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Realistic or Modern S.A.A.H Student Form (Supernatural Academy for Aspiring Heroes Characters)


and it was this big
Roleplay Type(s)
In order to be admitted to our prestigious Academy, please fill out the Form as follows:

[A 2x2 picture(Appearance. Doesn't have to be 2x2)]




Opes Specialty:(Powers)

Bio:(Short or long. General backstory)

Personality:(How well do you act around people?)

Misc:(Like a theme song and some other facts.)



(For Teachers)


"Quote(Personal Motto to encourage students)"




Race:(Opes or not, teachers are welcome to teach.)

Subject:(From Combat to regular stuff.)

Bio:(Short or long; General backstory and teaching career.)

Personality:(How well do you act around people?)

Misc:(Theme song and other facts.


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In order to be admitted to our prestigious Academy, please fill out the Form as follows:

[A 2x2 picture(Appearance. Doesn't have to be 2x2)]




Opes Specialty:(Powers)

Bio:(Short or long. General backstory)

Personality:(How well do you act around people?)

Misc:(Like a theme song or something)

((Should we reply here?))


Neptune Knight





Opes Specialty:

Hydrokinesis, and Tremors

Bio: Joseph isn't one to talk about his past. IT was really the turning point in which he first used his powers. He walked in on his dad killing his mom, and Joseph flipped. The house began to rumble, and water started flowing from everywhere in the house. When Joseph had finally calmed down the house was leveled, and police were surrounding the house. Though a man who would help Joseph control his powers was waiting by an ambulance for him.

Personality: Joseph is very shy hearted by nature. Though if you get to know him ,and he trusts you he will be your best friend

Misc:(Like a theme song or something)
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(Has this appearance with brown hair and pale, almost pale blue extremities when her heart is struggling)
Name: Alyona Yurislav
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Opes Speciality: Telekinesis and Pyrokinesis
Bio: Alyona was born in Moscow, Russia to a pair of Russian confectioners. However, she was born with a major, untreatable heart and lung defect that has and continues to affect her health. most of her education took place in Russia until she was 14. she was forced to move to a new academy to be closer to a major hospital after a period of hospitalisation meant it wasn't safe for her to live in the cold Russian weather anymore. Alyona transferred to S.A.A.H after an operation to clear her heart of the excess fluid caused by her defect. Because of her health Alyona cannot take part in sports, become too excited or spend long periods of time outside, back home in Russia she would take extra classes indoors to help her. when she's asleep Alyona wears a mask to help her breath.
Personality: Alyona is a quiet, shy and sickly submissive girl who can't do much for herself as her heart is poorly. She tries to keep a bright and cheerful personality despite the fact that she know's she'll die young. As a rule, Alyona tries to make others as happy as she can.

- Alyona hates talking about her condition and will do pretty much everything to avoid it.

- Quote "I'm not afraid of death, I've stared the grim reaper in the face every day and triumphed so far"

- Speaks Russian when she's delirious or confused

- Sweet fanatic and can make really nice gummies and lollys.
- Carries emergency medication in the hip pouch she wears at all times. In the pouch she has adrenaline and her regular medication
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Elisabeth Helback 





Opes Specialty:

Electokenesis and electromagnetism 


Elisabeth was borm the daughter of a known owner of a tech giant company and an actress mother. She was born blind but also was essentially a living battery, able to absorb, store and discharge electricity in various ways, more so she seemed to rely on electricity as her only source of sustenance. It is unknown the reason for her power, though some guess it was through experiments done by her father on her mother with Elisabeth blindness being a side effect of that . What is known her father used his wealth and resources to help Elizabeth explore her powered and help manage without her sight eventually sending her to the academy. 


Elizabeth is a calm and comfident girl despite her lack of sight. She can be humorous, able to laugh at herself and her blinders while enjoying banter and a little flirtation. However that can change dramatically due to her depandence to electricity. Needing electricity  for sustenance as well as for he powers, no being able to absorb electricity or being near electrical sources can make her not only weak but cold and irritable. Really low level of electricity in her body can even make her aggressive to the point of feral willing to harm people to absorb electricity. 


She i fine singer herself. 
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 (Has this appearance with brown hair and pale, almost pale blue extremities when her heart is struggling)
Name: Alyona Yurislav
Age: 17
Sex: Female 
Opes Speciality: Telekinesis and Pyrokinesis
Bio: Alyona was born in Moscow, Russia to a pair of Russian confectioners. However, she was born with a major, untreatable heart and lung defect that has and continues to affect her health. most of her education took place in Russia until she was 14. she was forced to move to a new academy to be closer to a major hospital after a period of hospitalisation meant it wasn't safe for her to live in the cold Russian weather anymore. Alyona transferred to S.A.A.H after an operation to clear her heart of the excess fluid caused by her defect. Because of her health Alyona cannot take part in sports, become too excited or spend long periods of time outside, back home in Russia she would take extra classes indoors to help her. when she's asleep Alyona wears a mask to help her breath. 
Personality: Alyona is a quiet, shy and sickly submissive girl who can't do much for herself as her heart is poorly. She tries to keep a bright and cheerful personality despite the fact that she know's she'll die young. As a rule, Alyona tries to make others as happy as she can. 

