Rynoden "Ryn" Temori


Mistress of Time and Space
Name: Rynoden "Ryn" Temori

Age: 26

Species: Human



Main type of weapon: Twin throwing axes

Main type of magic: Telekinesis - restricted by a range of what is within line of sight and a weight of what he can physically pickup -

Rank: Omega A

Personality: A bit of a lone wolf, Ryn doesn't mind working alone. He's a hard worker and lives by a silent standing motto of bravery. Now this does not mean that Ryn is fearless, but rather that he will always try to overcome unnecessary fears when they are presented to him. Ryn tends to expect others to act and feel similarly, leading him to become harshly critical of those who back down when the going gets tough or people who display snobby and indifferent attitudes. In addition, he also believes that everyone has equal rights in the world and is openly opposed to any separation of classes. Underneath his steadfast stern temperament, Ryn is a man who deeply cares for the ones he loves, often using harsh love in his hopes to help better those around him.

History: Sold to an underground slave market at the age of 8, Ryn lived the majority of his childhood feeling unwanted. His parents abandoned him and none of the slave owners he was passed along to ever truly cared whether he lived or died. However, things changed for the poor boy when one night, after having spent a whole day at the whipping posts due to stealing extra food rations to hand out to the other starving captives, a strange slave, who looked to be about as old as the earth itself, invited Ryn to share with him a sacred ceremony. The old servant showed Ryn that there could be beauty in the world, using mental magic to temporarily animate inanimate objects around him and cast a spell upon the boy that would help him awake any magical abilities he had within him. The next day, Ryn suddenly began to develop telekinetic abilities, lifting objects into the air by sheer will. Startled, he sought out the old slave for instruction, but found him gone. For the next years of his life, Ryn worked the day and at night, when all was quiet, he practiced his newfound magic. When he turned 18, he ran from the slavers, using the telekinetic abilities to aid him. He hoped to find freedom and a family, and what he got was the the Silver Wolves Guild.
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