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Realistic or Modern s t r a n d e d - cs

accepted characters


elena alvarez can i get an amen

Character Sheet

full name:
sexual orientation:
romantic orentation:


personality: vices & virtues or 2 paragraphs
how will your character react to/think of the crash?:
biography: (optional)
writing sample:

relationships: tbd after acceptance

ic | ooc
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full name: merida reign whilks
nickname: mer, whilkie
age: 17
birthday: may 7th
sexual orientation:
romantic orentation:
gender: cis-female
zodiac: taurus


jealous / snarky / sarcastic / rude / close-minded / clingy / lustful / always thirsty oops

smart / keeps a cool head / brave / team player / quick thinker

claustrophobia, planes

Is good at keeping a cool head.

storms / tree houses / music / cake

small spaces / ice cream / one direction / news channels / donald trump / her over protective brother

how will your character react to/think of the crash?:
Merida has always had your classic fear of planes, so crashes has always been her worst fear. She will be terrified, but will mostly try to shrug off her fear and act tough.

writing sample:

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full name: Langston Whilks
nickname: n/a
age: 19
birthday: may 5th
sexual orientation:
romantic orentation:
gender: cis-male
zodiac: taurus


ruthless / thinks about himself more than others / absolute jerk / has a soft spot for his younger sister whoops / sex addicted

literally nothing oops??? / sorta caring I guess / date his sister an he will cut you / pro lgbt+ / soft spot towards children

losing his family

not easily distracted

tea / glasses on girls / overwatch / tomato juice / sex / alcohol (his sister does not approve)

goody-goody two shoe people

how will your character react to/think of the crash?:
He could care less. His only and main priority will be to keep his sister safe.

writing sample:

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boop, wips are cool.
male character
name: tba
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full name - alison jane mckee

nicknames - ali, ali-cat

sex - female

gender - female

pronouns - she/her

age - seventeen

d.o.b - april third

s/o - bisexual

r/o - panromantic

ethnicity - german-american

.I hate normal people, they're fucking scary.

height -

weight -

hair -

eyes -

distinguishing features -

style -


talents -

likes -

dislikes -

quirks - major pothead, smokes or eats whenever stressed, if she eats too much she will make herself throw up, pulls on her hair when she is really upset, chews on the inside of her cheek when nervous or jumpy

fears -

strengths -

reaction -


.I thought you meant what you promised.

personality here

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teddy bailey west - 18 - july 5th - heterosexual - biromantic - cisfemale - cancer

vices_ sensitive, emotional, lustful, naive
virtues_ romantic, caring, excellent cook, sweet
fears_ isolation, airplanes, bugs
strengths_ baking, cooking, singing
likes_ sweet things, baking, 90s music, hair dye, 50s aesthetic
dislikes_ sour things, vegetables, rudeness, alcohol
reaction_ teddy is already terrified of planes so the idea of a crash is only going to make her cry.

biography_ wip
writing sample_ wip

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full name: Zufan Ife

age: 22

birthday: October 4th

sexual orientation: Asexual

romantic orientation: aromantic

gender: Female

zodiac: Libra




Zufan is an introverted intelligent woman. She enjoys reading books and learning all the world has to offer. She loves striking up conversations ranging from a wide variety of topics. She is a major worrier and always has to weigh pros and cons before she jumps into a decision, which is one of the major things that tends to make people irritated with her indecisiveness. No matter how open Zufan tries to be about everything, she does have a rather pessimistic outlook on things (i.e. Religion). She believes in facts rather than faith.

When things become too hard for her to piece together with logic, she gets upset and can be downright insensitive at times. She is a very loyal friend and tries to help out when she can.

fears: She fears being alone and watching people she cares about get hurt. Nothing makes her freak out more than the idea of not doing enough for those who need it.

strengths: Zufan has knowledge on botany, thinking every possible outcome out, cooking

likes: books, feeling useful, animals, music, sleeping, debating

dislikes: insects, rudeness, someone questioning her intellect

relationships: tbd after acceptance

how will your character react to/think of the crash?: Zufan is uncomfortable with airplanes to the point it gives her near anxiety at the thought. She is not fond of feeling weak, so she'll be in shock, but will bottle it up to come up with solutions. She is not great at hiding her emotions, and everyone will be able to tell she is struggling to cope with nearly dying.

writing sample:
Since being “impaled” by Algrim in Svartalfheim, Thor had thought he was dead. Loki, being the master of illusions, created a double of himself just in case things went south. There was no way Loki was going back to the dungeons and if he had to fake his death to do it, then so be it. Yet, a part of himself knew that was not the only reason. He could have let Thor die, but he sacrificed himself (or his illusion) for him.

