Ruvyns Reign


Ruling unknown Kingdoms

Title: (What they are known by, 'The women born of flames.' 'The masked mist ect)

Appearance: (Anime, no description unless very detailed)

Name: (First, Last, Mid. Opt.)

Nickname: (Opt.)

Age: (17-25)



Species: (See tab)

Power(s): (Up to two, one weak, one powerful. Two weak, wont allow two powerful)

Likes: (At least five)

Dislikes: (At least five)

Personality: (At least two paragraphs)

Skills: (At least five)

Weaknesses: (At least five)

Preferred Weapon: (Type, Photo preferred though not mandatory)

Animal companion: (Opt. Photo preferred. Provide name, gender, species)

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The Prince of Tolthe


Eleonares Rose Tolthe

Nickname: He absolutely despises nicknames, which gives you all the reason to make up your own or use. Leon and Ellie

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Seemingly Elf

Power(s): Notably None

Likes: Tea, The outdoors, specifically the woods, Being praised, Being the best or simply being better, Secretly Ruvyn, Heights, Boasting

Dislikes: Criticism, Confrontation, Arrogance, Things not going his way, Water, deep water, People touching him without permission, Insults


Forgetful | Prideful | Stubborn | Annoying | Naive | Arrogant | Selfish

Just as it would be with anyone else you cannot describe Eleonares with a single word, his personality has evolved and developed over his most recent years upon being taught of the rankings through their kingdom. The piece of evidence which informed him of how high he was on the list of importance stuck to him conscious more then any other piece of information he has been told. And it was the main reason for his sudden change in persona at the age of fourteen.

Eleonares can be most easily described as your stereotypical prince, he finds his greatest joys in being the one to stand highest above everyone else his stubbornness not allowing anyone to say otherwise. Never thinking twice before boasting about his 'many' accomplishments, which are found to actually be true for he doesn't believe in lying, and never shall enjoy it.

The prince believes that he could rule the kingdom or merely anything with great ease, and has begun to think that everyone will follow his orders as his servants do much of the time. And oh does he love that, expressing the amount of distance between himself and someone else has always been his favorite line to state. If you give him a reason or an opening, he will be quick to tell some great story of his heroics(his favorite to tell is when he had saved a families house pet.). Eleonares can quickly be labeled as obnoxious and arrogant, his pride of being a prince being the outer shell of his persona.

But much like anything and anyone else, he has layers. Though they are rarely set free due to many never sticking around long enough to experience them. In all actuality Eleonares due to barely ever leaving his families large castle can be found to be actually quite naive in some scenarios, being that due to be the prince of Tolthe he'll be allowed certain things and that people would even play fair against him in his first game of poker. Eleonares in most scenarios outside of his knowledge range can be found to be innocent, not very up to date in the lingo or what may be an innuendo. Which brings us to a surprising thing, Eleonares will probably become most flustered and uncomfortable if anything romantic may appear or be brought up, especially the topic of 'making love'. If this is ever brought up he is fast to distinguish the conversation no matter the situation.

Positive traits involving Eleonares are difficult to find, for many after an hour with him doesn't believe he has any. But there have been instances where few have seen him be very kindhearted to his brother, but to only Ruvyn and occasionally Loquwil for no one else has taken the time.

Skills: Using his position as an excuse to do what he wants, Being annoying, Performing, specifically singing and juggling, Excellent Swordsmanship, Crafting, Great Navigation

Weaknesses:Cannot swim due to extreme fear, Believes he must be teh hero in a battle, Cockiness can get in the way, Naive and somewhat gullible, Easily angered

Preferred Weapon: Rapier

Other: Oddly he's not very picky with what he's given, he'll always love a simple fruit to bite into.

