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|| Through the portal / What seems like Tokyo

Status || Annoyed and Intrigued

With || Team 1: Kasumi (@Chibii), Tamako (@Zero Gravity), and Misaki (@ailurophile)

Miyamoto did not feel content with this team, they all had different strengths and weaknesses to them which could make them all-rounders. She didn't wan't all rounders. She wanted to do this mission by herself because she could do it. But no, of course there had to be a team. In all honesty, she was pissed off, but no one would be able to tell from her expression. Her and teams do not go together. She is awful at team work and doesn't do it unless she has to, which she never does. So the situation she was in now made her want to just jump out the window of the Jeep and go off on her own. Of course, she couldn't do that, for she would be seen as a rebellion against the government's orders and abandoning her team, so she didn't.

But despite her irritated mood, she was also intrigued about it. Everything felt... Odd. The stillness of the air felt odd, the sun on her skin felt odd, the emptiness of Tokyo felt extremely... Well, odd. It was like an abandoned city. She had been to the Other World many times, and had felt the same way before, but she wasn't sure what it was. Was it discomfort? Worry? Suspiciousness? Curiosity? Most likely none of those. She couldn't put her finger on it. But that didn't matter. She had to toss her feelings aside and focus on the mission. The mission to rescue the elementary schoolers.

Miyamoto didn't know what to think of the mission at first, so she didn't think of it at all. But as they were on their way to the school, she wondered what they'd come across. The Tokyo that they were in was run-downed and abandoned, only inhabited by those who were sucked in through the portal and tainted from the radioactivity. The thought of having to fight and kill elementary schoolers sent a small shiver down her back. She could handle adults and elderly, but children? She hadn't tried it yet. Then again, she was always ready for a fight. So if it was a fight they wanted, it was a fight they'd get.

So far, the Jeep ride had been quiet. She wasn't sure, nor did she care, about what they others were thinking about, but she was happy they weren't yapping her ear off at the moment.


Location || Through the portal / What seems like Tokyo

Status || Eek...

With || Team 2: Yue (@theglassangel), Reiko (@Leaf Fi), Aya (@Lilah Tunth), and Yumiko (@LannaCrowe)

Deep breath.

One, two.

One two.

Ami's hands were shaking and as much as she tried to hide it. This was her first mission and she was super nervous about this. Her eyes would glance around at the other girls in the car, nervously. Breathing fast and shallow. Sure, she was driving the Jeep at, technically, three years old, but she had the mind of a fourteen year old, so that was fine... Right?

The girl had heard many stories about this 'other world', a lot of it was not very pleasant. Her eyes went from the girls to stuff within their jeep. It included school bags which contained stuff that would be able to sustain them and help them survive. She felt her stomach growl, and even though she wasn't a 004, she was still starving. They hadn't fed them hen they rushed them awake so could you blame her?

She knew the mission, she tried to distract herself from her hunger; Ami and the others needed to find whoever was at the elementary school and save them as quickly as possible before they die. The girl's crimson eyes widen when they got through the portal, it looks chaotic here. Like the opposite of what Tokyo appears to be: beautiful and peaceful. The opposite of what she thought it would be. From the stories, she heard it was a foul place full of only monsters and awful creatures that haunt your dreams.

The sight of the calm and abandoned Tokyo actually calmed her instead of freaked her out.
"Uhm..." She mumbled, trying to break the stale silence that hung in the Jeep, "I'm Shikuma Ami. It's a pleasure to meet and work with you all!" She said, offering them a weak smile as she drove. She knew one of the girls in the car, which was amazing news to her. Her close friend Yumiko as the 005. It relieved her when she realized she was coming along. Yumiko was exactly what she needed to get through the mission.

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? Kurumi Shouta ?


?????????Through the portal; In the Jeep

???????Intrigued & Excited

????? Kasumi, Miyamoto, Tamako & Misaki

Dull, worn out and exactly like she expected. Kurumi wasn't surprised at the way Tokyo looked. It was just like how they'd described it, lifeless and run down. Kurumi sighed to herself, her hands gripping the steering wheel a she took a turn, her eyes focusing on the road ahead of her, though her mind was wandering. Her team was good... Well, by her standards they were okay. Most of them were average on the battle field, though put together they made up an awesome team composition. From the corner of her eye, Kurumi looked at Tamako, her bright blue eyes first focusing on the Type 004's horns, which to her, looked very nice.

