an outstretched arm to the pirate humanoid red creature. "A very fine day isn't it? How are you all doing?" "Never been doing well myself." he mutters. "You people seem interesting, Why have both of you come here?'
Fidgeting vigorously with the bandana tied around her neck, the cat-shifter grew ever more anxious. Yes, she had wanted to be at the docks earlier than the time stated on the poster, but there were too many people out for her liking. The path she was taking to the meeting place was completely packed with others at every which way, which in turn made Marsali- the least trusting person in existence practically, turn tail and hide in a narrow alleyway. She had stayed there for at least half an hour now, and she wasn't ever planning on leaving. She was terrified and reasonably so, the last time she ever drew attention to herself ended up with her dying- and she didn't have an extra life now, so if she somehow came across him again... it really would be the end this time. It was nearly impossible for her to encounter her murderer in this place, and she knew that but he had haunted her thoughts and dreams for months now, and she was scared that he would somehow show up in the crowd she had to pass through to get to the docks. However, Marsali realized that if she stayed here, she would never be free of her fear or of him... she would forever carry on the way she had been and continue on with becoming more and more of a shell of herself.

So, slowly standing up, she took a deep breath... and stepped out of the alley. Immediately her anxiety returned, but she pushed through it, digging her nails into her palms and gulping hard as she made her way through the crowd. Marsali felt sick once she made it to the other side, and panted heavily, almost vomiting a handful of times, but she calmed herself and looked straight ahead, a faint smile falling over her face as she saw the ship and her new crew members. Walking towards them she calmed even more, enough to introduce herself to everyone in a quiet and soft voice,
"Greetings, my name is Marsali... nice to meet you all..." She said, standing a bit away from the others as she was still a tad bit nervous.
Celery frowned as she gazed in the direction of the glaring sun, it was later than she had accounted for. Settling her affairs had taken a good chunk of her time - an entire week - and it seemed to have eaten a portion of her time today. Sighing heavily, Cetly scolded herself for sleeping in and then sighed again.

She wasn't even sure what time of day it was, which worried her. The posters specified that today was the day, but not the time. Celery was hoping to show up early in order to make a good impression.

Ah well, might as well commit.

Celery made her way towards a stall selling pancakes in condensed milk and bought two. She was hungry and she was going to have her - admittedly - late breakfast. Strolling casually amongst the various denizens present on the streets, Celty casually examined them in passing and greeted a few. She had no idea who these people were, but it's best to be nice.

After finishing her pancakes, Celty stopped at an entrance of the docks and paused. It was busy, as a trading dock should be and gazing around, she saw quite a few ships and workers present. Another quick flick of the eyes and Celty's eyes settled on a eccentric group. Not in the variety of species present in the group, but they how they were standing still and awkwardly staring at each other. Celty was used to dockhands constantly being on the move.

" I wonder..." Celty mumbled to herself, staring at the group. Giving them another once over, Celty decided to take her chance and made her way to them in a her casual pace. Arriving at the group, Celty greeted them. "Hello, I am Celty and may I inquire if this is the crew that ... uh... placed the posters?"
Atlas walked through the shadows, talking to himself. He saw a gruop of people talking at the docks and decided that they must be the crew. Remember, ya gotta be careful, the Smiling Demon said. They might not be who we're looking for. Cautiosly, he walked towards them. "Curious group," Atlas said under his breath. He had just been walking around endlessly in search of the docks. He couldn't get a map or ask for directions because he was technically a criminal. Oh my god! You're so SLOW! Walk faster. Atlas sighed and picked up his pace. He was hungry. He hadn't had much food and barely any rest.

"Hello. We-I am Atlas." He said as he entered the docks. He didn't want them to think he was crazy. "I'm a half-phantom and I've come from Branswhit. Well, actually the Land of Exiles. Well, I wasn't technically the one who was exiled. It was... the Smiling Demon." The Smiling Demon came out of his back. Hiya guys. Bet you all think we're crazy, me and Atlas. I'm the Smiling Demon!
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"Why the fuck did it have to be infested..." he groaned, turning his dinghy further from the edge of the harbor.

Humans, pirates or even human pirates would make Moby sick to the stomach - a feeling that developed growing up in Melanorth. Moby didn't exactly hold any grudge or hatred towards them alone but they reminded him of his villainous father, Drake Wilkes Volkan the 7th. Because of his lineage he was supposed to be the 8th in line but he rejected it, sick of the family he had no choice in being a part of. Instead he gave himself the name 'Moby Finn' and ran away from his father in hopes of finding the other part of his family - the Sirens.

