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Fantasy ᴍᴏᴏɴʟɪᴛ ɪsʟᴇ ||[ cs ]




Welcome to Moonlit Isle where the Wolves of Old roam! Moonlit Isle is an island unseen to the naked eye by mankind. Only wild animals and beast are found on Moonlit Isle and the territories are split into three areas and claimed by three clans known as Highlanders, Jade Shadows, and Titans. Each clans have their own speciality due to the environment and location of their territories.

Highlanders are known for their impressive speed as their terrains require more running through open land areas such as hills, meadows, and rivers. They value their speed and pack as a whole. Some preys that can be found in Highlanders territories would be smaller sources of meat such as gazelle, deer, and etc. These wolves weigh around 100lbs.

Jade Shadows are known for their stealth and ability to adapt into their environment, using their surroundings to help them blend in as well as survive in the wild of the forrest and rivers inside. They value their stealth and hunt. Some preys that can be found in Jade Shadows territories would be forest critters such as rabbits, squirrels, deer, etc. These wolves weigh around 110lbs.

Titans are known for their incredible strength, being one of the biggest wolves of the three clans and are much more suited warriors due to their build as their territory are more mountainous. They value their strength and battle prowess. Some preys that can be found in Highlanders territories would be buffalos, cattle, and other source of big meat. These wolves typically weigh around 130lbs.

Status of the Clans: All of the clans are in good-standing and/or neutral with each other. None are actively seeking each other out to expand territories and will assist each other when the time comes. Communication is key within the clans and has always been detrimental. All of the clans use their home environment to their advantage as they are stronger on their own lands rather than other foreign lands. So, any clan who wants to make a full on assault on another clan's territory is in for a rude awakening since each home is ideal for the Clans themselves, but greatly a fortress to any foreign attackers.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Do not make any of your wolves OP. There are major drawbacks for each wolves no matter their speed, strength, and stealth. For example, a Titan would have a hard time getting a good hit in on a Highlander due to the difference in speed. However, if a Highlander were to attack a Titan then not only would it deal less damage to a Titan but it would also give the Titan the opportunity it needs to latch onto the Highlander.

Ranks: In each clan, pack members are allowed to challenge their Alpha/Alphess' rank. However, if the pack member who challenges loses, there will be a result in punishment depending on what the Alpha/Alphess decides. But, if the Alpha/Alphess loses the challenge, they will step down from their position and will be placed in another position ( sometimes they may even challenge the beta and etc. ). All pack members can move up the ranks despite being born in a said rank. The ranks are as follows: Alpha/Alphess, Beta, Warriors, Healers, Pack Members, Omegas.

Characters: Establish relationships with each other. Communicate with each other. We are all part of a pack so let’s all interact with each other! All of us highly encourage communication! You are allowed more than one character, however, we are not accepting lone wolves | rogue wolves as of this moment. All character information should be filled out from the character sheet given.

Ending Remarks: If you have read the rules, please write "I understand the rules of the roleplay" or "I have understood the rules of the roleplay" at the end of your character sheet. Lastly, if there are any questions, please refer to the "lore" thread if needed, but for any other clarifications, don't hesitate to ask Eldridge Daniels Eldridge Daniels and @rosewine ! Please do not post in the in character until you are approved. An approval is a like from both Eldridge Daniels and rosewine.

Age: [ 1-3 years old is considered a pup, 4 - 11 years old is considered young adult - adult, 12-15 years old is considered adult and elder ]
Pack Position:
Pack Preference: [ This depends if your character would like to move up the rank they are currently at and/or want to challenge their Alpha/Alphess ]

Appearance: [ Height, Weight, Color, etc. ]
Personality: [ Vices and Virtues, Pros and Cons ]


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Name: Varulfur
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Pack: Titans
Pack Position: Alpha

Appearance: Height: 5'
Weight:130 lbs
Color: Largely Black, with rust colored highlights and an almost off-white underbelly.


Vices Include: Vengeance largely, but is known to also fall prey to his pride since he worked hard to reach his position and he is constantly trying to prove himself.
Virtues Include: Patient but quick to action. He is not one to sit and consider his actions to long, for him it's easier to correct a mistake than avoid making one in the first place.
Strengths: His willpower is greater than his physical strength, he is not one to back down from a fight no matter the odds. His years of experience also make him a difficult to face in battle, he is big yes, but he is by no means a dumb brute. He is an excellent leader for the simple fact that he will continue to nurture his wolves to surpass their limits and continue to grow in strength, he always draws the best from his pack and it has served him well.
Weaknesses: His anger is his achilles heel, if someone hurts him or invades his home all bets are off and he will fight to kill. In this state he does not stop to think of his next move, he fights; and that is all there is to it. But this makes him vulnerable to surprise attacks and a calm mind in battle.