The Vacant Hunter


Name: Loquwil Conners

Nickname: Will, Lock, Six, Vampire

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual, Not Known

Species: Elf/Six


Copy Cat: Loquwils bloodline has made him capable of copying others abilities for varying amounts of time, though this ability and the Conners family has grown unpopular and even frowned upon for this power due to how it is acquired. If the one they want to copy the ability of is sliced with the families specific blade which is decorated with their homes crest and the blood retrieved is consumed then as long as that blood is within him prominently they're capable of copying the ability.


Sweets, Food in General, Napping, Conning Others, Tricks, Intimidating Others, People playing with his hair, Children


People being afraid of him, Confrontation, Disrespect, The taste of blade, Being called Vampire, Dancing, Crowds, Cats


Brave | Loyal | Tactless | Sarcastic | Prankster | Bully | Attention-Seeker | Secretive | Closed off | Self Preserved

Loquwil's not afraid to venture out into new and unknown territory, often leading himself into trouble. Living within the kingdoms walls, he's highly curious about stuff in the other lands and would question what those who lived away did things or how things are even possible. He is very confident with himself--maybe too confident that he over judges things, as this often pushing him and his limits. He is quite aggressive, at times pugnacious and energetic. Once you break through the wall he's put up around himself, he is a very loyal friend, and would stick by you.

Loquwil though does not talk unless conversed to or if needed, when asked for his opinion he states what's in his mind without much thought about the consequences or the way it would affect other people. He has a problem with picking the right words, often saying offensive things rather than what he really wants to say (things often sound a lot nicer in his head). Another set of traits that leads Loquiwil into trouble and is the reason why he's bad at making first impressions.

But once you know him well you'll know he's a penchant for performing pranks on unsuspecting victims especially when bored. Loquwil unconsciously seeks other people's attention, negative or not. Gets a kick out of making people annoyed or cry, call him out on it and he'll merely give you a shrug. (Why so serious, dude, can't take a joke?) He may come off as intimidating but in reality he's all talk and no bite.

Loquwil's easy to get along with, if you don't mind his sarcasm and lack of tact when he's not in a foul mood. He keeps a certain emotional distance between himself and the others though and always has his walls up. He has trouble telling his feelings and does not take kindness or affection towards him very well and is skeptical over other people's intentions, often testing their limits on how much they can keep the 'nice' act.

Skills: High Speed, High Defense, Cooking, Tailoring surprisingly, Very Observant

Weaknesses: Low Stamina, Low Offense, Can lose Ability Unpredictably, Scary Looking, Limited Vision

Preferred Weapon: Double wielding blades as seen in appearance, family crest is engraved into the grip.

Other: The Conners family hold a similar appearance to those of the Sixes species due to their own consumption of different beings bloods but the different hued grey patches that decorate their skin shows how they are different. The blood consumed is enough to tame the Six side and due to being more Elven Loquwil is capable of eating what he pleases.

Which he does, Loquwil loves everything when it comes to food.

Antheia the Cold


Name: Antheia Crane Dellenue

Nickname: Theia

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Elf

Power(s): Heat. Not fire (fire is actually incredibly unlikely for her to create), but she is able to muster up unnatural amounts of heat (usually in the palms of her hands). It's an odd ability, but it is definitely necessary to the ability she is known Antheia has the potential to freeze anything AND everything...if she wanted to...but even if she wanted to, it's not like she is immune to her own ability. Much like her "heating" ability, Theia needs to muster up insanely low temperatures IN her hands, which causes the skin, muscle, and tissue in her hands to...well...freeze up (which is where her heating ability comes in handy...she actually needs to THAW her hands out!). Theia very seldom uses her powers due to it's painful consequences, but when she does, you can bet it'll be kick ass.


-Summertime (she's got...issues...with the cold...oddly enough.)


-Spicy food

-Spending time by herself (not exactly in the stoic badass anime character sort of way...more in a "me time" sort of way.)


-Grass (I dunno...Theia doesn't really like too many things...she's kinda...cold...)


-The cold.

-People who talk too much.

-People who don't understand how her power works (even though she's told them over...and over...AND OVER...)

