Sadow-sama's OC List


Master of Creation, Lord of Cosmic Storms, and Hug
Just a list of characters I've made, everywhere from merchants and laborers to gods and demons themselves. Will update this as I feel like it. Enjoy! ^w^


Name: Aegan Keirn

Nickname/alias/codename: Lord Aegan Keirn II, Aegan Spellfire, the Sword of the Veil

Gender: Male

Race: Gaean-human

Age: 23

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Place of origin: Lothhaven, Alderia, Gaea

Appearance: Black of hair with hazel-green eyes that glow a vibrant bluish purple when using his abilities. As a Battlemage, he goes into battle wearing thick Alderian steel plate with a chainlink vest underneath for added protection. His hair is often worn in a long Alderian "sunbush", which others of the mainstream galaxy call a "foxtail". His skin is somewhat pale and his body is well-toned and lined with scars and burns from countless battles fought both on his people's soil, and in other planes.

Personality: Noble and fierce of both body and heart, Aegan of the Alderian Vassal House of Keirn has devoted his life to the sword, never paying much mind to Magick or the realms of spirits, gods, or other supernatural phenomena. His first and foremost priority was his family's protection. Proud and regal, Aegan was the head of his family next to his younger brother, Aegas. The two were inseparable, and Aegan got along well with his other family members as well. When House Roldo and Vordis annihilated House Keirn, Aegan's main pursuit became vengeance. While passionate and fiery about what he deems is right and wrong, Aegan abides himself by the Alderian traditional values of diplomacy and honor. He now views Magick as a tool - a weapon to be used to protect the weak and innocent and smite the wicked and deplorable. 




Name: Ivor Telvos

Nickname/alias/codename: Master Ivor

Gender: Male

Race: Wridvaan (Iron Elf)

Place of origin: Irith Kai, Wridvale, Thyraesal

Appearance: Like many Wridvaan, Ivor has soft, gold-blonde hair, amber eyes, and pale skin. He is very lithe and short, with long, pointed Vaan ears and gentle features. He often wears fine, red Vurulian silk robes accented with yellow and green. He wears a Telvos Signet ring on his right hand's second middle finger and a Merchant Caste ring on his left hand's first middle finger.

Personality: Ivor is very business-oriented and greedy, constantly seeking to further both his own position and that of his family, the Merchant Caste Telvos clan of Irith Kai. As a Sil-fidir, Ivor revels in being able to be away from his homeland and negotiate trade with other realms of the Elvish world of Thyraesal on behalf of his family rather than sitting behind a desk day and night, pressing pens over paper to no end. Despite this, Ivor is very cautious and, to most outsiders, seemingly cowardly, seeking to run from most conflicts rather than stay and fight.


Name: Tao

Nickname/alias/codename: None

Gender: Unknown, commonly referred to as male

Race: Irisdaj (Isolation Daemon)

Place of origin: Hell, unknown plane

Appearance: Tao is a very strange appearing being. Humanoid in shape, Tao's body is half black and half white in a ying-yang style, split down the center of his torso and head by a vertical line. His eyes are slits with the one on his black half being completely white and the other black, the same being with his mouth which never moves and is eerily split between a frown on the black half and a smile on the white similarly to the Melpomene and Thalia, or Comedy and Tragedy masks. His fingers have either black or white lines, depending on which side of his body they are on, connecting from the edges all the way to the last knuckle bones. His voice is always soft, calm, and faint to the ear.

Personality: Tao is an enigma to all around him. Many times, he will be found speaking to himself as if he were holding a conversation with someone else. He moves like a spectre most times, without making a single sound or sign of breath, but when engaged in combat, his body can be shown to be extremely fast and durable, twisting and contorting in ways many would think to be painful and would surely break bones. He displays an almost child-like curiosity over most things, though keeps to himself often. His allies often disregard him as an asocial creep, but he explains he merely prefers his own company. He holds no sense of morals or empathy, being fully willing and capable of torturing and killing other beings without a hint of remorse.


Name:Ashley Weber

Nickname/alias/codename: Ash

Gender: Female

Race: Terran-human

Place of origin: Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S, Terra

Appearance: With raven-black hair with green eyes and dark skin, Ash's Native American heritage from her mother's side shows. She stands at around 5'10" and is of a decent build, though many of her friends and colleagues describe her as fit and even somewhat muscular. She has a scar running horizontal against the bridge of her nose that was sustained in an accident when she was younger. She typically wears T-shirts of various things she enjoys and cargo pants/jeans.

Personality:Ashley is head-strong and willful, living life by her own laws and code. She has been described as very fiery and passionate by some, and very sassy and opinionated by others. She is very invested in machine engineering and the military, hoping to land a career as a naval mechanic someday. She is very interested in science fiction and action-oriented films, owning quite a few of both in a collection she is proud of.


New Neif 2.jpg

Art by Zexeos

Name: Neifara Kordai

Nickname/alias/codename: Neif, Neif the Thief, Kitty the Kidd

Gender: Female

Race: Felisian

Place of origin: Felios (born), Vil Ratta (raised)

Appearance: Neif is a Felisian - a humanoid feline whose body is covered in fur and boasts a tremendous flexibility and stamina along with an expressive tail. Neif's fur in particular is a sandy blonde with her slitted eyes being green. She typically wears a brown duster-like longcoat with a wide brimmed hat, a style she inherited from her mentor, Sorus Arturian. Under these she wears a lighter brown spacer's vest and white undershirt with brown flight pants, fingerless dark brown gloves, a brown, leather utility belt, and a pair of dark brown boots with rocket enhancements attached at the ankles.

Personality: Neif is a very complex individual - wrought with past traumas and personal downfalls that plague her to this day. She relies heavily on intoxicating chemicals such as alcohol and drugs to numb herself from the pain of depression she suffers from. Her moods can vary depending on the situation and how much Eusoren-II she has injected into herself. She can be a bouncy and friendly party-animal one minute, and a sarcastic jerk the next. Many who know her thanks to her reputation in many galactic governments regard her as a smooth-talking trickster and self-serving con artist, jumping from one ship port to the next to enjoy what pleasures she can indulge in before her Bounty Hunter pursuers catch up to her. She distrusts practically everyone she meets and is hesitant to warm up to people who she is not using for one end or another, but when someone manages to win her trust and friendship, she will remain loosely loyal to them so long as her own safety is not severely jeopardized in the process.


Name: Arthur Heskin, Sorus Arturian

Nickname/alias/codename: Captain Sorus, the Summer Fox, the Red Prince of the Reach,

Gender: Male

Race: Corullan Human

Place of origin: Corulla (Birth), Vort Katai (Raised)

Appearance: Sorus is a human with short and soft brown hair and hazel eyes with flecks of green. He has peach colored skin and is of a light-modest build, boasting an average strength of a human his age but with great reflexes and flexibility. Like Neif, he often wears a dark brown longcoat but with his personal symbol emblazoned on the back. Beneath this, he wears a white tunic, dark brown flight pants, fingerless brown gloves, and dark brown boots. Just like with Neif, he wears a brown, wide brim hat though his lacks the cut along the brim that Neif's has. He typically can be seen with a chaff of Nurvani Sunwheat in his mouth due to a belief that the plant's juices help sustain youth.







Place of origin:


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