Biography: Varulfur is a wolf who worked his way from the bottom of the ladder, he was born the runt of the litter and was deemed an omega from the start. Not much changed as he grew up, the Alpha treated him and all omegas as cannon fodder when they would go hunting. Always sending them out to tire out the big game and come in after to snatch up the kill; and the glory. And this was the case again on a cold winter's day , him and the omegas pursued a fleet footed deer into a small clearing. After they cornered the deer the alpha came in and finished it off as usual, and in the midst of his boasting the pack was caught unaware as a mountain lion came in and challenged the pack for the meal. Like a coward the Alpha sent the omegas in to distract it, and in the midst of the fight most of them were killed. The Alpha fled without a word, with the pack hot on his heels. But the lion grew greedy from his stack of carcasses that he managed to pile up, all Varulfur's family, all dead because of one lion. The thought fueled Varulfur's rage, and all at once his mind snapped; giving in to his anger he charged forward and went toe to toe with the lion. Taking every swipe of his giant paws and giving his own attacks in kind he continued that battle even as the lion grew weary and tried to flee. Chasing the beast down he tackled his hind leg and bit down, breaking it's ankle and tearing into the thick muscle. Once it was crippled he tore away at the lion's underbelly, even as he took swipes to his back and ribs, until all that was left was a hollow carcass. This only left him feeling unsatisfied, as deadly as the lion was it was not responsible for the death of his family members. No the guilty party was his so called leader, a leader in name only. He spent that night stewing in his anger, and as his anger grew so did his ambition. His family had not come to find him, he was most likely presumed dead, so he spent the rest of the winter fending for himself. Hunting his prey no matter the obstacles that barred his path, he grew much during that winter, in body and in mind. And when the snow melted and the warmth returned to the isle, he returned to his home. Taking his pack by surprise, he boldly walked into his home and challenged the alpha the moment he stepped forward. The Alpha laughed at him and mocked his brazen challenge, and in his gloating he failed to see Varulfur come in for the strike. The alpha was dead before he hit the ground, and once he gained the position of Alpha Varulfur began following the true ideals of the Titans. Strength in all members and never give up the fight. With these ideals the pack soon conquered the mountain, never again to fall prey to any creature.

I understand the rules of the rp
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Name: Gryfepelt
Age: 9
Gender: Male
Pack: Highlanders
Pack Position: Alpha

Height: 4'9
Weight: 98 lbs
Color: A generally mixed pelt with grey, orange and black scattered over his body with a grey underbelly.


Vices: Short Temper, Can snap randomly under stressful circumstances or situations that seem like a breeze
Virtues: Treats every member of the pack the same no matter what position they are, doesn't have favoritism. Expects everybody to be the same way to pack members.
Strengths: He is very quick, possibly one of the fastest runners in the clan, he is very strategic when fighting, waiting for the right moment to strike. He's a fair leader, which in a result, gives him a good standing with a lot of members of the pack.
Weaknesses: He's one of the smaller wolves in the pack which grants him his speed, but in a fight, leaves him open to stronger opponents. His temper is bad, which makes him unpleasant to be around sometimes. Usually has a very serious tone which makes it hard to get close to him.

Biography: Gryfepelt was born to a Beta, expectations were already high for him. When he was young, he was an easy one to pick on due to his size. One day he lashed out back, injuring one of his pack members ruining his chance for Beta. Gryfepelt through determination, became one of the best hunters in the pack, trying to regain what respect people had for him. Years passed and one day the Alpha passed away due to a sickness. The Beta would have taken his position if it wasn't for Gryfepelt challenging. The Beta happened to be one of his siblings. Gryfepelt battled with him, coming close to death at some point in the fight. Eventually he came on top though his sibling passed due to his wounds. He didn't want this outcome and resented himself for killing his sibling. Even today he still thinks how things could have played out differently, but you can't change the future, Gryfepelt hasn't realized that yet. Challenges now seem immoral to him now, though if challenged he will defend his pride and position.

