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Fandom RWBY: Hunter's Secret and the Honest Souls


Aqueous Knight


DPS - 03

Tank - 01

Support - 01

Others (Mixed) - 02


Male - 06

Female - 06

Others- 00


Humans - 06

Faunus - 04

Others (Androids, Cyborgs and unknown) - 02








[Tab=Character Info]

Name: (Names in the RWBY-verse seems to follow a naming convention of being named after Colors in one way or another with very rare and unusual circumstances, so please name a character after a color in some way.)
Color: (What color does your character allude to? This will be color of your Aura)
Age: (16-17 for first years, 18-19 for Second years, any age older or younger will need to have an explanation and needs to be approved by me.)
Species: (Humans? Faunus? Android even?
Kingdom of Origins: (Atlas? Mistral? Vale? Vacuo? None?)
Affiliation: (Yourself? Beacon Academy? The White Fang? The Military?

Appearance: (You can use an image by itself, a description, both? Its all good~)

Symbol: (What symbol does your character use?)


[Tab=Personal Information]

History: (At least a Paragraph but it can be as long as you wish after that. It needs to at least explain where you were born and why you wanted to become a Huntsmen or Huntress, as will as allude to your secret but besides those you can explain in the Rp)

Personality: (2-3 Paragraph minimum)

Secret: (The secret that is holding you back in some way, a Person's secrets or hardship is often tied to their Semblance in someway, but that's not always the case but I find that a fun to make a character more 3 dimensional)



Relationships: (What their Relationships with their Teams and Classmates?)


[Tab=Combat Information]

Weapons: (Go Crazy this is a RWBY Rp after all, as long as it doesn't kill people in one hit it will most likely be allowed)

Semblance: (Go crazy with this as well, as long as it's not too OP it should be okay.)

Strength: (What is your character's Combat Strengths? )

Weakness: (What is their Weaknesses?)

Combat Role: (Tank? DPS? Support? Mixed?)



  • Name: (Names in the RWBY-verse seems to follow a naming convention of being named after Colors in one way or another with very rare and unusual circumstances, so please name a character after a color in some way.)

    Color: (What color does your character allude to? This will be color of your Aura)

    Age: (16-17 for first years, 18-19 for Second years, any age older or younger will need to have an explanation and needs to be approved by me.)



    Species: (Humans? Faunus? Android even?

    Kingdom of Origins: (Atlas? Mistral? Vale? Vacuo? None?)

    Affiliation: (Yourself? Beacon Academy? The White Fang? The Military?

    Appearance: (You can use an image by itself, a description, both? Its all good~)

    Symbol: (What symbol does your character use?)

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  • Name: Virgo Capri

    Color: Capri is a sort of darker light blue.

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Species: Human

    Kingdom: Atlas

    Affiliation: Beacon Academy

    Appearance: Is an african-american that is about 4'7 and a half and has what some would call a 'baby' face. He normally wears a light blue shirt with black joggers and timberland boots, as well as a white cape with black tips and a yellow bracelet with the bold words HERO in black marker. He weighs about 92 pounds and has a sharp crew-cut for hair. There are various scrapes on his arms and legs due to training.

    When at home he normally wears a normal white T-shirt with black basketball shorts with fuzzy blue slippers, bracelet off and safe in a place he hides it, yet he still wears his cape.

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  • Name: Adam Grau

    Color: Gray.

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Species: Human

    Kingdom of Origins: Atlas

    Affiliation: Uncertain, currently the Atlas Armed Forces

    Appearance: Adam is a large man. He’s always been: fro, his earliest memories, he stood a head above the rest of his playmates. Now, a short mop of light brown hair crowns a pillar of humanity nearly seven feet tall. Wide shoulders narrow to a barrel chest, and thick arms speak of a life of fitness. Each of his features is large; large hands, large feet, a large nose bearing the marks of several breaks, wide eyes keen for detail, and in his past a somewhat embarrassing overbite, now thankfully cured. First noticed, usually, is his large voice, which upon puberty dropped into a deep register from which it never returned. His laughs fill the room, his rages set silverware shaking, his voice carries across open fields without difficulty. His skin is pale, his eyes brown: he likes neither. He hides the former behind sensible, comfortable, and characteristically conservative clothing. Callouses which had grown on well-used hands fade as aura shields his skin from abrasion. Long strides carry him to his destinations, even if he doesn’t know quite where it is.