Kurumi then turned back to the road, letting out a deep sigh. Turning the steering wheel once more as her eyes looked towards the scenery. Kurumi bit her lip as she thought about the mission. They were to rescue elementary school students, though that wasn't what she was worried about. What Kurumi was worried about was the fact that she'd have to kill the ones tainted by radioactivity. Kurumi tried to think of them like one of the other tainted ones. Like the adults or the elders, but it didn't work. Kurumi might not be the most emotional, but there was a limit.

For now the jeep was silent, and for once, Kurumi didn't want to change the silence. The fact that there wasn't any talking to be done gave her some space to think. Kurumi was excited yet nervous, and she was just a ball of mixed feelings right now. She bit her lip as her eyes focused on the road ahead...


<K A S U M I>


Inside the Jeep, Traveling through the alternate Tokyo


Determined, somewhat wary


Team 1 [002 Miyamoto @Chibii ] [004 Tamako @Zero Gravity ] [005 Misaki @ailurophile ]

Kasumi was putting most of her attention on the passing surroundings. The alternate dimension was eerily beautiful, it's emptiness and silence appealing to her. Speaking of eery, the weather was a little too good to be true. It gave a foreboding feeling off to Kasumi. She knew the upcoming mission was very important, as was any other mission. Maybe it was because she was saving children and teachers, but this mission in particular hit a little closer to home than any other normal mission. Sure scientists were important enough, but the fact that there were defenseless children there gave the mission an even larger sense of urgency to Kasumi.

So far, her new team had been silent, which only added to the off-putting atmosphere. It still didn't bother her outright, but she thought, perhaps, it would be nice to become acquainted with her team before going out and risking their lives. She had a feeling that no one in the cramped Jeep was exactly talkative, herself included, but an attempt never hurt anyone. She cleared her throat, breaking the ongoing silence.

"Before we reach the school, should we introduce ourselves? It seems awkward to go into a mission knowing little to nothing about your partners. I'm Kasumi Furuya, and if you don't want to say anything else that's fine by me," She started, trying to open up conversation. It was never her strong point, as conversation skills didn't seem to be important to her trainers, and for her line of work, she could see why she wasn't made to be the chattiest person on the planet. She swallowed, a bit anxious to see if anyone would follow her example, or if she'd just embarrass herself by trying.
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Nozumi Yue

Location: Through the portal/What seems like Tokyo

Status: Calm and introspective

With: Reiko, Ami, Aya and Yumiko

It was another morning mission. It was never pleasant to interrupt a 001's nocturnal schedule, but being one of the more "stealthily inclined" battle girls, she was forced to come along. Yue almost felt blinded in the bright sunlight of the early morning. Yue was familiar with the older battle girls like Reiko, whom she had known personally. The assassin had only heard of Yumiko and Aya, but never personally spoken to them. This meant that Ami was a bit of a wild card to Yue. She didn't blame her though, the other girls must be wild cards in her perspective as well. Deciding to be friendly with the other girls in the car as per usual, Yue looked at her with her piercing multicoloured eyes and softly smiled. "Yue." She responded. The assassin flinched at the sunlight as the morning sun made contact with her eyes.

Her uniform was an all black suit as well as protective sunglasses that did nothing to hide the brightness in her own eyes. It was like if Batman's suit was tailored to her petite, athletic form. Her white hair in a sleek, silver ponytail and the rest of her skin was covered with a black mask. Unlike most 001 masks, she had personalized it to make it look like a masquerade mask. It was the closest thing she could get to expressing herself in such a high stress environment. But knowing Yue, she was chill. The girl always seemed to have a calm, cool air about her that most people would appreciate. Similar to the calm, expressionless girls that Yue was so familiar with, but different to the same girls that seemed so cold at the same time. Yue's air was gentle and smooth, for lack of a better word. The assassin had no problem with the weather nor the abandoned scenery. Hell, the girl wasn't even hungry.
"Or Nozumi, if we happen to be going for last name terms..." Yue added, quite placidly.

