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Fandom RWBY-Glaucous Academy

Rhino Schneider

I'll make you an offer you can refuse.
Feel free to make this as fancy with you BB-code wizardry as you would like I myself can't used the thing well!

Galucous Academy initiate form.

We request that you write in a color that you feel represents yourself.

Basic information

(Picture here either that or as I do just spam the hell out of the during the cs)

Name: (Please follow the color name rule)




(Please keep this limited to the two known in RWBY I can live with a robot like penny but that's as flexible as I go)

Weapon information

Weapon name:

Weapon description:

Weapon creator:

Aura information

Color of Aura:

Amount of Aura: (Leave this blank I will change it for you this will depend on how strong I judge your Semblance the stronger it is the less Aura you will have to use it well.)


Background information

Any and all of this information can be withheld however a meeting will be set up with Lupin to discuss this.

Have you been part of a criminal organization?:

Have you done somethings you are less than proud of?:

Have you killed your fellow man?:

Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you?:

Thank You, all this information will be kept in a private and safe place we hope to see you at our Academy.

Please stamp your symbol in the space above

(If your thinking I have missed background and personality I have not, I like these to be left and discovered during a roleplay as it stops people from knowing instantly where other people came form and what they have done and it leaves more to be discovered.)

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(Since this is about the unknown person known as Lupin this is only going to be basic parts that is currently known as the roleplay continues this will get filled out more and more.)

Basic information



Headmaster Lupin

Lapis Ultrax Plum Ivory Navjo the First




Thought to be male.

Deep masculine voice.


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Basic information



Lily Thread






Faunus-Cat (she keeps it hidden)


Weapon information


Weapon name:

Righteous Fury

Weapon description:

Righteous Fury is a combination of a large high-caliber minigun and a sword. While in its sword form the minigun is still useable since the weapon is designed so that the barrel of the minigun is just under the handle meaning that even when she needs to sword she can still use the minigun and combo both perfectly, als while using the minigun in the sword form she can fire a large burst of it and improve her speed and strength of each swing if she combines it with dust it can give some crazy effects. The weapons weight is extremely high and its unknown how a girl who looks so fragile can wield it with such speed and power. Since her weapon is so large she could not get sheath for it and instead folds it into a large crimson box when in its minigun form.

Weapon creator:



Aura information


Color of Aura:


Amount of Aura:

She has a medium amount of Aura that is just slightly above the average allowing her to use it for quite a while without it being overused.


Copy and switch.

Her semblance give her the ability to create a male copy of herself with nearly everything the opposite expect the weapon as they both use the same weapon. Unlike most Semblance who copy themselves hers can think and act and both her and her semblance copy have a hivemind meaning what one thinks the other knows and what one sees the other sees, this gives the two near perfect sync...whenever they can get along. A downside of this is that the pair seem to hate each other since they are the opposite of each other. The only times the two seem to be able to get along is when they really need to and where fighting against each other would cause death or suffering. The last ability the grants is for Lily and her Semblance to switch places which often can and has saved her life.


Background information


Any and all of this information can be withheld however a meeting will be set up with Lupin to discuss this.

Have you been part of a criminal organization?:


Have you done somethings you are less than proud of?:


Have you killed your fellow man?:


Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you?:



Thank You, all this information will be kept in a private and safe place we hope to see you at our Academy.


Please stamp your symbol in the space above
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Azura.jpg.a0b96e0c94d9e22387dff398565976c3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91186" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Azura.jpg.a0b96e0c94d9e22387dff398565976c3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Azura Stone




no slide

Weapon information

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/DaggerGuns.jpg.eaa037c75a38071de1f8b3e1063e4d59.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91201" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/DaggerGuns.jpg.eaa037c75a38071de1f8b3e1063e4d59.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon name: Lion's Claw

Weapon description: There are two flintlock pistols, one on each side of the blade. The heavy blade has an engraving of the Hindu Dieties Shiva on one side and Kali on the other. The blade is made of the best pattern welded steel and the handles and sides have floral patterns that are inlaid with gold.

Weapon creator: A member of the Stone family who arrived back from a land who used great designs on metal (Kinda like India in our world) In inspiration he created these, which I later found in the warehouse of the Stone's factory.

Aura information

Color of Aura: Azure

Amount of Aura: Azure has a High amount of Aura exceeding the normal amount that most people have.

Semblance: Support- Is able to heal others taking up much aura


Background information

Any and all of this information can be withheld however a meeting will be set up with Lupin to discuss this.