  • Name : Raspberyl "Beryl" Edonma

    Color : A combination of Raspberry and Beryl, Raspberyl!

    Age : 17

    Gender : Female

    Sexuality : Heterosexual

    Species : Goat Faunus

    Kingdom of Origins : Mistral

    Affiliation : Beacon Academy



    Raspberyl is someone you would call as 'cute' in a 'little sister' sort of way (not a Ruby clone, keep reading). Aside from her hair and eyes both holding true to her name, the most noticeable feature about her are the extra appendages on her body (explained on this later), as well as the fact that she's really short. Almost dwarfish, even. Standing at about 4'7"
    with her shoes, and 4'5" without.

    Her usual attire at both in and out of school grounds consists of a heavily modified uniform of a previous Hunter Academy she attended, paired with thigh-high stockings and shoes customized to give Beryl an additional 2 inches in height.

    A plushie of her symbol hangs chest-level on her outfit. She keeps it as a goodluck charm.


    A horned and inverted skull. (See picture above.)

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Character Completion

  • Name:

    Esmeralda Jade


    Esmeralda, this is greek for Emerald

    Jade, this is a type of green gemstone.









    Kingdom of Origins:



    Beacon, The Family (A crime organization, my own made RWBY version of the Mafia)



    Esmeralda has a rather strange appearance when you first meet her. She has a strange shade of green hair that the closest thing it resembles is seaweed after its wound up on a beach, it also has many different shades some of it being lighter than others but all in all its natural something most people find rather peculiar she often stated it must have been something in the water (which is possible as to much copper in the water can cause green-ish tinted hair). Other than her hair the next thing that stands out are her eyes, almost being the opposite of her hair. She has a condition called Heterochromia iridium which causes her to have two different eye colors both of which are natural, she has one red eye and one blue one. Finally if you ever find her not wearing a hat or something covering her head then you would find two small fox ears but she normally covers this up since she hears that the Faunus normally get bullied.

    Body shape wise Esmeralda is rather short standing just under 5 foot at 4'11, her body shape is clearly feminine amplified by the clothing she wears it would be nearly impossible to mistaken this girl for anything other than that. Her clothing style is one of very formal ware which gives the idea that she came from some sort of rich background, it normally contains some sort of skirt normally one that she can easily move in and a formal shirt and formal jacket over it along with some kind of hat. Her jacket often holds a golden chain or some other accessories. Unlike most people her age she has a tattoo which kind of breaks the law but heck she breaks the law on a day to day bases. The tattoo is of her symbol and it does from her forearm to her hand and then all the lines go off her finger almost like she is pulling the strings.




  • Name: Amber Autumn Fall (Two last names)

    Color: Auburn

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Species: Cyborg

    Kingdom of Origins: Atlas

    Affiliation: Ex-Military, now Beacon

    Appearance: (Ignore the name on the top left. Friend made me this one and named it herself)


    Symbol: Look in right middle of appearance


  • tumblr_mad2yvFExc1r012yho1_500.gif

    Name: Luxus Whitwood

    Color: Whitwood means 'White Acres' in thy Old English.

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual, although He probably would end up flirting on anything walking on two legs.

    Species: Human

    Kingdom of Origins: Mistral

    Affiliation: Anyone who has the capability to take a joke.


