• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern s t r a n d e d - ooc

im kinda of feeling like i should use troye??? but idk m8
hi! just wondering if this was open to everyone, or maybe just a specific group of friends? i'd like to join, but if you have a 'squad' per se, then no worries! just curious ^^
hi! just wondering if this was open to everyone, or maybe just a specific group of friends? i'd like to join, but if you have a 'squad' per se, then no worries! just curious ^^
its open to everyone! theres only 20 spots though, and no first come first serve so you'll be battling other people for spots.
omg philocaly philocaly I accidentally pressed edit on your post and then pressed done and I think I messed up your code. i would fix it if I knew how but I don't know how to. I'm so sorry.

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