-People who try to use her for their own personal gain.

-Usually just people in general.

-Really loud noises.

Personality: Antheia the first one may think that the "Cold" part of the Elf's title refers to her odd ability. In reality, it refers to her harsh attitude towards other people. The girl's social skills are definitely not her best quality, and she finds it a little...well, maybe more than a little...difficult to get along with people, thus the reason she's pretty much always by herself. I would like to say that deep down, Theia is a gentle, caring person...but that would be a lie. She's pretty much cold to the core, even though she does have her compassionate moments towards other beings. It's pretty difficult to befriend her, but not impossible. Earning her trust is the hard part. Theia is very easily put on edge and very easily angered. Her temper is short, but the time it takes her to forgive and forget is shorter. If there is one admirable thing about Theia, it's that she's not one to hold grudges.

Antheia, even though she's seemingly indifferent to people of all races, does have an incredible soft spoke for animals. It's been said by many that she gets along better with animals than actual people...and she won't deny it. She's the type of girl who always has some sort of creature napping in her satchel and nuzzling against her neck. She's an intense vegetarian and would never DREAM of eating an animal. She would rather die.

Antheia is also, even though her interactions with others aren't the best, a very loyal person. Even if she doesn't particularly like you, she won't betray you. She treasures trust when it is given as if it were the most precious thing she could have.


-She gets along great with animals.

-She's pretty good at identifying edible berries and other plants.

-She's pretty good at controlling her abilities when she does use them.

-Her aim is impeccable (well, close to impeccable)

-She can juggle (Not really good for much, but it's a hell-of-a good distraction.)


-Her ability causes her extreme pain.

-She's got terrible social skills.

-She's a vegetarian, which has put her danger of starvation more than once.

-She's got a GIANT soft spot for all animals, even if they "enemy animals" (I dunno.)

-She's really...grumpy...

-She's got a negative sense of direction. She gets lost WAYYY too easily.

Preferred Weapon:

Animal companion: She has many, but her only true "companion" that has stuck with her is a little squirrel-like create named "Kitelle". Kitelle is pretty much a good for nothing free-loader, but at least he's cute!

Other: Her favorite dish is "Super Spicy Pepper Surprise"

((I assume you got permission from SkyFilms to repost this? :3))​
[QUOTE="Queen Rai]

Antheia the Cold


Name: Antheia Crane Dellenue

Nickname: Theia

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Elf

Power(s): Heat. Not fire (fire is actually incredibly unlikely for her to create), but she is able to muster up unnatural amounts of heat (usually in the palms of her hands). It's an odd ability, but it is definitely necessary to the ability she is known Antheia has the potential to freeze anything AND everything...if she wanted to...but even if she wanted to, it's not like she is immune to her own ability. Much like her "heating" ability, Theia needs to muster up insanely low temperatures IN her hands, which causes the skin, muscle, and tissue in her hands to...well...freeze up (which is where her heating ability comes in handy...she actually needs to THAW her hands out!). Theia very seldom uses her powers due to it's painful consequences, but when she does, you can bet it'll be kick ass.


-Summertime (she's got...issues...with the cold...oddly enough.)


-Spicy food

-Spending time by herself (not exactly in the stoic badass anime character sort of way...more in a "me time" sort of way.)


-Grass (I dunno...Theia doesn't really like too many things...she's kinda...cold...)


-The cold.

-People who talk too much.

-People who don't understand how her power works (even though she's told them over...and over...AND OVER...)

-People who try to use her for their own personal gain.

-Usually just people in general.

-Really loud noises.

Personality: Antheia the first one may think that the "Cold" part of the Elf's title refers to her odd ability. In reality, it refers to her harsh attitude towards other people. The girl's social skills are definitely not her best quality, and she finds it a little...well, maybe more than a little...difficult to get along with people, thus the reason she's pretty much always by herself. I would like to say that deep down, Theia is a gentle, caring person...but that would be a lie. She's pretty much cold to the core, even though she does have her compassionate moments towards other beings. It's pretty difficult to befriend her, but not impossible. Earning her trust is the hard part. Theia is very easily put on edge and very easily angered. Her temper is short, but the time it takes her to forgive and forget is shorter. If there is one admirable thing about Theia, it's that she's not one to hold grudges.

