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Fandom RWBY: Year One

Beacon Academy, a place designed solely to train students in the art of combatting Grimm. Being accepted into such a great school is the chance of a lifetime. Each year hundreds try and fail to get into the academy, and to say it's an honor to be one of the lucky few is a great understatement. A few months ago each of you were given a simple letter stating you were accepted into the academy, and before you know it you're flying in an airship with only a few minutes between yourself and the place you'll be spending the next 4 years of your life. Each of you probably has hundreds of questions of what it will be like, but you won't be getting answers for a while now. In the meantime, you might as well try to enjoy the ride right?

The sounds of air flying past you are all that accompany you during the mostly silent ride to Beacon academy. This airship's been designed a group much larger than yours and because of that no one's sitting directly next to each other. Your various luggage has been loaded in the back of the ship, and you're all simply sitting alone waiting for time to pass. Most of the students seem too scared, anxious, or shy to start up a conversation and simply sit idly in their seats as time passes. To each of your sides, you can see the lush lands of Vale passing by through small windows. Although much more interesting are the several students present in the airship with you. While no one's taken the initiative to speak to one another, it's quite obvious they all seem at least a little interested in learning about their fellow students.
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Maroon fidgeted excitedly as the airship floated above the land. Tired of sitting he got to his feat and walked to the window and pressed his noes flat against it, trying to get the first peak at Beacon. The school was not in sight, but the view below was stunning. Green hills dotted with oaks and farm houses carpeted the land.


Maroon's stomach growled fiercely and he quickly forgot the scenery below him. He grabbed his stomach and bent over in a spasm of pain. Maroon had left home two days ago and had used about every form of transportation to get here. The food he brought had only lasted a day and money was saved for dust. Thus Maroon had gone a whole day without eating and was starving.

Straightening as the hunger spasm passed Maroon looked around hoping no one had noticed.
Mocha looked at the airship incasing her. I can't wait! she thought. Everything was she saw had a luster and shine to it that she never experienced before.

Her experience with such mechanical marvels was never to this caliber, the closest she even came to first-world technology was tractors and plows in the countryside of her home. She looked down at her leg armor and felt the rough and hardened metal, This is it! This is the time to show what I'm made of!

Mocha threw her sword rack on the ground sitting right behind it. She looked around to the surrounding students. She grinned at what kinds of people she'd meet on her journey.
Sapphire leaned against the wall of the aircraft silently, her eyes darting to whatever movement occurred around her. Her weapon (in it's staff form) sat against the wall next to her, even though Sapphire could easily fold it and put it into her sheath, she had no desire to do so. She looked down at her abnormally sharp nails in boredom, hoping something worth her interest would happen sooner or later. Her sensitive ears perked up from their flattened position on top of her head due to the sound of a stomach growling, and her eyes darted to the movement of a gorilla Faunus gripping his stomach in pain. She cracked a small grin, and a soft chuckle escaped her lips. Not a word escaped her lips, but she did take hold of her weapon, twirling it between two fingers as she approached the Faunus.

Sapphire stood in front of him and leaned on her weapon casually. She looked at the Faunus, but still didn't say anything. It was almost as if she was sizing him up, and she was. For a while she just stared at him, her grin fading into a neutral expression and she had no intentions of actually speaking with him.
Softly humming to herself Alani eyes were largely buried in a book held in her left hand. Idly turning the pages, the faunus's mouth would be nibbling upon a piece of bread she'd baked for her trip. Eventually, Anaki looked up to scan the ship and gaze at the other youths who had been accepted into beacon with her eyes falling upon a few interesting individuals. For the time being Anaki looked over to what looked to be another faunus in a rather unpleasant situation before seemingly attracting a rather cold and placid stare. Closing her book she unzipped and reached into her rucksack which sat to her left before taking out two wrapped bread buns freshly baked that morning. "Hey monkey dude, catch, and smiley girl, catch AND duck." She'd say before letting out an audible whistle from her fingers. The back of Sapphire's head would be the apparent target unless she turned in time to dodge or if Maroons hands did no find their way in front of its trajectory. "Your stomach was growling so loud I couldn't read, and you look like you need something to cheer you up." The redhead would remark with a soft chuckle as she addressed the two faunus, her tone not mocking merely humorously jesting. The bun would smell faintly of delightful seasonings with a wonderful buttery aroma accompanying it, and easily was a large handful. "Alani, can I get both of your names?" She asked after gesturing to herself indicating her name was Alani, looking to Maroon as she rested her arms atop her knees while she sat before taking another bite from her own half eaten bun.