Have you been part of a criminal organization?: No, atleast I hope not.

Have you done somethings you are less than proud of?: Of course, hasn't everyone?

Have you killed your fellow man?: No

Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you?: Nope

Thank You, all this information will be kept in a private and safe place we hope to see you at our Academy.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/symbol__mercenaries_by_sweettartslover-d4eb64m.png.31b0eb131b81f86b3aab1aed7e99c9ad.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91204" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/symbol__mercenaries_by_sweettartslover-d4eb64m.png.31b0eb131b81f86b3aab1aed7e99c9ad.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Mat Blanche]

View attachment 203770

Name: Azura Stone




no slide

Weapon information

View attachment 203812

Weapon name: Lion's Claw

Weapon description: There are two flintlock pistols, one on each side of the blade. The heavy blade has an engraving of the Hindu Dieties Shiva on one side and Kali on the other. The blade is made of the best pattern welded steel and the handles and sides have floral patterns that are inlaid with gold.

Weapon creator: A member of the Stone family who arrived back from a land who used great designs on metal (Kinda like India in our world) In inspiration he created these, which I later found in the warehouse of the Stone's factory.

Aura information

Color of Aura: Azure

Amount of Aura:

Semblance: Wings of Freedom-Is able to have wings come out of back and can fly for a short reasonable amount of time.


Background information

Any and all of this information can be withheld however a meeting will be set up with Lupin to discuss this.

Have you been part of a criminal organization?: No, atleast I hope not.

Have you done somethings you are less than proud of?: Of course, hasn't everyone?

Have you killed your fellow man?: No

Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you?: Nope

Thank You, all this information will be kept in a private and safe place we hope to see you at our Academy.

View attachment 203826

I'm fine with everything except your Semblance as a human that is a really weird semblance that I can't see being a thing, however if you were a bird faunus then it would be fine.
NekoChanBo said:
I'm fine with everything except your Semblance as a human that is a really weird semblance that I can't see being a thing, however if you were a bird faunus then it would be fine.
Alright I'll change it I guess i was trying to relate it to a sense of freedom I'll fix it up right now thanks
Basic information

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6428394e_robinzegblu.png.41db892b50b3097dc35621c648034eff.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91220" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6428394e_robinzegblu.png.41db892b50b3097dc35621c648034eff.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Dream (Full View)

Name: Robin Zegblu [Robin's Egg Blue (Crayola Crayon)]

Age: 17

Gender: ??? [They/Them Pronouns]

Species: Human

Weapon information

Weapon name: "Feza and Taron"(Feather and Talon in Japanese)

Weapon description: "Feza and Taron" are two sickles that can also become boomerangs that Robin built himself, as tradition in the Zegblü family. Feza has a small Zegblü "F" on it and goes into the right hand, and Taron has a small Zegblü "T" on it, and goes into the left. They are always introduced in the order of "Feza and Taron" Robin gets somewhat offended when they are addressed in the wrong order.

Weapon creator: Themself

Aura information

Color of Aura: Like This Color

Amount of Aura: Robin has a low amount of aura which means it is lower than the average person's.

Semblance:"Feather Wave"

When using "Feather Wave", Robin can summon a flurry of small, guided, feather-shaped missiles. Keeping them locked onto a target requires a good amount of focus. When they are touched or the concentration on them is lost, the feathers will explode.

Background information

Any and all of this information can be withheld however a meeting will be set up with Lupin to discuss this.

Have you been part of a criminal organization?: "Technically Not."

Have you done somethings you are less than proud of?: "..."

Have you killed your fellow man?: "..."

Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you?: "No."

Thank You, all this information will be kept in a private and safe place we hope to see you at our Academy.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/main.png.f5f3c4e087389d94a03f39ca4d9f25c4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91230" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/main.png.f5f3c4e087389d94a03f39ca4d9f25c4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Please stamp your symbol in the space above



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[QUOTE="Mat Blanche]Alright I'll change it I guess i was trying to relate it to a sense of freedom I'll fix it up right now thanks

Sorry, just trying to make sure I agree with stuff and get an idea of what I like or what I don't for this roleplay.