Antheia, even though she's seemingly indifferent to people of all races, does have an incredible soft spoke for animals. It's been said by many that she gets along better with animals than actual people...and she won't deny it. She's the type of girl who always has some sort of creature napping in her satchel and nuzzling against her neck. She's an intense vegetarian and would never DREAM of eating an animal. She would rather die.

Antheia is also, even though her interactions with others aren't the best, a very loyal person. Even if she doesn't particularly like you, she won't betray you. She treasures trust when it is given as if it were the most precious thing she could have.


-She gets along great with animals.

-She's pretty good at identifying edible berries and other plants.

-She's pretty good at controlling her abilities when she does use them.

-Her aim is impeccable (well, close to impeccable)

-She can juggle (Not really good for much, but it's a hell-of-a good distraction.)


-Her ability causes her extreme pain.

-She's got terrible social skills.

-She's a vegetarian, which has put her danger of starvation more than once.

-She's got a GIANT soft spot for all animals, even if they "enemy animals" (I dunno.)

-She's really...grumpy...

-She's got a negative sense of direction. She gets lost WAYYY too easily.

Preferred Weapon:

Animal companion: She has many, but her only true "companion" that has stuck with her is a little squirrel-like create named "Kitelle". Kitelle is pretty much a good for nothing free-loader, but at least he's cute!

Other: Her favorite dish is "Super Spicy Pepper Surprise"

((I assume you got permission from SkyFilms to repost this? :3))​

Of course, Goodness I should probably say that I did just in case. But Accepted as you were before. :)
HighnessesReign said:
Of course, Goodness I should probably say that I did just in case. But Accepted as you were before. :)
Thank you very much!!! And yeah, I'd put somewhere that he was the original writer (unless I was dumb and missed it) <3

The Nihilist


Milo Wade Lucard


Mihile, Luca










Superhuman Regeneration. Milo regenerates from any wound almost instantaneously, but it can take him a couple of seconds and render him defenseless if it's a large chunk of his body. The regeneration will slow down the more damage has been dealt to him, and unlike his body his clothes do not regenerate so he likes to try and not get them damaged. Should a large portion of his body be damaged, such as his head getting cut off, his arm getting ripped off, or getting entirely sliced in half small tendon-like tubular straws of tissue will reach out and connect his body again, swiftly pulling it back together and allowing it to heal. Should the limb be destroyed or get so far away that it can't be reattached to the body it will take a much more substantial amount of energy to regrow the limb from scratch. During this time Milo's healing factor is severely gimped, and he's very vulnerable.

Side-effect of this ability makes his body naturally more durable, although only slightly, and grants him almost endless amounts of stamina.


Milo loves talking to people, he finds slight pleasure in receiving pain. This of course also means he enjoys combat, perhaps just a little bit more than he should, but that's all subjective. Drawing is one of his greatest passions, although he seldom finds time for it. In spite of his title, he actually really makes people happy and/or laugh. Milo also has a interest in birds, and likes to both feed and inspect them. He also really loves the smell of blood, cinnamon and lime. He's got a huge soft spot for old people.


Milo absolutely disdains the feeling of frosted glass or when his skin gets dry(which is very seldom due to the nature of his abilities), and the smell of fire, although he can endure the latter. He's got a strong distaste for cats, and should he be left alone with one, you shouldn't expect the cat to leave alive. Milo absolutely hates regular bandits and ruffians.