- Alyona hates talking about her condition and will do pretty much everything to avoid it.

- Quote "I'm not afraid of death, I've stared the grim reaper in the face every day and triumphed so far" 

- Speaks Russian when she's delirious or confused

- Sweet fanatic and can make really nice gummies and lollys. 
- Carries emergency medication in the hip pouch she wears at all times. In the pouch she has adrenaline and her regular medication

I've found my little sister

"Everyone has their potential. I believe that it is our job to nurture that talent for the sake of the world."

Name: Albus Query Burr

Age: 39

Sex: Male

Race: Human



Albus was born in a rich family with abundant political power. He graduated with a lawyer's degree when he was 20. When he was 23, he was a known senator and a well respected one at that. He was satisfied until that night of June, the year 2000. That night haunted him until this very day. When the rainbow rippled from the sky, he and his brother was still up, playing video games that they loved when they were still young.. When his brother looked out the window, he felt his insides burning, and fainted.

His brother was convicted of an Opes when the first Opes was discovered, which prompted him to defend him at court.

He failed. There was no law allowing the Opes to co-exist with humans.

That is, until March of 2010.

It was the dawn of the Opes' newfound freedom.

He noticed how so many of them are young and helpless...They couldn't control their powers.

Filled with sympathy, he approached the president; a good friend of his at the time.

Albus wanted to give these children direction, a motive to protect the country with their powers.

He called this project;

'The Supernatural Academy for Aspiring Heroes'

Seeing where Albus is going with this, the President approved of the project.

Thus, on March of 2016, his project gave birth to the country's first ever hero;

Markus Quartz, the Crystal hero.

Albus wanted to see what lies ahead for his project, and maybe have his Brother enter this school.


Albus is a quiet soul. Although he doesn't like talking that much, he is shown to be a kind person. Naive as he is, he thinks that everyone's potential is beneficial to the country, and shouldn't go unnoticed. He has his beliefs, and is very optimistic about everyone he knows. Some say he treats his workers with the upmost respect.


-He once had a girlfriend who was arrested due to her being an Opes...Due to that, they have to break up.

-The military once ran his school for a month. Albus called them, telling them that they don't need to treat the students like inmates.

-He likes the musical Hamilton.

-He urges his brother to enter the Academy as a Student. His answer was yet to be told.


(Do not own photo)

Name: Mitch 


Age: 15


Sex: Male


Opes Specialty:

Earth and Air Manipulation,

He can control the earth and air around him, for a certain amount of time



Mitch grew up having to support himself, he was put into Foster system after being born, than when he was 10  he ran away from where he was living, and became homeless. Until the Academy found him and he now lives there. Was shuffled in between 3 countries (Korea (born),China, Canada) throughout the foster system. 

Mitch got his powers at the age of 5, when he was put into an abusive home and his powers appeared to protect him. Discovering he was an Opes that controls 2 of the main elements, he hides them, with the fear of being rejected by others. 




What it looks like:

Cold and distant towards strangers. Is normally found alone cause no one seems to dare approach him. All he wants is a friend but after everything he's been through he doesn't trust easily. 


Quiet and Shy, will easily follow commands, and not disobey. Really soft-spoken. Rather observe than speak his mind. He likes people to stay calm and think before doing. 



Mitch trained in any martial art with something sharp (Knifes, Swords etc.) He became extremely good at it too, so good that anything with a point he could turn into a deadly weapon. He doesn't show people this. 


He picks up languages like it's nothing and currently speaks 7 languages fluently

(Korean, Chinese x2, Japanese, English,French, Spanish and learning Russian)


Photography and music are his escape, but he hates having attention on himself so he does it privately instead.

Commonly found with a hoodie on and earbuds in his ears

He loves all types of music incept for Scremo and Bollywood, thus far. 




