Sadness Within Me


Love is Stronger Than Evil, It Will Protect You.
Dear RpNation Role-players,

Once Upon a time there was a person called Jack who used Massivecraft forums, He Loved When People Joined his roleplays, but they never did. So he started trying to get people to join, but no one was interested so he thought for a while and let the summer days pass hoping, just someone would join. He tried making friends but non-successful, but he made one or two. Although he Loved roleplay he was never interested in any of the topics, only the ones he made. He Started Drawing and Invested so much time into getting people into his roleplay but non did... this made Jack feel sad that everything he did, was a mistake. This when he started RpNation, still no one liked his topics. All he wanted was roleplay viewers to play his content.

Jack Never Had Friends, Only Online Ones, who actually Liked his content.
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You might try narrowing your focus. If your ideas aren't working in groups you might try the 1x1 threads and looking for partners. Or as has been mentioned in other threads :

Making interest checks is a good way to get people interested. Or just posting in the general discussion threads and making some friends.

RPNation is a pretty friendly community and there are tons of people that would happy to give constructive criticism or helpful advice or even just hang out talking about various general discussion topics.

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