Safe Haven


Boys, eat your heart out

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to the roleplay unless someone drops out.

New York, June 28th, 2182.

The murder of Francesca Hall, duchess to the Hall Royal Family. The coroner reported that the cut on her neck, from ear to ear, was the strike that killed her. The murderer(s) wanted her to suffer, by burning her with cigarettes and pouring hot water over her. She was bound and gagged in her home. Her husband, the Duke of the Hall Royal Family, was at a dinner party with some of New York's officials in honor of the Emergency Response Teams. Harold Hall, the Duke, is the prime suspect in this murder, believed to have hired someone while he was out with all the ERT's,

Duke was arrested with no evidence other than motive, knowing that if she was to die, all her riches go to him where he married into wealth.

The police commissioner did not rule out the possibility of gang-relations. She was burned with cigarettes, a trademark of the Yellow Lions, she had her throat sliced, Trademark of White Lilies, and the hot water was used before, in another murder investigation that went cold. The death of Marilyn Grace, and disappearance of her eight year old son.

Safe Haven is what the police refer to as one of a many few runaway hideout. Safe Haven has never been found by any law enforcement. It's a place for adolescents to go, to feel 'safe'. Although they are the 'bad eggs' of society, they feel as if they need someone to know what they have lived through. In Safe Haven, everyone has your back, no matter what. These kids have nothing else to lose, other than friendships, and they know enough not to ruin those.

It has been a month since the Hall Murder, and the mayor of New York passed a law. All unaccompanied children, from newborn to seventeen years old will be taken in and put in homes for the unwanted if they are unclaimed within 24 hours. This will give police access to them 24/7. This will give them DNA, fingerprints, and whatever stories they need to crack the case of Francesca Hall.

Anyone from the ranged ages will have to wear a wristband, encoded with their personal information, such as their birth names, alias's, birthdays, age, etc. These runaway kids don't have those, and need to be much more careful on the streets when they go out at night.

Safe Haven is one of the few places unscathed by this new child law. It is hidden in plain sight.

Types of Gangs

The White Lilies are a group of girl's, also unscathed by the new child law. Their hide-out, known as The Pond, is also hidden, but known about by all of those in safe haven.

The Purple Dragons are a group of martial artist's, somewhat affected by the law. Their hideout, that was unnamed, was overtaken by police, and the majority of them were hauled away. Only a few survived.

The Red Foxes were a group of skilled teens, only male. They knew how to break in and out of a house undetected, and knew how to survive on basic instincts. Their Den was also affected by the law, and as a result many of them were hauled away.

The Yellow Lions were violent, and very aggressive. They had to be on top of everything, but their leader was protective of his own. He hid the girls when he got wind of the police raid. He was hauled off, the pride began to fall apart. Now they are a group of young lioness cubs, shattered and broken without the leadership of their Dominant Lion. Safe Haven offered them a home if they ever were to need it.

The Fallen Angels are the inhabitants of Safe Haven. Although all have attitude, have no homes, and are alone in the world, they will care about those in need.
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