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Azure Sneaux


  • Color: Azure/Deep Blue

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Hetero

    Species: Faunus (Canadian Marble Fox)

    Kingdom of Origins: Vacuo

    Affiliation: Student/open to other organizations or affiliations

    (i would say White Fang but, she would only be apart of the old White Fang)


    -Very short about 4'9 or less

    -Innocent face

    -Hair reaches down by her bum, and lots of it, wavy, thick, and curly

    -Pale, fair complexion, soft and smooth

    -Supple pink, pursed lips

    -Big doe eyes, between thick lashes

    -Eyes are little frosted over from blindness



  • image-jpeg.226157
    Top Left: dual pistols. Made to look old but work like a modern one, shooting semi-automatically. Shoots dust bullets, resulting in different effects.

    Bottom Left: the pistols can be extended into short swords; dust isnt used in this stage.

    Right: when the short swords are combined, they build a trident (this is her favorite form). The trident, unlike the swords, can use dust but minimally (it doesnt store a lot).



    The fox faunus has a unique semblance acquired by her father (who was a hunter as well). You see... Azure doesnt see like you and I do. She sees vague shapes and outlines with no color, except for auras. Because she was born blind, she cant see much detail in a person's face or the color of their hair or clothing, she identifies people by their scent and the color of their auras. The only time she sees in color is when looking at a person and their aura. But its not just aura, she sees and senses a variety different energies. Grimm, for example, are not capable of holding, or, emitting auras like people can, instead they harness and emit negative energy, the thing they are the most attracted to, and she can see that. In other words, the world she lives in is dark, grey, no life of color, except for the presence of an aura or particular energy.

    Her semblance doesnt work like most abilities. Most semblances have to be activated on command, by manifesting aura and energy into an external (or internal, like Azure) ability, Azure, however, can not turn her ability on or off. Its always there, its her form of vision. Though she is blind, she sometimes considers her impaired vision a blessing and not a curse. Because she is so hypersensitive to auras and the like, shes almost impossible to sneak up on (with some exceptions....)

    Extra Things About the Semblance:

    -Because her semblance is always working, she doesnt 'activate' it but she can amplify the proximity at which she senses these things by using some of her own aura

    -This is a supportive/tactical semblance, neither offensive nor defensive; making her the perfect candidate for tactics, recon, or tracking


    Shes learned to turn her disability into an advantage and has devoted most of her training into hand-to-hand combat. Its easy for her to keep track of her opponent's whereabouts because of the aura they hold/expel (other factors come into this, read the 'Other Abilities' category). She makes quick decisions and assesses her opponent before striking, piecing together the best logical plan with the least unwanted outcomes. Shes quick, nimble, agile, with fluid movents. She may be shy but her fighting style is straightforward and to the point.

    Other Abilities/Skills:

    Most are acquired from her Faunus genes...

    -Stealthy: a mixture of her silence, small stature, and a low-profile presence, makes her easily over looked, which proves to be an advantage for reconnaissance

    -Extreme Keen Senses: such as her sense of smell and hearing HOWEVER because of her lack of vision, her senses are heightened further, even for a faunus, even her skin is hypersensitive; sensitive to vibrations in the air, and changes of


    -Speed: her small body frame makes her quite hard to catch, small person, small target. Just slightly quicker than the average person, nothing fancy.

    -Agility: as a child, she took part in a lot of activities, her favorites were gymnastics or acrobatics, making her quite nimble from years of practice, and she corporates them in her hand-to-hand combat


    - Major weakness is people who can suppress their aura or people that can drown out other auras with their own

    -Physical Endurance: Shes small, so she can easily be heavily affected from a heavy blow

    Combat Role:



    (Though shed only DPS in close quarters)

Joy Citron


[tab=Character Info][/tab][tab=Character Info]


-Citrine/Citron: shade of yellow

AGE: 18

GENDER: Femake


RACE: Faunus (Boa constrictor)

KINGDOM OF ORIGIN: Atlas (techy tech)

ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral (emphasis on chaotic)

AFFILIATION: ...Herself, basically xD


[tab=Personal Information]


Joy's dream, since she was a little girl, was to become the huntress of her dreams. She worked hard and invested most of her time into training and the like. But, unlike most, Joy's reason behind it all was a little...unorthodox. She wanted to be huntress soley to kill. The average citizen couldnt fight against a Grimm, and she new that killing people would get her into trouble. So...why not let her psychotic talents and sadistic fetishes be put to good use? Her father was a hunter and as soon as she was born, was expected to follow in his footsteps, which she did. He expected great things from her, to be like him, but.... Of course, Joy has a bit of a mind of her own and tends to follow what ever path shes feeling at the moment.