He had his suspicions that he wasn't completely human but he only learnt the truth from his father after almost murdering the man he loathed and hated. With this information he decided to flee from his life as his son and renounce any relatedness to his family. His lonesome travels eventually brought him to this harbor with the hopes of finally getting a boat and setting out to sea. Although he knew he would eventually come across both humans and pirates he had to stomach them as this was the only way he could find the family he had been looking for, especially if he had a chance of reuniting with the mother he never had.

After sailing for what felt like eons he finally saw the ship he had been looking for. He then saw his crew waiting on the docks - a weird lot at the very least. After getting off his dinghy, he climbed the ladder up onto the docks and strolled over to the 'merry crew'. Unbeknownst to him, a grin like his father's slowly grew on his face as he edged closer…

**ps sorry for late reply
Ohc’Alric was very glad as he saw more people slowly materialize from the crowd, gathering around him. He eagerly shook Braddocks hand, then offered his hand to the others in the group, β€œYes yes, it’s I who put out” he whipped out the poster from his coat pocket, flashing it to them all. β€œLovely to meet you, you all! I am Ohc’Alric,. Or I suppose Captan Ohc’Alric. if you haven’t heard of me, great. If you have, even better” his eyes flicked to those still lingering away, and gave them a beckoning with his hand β€œCome closer, come closer, I doubt any of us will bite, and if they do I’ll make sure it’s not fatal” he wearily eyed the purple extremity coming from one of the men.

Backing up a bit he spread his hands, smiling, their ship behind him β€œThis, is our vessel. She has served me well for under a year, and will hopefully serve me better for longer. Now, don’t dally. There is much to be done” And with that he swung his self into the ledge and from there he was on the boat, if one looked close enough they would see a slight discoloration from the places he had landed. Clearly, this was a common occurrence.
Braddock tugged one of his moustaches as Ohc'Alric leapt aboard the ship.

Suitably roguish indeed. Dreadful name, though. We're going to need something snappier for the wanted poster.

Grinning, Braddock gave a casual glance around for his parents' goons. Then he charged. Steel shod hooves pounded against the pier, timbers groaning under the impact. As he reached the end, he leapt, momentum carrying him clear over the captain's head. Winking down at the tiefling, his hooves brushed the captain's hair.

His bulk carried the young centaur through the air, clearing half the deck's width before he started to drop. His hooves struck the deck with a loud crack, and for a moment, he stood there proudly, bicorn raised triumphantly into the air. Then with a loud crack, the board beneath his rear hooves gave way in a shower of splinters, and he stumbled backwards. The steel of his hooves slipped on the damp wood, and he careened back through the hatch to the hold. He fell with a panicked cry, striking the deck below with a loud thump.

Task number one. Buy grippy horseshoes.
Seiga looks at Braddock like he's a maniac, he tries to avoid conflict but the crowd is shouting everywhere. He then tries to give a hand to Braddock but realizes he's a minotaur, so he tries to lift him back up. He fails. He doesn't jump on the boat, knowing what happened to Braddock, he then walks up on the boat and asks,
"Can anybody help me lift up this guy!" he shouts out. He gives a smile to Ohc'Alric and waits for what he says.
Marsali listened intently as Ohc’Alric spoke, looking over the ship as he mentioned it and marveling at the sight. Yes, she had seen vessels like the thing before, but she had never been so close to one… and now not only was she getting to see a ship like this up close, but she was also going to be living on it! It actually made her quite excited, the cat-shifter even gave a faint smile, taking a few steps closer to her Captain as he beckoned for her and the others.

The closer she got though, the more her excitement turned into anxiety. Marsali’s tail swished side to side as she tensed up. She glanced at all her crew mates quickly, finding it a struggle to stand so close to these people that she knew nothing about. It truly was hard for her, but with a sigh and a tight grab on her bandana, she inched forward even more, watching in awe as Ohc’Alric leapt onto the ship… but then gawking in horror as the centaur crashed.

The cat-shifter winced, the hairs on her tail raising and her eyebrows furrowing. Was the other okay? How badly was he injured from that fall? She had no clue, but surprisingly she went to help.

Marsali ran forwards, towards the ship, launching herself off of the dock with intense power. She quickly cleared the gap, but she realized that she shouldn’t land directly on her feet, knowing that it would probably hurt her from the force behind her leap, so, instead she brought her arms forward and tucked herself into a ball. With this position the woman hit the hard-wood dock gently, rolling and standing up quickly as she made her way to Braddock.