"The Nihilist" is honestly a horrible title for Milo. "The Masochist" or "The Mutilator" or maybe even "The Regenerator" would've been better titles for him. Milo isn't nihilistic, he very much enjoys life and the people in it. He's incredibly happy and peppy all the time. The altruism and outgoing nature of Milo has surprised people on many occasions, especially since his background as an assassin and hitman has portrayed him as a complete lunatic. He's actually quite likable, and usually people succumb to his light-hearted demeanor.

As for the lunatic part, that's not entirely off. Due to the nature of the type of ability he has, he had to get used to dealing with immense amounts of pain to be on par with other people of his strength. At first he slowly developed a resistance to the pain, but the rate he was receiving it versus the rate he was building up and immunity was very unbalanced. Eventually, his brain developed a sort-of second "persona" that he started switching into during battle to help him cope with the pain. This persona was incredibly unstable, and when he was like that he couldn't tell friend from foe and several unfortunate accidents happened because of it. He received extensive help to assist him in beating this persona, but ended up merging it with his regular personality. Therefore he's got some strange tendencies, such as not feeling any remorse for killing, enjoying most pain or simply not feeling it, his irrational hatred for cats, and his urges to eat his fallen victims both because he's incredibly hungry and he likes raw meat. He hasn't succumbed to cannibalism yet however.

Milo has never been very successful in creating lasting relationships with anyone, even though most people like him unless they're scared of him. Since he constantly acts so happy and upbeat people have a difficult time believing that he's honest, and not just putting up some form of act. The same thing goes for romantically. He's had his romantic encounters before, but they either realized how screwed up he can be or had some other happenstance divide them before it blossomed into anything lasting.


- Highly Agile

- Great Body Coordination

- Very Strong

- Almost Endless Stamina

- Great Memory

- Fairly Stealthy


- His ability has regrettably caused him to become quite reckless, and he usually sustains a lot more hits than he would have to

- To keep his abilities working he needs to eat regularly.

- Fighting makes him hungrier.

- He can get a little antsy if he's been out of combat for a while occasionally.

- Not necessarily naïve, but he almost never questions anyone. This has lead him into traps before.

- He's overconfident in his abilities. This is why he keeps walking into said traps.

Preferred Weapon


Milo carries around a long heavy Glaive as his primary weapon, but has a variety of chains, steel string and barbed wire.

Animal companion

None, and don't ask him. He used to have a bluebird that he cared about, but it died.


Red meat. Raw meat. Meat. Mmmm.
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[QUOTE="Prizzy Kriyze]
The Nihilist


Milo Wade Lucard


Mihile, Luca










Superhuman Regeneration. Milo regenerates from any wound almost instantaneously, but it can take him a couple of seconds and render him defenseless if it's a large chunk of his body. The regeneration will slow down the more damage has been dealt to him, and unlike his body his clothes do not regenerate so he likes to try and not get them damaged. Should a large portion of his body be damaged, such as his head getting cut off, his arm getting ripped off, or getting entirely sliced in half small tendon-like tubular straws of tissue will reach out and connect his body again, swiftly pulling it back together and allowing it to heal.

A side-effect of this ability makes his body naturally more durable, although only slightly, and grants him almost endless amounts of stamina and almost eliminating the need for sleep.


Milo loves talking to people, he finds slight pleasure in receiving pain. This of course also means he enjoys combat, perhaps just a little bit more than he should, but that's all subjective. Drawing is one of his greatest passions, although he seldom finds time for it. In spite of his title, he actually really makes people happy and/or laugh. Milo also has a interest in birds, and likes to both feed and inspect them. He also really loves the smell of blood, cinnamon and lime. He's got a huge soft spot for old people.


Milo absolutely disdains the feeling of frosted glass or when his skin gets dry(which is very seldom due to the nature of his abilities), and the smell of fire, although he can endure the latter. He's got a strong distaste for cats, and should he be left alone with one, you shouldn't expect the cat to leave alive. Milo absolutely hates regular bandits and ruffians.