Eventually, after spending some time on Svartalfheim, he went back to Asgard disguised as a guard to tell the Allfather about the demise of Loki. The oddest thing was that Odin was nowhere to be found and it was not like the man was in his Odinsleep; he just simply vanished without a trace. Puzzled, Loki took on the form of Odin. Not too long after Loki assumed Odin’s likeness and was masquerading as him that Thor had visited the throne room stating he was not ready to be king.

For so long, Thor’s arrogance and impulsiveness had all the becomings of an idiotic king who send Asgard to its ruin, but the man that stood before Loki (or Odin) was something that he could not help but look on with respect. The man that stood before him telling him he was not ready to be king was now a man that Loki could actually see one day becoming a king. The common misconception about Loki is that he desired the throne. Sure it would be nice to rule and forge a path for a better future, but it was not needed. He could still do that without a crown. All he ever wanted was to be seen as Loki. Not the titles placed upon him and the mocking, scornful words people would spew his way, just Loki.

Loki had been sitting in the Throne Room, the golden throne hard against his bottom. He shifted a bit when his legs started to go numb. How was Odin able to sit in this chair all the time? It was very uncomfortable and he made a silent note to ask one of the serving girls for a pillow to lay in the seat. There was a loud echo of boots against the hard floors, metal armor clacking against each other as the person moved. Not a moment too soon, a flash of blond hair flickered into view before the full, muscular body of Thor came into view. He didn’t have his red cape on, but Mjolnir was gripped quite loosely in his hand as he approached the throne.
Primordial Mother of Monsters

He waged war on her, and it hurt more than anything in the world to know that someone she regarded as a friend would do something like that. He said her children were nothing more than monsters that needed to be snuffed out. How dare He? Gomer was furious, she could feel every bit of it. Every scream from the pain of being slaughtered, she could feel it. It was this constant stab in the gut at every second of the day, but none compared to the heaviness in heart knowing her children were being killed because they were different.

She’s existed at the beginning of time and she has seen everything and created things, she never dreamed she would. God was her friend and he betrayed her; He took one look at her and spewed the vile words that declared her children to be at the receiving end of his wrath. Gomer had scoffed, He was nothing more than a coward. She knew He would send his children, his precious Angels, to finish His dirty work. What right did He have? So, she retaliated and began killing His children in hordes.

This sparked more intense fury in God and he became even furious; wasn’t He always? For too long had she been at the mercy of those who deemed her weak. She was not and neither were her children. All of Heaven and all of the universe was hers. She would make sure it would be so with the help of her remaining children and her special weapon, the baby she tucked away for safekeeping. If God wanted a fight, He was going to get one. It was going to be bloody with His children, and He will rue the day He decided to mess with her.

Gomer’s only hope was the child that was prophesized to be the Anti-Christ. Lucifer helped, although he was skittish about the whole idea. He never really took to well to the concept of being a father, but he still went through with it anyway. Her precious baby girl, born from her form as a Jackal and fathered by Lucifer, will be the greatest thing that happened to her because it meant that their family will finally not live in the shadows but dominate every single inch of this universe.

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name: jodi zheng li xuan
nickname: jojo/li li
age: nineteen
gender: cisgender female
sexual orientation: bisexual
romantic orientation: panromantic
birthday: 14th july; cancer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sit amet erat quis elit ultrices fringilla eu vitae leo. Fusce nec auctor urna. Nam mauris felis, sodales sed ipsum sit amet, suscipit fringilla dolor. Donec lectus neque, convallis sit amet vulputate id, pellentesque at mauris. Ut accumsan non diam sit amet consequat. Pellentesque sed quam tempor, bibendum odio a, efficitur lorem. Phasellus eu auctor libero. Ut ante augue, efficitur non nibh consequat, pretium dignissim eros. Etiam euismod lacus a nisl consectetur bibendum. Donec elementum urna nunc, non aliquam nibh interdum hendrerit. Vivamus sit amet egestas purus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sit amet erat quis elit ultrices fringilla eu vitae leo. Fusce nec auctor urna. Nam mauris felis, sodales sed ipsum sit amet, suscipit fringilla dolor. Donec lectus neque, convallis sit amet vulputate id, pellentesque at mauris. Ut accumsan non diam sit amet consequat. Pellentesque sed quam tempor, bibendum odio a, efficitur lorem. Phasellus eu auctor libero. Ut ante augue, efficitur non nibh consequat, pretium dignissim eros. Etiam euismod lacus a nisl consectetur bibendum. Donec elementum urna nunc, non aliquam nibh interdum hendrerit. Vivamus sit amet egestas purus.

