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Fandom RWBY: Year One

Sorry for the late response, life's been busy over this weekend. Luckily I should be completely free this week.

I messaged the two who haven't made characters. I'll give them 2 days to respond until I start looking for replacements.

Also, I'm going to be cleaning up the character sign-up thread pretty soon, so could you all please use the OOC thread for everything else besides posting characters?
So for this RP is it going to just be a more light hearted, casual style or will it be a bit more intense with some dark/heavy themes?
I'm aiming for a mix of the two. Your time training at the academy will be mostly humorous with some conflict between students every now and then. But as things go on the stakes will rise and things Will get more serious. Character death will be a possibility, in which case something... interesting will happen.

However the general tone of an rp tends to get molded more by the players than the GM. So, it may get skewed in one direction depending on the general tone each group seems to be going for.

Also our last guy confirmed he's thinking up a character, so we should be starting soon!
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@NecroKnight Generally the age of students attending beacon is 17 sooooo unless he's failed and was held back may want to make him younger. ^__^
Well, technically, this school goes up to at least 2 years as far as we know, and if we apply this to most colleges etc. etc., it probably goes up to 4 years. Meaning he could be 20, the only weird thing being, it would be weird for a 20 year old being on a team of 17 year olds.
@NecroKnight I hope you don't think I was chastising you or calling you out at all. I do apologize if you feel like that was the case.
Nah, nothing like that. If I had an issue with the age difference, then it was no biggie fixing that. When will this dig begin, though?
Sooooooo....is this RP beginning to stagnate and die or is it still alive? Just asking since it's been quite some time.
Oh hey, guys! Sorry for my absence. My mother was sick over the weekend and I've spent most of it helping her out. Anyway, I'm a little disappointed to see that @Theknight9 hasn't finished his character, but for the sake of starting this RP I'll simply create my own character to fill up the gap.

Once again I'm sorry for the wait guys after I get some sleep I'll quickly finish up a character and make the intro post to the rp.So we should be starting by tomorrow at the latest!
Should we try to create team names for our characters or no then? Also, a post order would likely be a good idea as well just as a suggestion.
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Hey guys! I've made my character for filling out the group and finished typing out the intro post for the two groups. It took a little longer than I expected, sorry guys!

Anyways, As far as team names go I'll leave that up to you to decide for each other. However, since I have a character in group 2 I figured having my character's name start with H would work so our team name could be "ASHH". If anyone has any better ideas I don't mind switching my characters name.

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