Anyhow the new Semblance is fine and you are accepted. Your semblance however is weaker the longer the distance you are trying to heal is that okay? Oh and your character will have a high aura level since your ability is made to help others.
NekoChanBo said:
Sorry, just trying to make sure I agree with stuff and get an idea of what I like or what I don't for this roleplay.
Anyhow the new Semblance is fine and you are accepted. Your semblance however is weaker the longer the distance you are trying to heal is that okay? Oh and your character will have a high aura level since your ability is made to help others.
Sounds great, thanks!
katseye said:
Basic information
View attachment 203861 Dream (Full View)

Name: Robin Zegblu [Robin's Egg Blue (Crayola Crayon)]

Age: 17

Gender: ??? [They/Them Pronouns]

Species: Human

Weapon information

Weapon name: "Feza and Taron"(Feather and Talon in Japanese)

Weapon description: "Feza and Taron" are two sickles that can also become boomerangs that Robin built himself, as tradition in the Zegblü family. Feza has a small Zegblü "F" on it and goes into the right hand, and Taron has a small Zegblü "T" on it, and goes into the left. They are always introduced in the order of "Feza and Taron" Robin gets somewhat offended when they are addressed in the wrong order.

Weapon creator: Themself

Aura information

Color of Aura: Like This Color

Amount of Aura:

Semblance:"Feather Wave"

When using "Feather Wave", Robin can summon a flurry of small, guided, feather-shaped missiles. Keeping them locked onto a target requires a lot a good amount of focus. When they are touched or the concentration on them is lost, the feathers will explode.

Background information

Any and all of this information can be withheld however a meeting will be set up with Lupin to discuss this.

Have you been part of a criminal organization?: "Technically Not."

Have you done somethings you are less than proud of?: "..."

Have you killed your fellow man?: "..."

Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you?: "No."

Thank You, all this information will be kept in a private and safe place we hope to see you at our Academy.

View attachment 203875

Please stamp your symbol in the space above
One quick question I just need to figure something out quickly, have you seen the anime RWBY and know the concept of dust?

If so then can your "feather wave" be amplified with different elements?

Oh yeah and this character is already accepted I just like to know things that all!
NekoChanBo said:
One quick question I just need to figure something out quickly, have you seen the anime RWBY and know the concept of dust?
If so then can your "feather wave" be amplified with different elements?

Oh yeah and this character is already accepted I just like to know things that all!
nice! and yes, "Feather Wave" can be amplified with dust. Robin doesn't carry dust around, but will use it if available and convenient.
katseye said:
nice! and yes, "Feather Wave" can be amplified with dust. Robin doesn't carry dust around, but will use it if available and convenient.
Perfect, now since your ability is highly offensive based and I can see it being able to zerg (swarm) an opponent I need to stop that meaning sadly you will have a low amount of Aura.

Also I take it that the "..." is a withheld information?
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NekoChanBo said:
Perfect, now since your ability is highly offensive based and I can see it being able to zerg (swarm) an opponent I need to stop that meaning sadly you will have a low amount of Aura.
Also I take it that the "..." is a withheld information?
from a mun perspective, not a problem for me! and yes that is what "..." means

Galucous Academy initiate form.

Basic information



Irohamomiji "Momiji" Musashi

(First name is a reference to Japanese maple trees, which happen to be a bright blood red-ish colour in autumn. Last name is a reference to Miyamoto Musashi)







Weapon information

Weapon name:

Victory Bell.

Weapon description:


Victory Bell is a two foot long, two point six pound Katana with a clear, almost white blade that becomes a stained color depending on what sort of Dust it is exposed to currently. (Picture not withstanding.) The katana itself doesn't have a visible firing mechanism like that of other modern weapons, as it only comes with its sheath.

However, upon closer inspection, one can plainly see that there is an exhaust port near where the Tsuba (or hilt) and the blade meet. This is because Victory Bell is actually a dust-modified blade that exudes powdered dust to create a "
Long-range slash" effect, as one would call it. Both close and distanced slashes will differ in effect depending on dust used. Fire Dust will instantly cauterize wounds, Lightning dust will speed up blade drawing and create a stun-gun effect, and Wind dust will temporarily make the blade lighter and create a knock-back and non-lethal slashing effect.

Victory Bell can also be split down the middle and allow its user to dual wield blades. However, while the halves are separated, the user will not be able to utilize the dust mechanism and is thus unable to fight long-range.

Victory Bell is used in an Iaido combat style which puts great emphasis on quick draws and debilitating cuts.

Weapon creator:

Designed by Irohamomiji, crafted by "Hired Hands".