Oh boy...where to begin. Put it this way, Yang and Neptune had a love child, its Joy. Her father (like Neptune) was cocky, care free, narcissistic, and VERY flirtatious. Her mother (much like Yang) was strong (physically and mentally), determined, driven, and very high spirited. Joy is the combination of both...with a pinch of Neo's chaotic and malicious intents. Her family was definitely something, and together they formed a very out going and adventurous bunch. Theres never a boring day at the Citron house.

Sweet, bubbly, and optimistic. She is that bouncy, happy, drop of sunshine in your life. Always wearing a smile around people. Its almost...creepy how much she smiles. Shes bold and honest, and isnt shy at all. She loves meeting people and will assert herself in their affairs with out thinking she might be unwanted. Being happy is important to her, and she tries to make others happy if she thinks they arent. Theres a small bounce in her step, not only because shes always in a good mood, but shes quite confident too.

But theres a hint of darkness behind that plastic, plastered, permanent smile of hers... Though she seems carefree and innocent, she has some...issues. To be blunt, she is quite sadistic. She enjoys inflicting physical pain on her enemies, and sometimes "playfully" torturing others. She has a thirst for blood, eager to "play with her prey", and she does just that; often toying, teasing, and mercilessly torturing her victims (purposefully prolonging the battle)...wearing the same twisted smile. Occasionally, she finds pleasure in feeling pain, but not as much as being the cause of it.

This..."dark side" can be seen even through her normal self. It slips through her everyday words and actions. Its like a drug, if she spots the chance to cause even the tiniest bit of harm, she'll take it. Shes a little psychotic...But she would never stir up emotional pain. Who could do such a thing?!

Her ethical scale can use some adjustment....

On another note, Joy is a huge tech head. She tinkers, pull things apart, puts things together. She loves technology and will usually keep a box under her bed full of extra wires, circuit boards, and other hardware. Shes a sucker for software as well, and quite the expert, if you have a technical issue, come to Joy, shes your IT gal. She even has a reputation for destroying her scrolls in the past couple years shes been at beacon, she uses their parts and puts them in other things. The girl even carries a small pouch for pliers, a cauterizer, and a screw driver.

Shes sparratic, spunky, hyperactive and often unpredictable. She seems like a sweet girl but shes a little demented and twisted. Often times she doesnt know when to stop when she inflicts pain, she enjoys it and wont stop until she snaps out of her sadistic possession or until someone stops her. Perhaps a safeword is needed? Oh yea and shes pretty flirtatious...so..becareful....unless crazy is your thing...in that case, I dont judge..​

Favorite passtimes include:

-Tinkering with technology

-Working on her own weapons and inventions

-Taking things apart, learning from them, then putting them back together

-Flirting (if thats a hobby)

-Anything with technology

(She has a reputation of constantly having to replace her scroll cause she uses their parts)​


shes sort of an open book....ill come back to this..




Unknown for now​


[tab=Combat Info.]




Two gauntlets. The pair work under the name of Sting, trademarked for the left gauntlet that has a retractable blade (pictured on the bottom). The right gauntlet, has a built in blaster in the palm of her hand (pictured in the middle) that utilizes dust as its main power supply (think of Iron Man's blasters on his palms).

The goggles in her picture serve like a snake's thermal vision (a gadget of her own design) and of course as normal goggles for protection and what not.