I N - D E P T H
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sit amet erat quis elit ultrices fringilla eu vitae leo. Fusce nec auctor urna. Nam mauris felis, sodales sed ipsum sit amet, suscipit fringilla dolor. Donec lectus neque, convallis sit amet vulputate id, pellentesque at mauris. Ut accumsan non diam sit amet consequat. Pellentesque sed quam tempor, bibendum odio a, efficitur lorem. Phasellus eu auctor libero. Ut ante augue, efficitur non nibh consequat, pretium dignissim eros. Etiam euismod lacus a nisl consectetur bibendum. Donec elementum urna nunc, non aliquam nibh interdum hendrerit. Vivamus sit amet egestas purus.



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lucille daisy "lucie" montgomery.

a work in progress • fc: emily kinney
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Name; Landon Zachary Lucas
Nickname; Lan
Age; Twenty
Gender; Cis-male
Sexual Orientation; Asexual
Romantic Orientation; Demiromantic
Birthday; 26th November
Zodiac; Sagittarius

Fears; Owls/the dark/public speaking/ghosts/loud noises
Strengths; Cleaning/being loyal/comforting others/giving advice/making tea
Likes; Music (all kinds)/cats/the ocean/sunrises/pasta
Dislikes; Raw tomato/too much social interaction/working/wet socks/soggy food in the drain



Vices; Anxious/over-analytical/socially awkward/procrastinator/lazy/unproductive/not very quick-witted
Virtues; Patient/supportive/independent/positive/smart/insightful/strong-willed
Reaction to the crash; Landon tends to freeze up in the midst of tragedy, but given some time to clear his mind he will confidently strategize his next move; Although Landon may not initially trust/go along with anyone, he is far too stubborn to die in such a way.
Relationships; TBD


Writing sample;
Carter had fallen asleep at some point after the unsatisfactory answer he had received from Katsuhira, and may or may not have shed a few extra tears when no one was looking. It wasn't as if he could control it at this point-- crying just happened now, whether he wanted it to or not. Nevertheless, the teen was grateful for the 'dreamless' nap that had ensued during the long drive, and awoke to the light squeak of the car's breaks pulling to the side of the road.

The sun had risen now, but the dewy grass of early morning still lingered around Katsuhira's ankles as he yanked the back door open, Carter's horizontal position exposed to the white haired teen. "Out," Carter complied instantly, but he wasn't sure why-- he really disliked this character and his erratic behavior.

“We can walk the rest of way over, I just want to see if I can pick up any of the stuff I lost.” The teen said over to the girl Carter knew as Mitsu, who honestly seemed too good to be caught up in any of this. Mitsu appeared to be easily manipulated, but she was obviously a trusted member of the little 'dream team' from what Carter could tell. He shot her a sympathetic look for whatever reason, since it seemed she was almost being dragged along just like Carter.

A moment later, the dark-haired boy was captured by Katsuhira's sickly sweet voice forming a sentence that was carried over by a light breeze, soft strands of hair brushing the tips of his eyelashes.

“Tell me, ugly duckling, If I untie your wrists and give you a weapon, will you, or will you not try to kill us?” Carter thought for a moment, doe eyes glued to Katsuhira's slim figure that was positioned further down the path.

"Kill you...?" he repeated breathlessly, squinting his eyes against the intrusive rays of autumn sunlight. Killing now was done as a means of survival, for people who wanted to live on-- Carter had no reason to kill, nor had he ever. The teen meekly shuffled up the path, arms outstretched to Katsuhira in an effort to get the message across without having to say too many words. "Please," Carter managed, his gaze falling to the wildflowers that tickled his ankles where he stood, shifting his weight to each leg. It wasn't as if he could say, 'hey listen, I wanna be free and all, but could ya' cut me loose without touching and/or looking too hard at my wrists? Thanks!'; that would be highly unreasonable.

Carter settled with making zero eye contact as he wiggled his fingers uncomfortably, hoping the exchange wouldn't last too much longer. As his thoughts drifted further from worrying about the scars and his roped hands, Carter thought about the person in front of him. What was his story? Where did he come from? How old was he? What was his name? It occurred to him that he knew nothing of his captor-- but what Carter was disgruntled with the most was why he was even interested in knowing these things in the first place. Katsuhira was obviously informed about Ryuzaki from some third party, and it was frightening. It made him wonder what else he knew.

"What should I call you?" Carter spoke without realizing it, eyes still glued on the white petals that ruffled with the breeze-- a breeze that brought goosebumps to his pale skin. Oh how he missed these times a year ago, being curled up under the kotatsu with hot tea, Dazai napping next to him. Everything was so comfortable and every moment precious, the atmosphere always filled with unspoken 'I love you's. Carter wondered if Dazai was ever able to taste the air around them at those times, if he ever knew how much Carter wanted to kiss him. The teen smiled to himself, recalling the fondness in his chest. He supposed none of those things really mattered anymore.



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