Ruvyns Reign


Ruling unknown Kingdoms


"It's trechorous"

"So much had happened because of that boy."

"He wasn't ready, what age was he? Twelve, thirteen?"

"Ruzyns Reign, how to begin..."

It begins within the kingdom of Tolthe, named after the family which had taken control of the land ages ago when they had first step foot upon the plain where it originated from. It was discovered by Elves so those who inhabit it were mainly of that species, though the king welcomed all, he saw no wrong in any of them if they weren't causing any discomfort in his home. That past generations king had reigned powerfully and with a delicate hand, though his strength faltered for a small amount of time when his wife had passed after giving birth to his youngest son of two.

It was a dream, the new father had been given the blessing of having two sons who he knew would watch the kingdom with care after him. Their names being Ruvyn and Eleonares, the youngests name being a spin off his wives who had owned the name Ellen. The two were three years apart and it seemed everything was a competition between the princes, who would last longer on the throne or who could run down the stairs the fastest. The kingdom and the family were both at a passive and preferred peace.

Until the king had suddenly passed away with a newly discovered illness.

The kings passing had made it so Tolthes new king was a twelve year old boy named Ruvyn, who had barely understood the works of their government the day before he was put in the position. And without his fathers guidance and only the support of those who used to help his father the kingdom of Tolthe soon plummeted into a dark depression. The illness his father had passed from spread in a large epidemic and killed many and plagued the survivors with terrible after effects.

Tolthe which once was seen as the haven of the century had been out of commission and a purgatory for five years until Ruzyn had gotten a grip on the land and it's remaining people. And once again gradually others came and it returned to its past state, their new king was finally a king they could depend on.

But seven years later terrible luck attacked the Tolthe kingdom once more, resluting in the kingdom losing their reigning king Ruvyn. Who in the dead of night had been kidnapped by who can be suspected to be the royal families head chef, a seemingly kind tender mad who had disappeared after that night.

All that was left of the royal family was its youngest son at the current age of 21, Eleonares who for a week awaited a ransom note. Or a sortve message which would demand some price for his brothers life, but it never came. And so Eleonares had sent out his own letter to those who he had heard to be the best warriors or strategists within the land, in an attempt to create his own search party for the knights he knew had no leads.

They would find his brother, they would find their king and retrieve him from where he is believed to be.


"Blue moon, full moon."

"Anchors crest..."

"Anonymous, can I trust it?"

"What's my reward?"

Hello (Insert title/alias/name here)

I send this out with knowledge from many men and women that inform me of your great ability in either strategies or combat. I've been told you would very useful in the task I wish for your cooperation with. I cannot trust that my personal messenger will not read these so I mustn't dwell on what I need from you much. But it has to do with the disappearance of Tolthes Elven kingdoms king, for much more information on the subject and more importantly your planned to be massive reward please sit at the table nearest to the single window at the bar Anchors Crest this full moon at the fall of dusk.

I hope for you attendance,



"Don't be rude, it's what they are."

"They believe if they're nice to the Earth they'll be re-payed."

"Known for their wisdom and prosperity."

"They're ugly little demons."









"They're demons."

"They feed into the devils craving of sadness and agony."

"I lost my sister to their kind."

"...Blood thirsty cannibals."

They had been first created during the depression which had fallen a crossed the Tolthe Kingdom. As many seeked animals and harvested food despite the season in an attempt to feed their families. Many civilians, mainly those who had been in poverty at the moment couldn't obtain what food was needed, failing to even steal what food they could from the still open shops. And instead of turning to what options they could have had, they had drifted into an unthought of category. Cannibalism.

They are a kind which seeks nothing more then survival, a kind that strays from what many would consider sanity. But they aren't a particular species for they come in many shapes and forms that you may walk by each day, and they're called Sixes. Not much information is known about sixes, although there is one thing for certain.

Sixes are cannibals which prey upon their own kind, may it be a hobbit or a pixie once they have tasted the inthralls of their own kind they are incapable of turning back.

The change begins with small things that mainly go unnoticed if not mentioned directly. But gradually the string between the persons humane persona and insanity lessens and thins until its nonexistent. They'll continue to seek out the flesh of their own kind in an attempt to survive, for it is notable that they are incapable of consuming any other species substance then their own. If they are to eat anything else, the body will reject the food, it will be disgusting and if not immediately thrown up the six which consumes it will become deathly ill for a duration of time.

Sixes though once fully processed are easy to point out, for the purity they once had had been tainted the moment they ate their own kind. Their skin will have faded to an ashy grey, something that cannot be hid easily. And for now no information can be noted that would hint to any antidote, or a way to reverse the affect.

A person can lose what made them normal in only sixes weeks, and that's where their name came from.


"Ugh. Rules..."

"Really? That's a rule."

"There are so many, this persons ridiculous."

"I'm just gonna skip this."

-Please be Kind

-Please be semi-active

-Don't turn it into a 1x1, interactions between two characters can last ten replies until you need to wait for someone else to reply before continuing.

-This is an advanced roleplay, so please post no less then three paragraphs

-No Mary or Gary Sues, be creative!

-Move the plot along

-I'm a sucker for romance but if it gets steamy fade to black please.

-No bunnying, that's their character not yours!

-No god modding, can't dodge every attack.

-Don't hog the limelight, don't constantly make things about you.

-If you've read this mention the characters favorite meal in the 'Other'.

-I'm the author, talk to me first before making a side quest.

-No one can be a Six, unless given personal permission.

-If two role players get into an argument please contact me so I may try to help.

-Have fun!
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