His Favourite song is Turning Tables by Adele View attachment 03 Turning Tables.m4a
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(For Teachers)


"It's so cliche but things do get better eventually, it could be tomorrow or years from now but you have to keep going"

Name: Luna Mido

Age: 23

Sex: female


Subject:school counsler/shrink

Bio: she grew up in sanfransisco, adopted by her fathers from one of their sister, doesnt know which one but it didnt matter, she loved her family despite the bullying she ran into growing up with two gay dads in school. She grew up in a large apartment full of people, a theater troupe no less! She was incredibly gifted in intelligence and knew people's nature growing up and so she took college courses along with normal highschool, aiming to become a psychologist/counciler fir schools and after graduating college she quickly became accustomed to her chosen proffession in psychology, having finished her mandatory shadowing and apprenticeship in 2014 and started working in chinatown to raise money to fund her goals as a dishwasher in a resturant

Thats what people knew of her publically, she kept her secret of having special powers from everyone, keeping her head low and watching from the shadows, she could manipulate earth, a bit like earth bending like in avatar, something thats always amused her. it helped stop crimes, tripping the unwary and letting potentual victims escape or letting the criminal be brought to justice. When the school opened she applied immediatly for the counsler position, eager to use her degree, moving across the country for the opportunity

She cannot make earth fly around and she can cover part of her arm in it for a limited shield, she can make the earth sort of buck up and trip someone, outside of this she can sense slight emotions when in a meditative state, she has a limited range of 15-20 feet.

Personality:she is generally uncomfortable with her powers but does her best to embrace them, she is patient when dealing with problems but can be quick to anger when seeing discrimination and bullying, she can get incredibly involved in her work, so much so that she can forget to sleep or eat, her memory is like a steel trap when it comes to everything but names when she firsts meets someone. She has a geeky side and enjoys anime, manga and games, even being a closet cosplayer, which she used to her advantage when first doing her part to help her kind and humans in sanfransisco, her favourite artist is Monet, her favourite poet is Robert W service and her favourite book author is Mercedes Lackey.



-her favourite poem is the cremation of sam McGee

-she took college online to give herself a boost

-she loves music with meaning

-she lives in an apartment within walking distance to campus, she often brings her bearded dragon with her

-she has 3 different costumes, Yuuko from xxx holic, a fallout pc character and the dancer of the boreal valley from darksouls
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[Work In Progress!]


Name: Cassandra Rose

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Opes Specialty:(Powers)

Vine manipulation-Most Roses have thorns. Her nature supports this fact due to her ability to control Vines and alter their properties. It has a long range, but it can be detected when a vine begins to bloom roses in a matter of seconds. She can also summon these vines from the ground wherever there is a trace of soil. She can only control them as long as she's within a range of 20ft radius 

Bio:(Short or long. General backstory)

(TBA...I'm too lazy)

Personality:(How well do you act around people?)


Misc:(Like a theme song and some other facts.)


Connor Evan Roscoe





Opes Specialty


Allows user to manipulate kinetic energy

+can transfer kinetic energy into objects to speed them up

+can turn potential energy into kinetic energy, creating destructive power

+can manipulate own physical properties, increasing speed and strength temporarily

-can only be used so often, and so much/must recharge

-occasionally uncontrollable and bursts out in moments of emotional discord


Connor's life started out pretty good. After seeing the aurora, Connor seemed to be totally unaffected by the image. He went through school pretty well. His grades were satisfactory, and his athletic abilities were phenomenal. He had seen nothing of any sort of powers, or any other form of superhuman abilities. In late middle school, things started to change though. He was running impossible speeds for his age, kicking the ball at impossible speeds. Sometimes the ball would even explode. Connor realized he did have powers- the power to make things faster. Discrimination rose against him. The kids at his school, most of his friends, even some of his family. Connor tried to stand strong in the midst of the hurricane of hatred around him, his skin being torn away by the people that he was considered friends.

Eventually, his powers went rampant. A baseball exploded, severely injuring another student. The police were there, and immediately assumed Connor had, in fact, used his powers to attempt to kill the teen- which made logical sense, considering the student was a constant tormentor of Connor's. After several weeks, Connor was released on the grounds that it was an accident. One of the men at the station suggested the Academy, to help him control his power and be with people that were like him- people that Connor hadn't really met before.

Heading to the Academy, Connor still had hope in his heart, hope that people can and would change. 


Connor is a sociable and likeable individual. He gives off a friendly air to him, and is on the talkative side. While he has good intetions, this can be rather annoying to people who would rather just be by themselves. 

Connor is an optimist, and sees the silver lining of every cloud- and then some. He's a believer, and knows that people can change with just a little effort. 

Connor is energetic, and it's hard to see him run out of energy sometimes. He enjoys sports, which are the only things that can vent away his energy, his favorites being soccer, track, swimming, cycling, and martial arts, though he prefers sparring over actual combat on the streets. 

All in all, Connor is the type of person that you would want to be your friend. 

Likes: Sports, other forms of exercise that aren't sports, parties, talking

Dislikes: Desk work, studying, sitting in one place, extreme violence, killjoys


Theme Song- You're My Best Friend [Queen]

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