Aura information

Color of Aura:

Light Violet

Amount of Aura:

Irohamomiji has a medium amount of Aura that is just slightly above the average allowing her to use it for quite a while without it being overused.



"Clock Up"

Put simply, Irohamomiji's semblance is one that basically allows her to speed up her body's movements. (Similar to that of Ruby Rose.)

However, the science behind her semblance is that, while active, Irohamomiji's body is constantly vibrating at such a high frequency that any friction she would normally experience while moving is simply shrugged off and thus allows her to move at three times the average running speed of a human. (She can even outrun Cheetahs!)

Anything she touches and projects her own Aura onto will also be affected by her Semblance; This allows her to move items and people at the same speed. Moving living creatures at her Semblance pace, however, is more exhausting than it would to move non-living objects at the same speed. As such, it would wear her out much more easily.

Clock Up, as it is neither a combat semblance nor a defensive semblance, is unaffected by Victory Bell's dust.

Background information


Any and all of this information can be withheld however a meeting will be set up with Lupin to discuss this.

Have you been part of a criminal organization?:


Have you done somethings you are less than proud of?:


Have you killed your fellow man?:


Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you?:


Thank You, all this information will be kept in a private and safe place we hope to see you at our Academy.


Please stamp your symbol in the space above

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Quiet said:

Galucous Academy initiate form.

Basic information



Irohamomiji "Momiji" Musashi

(First name is a reference to Japanese maple trees, which happen to be a bright blood red-ish colour in autumn. Last name is a reference to Miyamoto Musashi)







Weapon information

Weapon name:

Victory Bell.

Weapon description:


Victory Bell is a two foot long, two point six pound Katana with a clear, almost white blade that becomes a stained color depending on what sort of Dust it is exposed to currently. (Picture not withstanding.) The katana itself doesn't have a visible firing mechanism like that of other modern weapons, as it only comes with its sheath.

However, upon closer inspection, one can plainly see that there is an exhaust port near where the Tsuba (or hilt) and the blade meet. This is because Victory Bell is actually a dust-modified blade that exudes powdered dust to create a "
Long-range slash" effect, as one would call it. Both close and distanced slashes will differ in effect depending on dust used. Fire Dust will instantly cauterize wounds, Lightning dust will speed up blade drawing and create a stun-gun effect, and Wind dust will temporarily make the blade lighter and create a knock-back and non-lethal slashing effect.

Victory Bell can also be split down the middle and allow its user to dual wield blades. However, while the halves are separated, the user will not be able to utilize the dust mechanism and is thus unable to fight long-range.

Victory Bell is used in an Iaido combat style which puts great emphasis on quick draws and debilitating cuts.

Weapon creator:

Designed by Irohamomiji, crafted by "Hired Hands".

Aura information

Color of Aura:

Light Violet

Amount of Aura:



"Clock Up"

Put simply, Irohamomiji's semblance is one that basically allows her to speed up her body's movements. (Similar to that of Ruby Rose.)

However, the science behind her semblance is that, while active, Irohamomiji's body is constantly vibrating at such a high frequency that any friction she would normally experience while moving is simply shrugged off and thus allows her to move at three times the average running speed of a human. (She can even outrun Cheetahs!)

Anything she touches and projects her own Aura onto will also be affected by her Semblance; This allows her to move items and people at the same speed. Moving living creatures at her Semblance pace, however, is more exhausting than it would to move non-living objects at the same speed. As such, it would wear her out much more easily.

Clock Up, as it is neither a combat semblance nor a defensive semblance, is unaffected by Victory Bell's dust.

Background information


Any and all of this information can be withheld however a meeting will be set up with Lupin to discuss this.

Have you been part of a criminal organization?:


Have you done somethings you are less than proud of?:


Have you killed your fellow man?:


Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you?:


Thank You, all this information will be kept in a private and safe place we hope to see you at our Academy.


Please stamp your symbol in the space above

Accepted, medium level of aura. Love the character!

Galucous Academy Initiate Form

Basic information

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Konachancom-101130durararaheadphonesknifeorihara_izayapink_eyes.jpg.6b9d91828e99434d420e758319f21062.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91308" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Konachancom-101130durararaheadphonesknifeorihara_izayapink_eyes.jpg.6b9d91828e99434d420e758319f21062.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Ren McComb Jr.