I understand the rules of the rp
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Name: Isla
[ meaning; island ]
Age: 8
Gender: Female
Pack: Jade Shadows
Pack Position: Alphess
Appearance: The smallest of her litter, Isla is measured to be four feet even and weighs around eighty-five pounds. Nevertheless, despite her stature and size, Isla's pelt is considered the most enigmatic of all: pure white with an undertone of silver grey depending on when the light hits and how she stands or lays down. Her eyes are crystal clear ranging from silver grey or darker whether or not she is hungry, angry, or neutral. With a more feminine build, Isla doesn't seem like a well-match fighter, however, there is more to meet the eye to this little wolf as she uses her light-footwork to maneuver herself around and takes advantage of her smallness when it comes to oncoming attacks against her foes. Isla's coat is usually never matted, however, that doesn't mean she's free from dirt. Most of the time, she tries to keep her pelt pristine, but, if she happens to walk through water or mud, Isla doesn't mind as she likes feeling the earth between her paws.

Personality: One of Isla's biggest virtues is her supportive and determined nature. She rarely gives up without a fight and believes there are many choices rather than just two. As a pup, Isla was quite hyperactive and energetic, never one to sit still. She explored and went on adventures whenever she was able to despite her father's protest. Isla isn't afraid to get down and dirty, especially if it meant building stamina, stealth, and strength. Although much more mature than before, Isla still has a slight streak of mischievousness and a playful nature. However, she can worry easily, especially if she does not hear her daily pack reports. She has a need to know where each and every member of her pack is, making sure they are safe and unharmed. Isla believes strength is in numbers but also believes every individual should be able to care for themselves. Isla can be strict and stern when it comes to training, but is more encouraging than oppressive. Isla has a need to always put on a strong front, wanting to prove to not only herself but her pack that she can lead them well. However, there are times when she allows things to get to her and that can be her downfall. Although patient, understanding, and one with a good head on her shoulders, Isla needs a little more trust and faith in herself than her pack, believing the best out of them.
Strengths: Regardless of being small in stature, Isla uses her height to her advantage. Her light-footed steps helps when hunting and being stealthy as she can rarely be heard during oncoming attacks. At the same time, Isla is an amazing huntress, using her surroundings for support to help carry her weight whenever she needs an extra "oomph". Her claws and senses are sharper than most wolves, taking advantage of her sense of smell, touch, taste, and hearing. Isla is able to gain support and loyalty from her pack when she accepts challenges from them, showing them that she is the rightful Alphess despite being born into her position. She proves herself worthy day in and day out. Last but not least, despite her strength as a huntress, Isla is an incredible healer, studying under her mother who is the pack healer herself.
Weaknesses: Isla is easily pressured and sometimes gets overwhelmed to the point of stressing every so often. Nevertheless, she carries the weight of the world on her shoulders and rarely allows herself to look weak in front of her pack. Isla will easily take charge and control of any situation if it calls for it, but she trust her clan, encouraging each other to rely on each other for support and encouragement despite she, herself, can't do it. At the same time, because of her stature and size, the Alphess is always training everyday, hunting and providing for her pack. She can over-work herself, especially when it comes to using stamina and her strength. She has to work 10x harder than most wolves to catch up with the rest but there's no stopping anytime soon.

Biography: As a descendant of one of the founders of Moonlit Isle, Isla was raised into a well-known family that raised a-many great Alphas for many moons. It wasn't until her mother bore a she-wolf pup that changed the fate of Jade Shadows. For many moons, Jade Shadows was led by a male wolf known as the Alpha. Never before have there ever been a female Alphess, until now. Isla was the smallest of her litter and quite frankly, the only wolf to have been born so little since the moment her ancestor founded the Isle, Moonlit Isle. But, because her mother was the first Luna to have bore a female wolf in the litter, her father named her "Isla" ; meaning island. They recognised her as a symbol of hope and change, despite it being quite scary to those in the pack who never adapted well to change. Her brothers rough-housed with her, strengthening her to the best of their abilities even though there are a-many times she could not keep up with their games and strength.

However, it was her father who encouraged her to continue on trying as she studied under her mother in the art of healing, using the plants and herbs all around them in the forest. Whenever Isla was able, she followed her brothers and her father, patrolling the island and being there when the pack hunted. But, who would have thought that one day, little Isla proved to her father and brothers that she would be able to keep and follow in their footsteps? It wasn't until the pack had encountered a two wild bears that neared their home during the time of scarce food. All of the warriors charged head along the two bears, protecting the she-wolves and pups of the pack while the Alpha and Beta took turns strategising every way they could. Isla and her mother were told to hide away but, of course, due to Isla's stubborn nature, she wanted to help them.