She absent-mindedly leaned against the window of the vehicle as her dreamy eyes followed the movement of nature and buildings.
"...Nozumi Yue..." Honestly, poor Ami, not being used to her calm demeanour. "But it's nice to be on first name terms... it makes communication and strategy flow easier..." Her soft and melodic voice echoed in the silent jeep. In case anyone didn't know her very well, it was how she always seemed to talk. To some, it was infuriating, how could a 001 talk like this? Truthfully, she would be lying if she said she wasn't scared, but what was the point of sounding scared to begin with? It was like the small girl was in a permanent state of dreaminess. Sadly, it must be part of the reason most people tended to underestimate her.

@Leaf Fi @Corgi @Lilah Tunth @LannaCrowe


Location;; Inside the Jeep, travelling to what appears to be Tokyo.

Status;; Interested, impatient.

Tags;; Kasumi, Kurumi, Miyamoto, and Tamako.

Tokyo was dull and lifeless, just as Misaki had expected, a shell of it's former self. As the Jeep sped along, the Type 005 girl sat in the back, quietly brooding and sorting through her supplies. She was not afraid, nor nervous, not even when her noughts strayed to the fact that they would have to 'dispose of' the children who had been tainted by the radioactivity. She could not bring herself to use the word kill, or murder, it made things too emotional. No, dispatch and dispose, those dehumanised things a little, she could carry out a

Much to Misa's irritation, her team seemed hellbent on keeping totally silent, leaving them all to their thoughts. Thankfully, one of the other girls finally piped up and introduced herself as Kasumi-- hm, quite a pretty name. The team had sparked Misa's interest, they were varied, unique, each a little mystery. Sensing that Kasumi was a little wary of her introduction, Misa decided to go next, allowing her lips to curl into a smile as she elegantly folded one long leg over the other.

"I'm Misaki, but you can all call me Misa for short, if you'd like. Since we'll be spending a lot of time together, I'd like us to be friends." She tilted her head to the side, still all smiles, yet her gaze was more calculating than warm. She was sizing them up.

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? Location: Through the portal//What seems like Tokyo ?

? Status: Preoccupied with her own thoughts, and somewhat worried about Ami ?

? With: Yue (
@theglassangel ), Ami (@Corgi ), Reiko (@Leaf Fi ) and Aya (@Lilah Tunth ) ?

Yumiko was rubbing her thumb against the edge of her skirt, scrutinizing at the white fabric. She wondered why Healers had to wear white uniforms, perhaps it was because white was associated with healing? But what if they happened to get blood on it? Wouldn't it be troublesome to wash off? The thought of blood made her gag slightly, and she tightened her grip on her staff which rested between her knees. As the jeep jerked slightly due to the cracked road of the post-apocalyptic terrain, she turned her attention to the view outside. She wasn't sure if she was supposed to find the world beyond the portal fascinating, but she did. It wasn't her first time seeing it, but it piqued her interest all the same. However, despite it being her third mission, she has yet to have the displeasure of meeting the awful creatures that have been rumored to prowl the area, not that she was complaining of course. Peering into an abandoned building in the distance, she tried to imagine what the creatures looked like.

Ami's soft voice pulled her back to the current situation within the jeep. As she spoke, Yumiko noticed that her hands were shaking. She was tempted to reach out and pat her close friend's head in an attempt to calm her down, but she was worried it might do the opposite and freak her out instead, and probably cause her to swerve off the road and into a building nearby. Thankfully, the stillness of the scenery seemed to have calmed Ami down slightly.

It was weird to see sunlight in such a place,the warm rays caught onto the ruby of Yumiko's and reflected off it, casting specks of red light around the Jeep. She glanced over at Yue as she finished her introduction. She'd seen Yue around before, especially when she was roaming around at night. She didn't exactly know the girl personally - the same went for Aya and Reiko, though she'd heard of them-, but Yumiko enjoyed her calm and dreamy voice. It reminded her of a gentle trickle of a stream, if that made any sense.

" Yumiko Ichikawa...you can call me Yumi if you want," Yumiko spoke up. She was sure Ami already knew her name, but she introduced herself anyway, for the sake of playing along.