Weapon information

Weapon name:

Kin Bane

Weapon description:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/8adef9a7f9IHDWTNW_39943_256568b012.jpg.4878648e7ad101afad3bc0420b85c0bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91312" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/8adef9a7f9IHDWTNW_39943_256568b012.jpg.4878648e7ad101afad3bc0420b85c0bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A small switch blade, with a hidden lengthy carbon fiber string. (about 10 feet worth) hidden in the hilt.

Weapon creator:

Ren McComb Sr.

Aura information

Color of Aura:

Hot Pink

Amount of Aura:

Ren has a low amount of aura which means it is lower than the average person's.


Impossible Chance: I send my aura out to about 10 feet around me, then force it back, pulling any object in that 10 foot circle to myself. Luckily, im able to jump directly after the pull, giving me the chance to dodge any unsavory objects.

Background information

Have you been part of a criminal organization?:


Have you done somethings you are less than proud of?:

Most Definitely

Have you killed your fellow man?:


Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you?:

I believe we all hide from ourselves. Except me. So that would be a no.

Thank You, all this information will be kept in a private and safe place we hope to see you at our Academy.

I would hope so.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/07fe6d4dae53277d7d9358cab1aca9a7.jpg.94193c9f3e3610c1cb60f0278858693a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91319" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/07fe6d4dae53277d7d9358cab1aca9a7.jpg.94193c9f3e3610c1cb60f0278858693a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Orihara.Izaya.full.1064233.jpg.37c1975ad7f8be264d0d0c2f05b31576.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91313" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Orihara.Izaya.full.1064233.jpg.37c1975ad7f8be264d0d0c2f05b31576.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Rentition said:

Galucous Academy Initiate Form

Basic information

View attachment 204049


Ren McComb Jr.







Weapon information

Weapon name:

Kin Bane

Weapon description:

View attachment 204057

A small switch blade, with a hidden lengthy carbon fiber string. (about 10 feet worth) hidden in the hilt.

Weapon creator:

Ren McComb Sr.

Aura information

Color of Aura:

Hot Pink

Amount of Aura:


Impossible Chance: I send my aura out to about 10 feet around me, then force it back, pulling any object in that 10 foot circle to myself. Luckily, im able to jump directly after the pull, giving me the chance to dodge any unsavory objects.

Background information

Have you been part of a criminal organization?:


Have you done somethings you are less than proud of?:

Most Definitely

Have you killed your fellow man?:


Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you?:

I believe we all hide from ourselves. Except me. So that would be a no.

Thank You, all this information will be kept in a private and safe place we hope to see you at our Academy.

I would hope so.

View attachment 204073
Question on your Semblance. Does it pull all objects in a 10 foot circle or only one of your choice? If all does that include people/living beings?
NekoChanBo said:
Question on your Semblance. Does it pull all objects in a 10 foot circle or only one of your choice? If all does that include people/living beings?
All objects, and yes this includes living things.
Rentition said:
All objects, and yes this includes living things.
Okay accepted however due to the nature of this ability and the fact that it pulls everything including people towards you, you are going to have a low Aura amount.
NekoChanBo said:
Okay accepted however due to the nature of this ability and the fact that it pulls everything including people towards you, you are going to have a low Aura amount.
totally ok with me :D
HIF-01 Glacious Academy Initiate Form




Name: Crimson, the entity had been granted no other name.

Age: In artificial years, she's designed to be around the age range of 18-21. In actual birth years, she's about one years old.

Gender: The newest line of Artificial Hunters are built with gender swapping capabilities. Despite that, she's found herself more comfortable in a female form.

Species: Artificial Hunter. (Robot like Penny )

Bio-Mechanic Weaponry



PROJECT: THORN is designed with highly compact yet lethal armaments. Mounted onto her arms are Graphene blades(can extend up to four feet with the standard length of a katana) given a sleek crimson finish. Each of her fingers are sharply tipped with the option to form individual blades should she find the others inoperable for any reason. As if their initial purpose was not powerful enough, they are able to do the following: be fired off from extremely far distances at the speed of a sniper bullet and detach from her body and be controlled via telekinetic control.

Being the multipurpose war machine she was,
PROJECT: THORN came equipped with a secondary mode: LONG RANGED


LONG RANGED: Normally, PROJECT: THORN possesses two guns, two mini-guns which are accessed by her arms withdrawing, her mini-guns replacing the main artillery. Secondly is a highly compact sniper rifle w/scope, it can also be used by swapping one of her arms; her fingers an alternative bullet should the situation call for it. However, when entering her Long Ranged mode, her weapons are given an upgrade. Heat seeking bullets, you gotta love em.