So, as quick her her paws could bring her, she carefully climbed a tree while the bear was lashing out against her pack. It wasn't until her older brother's life was in danger that Isla howled and jumped from the tree and slashed the bear down it's back, nicking him deeply before being thrown against a tree. With a yelp, Isla fell back and was knocked out. Seeing their little sister and the Alpha's daughter in danger, it was the only encouragement the pack needed to take down the vicious bears. Thankfully, the wolves were deemed as victors and there were a few injured and less than a few who had passed in this fight against the bears. Nevertheless, this encounter brought more hope and strengthened the bonds of the pack.

Isla eventually trained under the watcheful eye of her brothers who were warriors of the pack. With each moment she was given, she continued to train and practice her swipes, her runs, and most of all her breathing. Whenever she had the chance, she went along with the pack to hunt for food and sometimes even patrolled the area. As time passed, Isla began to gain trust and loyalty among those in her pack as she became well-rounded in the day-to-day activities. She was a born healer, but a practiced hunter and warrior. But, as she grew, so did her brothers.

It wasn't until her father's ailing breath did the pack have to figure out who would best lead the pack. Isla's four brothers and herself were nominated by the pack and one-by-one they fought for their position. Isla started from the bottom, challenging her youngest brother and made her way up. It wasn't easy to challenge family, but with every power of her being, Isla did her best and won, fair and square. Her brothers, despite being disappointed in themselves for not being able to beat their sister, were also proud of her. Isla gained respect from her brothers and although she didn't feel prepared, with her brothers by her side, she felt invincible.

Of course, her brothers never allowed her to rest, continuously training her with sneak attacks and keeping her on her toes. Her brothers' well wishes included Isla's ability to always keep her guard up and never allow herself to back down from a fight, no matter who it was. Isla was efficient, stern, strict, but also considerate, passionate, and most of all loyal. She is the pack's glue.

Others: I have understood the rules of the roleplay.

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  • -Name-
    Jade Shadows
    -Pack Position-
    Mostly tan and white, the only dark colors originating from the face leading down the spine to the tail.

    Has a hard time communicating to others, weather it be when he is in need of help or just to socialize. Because of this he tends to keep quiet almost all the time.
    He respects his alpha, knowing that theyre doing something he could never do. He understands that he is not a natural born leader and will most likely never become one, so instead he puts his 100% into following orders and pulling through until the end. He has a strong personality, respecting those who deserve is and knocking those who need it into place. When it comes to his pack he can be pretty protective, putting those who he cares about in front of him. He can push through almost any difficult situation as long as it involves his pack.
    The Jade Shadow blood runs through him, giving him a naturally light step and easy to blend fur. In the Summer and fall he can use his stripe to hide among fallen leaves and broken logs. The white assisting in most of the winter. Even if this helps with hunting, its even more so in fights.
    He was built a bit larger than the others, making it a good thing if brute force was an option. But not as good when stealth is required. Even if he is larger, his build is still built to be lithe and agile.
    Tempest was born a lone pup, a disappointing sight to his mother. Though it was washed away quickly when it was realized his size. He was a healthy pup, large and full of energy. But without the mingling of other pups he was feeling a bit isolated. Even if there were others he could have approached, he just felt like it was too out of the blue. So he kept to himself, focusing on eating and growing stronger more than creating ties and strengths. He was taught to hunt, fight, live, like any other wolf in the pack. But he just didn't have that connection with them that he wish he had. He grew strong, giving him a respected place in the pack, even if he did say little to nothing. It was brushed off as just being a brute and mysterious, leaving his silence unquestioned.

    The real thing that got him respect was during winter, an especially harsh one at that. Food was low like winters usually were, but this time the threat of starvation loomed over them. Only then did he realize his potential. Though it was small game, Tempest found the mother load of rabbits. Their burrow stretching far across the wooded ground. Every time the nest got jostled another rabbit would pop out. And by the time he had grown tired, he had collected a pile of twelve rabbits. Each of them fairly thin, but enough to save the weaker of the pack from survival. No matter how much he wanted to take a bite, he put the pack first.

    It wasnt as if he was considered a hero or anything, because the need for food still stood. But it stuck with the others none the less. He found more looks of approval would come towards him, a solid place in the pack forming for him.

    I have understood the rules of the roleplay
    Wolf for rp.jpg
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