She winced again at the sight, knowing that it must’ve hurt to go through the deck as the centaur did. Looking to the strange creature beside her though, the cat-shifter shook her head. There was absolutely no way the woman could help lift Braddock’s, not when she was so weak and he was half horse! So, instead she sighed and cleared her throat, preparing it for the difficult task of speaking, β€œSir… are you alright? Nothing is broken, is it?” Marsali leaned over Braddock as she asked, with what seemed to be genuine concern evident in her expression.
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There was no way Celty would be able to pronounce the Captain's name, she had no idea how to wrap her tongue around the pronounciation. So Captain it is.

Celty watched as the Centaur crashed into the ship - literally. She winced with how close Braddock came to braining their new Captain in the head with his steel showed hoofs and winced even more with how the deck collapsed underneath. Weren't ships supposed to be sturdier?

Another glance at the deck had Celty taken aback. When did everyone get aboard? Also, was jumping into the ship going to be a thing?

Sighing, Celty resolved to be the reasonable one of the crew and glanced around. Spotting the gangplank for the ship docked nearby, Celty crossed it and onto the ships deck. Without incident.

"Is everyone all right?" Celty asked. "That looked shocking, kid."
"Ohc'Alric... what a strange name... I actually said that, didn't I." Idiot. As Atlas looked around, he was surprised to see that not many people were surprised about The Smiling Demon. Even the people at the Land of Exiles were surprised when they saw him. Atlas heard a crash. He looked towards the origin and saw that the centaur had crashed into the ship. Ha! Dumb horse thing. Atlas had tried to make him go away, but no luck. "Shut up! Sorry about him. He didn't mean it." 'The poor Centaur,' Atlas thought. 'He looks quite strong, so he's probably not very hurt.' Atlas walked onto the ship and saw the centaur and the cat person. "Are you okay... Braddock, was it? That looked quite painful."

Moby stared up at the ship to see his 'crew' helping the centaur after his foolish stunt. Amateurs he thought as he watched them scramble in silence.

Even my father's crew wasn't this...ignorant

He winced at the sudden memory of them: Brutes, savages and scum of the earth. Atleast however, they knew what they were doing. Ofcourse new crewmates blundered and made their mistakes but most (if not all) atleast looked like they had experience and skill. This wasnt the case for these people unfortunately.

With a heavy sigh, Moby went to join the lot on the main deck to atleast survey their vessel.

First things first is the railings...
He made his way to the opposite side of the ship and curled his fingers around the smooth wood.
Cheap but clean he thought.
Sitting or leaning on this would have you falling overboard - a safety hazard already.

Moby then stared back at the group, still assisting the Centaur who already caused damage to the ship the second he got on. Yet another safety hazard, but somehow my father DID make use of such buffoons - what they lacked in brain power they made up in strength. Although the man was a horrible father, he was a good captain to make things work.

At the thought of this he turned to his new captain, waiting to see if the man was worthy of the title.

Make you move.
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Ohc’Alric was dumbfounded as he watched the center jump on and /break/ his ship. He ground his jaw as the others tried to help him. He shoved them away and stormed up to Bradock "You know? I almost liked you." He shot out his hand. "Pay up, that will be 500 gold for the mages to fix my boat. Howevery you managed to break her, I have no idea." He glared at him before looking to the others. "No one help this man until the gold is in my hands"

It seemed cold. And it most likely was. But he also didn't want others to start thinking they could go around and walk all over him. He looked over to the center one last time before facing the rest of the crew "Rule one. Dont fuck up my ship"
Braddock hauled himself to his hooves, staring up through the hole in the deck at the ring of faces. *Five hundred gold pieces for a few boards?* The centaur did some quick mental arithmetic, comparing the price to his expenses at home. *That's barely the price of a bottle of wine. Clearly, our dear leader is going to need a financial advisor who knows what's what if he expects to get this thing back in order.*

Raising his bicorn, he waved to the others. "Have no fear, chums. Twas a short fall. I've had far worse climbing trees. I shall be fine." He turned to stare at the Captain. *Ol'ric. Ohh'lric. How the blazes do you say it. Going to need to get him to repeat it.* "It's a fair price, Captain. Alas, I was set upon as I made my way here. All I can do is offer my cut of our first prize." Drawing his sword, he pressed the flat of the blade to his lips. "I so swear." He glanced back up to the Captain. "Until then, I have skill enough to make the repairs. All I need is some timber and a few hammers, and I'll have it right as rain." He cocks his head. "Either that, or we can kick the crap out of those thieves and use the money to repair the ship."
Seiga was exploring the ship while those two were having an interaction, scanning the safest places, the most dangerous places.
He comes back to them, "Braddock you've gotta find some of the materials and repair it yourself, you can't just rely on others to find ur materials and then for you to repair the ship."

Seiga tried to make a point, without being rude.

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