Should either of them bite into the baked good right away they would be treated to the delightful crunch of fresh crust and the soft tasty innards of the bun while their tongues would be assaulted with a myriad of delightful flavors and sensations. The bun even had bits of creamy melted cheese baked throughout its entity. Meanwhile, as Alani's rucksack sat opened the smell of baked goods would slowly begin to waft through the airship teasing any nose with tantalizing aromas. Looking over to the violet haired girl Alani would toss Mocha her a bun as well. "Hey, metal legs, wanna get in on this action too?" She asked to Mocha as she took another bite from her bun while continuing to apply her ever potent 'charm', waving a third wrapped bun as if to 'tease' her.
Maroon noticed the young lady who was staring at him as he straightened. Was she going to give him some food?

No she wasn't. She appeared to be scrutinizing him. Before Maroon could dwell on this or respond the smell of fresh bread filled his nostrils. His eyes were searching for source of the scent before the giver of bread spoke.

Maroon caught the piece of bread in his mouth, chewed twice, then gulped it down. Scratching the back of his head, almost abashed, Maroon spoke, "Thanks Alani. My name is Maroon. I am from a small village at the edge of remnant."

Maroon glanced at the first faunus who had stared so intently, wondering how she would respond food being thrown at her.
Almost on instinct, Sapphire turned around and spun her spear at the incoming bread, the blade slicing through one of the loaves and just barely missing Maroon's face. The two halves fell to the ground and with a grunt, she bent down to pick one up. Hesitantly, she brought it to her nose and sniffed the bread, trying to decipher if it was safe to eat. After all, she was trained to do this when given food from anyone, whether it be a stranger or even her own father. When she finished, Sapphire took a simple bite of the bread and felt like she was in heaven. It was the first freshly baked meal that she had eaten in months. Without showing signs of her utter delight, the Faunus continued eating half of the loaf halves at a steady face, finishing the entire thing before even contemplating on whether or not she would reply to Alani.

After a long pause, she said, "Sapphire. And next time, think twice before throwing things at me, or that bread will be your head." The second half of her statement was an impulsive burst that was rather common for her, she would say whatever came into her mind at a specific moment in time.
Nooguy said:
Softly humming to herself Alani eyes were largely buried in a book held in her left hand. Idly turning the pages, the faunus's mouth would be nibbling upon a piece of bread she'd baked for her trip. Eventually, Anaki looked up to scan the ship and gaze at the other youths who had been accepted into beacon with her eyes falling upon a few interesting individuals. For the time being Anaki looked over to what looked to be another faunus in a rather unpleasant situation before seemingly attracting a rather cold and placid stare. Closing her book she unzipped and reached into her rucksack which sat to her left before taking out two wrapped bread buns freshly baked that morning. "Hey monkey dude, catch, and smiley girl, catch AND duck." She'd say before letting out an audible whistle from her fingers. The back of Sapphire's head would be the apparent target unless she turned in time to dodge or if Maroons hands did no find their way in front of its trajectory. "Your stomach was growling so loud I couldn't read, and you look like you need something to cheer you up." The redhead would remark with a soft chuckle as she addressed the two faunus, her tone not mocking merely humorously jesting. The bun would smell faintly of delightful seasonings with a wonderful buttery aroma accompanying it, and easily was a large handful. "Alani, can I get both of your names?" She asked after gesturing to herself indicating her name was Alani, looking to Maroon as she rested her arms atop her knees while she sat before taking another bite from her own half eaten bun.
Should either of them bite into the baked good right away they would be treated to the delightful crunch of fresh crust and the soft tasty innards of the bun while their tongues would be assaulted with a myriad of delightful flavors and sensations. The bun even had bits of creamy melted cheese baked throughout its entity. Meanwhile, as Alani's rucksack sat opened the smell of baked goods would slowly begin to waft through the airship teasing any nose with tantalizing aromas. Looking over to the violet haired girl Alani would toss Mocha her a bun as well. "Hey, metal legs, wanna get in on this action too?" She asked to Mocha as she took another bite from her bun while continuing to apply her ever potent 'charm', waving a third wrapped bun as if to 'tease' her.
Mocha grabbed the bun, and took a whiff of it "Thanks! But my name isn't metal legs! I'm Mocha!" she yelled to the nice woman

