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Fandom S p l i t

"I don't think so... to do that we need to take down the bad guys."
Roger nodded. "What will we do with them when we find them?"

"Whatever we have to."
"Me neither.... But one we get Alice safe then we'll be able to just adventure with her like we used to..."

like we were programmed to think we did...
Sabrina felt so strange.... She understood that her memories were false.... But she couldn't help but be attached to the girl that saved then anyway. But she also knew she wanted revenge on the company that made them.
Ampharos follows along quietly, watching Lucario and feeling rather useless. All it knew was it wanted to help...but it felt very weak.
"Don't worry Ampharos.. you're the strongest of us." Said Roger, sensing her sadness.
"Sabrina stopped as Roger out his hand on the Ampharos shoulder. "Listen..if it weren't for you then we wouldn't have breast the final four... And your lighting can one shot so many pokemon... You are strong."
"Me neither...but Sabrina seems to...I think there's some stuff she's not telling us.."
"We're a team.. and we should know everything about Alice as possible right?

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