"The Nihilist" is honestly a horrible title for Milo. "The Masochist" or "The Mutilator" or maybe even "The Regenerator" would've been better titles for him. Milo isn't nihilistic, he very much enjoys life and the people in it. He's incredibly happy and peppy all the time. The altruism and outgoing nature of Milo has surprised people on many occasions, especially since his background as an assassin and hitman has portrayed him as a complete lunatic. He's actually quite likable, and usually people succumb to his light-hearted demeanor.

As for the lunatic part, that's not entirely off. Due to the nature of the type of ability he has, he had to get used to dealing with immense amounts of pain to be on par with other people of his strength. At first he slowly developed a resistance to the pain, but the rate he was receiving it versus the rate he was building up and immunity was very unbalanced. Eventually, his brain developed a sort-of second "persona" that he started switching into during battle to help him cope with the pain. This persona was incredibly unstable, and when he was like that he couldn't tell friend from foe and several unfortunate accidents happened because of it. He received extensive help to assist him in beating this persona, but ended up merging it with his regular personality. Therefore he's got some strange tendencies, such as not feeling any remorse for killing, enjoying most pain or simply not feeling it, his irrational hatred for cats, and his urges to eat his fallen victims both because he's incredibly hungry and he likes raw meat. He hasn't succumbed to cannibalism yet however.

Milo has never been very successful in creating lasting relationships with anyone, even though most people like him unless they're scared of him. Since he constantly acts so happy and upbeat people have a difficult time believing that he's honest, and not just putting up some form of act. The same thing goes for romantically. He's had his romantic encounters before, but they either realized how screwed up he can be or had some other happenstance divide them before it blossomed into anything lasting.


- Highly Agile

- Great Body Coordination

- Very Strong

- Almost Endless Stamina

- Great Memory

- Fairly Stealthy


- His ability has regrettably caused him to become quite reckless, and he usually sustains a lot more hits than he would have to

- To keep his abilities working he needs to eat regularly.

- Fighting makes him hungrier.

- He can get a little antsy if he's been out of combat for a while occasionally.

- Not necessarily naïve, but he almost never questions anyone. This has lead him into traps before.

- He's overconfident in his abilities. This is why he keeps walking into said traps.

Preferred Weapon


Milo carries around a long heavy Glaive as his primary weapon, but has a variety of chains, steel string and barbed wire.

Animal companion

None, and don't ask him. He used to have a bluebird that he cared about, but it died.


Red meat. Raw meat. Meat. Mmmm.

I like them and they'll be accepted! But my only problem is that the ability seems a bit to godly, if there perhaps were more prominent side effects or limitations it'd be better. Could you tweak it just a bit? Otherwise I love him.
HighnessesReign said:
I like them and they'll be accepted! But my only problem is that the ability seems a bit to godly, if there perhaps were more prominent side effects or limitations it'd be better. Could you tweak it just a bit? Otherwise I love him.
Ah, yes. I have a track record of making godly powers, simply so I don't have anything holding me back if I want to write something that sounds cool, and I'll have to admit I kind of really wanted to make a semi-psycho character with lots of gore to it. Let's see if I can't figure out some form of creative limitation, gimme a second.
[QUOTE="Prizzy Kriyze]Ah, yes. I have a track record of making godly powers, simply so I don't have anything holding me back if I want to write something that sounds cool, and I'll have to admit I kind of really wanted to make a semi-psycho character with lots of gore to it. Let's see if I can't figure out some form of creative limitation, gimme a second.