(havent come up with a name yet)

A constricting boa has immense strength (in ratio to its size) in order to asphyxiate, and cut off the flow of oxygen of its prey. Though she doesnt constrict, she definitely has strength. Her semblance grants her super-human strength. She cant grab a Taijitu and thrash it around like a rolled up newspaper, but she can keep it from moving by grabbing its tail for a short time before it wriggles out of her grasp. So nothing extreme (or it would be way too OP) but she can definitely lay a good punch on a Taijitu or Nevermore. All of her strength comes from her and her aura, her gauntlets are only there to protect her skin from what ever she hits. Her strength can be useful too, like moving heavy objects or fallen debris, but it can also be a little scary if she charges at you with a closed fist.

Extra Things About the Semblance:

-Her aura DOES run out eventually if shes pushing herself too hard. Basically the bigger/tougher the enemy, the quicker she fatigues, and she is DEFINITELY the type to push her limits...

-Smaller, quicker opponents are a bit of a struggle

-With an activated semblance, her stamina and endurance increase a little more than with out it activated


In close combat, not using her semblance, she moves a lot like a snake. Quick, precise strikes and unpredictable movements, you never really know which way shes going to go. With an activated semblance, her throws become a little slower and predictable, in order to charge up that beastly strength. Shes adept in range attacks as well, As described in the Weapons category, her gauntlets shoot bolts of concentrated energy from Dust (so dust IS necessary for this attack). Unlike most powered dust-operated weapons, her attack does not change depending on what type of dust is being used. Whether it be blue, red, green, etc. the product is the same: a blast of energy. Her weapon is almost using dust as a battery (to put it simply) and converts the energy with in the dust to fire these energy blasts. She can use powered dust or dust in its raw crystal form, however, dust crystals are hard (and expensive) to come by but it lasts longer than powered dust and shoots more concentrated, effective, and powerful blasts (she saves dust crystals for especially tough jobs)


(Described in her semblance)


DPS all the way


gonna leave this here too O.o

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    "Let them run...they won't get very far."


    Combination of Teal and Yellow






    Heterosexual or Asexual


    Unknown, file says human, Rarely ever takes off any clothes, always hides his skin.

    Kingdom of Origins:

    Teal's file says vale but its clear that he is not from vale


    Himself, But he has worked with people in the past.


    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_loro73a9M41qgj2rto1_400.jpg.1a8b048af8ef1b9572e8382436553034.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128201" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_loro73a9M41qgj2rto1_400.jpg.1a8b048af8ef1b9572e8382436553034.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/sabre.jpg.74367a559f994fc951bb1e3ff38a816a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128200" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/sabre.jpg.74367a559f994fc951bb1e3ff38a816a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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WIP for tonight. I am too tired to write any more good stuff, I think.

  • Name: Flax Solingen

    Color: A light yellow

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Species: Human

    Kingdom of Origins: Vale

    Affiliation: Beacon

    Appearance: Years of determine physical training have left their mark on Flax. Her muscles are well defined, lurking just beneath the skin like taught cords of steel. She is taller than most of her female peers, her hair cut short or bound in a knot, depending on how long it has been since she’s bothered to get a trim. Her eyes are the same color as her semblance, a bright, almost uric yellow, a feature which she is particularly disappointed with. Flax is an active person. She runs when others would walk, paces when she thinks and does not make a habit of hesitation. In anger, she is quiet, in fear she is very loud. She speaks quickly and precisely, her words simple enough to convey her meaning without confusion. She speaks in bursts, interrupted by quick contemplation, maneuvering bursts of conversation and silence. Her smile is small and rare, but never fake. Her frown is large and common, and frequently assumed in jest.


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  • Name: North RN. Lite

    Color: Northern lights

    Age: 18

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Male

    Species: Human

    Kingdom of Origins: Mistral

    Affiliation: Himself, His family



    Symbol: A symbol that looks like the northern lights

@Aquaknight I FINISHED!!!!
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  • Name: Dusk Elias Leonfeld

    Color: Purple

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Species: Faunus (Coyote)

    Kingdom of Origins: Mistral







  • Name:

    Ash Yaozu











    Kingdom of Origins:

    Outside the kingdoms


    Beacon Academy





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