Ryan Cross


RP obsessed
Name: Ryan Cross

Age: About 18

Sex: Male

Character type: Pied Piper, level 4

Position: Not yet in LIBRIS

Physical: White, 5'7, short messy brown hair. Bright blue eyes and long eyelashes. 'Feminine' hands. He doesn't care about what he wears anymore. As long as it's bright and gets him attention he'll wear it. Who cares if the attention is negative.


Plays the flute brilliantly, drawing both animals and people to come listen to him

Sings like a siren, gathering people even more effectively than his pipes (worry of becoming a level five if left too long, but chooses to stop on his own generally.)

Skills: Can learn new instruments very quickly

Good at surviving in the wild, decent knowledge of edible plants and good at crafting his own weapons or instruments.

Good with his hands in any job, quick learner in hands on activities

Tying a knot in a cherry stem with his tongue (more of a party trick than a skill, but he counts it) 

Can perform magic. Not real magic, being a piper doesn't really lend itself to that, but slight of hand, card tricks. Things appearing and disappearing, finding your card. Signing, tearing and putting things back together. Cards in shop windows. Any average street magician tricks, as well as quite a few that are more complex.

Flaws: Bad at focusing and learning things that are more logic based

Never thinks things through much, goes with natural instinct.

Can become violent or vengeful when feeling betrayed or abandoned

Histrionic personality disorder, will do pretty much anything if it gets him attention, often bases his personality on those around him so people like him more

Other/personality/history: Until about twelve Ryan lived with his family, an older brother and his distant mum. His brother left then though, and his mum only grew worse. About this time his HPD began growing worse and he craved the attention his brother had provided before, and more on top of that.

He coped for nearly a year, but it only got worse, and just before he reached 13 he ran away, kick-starting his narrative. Originally there was no real direction to his narrative. He didn't get much in the way of powers or skills, just looked fairer and became better with his hands. He looked after himself, begging and finding his own food, honestly the begging was mainly for attention, he took enough money from his house to survive. 

At 15 he joined a Peter Pan. Not Hope, this boy was a level five, he had a hoard of boys who he taught weapons craft and basically cared for in the forest. Whilst Ryan enjoyed the companionship for a short while, he soon grew sick of Pan getting all the attention. If the boy cared for him it would be fine, but he was just another of many boys. One day when crafting a knife he lost focus and before he knew he had a set of wooden pipes within his hands. This push from the narrative moved him from a level one unknown to a level four Pied Piper almost immediately, as he played the pipes, leading the group away from their Peter Pan. Pan collected new boys and the two warred until Ryan was 17. 

Eventually Ryan got bored of the fight, and one night he realised he could flirt his way into a club and he just gave up on the boys. Not consciously of course. Just forgot about them. He wanted new attention and the people of the town provided that. He's been bar hopping, flirting and occasionally playing or singing for attention for about a year since then, becoming progressively more flirtatious and desperate for attention as it went along. 

Still only 18, Ryan is childish and fun. Whilst he does age, he's practically refused to mentally. He enjoys his youth, and detests the idea he'll have to grow old eventually. He's kind of disappointed that he isn't a Pan, although he knows his role as a piper is so much better.
I actually had a Pied Piper character planned, before the whole CS got deleted because I got logged out for some reason.

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I saw you mentioning that. It's actually why I looked at the RP and why I typed this all up in notes first.
If I approve this, I'm not going to have a fight between you two, am i? ;)

Not because of me. If you approve it, I'd make a Pied Piper anyway. Why wouldn't the Narrative do that?

But that would lead to confusion. So, here's an idea: this character could work for any Lost Boy (maybe Slightly?), it just requires a name change (Pied Piper to [insert Lost Boy name]).


It could also be an original character.
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Ryan does instruments though, he's not just a lost boy. Being the piper is a huge omount of who he is. I don't think two pipers would be too confusing. Especially if they're very different and use their names.

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