Taking a bite of the bun she smiled wide grin towards her.
(Am I only the one who realizes Nooguy maybe on the wrong threat? As I saw, team 2 was on thread IC Rping 2)
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"I've prepared my whole life for this, there's nothing to worry about " Helios thought to himself as he waited in the airship. To say that He was anxious would be a massive understatement. A possibility like this only happens once, and he would never let himself fail or back out of something like this. To Helios, this wasn't just for fun or making friends. He had a personal mission, and would stop at nothing in his quest to achieve it. His father was a hard worker, and Helios didn't plan to stray away from that. He wouldn't let anything distract him along the way and spent most of the ride thinking to himself. To the outside world, he was simply staring mindlessly at his shoes as if he was lost in a trance.

He was lost in thought when the sounds of people moving and talking caught his attention. He opened his eyes and looked around the room with a raised eyebrow. He didn't expect anyone else to start talking, and listening in on their conversation could help him learn about what average students are like around here. Already his mind started to judge each and every person on the ship. He spent a bit longer staring at the two Faunus's in particular. Helios had rarely encountered many Faunus in the past, and seeing two of the same animal types was quite the sight. Still, he knew that at least for now he wasn't a part of the conversation and didn't have the courage to introduce himself. After a quick glance at everyone in the room, Helios quickly turned away towards his accompanying window and stared out of it.

@NecroKnight (if you mean @Thomas K then yes I noticed that too. Hopefully, he changes that at some point. I personally can't move his post around, unfortunately.)
(I thought that only team 1 posts here; and team 2 posts on the other thread - meaning that, shouldn't @Nooguy post where @Thomas K is?)
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Looking around he noted how energetic some of the other students were acting. It was interesting to see the Faunus' violent response to food but it mattered little especially with how exciting beacon was going to be. He sat contentedly in the back of the ship so when it came time to get off he wouldn't get in anyone elses way. Perhaps he should leave his armor with his luggage to avoid this on future trips. Discarding those errant thoughts he simply closed his eyes and waited.
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(Oh, sorry my bad)

A slight whistling sound, echoed soon throughout the airship - as one guy, had a fun-time whistling a catchy tune; one that had been taught by her mother. He soon kicked, open his backpack - wishing out a red apple from inside, one he had gathered himself.

Leaning on his, rather large, axe - there was a very interestin group with them, and as he heard from his own parents you'd likely be paired with the same group, you arrived with.
Sipphire's precision impressed Maroon. "Nice cut." He said. "Did you make that sword...er...staff thing yourself?". Maroon could not fathom how she kept from cutting herself with it.
noremac said:
Sipphire's precision impressed Maroon. "Nice cut." He said. "Did you make that sword...er...staff thing yourself?". Maroon could not fathom how she kept from cutting herself with it.
When Maroon asked her if she made the weapon herself, she hesitated only slightly. 'You know what to say, tell him you went to Signal. Tell him you made it there like every other kid.' She thought to herself. Sapphire nodded, "Yep. Built it at Signal Academy.." Conversation was never her thing, and even when she spoke, she felt several eyes land on her and then briskly look away. She looked over at a boy staring out the window, just before her ears were alerted by a whistling sound. 'That better shut up soon.' The Faunus thought in annoyance. With a small sigh, she leaned against her staff and sized Maroon up once more, before turning to Alani and doing the same. 'I wonder how they feel about Faunus rights..' She pondered.
"Anybody else wants an apple?" asked Alex, pulling open his backpack - that had a lot of colors and shapes there. "Oh, don't be shy, Plenty of them in the forests where I am from."
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RedLikeRoses said:
With a small sigh, she leaned against her staff and sized Maroon up once more, before turning to Alani and doing the same. 'I wonder how they feel about Faunus rights..' She pondered.
Sapphire seemed polite enough, but there was something strange about the look in her eyes. Maroon made eye contact and calmly held it. He didn't look into her soul or judge her character, he didn't know how to. He simply returned her stare. Sapphire's eyes had a purpose. Perhaps she was competitive, or maybe she was-

NecroKnight said:
"Anybody else wants an apple?" asked Alex, pulling open her backpack - that had a lot of colors and shapes there. "Oh, don't be shy, Plenty of them in the forests where I am from."
"Anybody else want an apple?" A distraction.

