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One x One Safehouse

Oh okay! Cool! I'm having a rough day, so forgive me, but I'm going to take a break. I may get on later tonight, maybe.
Yeah no worries, just post your character sheet whenever you feel like it!

Also, do you want to start it when you're ready and i'll reply to it as soon as I can?

Hope everything gets better! <3 sending love your way ^^
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hahaha perfect timing ? lol well i'm ready to start when you are ~

but how have things been? Hope everything is going well! <3
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Gah, I still need to get my character up don't I? I'll work on it tomorrow. I have to be up early tomorrow, so I need to finish homework and attempt to get some sleep.
hahaha yeahh, but i'm sure it'll be worth the wait ^^

Good luck on it! If you need help with whatever that is NOT math, engineering or anything science, then feel free to ask :D I might be able to help? > < haha only if you're stuck and have no other options

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