L O C AT I O N : Through the portal/What seems to be Tokyo

S T A T U S : Rather quiet, yet in a somewhat relaxed and motherly mindframe

W I T H : Yue (@Kawaii) and Yumiko (

So far, Reiko was having a good old time staring out the window of the moving vehicle. With Excalibur resting between her legs, an absentminded expression on her features and the low hum of the truck breaking the veil of silence, the blonde could happily say she was at her most comfortable state in a while. The past few days had been hectic: extra hours had been put in for training, testing each battle girl to see if they were truly ready to face anything the portal threw at them as well as countless fitness exams. Needless to say, Reiko was aching every night she turned to bed, but thankfully today there was no pain.
'Not for long, anyways,' she pointed out with an internal sigh, resting her chin on the butt of the handle in front of her.

After a few more moments of silence, the girl cast her eyes around, quietly inspecting the girls around her. Out of the other four, she could only say she knew one and would trust her life upon her, and that would be Yue. Of course, this is due to actually speaking to the her the most and knowing her name. In saying this though, you would think Reiko was a bit of a loner. However, this is definitely not the case. Reiko thrives in social situations and has made many friends during her short life, however the majority of these friends were sent out with the other team... It was kinda depressing to be honest, especially with the fact that the gunner she liked the most was in the first team, so it seemed she was going to have the build up a trust with this new girl from the ground up... Aaaah... Hopefully it wouldn't take too long... For a moment she eyed up 002, studying her carefully. She had a rather lost, doe-like appearance with gentle features, but Reiko didn't believe in deciding ones personality based on looks alone. However, if this was the case with this girl and she was as sweet as her looks, it would be a major relief. After all, sweet girls make easy friendships, and thus a good working relationship would come quick and naturally.

Once her inspection was done, the same girl began to speak up, introducing herself to the small group of females. Her voice was gentle, hitting your ears like a soft breeze, and ever so endearing. Reiko couldn't help but release a tiny smile, slowly nodding her head to show she understood. Next to speak up was Yue, and unsurprisingly, she spoke as if reading poetry. Once again, the blonde began to smile a little more and nodded her head, however added a wink to her friend as if to say 'good job'. Then, the girl clad in white (most likely 005) spoke up. Her tone was also soft, but her words were curt and straight to the point. No formalities as such either... Maybe this was their stubborn girl, hm?

Not wanting to interrupt the other girl who had yet to introduce herself, Reiko reminded quiet for a bit before realising she wasn't going to. So, she took it upon herself to continue this conversation as to not make things awkward.
"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ami, Yue, Yumiko." Reiko straightened her posture and bowed her head before continuing, "I am Matsumoto Reiko, however you can refer to me as however you see fit. I look forward to working with each of you." With a mannerly tone and closed eye smile, she finished her own monologue before glancing at the final girl. "I don't believe you have spoken a word yet, but it's an honour to meet you too." She paused, keeping her attention on her. "And what would your name be, if you don't mind me asking?" This individual may be the more quiet type, so some reassurance might do the trick. Keeping a kind expression and a warm, inviting aura, she awaited the introduction of this girl patiently.

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Location: In the Jeep, travelling through a destroyed Tokyo.

Status: Very nervous, hiding it behind a facade of a calm aura.

With: Kasumi, Miyamoto, Kurumi, Misaki

Tamako was unbelievably nervous about this mission. Her cool, calm, and collected mask was surely going to melt away soon enough. She would have to murder -- no, murder was too serious of a word. She was going to have to exterminate the contaminated children, which already sounded terrifying enough. She was a child herself for crying out loud! She sat silently in the car, a bit embarrassed about how big her antlers were, with them almost touching the roof of the car. She tucked a piece of her brown hair behind her ear, brushing the band-aid on the bridge of her nose. With a soft sigh, she stared blankly out the window, shaking her head at the destructed state of the city. Wow, this place was a huge mess. It was a miracle that people even survived here, in all honesty. She had seen cities like this in pictures, slideshows, and demonstrations ever since she had began her training, but the real deal was so much more...explicit, per say. It was almost unreal in a completely horrifying way. This is what the world had come to, but they could beat it! She had ultimate faith in her team as well as the other teams that were in progress of being trained, as well as the other one that would be joining them on their mission. She jumped when she heard someone speak, as it had startled her out of her own thoughts. Her antlers hit the roof, and she felt her cheeks grow hot with embarrassment. "Um, I'm Tamako. You can call me anything you like, I guess," she mumbled, preferring to be silent rather than have a long conversation. It's not that she wanted to be rude, she just had a very hard time keeping conversations going. "It's nice to meet you," she said softly, a small smile on her freckled face.




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