"Apples?" Maroon never turned down food. "Don't mind if I do." He reached both hands into the bag and grabbed two. He ate one apple in three bites before starting on the next. Then, remembering his manners, Maroon pushed a mouth full of fruit into the side of his cheek and said, "Thanks for the apple. What's your name friend?"

(You should change your pronouns to the masculine form: "he" not "she".)
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"Oh names Alex or Alexander, if you want to be formal. Never met any Faunus where I am from," spoke Alex, not sounding very hostile. "Heard you people, could do all sorts of cool stuff, depending on what animal you are related to."

"Judging by you being a gorilla, are you stronger than the rest of us...or is asking that a kinda no-go?" he added, sounding a little embarrased. "Is just that, you guys are pretty awesome, judging from a simple look at ya."
NecroKnight said:
"Anybody else wants an apple?" asked Alex, pulling open his backpack - that had a lot of colors and shapes there. "Oh, don't be shy, Plenty of them in the forests where I am from."
"Food?", Mocha looked up, "I want some food!" she said as she finished up her bun.

She dashed to the kind male. "Food please!"
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Alex gave a slight chuckle at her antics, and stuck one apple into her mouth and put another onto her palms. "Enjoy, hyper-active girl."
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NecroKnight said:
Alex gave a slight chuckle at her antics, and stuck one apple into her mouth and put another onto her palms. "Enjoy, hyper-active girl."
With her cheeks puffed, "thwank hyou!" she mumbled with her mouth full

Mocha then jumped back into her seat on the other side of the ship.
When Maroon noticed her stare and locked eyes with her, Sapphire snapped out of her gaze. She tensed and looked away, her ears twitching involuntarily. Right after Maroon was distracted by food, Sapphire changed her staff into it's sword form and sheathed it. By the way these kids were acting about food it would seem that they haven't eaten in weeks, and Sapphire would know from personal experience what that's like. Just another training method of the White Fang... She stayed silent during all the conversation, an expressionless look upon her face as she scanned over all of the people on the ship.
"'Pretty awesome' huh?" Maroon pensively tousled the hair on his chin. "I like that outlook. I think so too, bust most people don't.

You are right. I am naturally stronger then most. I don't mind you asking, but...
" The subject of racism was touchy and Maroon didn't want to get to involved so soon. However, certain things needed to be said, not everyone would be as accepting as Alex. "But I wouldn't ask every faunus you meet 'what makes them different?' Some might not like you pointing out the difference." And some would be looking for a reason to fight. Faunus scare tactics had become common as of late. That would go unsaid. "These are touchy times we live in after all."
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Looking over to Alex, Alani would grab another bun from her rucksack before giving a quick whistle. "Hey, big bad axe dude, catch!" She'd call out to the short haired youth before tossing him a bun as well. It seemed the rather uncomfortable silence which hung in the air not too long ago had been lifted much to everyone's apparent relief. However, she would wince at the rather loud and boisterous yells coming the girl who called herself Mocha, Alani's ears folding back at her shouts.

Spotting another soul who seemed to be distancing themselves from the group still, Alani grabbed a sweet roll before getting up and walking over to them. Coming to lean against the viewport Helios was looking out she'd clear her throat. "Hey, big tall and broody, You gonna keep up the angsty silent act? Here, made this just this morning, why not come out and add your own flavor to the madness?" The faunus would ask with a slight grin on her face as she handed the wrapped sweet roll to him. "The name's Alani, others call me psycho, bitch, or psycho bitch so take your pick." She'd state before tossing the roll up in the air for him to catch.
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