I'm sorry, thank you.
HighnessesReign said:
I'm sorry, thank you.
Nothing to be sorry about ^^ I was pushing the limits to begin with. I added a little weakness onto the ability bit. Tell me if you think it's enough or if I should slice it down further :)
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I'm sorry, thank you.
Nothing to be sorry about ^^ I was pushing the limits to begin with. I added a little weakness onto the ability bit. Tell me if you think it's enough or if I should slice it down further :)

I accept it greatly! Thank you for being so understandable, a lot of people would get really scary if I were to say something like that to them. ^-^
HighnessesReign said:
I accept it greatly! Thank you for being so understandable, a lot of people would get really scary if I were to say something like that to them. ^-^
Haha, yeah, I don't want cause any problems for you :3 I gotta sleep now though. Cheers!
Fayette of the Forest


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/AnimeNymphGirl.jpg.389e5d8cdf44c4b2b2c4e73dc0a91dfe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41517" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/AnimeNymphGirl.jpg.389e5d8cdf44c4b2b2c4e73dc0a91dfe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Fayette

Nickname: Fae, or Little Fae ((which is ironic because she is a Nymph, not a Faerie) She does not like this and has been known to cause her to lose her temper....and it's just so darn cute!)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Undecided, no really she ha no idea.

Species: Forest Nymph

Power(s): Fayette has the ability to heal herself and others, using the essence of nature. She can heal using tonic, slave and by tapping into the earth's energy. However, her abilities can only speed the healing process and assist (no wolverine like healing power here).

Likes: Nature, sweets, gardening, riddles and small collectibles, she is bit of a pack rat who likes shiny things.

Dislikes: Bad hygiene, being called "Fae" or "Little Fae" by most people, rudeness, bitter tastes and losing. Fayette is a sore loser.

Personality: Like most Nymphs Fayette loves to sing, dance and explore in her forest. She is witty and full of giggles and smiles that are very contagious. However, she has a dark streak containing possessiveness, jealousy and vengeful pride (so basically your average quick tempered girl).


-Sing song voice

-Knowledgeable of plants (also a great cook, her food can make one feel certain emotions)

-She has the ability to heal using the essence of nature and detect and manipulate poison

-Nimble and is an excellent dancer. Her dancing has been said to be hypnotic.

-Manipulative and clever


-Though she is human sized,
Little Fae is only 5ft. Due to her small size, hand to hand combat is not one of her strong suits, in fact it is very safe to say she is terrible at it.

-Fayette speaks her mind or as I like to say she lacks a filter. Which can be a bit inappropriate at times

-She cannot lie

-The longer she uses her healing powers on others the weaker she gets and the longer it takes for her to rejuvenate.

-Sweets! She will do just about anything for sweets!

Preferred Weapon: Fayette's weapon is her wit, charm and healing abilities

Animal companion: Hummingbird

Name: Cavan (named after the crystal Cavansite, used for healing for the eyes bones and blood dissorders)

Gender: Male

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/f5e2eaa8641c0489eebad4ad00abdc9b.jpg.06ed96a10c79bd569ca5444a1935d538.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41519" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/f5e2eaa8641c0489eebad4ad00abdc9b.jpg.06ed96a10c79bd569ca5444a1935d538.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Fruits and cakes are her favorite, but not fruit cake!



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dkitsune said:
Fayette of the Forest

View attachment 100037

Name: Fayette

Nickname: Fae, or Little Fae ((which is ironic because she is a Nymph, not a Faerie) She does not like this and has been known to cause her to lose her temper....and it's just so darn cute!)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Undecided, no really she ha no idea.

Species: Forest Nymph

Power(s): Fayette has the ability to heal herself and others, using the essence of nature. She can heal using tonic, slave and by tapping into the earth's energy. However, her abilities can only speed the healing process and assist (no wolverine like healing power here).

Likes: Nature, sweets, gardening, riddles and small collectibles, she is bit of a pack rat who likes shiny things.

Dislikes: Bad hygiene, being called "Fae" or "Little Fae" by most people, rudeness, bitter tastes and losing. Fayette is a sore loser.

Personality: Like most Nymphs Fayette loves to sing, dance and explore in her forest. She is witty and full of giggles and smiles that are very contagious. However, she has a dark streak containing possessiveness, jealousy and vengeful pride (so basically your average quick tempered girl).


-Sing song voice

-Knowledgeable of plants (also a great cook, her food can make one feel certain emotions)

-She has the ability to heal using the essence of nature and detect and manipulate poison

-Nimble and is an excellent dancer. Her dancing has been said to be hypnotic.