Overall, PROJECT: THORN is suited for long lasting combat, equipped with thrusters for aerial combat and boosting her speeds up to a blazing fast level. Of course, it's put to question who created such a tool- the answer to that is a lot more simplistic that it's design.

ATLAS(An organization claiming to be ATLAS)


(To my knowledge Robots don't have semblances so I'll keep that out for now).


Have you been part of a criminal organization?: CLASSIFIED

Have you done somethings you are less than proud of?: CLASSIFIED

Have you killed your fellow man?: CLASSIFIED

Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you?: We were approached by Lupin with a letter of offering, we at ATLAS felt it was a perfect opportunity to test out our latest creation.

Thank You, all this information will be kept in a private and safe place we hope to see you at our Academy.


Please Stamp Your Symbol Above
Lockett said:
HIF-01 Glacious Academy Initiate Form




Name: Crimson, the entity had been granted no other name.

Age: In artificial years, she's designed to be around the age range of 18-21. In actual birth years, she's about one years old.

Gender: The newest line of Artificial Hunters are built with gender swapping capabilities. Despite that, she's found herself more comfortable in a female form.

Species: Artificial Hunter. (Robot like Penny )

Bio-Mechanic Weaponry



PROJECT: THORN is designed with highly compact yet lethal armaments. Mounted onto her arms are Graphene blades(can extend up to four feet with the standard length of a katana) given a sleek crimson finish. Each of her fingers are sharply tipped with the option to form individual blades should she find the others inoperable for any reason. As if their initial purpose was not powerful enough, they are able to do the following: be fired off from extremely far distances at the speed of a sniper bullet and detach from her body and be controlled via telekinetic control.

Being the multipurpose war machine she was, PROJECT: THORN came equipped with a secondary mode: LONG RANGED


LONG RANGED: Normally, PROJECT: THORN possesses two guns, two mini-guns which are accessed by her arms withdrawing, her mini-guns replacing the main artillery. Secondly is a highly compact sniper rifle w/scope, it can also be used by swapping one of her arms; her fingers an alternative bullet should the situation call for it. However, when entering her Long Ranged mode, her weapons are given an upgrade. Heat seeking bullets, you gotta love em.

Overall, PROJECT: THORN is suited for long lasting combat, equipped with thrusters for aerial combat and boosting her speeds up to a blazing fast level. Of course, it's put to question who created such a tool- the answer to that is a lot more simplistic that it's design.

ATLAS(An organization claiming to be ATLAS)


(To my knowledge Robots don't have semblances so I'll keep that out for now).


Have you been part of a criminal organization?: CLASSIFIED

Have you done somethings you are less than proud of?: CLASSIFIED

Have you killed your fellow man?: CLASSIFIED

Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you?: We were approached by Lupin with a letter of offering, we at ATLAS felt it was a perfect opportunity to test out our latest creation.

Thank You, all this information will be kept in a private and safe place we hope to see you at our Academy.


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Accepted, this is a awesome character. Just one question this ATLAS is not the real ATLAS is it?
NekoChanBo said:
Accepted, this is a awesome character. Just one question this ATLAS is not the real ATLAS is it?
No, this is a rogue faction attempting to be what it's not.
Basic information


Name: Evan Esther

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Weapon information

Weapon name: Avarosan

Weapon description:


A bow forged out of titanium, though heavy as it is the bow itself has a draw weight of 260 lbs. It can detach itself into two pieces and become blades used for close combat or kept in it's bow form as a double ended blade.

Weapon creator:

The bow was passed down by Evan's ancestors, it was created by his own family, but the creator is unknown.

Aura information

Color of Aura: Coral pink

Amount of Aura: Evan has a high amount of aura making him be able to use it for longer.

Semblance: Ranger's Focus- All of Evan's senses are heightened, he is able to sense and scout enemies from far and wide ranges. His draw weight increases increases to 500 and is able to hit enemies from 500 kilometers. The drawback to his Semblance is it takes a huge amount of effort and energy after using it once he becomes extremely fatigue and only lasts for 1 minuet, but he only uses it for 20 seconds.

Background information

Any and all of this information can be withheld however a meeting will be set up with Lupin to discuss this.

Have you been part of a criminal organization?:


Have you done somethings you are less than proud of?:


Have you killed your fellow man?:


Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you?:


Thank You, all this information will be kept in a private and safe place we hope to see you at our Academy.


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