-Manipulative and clever


-Though she is human sized,
Little Fae is only 5ft. Due to her small size, hand to hand combat is not one of her strong suits, in fact it is very safe to say she is terrible at it.

-Fayette speaks her mind or as I like to say she lacks a filter. Which can be a bit inappropriate at times

-She cannot lie

-The longer she uses her healing powers on others the weaker she gets and the longer it takes for her to rejuvenate.

-Sweets! She will do just about anything for sweets!

Preferred Weapon: Fayette's weapon is her wit, charm and healing abilities

Animal companion: Hummingbird

Name: Cavan (named after the crystal Cavansite, used for healing for the eyes bones and blood dissorders)

Gender: Male

View attachment 100039

Other: Fruits and cakes are her favorite, but not fruit cake!
Oh Little Fea is most certainly accepted :)

And as to your question, of course you can make a second character though only two per person is my tops.
Samael of Nightsgarth


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/large.jpg.be45402e7bc834d2c7f5b04340225fa2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41534" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/large.jpg.be45402e7bc834d2c7f5b04340225fa2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Samael Icaros Nauomov

Nickname: SIN (his initials)

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Warlock

Power(s): Spell casting and seduction

Likes: drinking, music, physical affection, 'casual' relations, learning and people watching

Dislikes: homophobia, lies, weakness, bad manors an pickles

Personality: SIN was named after the Arc Angel Samael, the seducer, the destroyer, the Angel of Death. He is very secretive about his past and the darkness that resides in him. Because of this darkness Samael was orphaned at a young age. The violent death of his parents still haunts him.

In adolescence he met a Warlock who took pity on him and took him on as an Apprentice teaching him balance and how to control the darkness within.

It was with his master he learned his love for music and learned to play the flute. He grew to love many other pleasures as well. Whither it be man or woman, he has found comfort in their bed. SIN is an experienced and sensual lover.

When his Master passed of old age when Samael was 19. Though death seems to follow the young Warlock he keeps a lighthearted attitude, is cheerful and faithful to those he cares for.


-spell casting

-staff fighting


-playing the flute

-Whistling, mimicking bird calls


- The bigger the Spell the bigger the toll it takes on his body

-A portion of his soul is attached to the crystal embedded in his staff, this gives him protection, an anchor to stay grounded. However if someone else were to possess it or break it, they would have control or harm him.

-Sex, he has a difficult saying no to anyone's advances

-Love, having a romantic encounter is one thing, but letting someone in behind his walls, into his heart. That's another. SIN has the fear of loving someone and being betrayed or worse, losing them.

-((I couldn't think of a fifth one, if you have any ideas let me know))

Preferred Weapon:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Gandalf-The-Grey-Illuminating-Staff.jpg.645fe1f008db84a65e448934bef85829.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41596" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Gandalf-The-Grey-Illuminating-Staff.jpg.645fe1f008db84a65e448934bef85829.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Animal companion: Samael is fond of every breed in the Animal Kingdom. Alas he has not found an animal companion. Perhaps he is better suited for a companion of a different sort... ;)

Other: Spirits, meats and potatoes

***Sorry if this doesn't read smoothly, I wrote it on my phone during my lunch break***



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Little Angel Sin is Accepted though neither of the photos are working, so if you could fix those that would be great. Or you could send me the link over a conversation and I could edit them into your character sheet if you'd find that easier. :)

At first in the other I thought his favorite food was spirits and I was like...'wat.' x)

Wait nevermind! You're photos are fine all I had to do was refresh the page! *Idiot award goes to me*
HighnessesReign said:
Little Angel Sin is Accepted though neither of the photos are working, so if you could fix those that would be great. Or you could send me the link over a conversation and I could edit them into your character sheet if you'd find that easier. :)
At first in the other I thought his favorite food was spirits and I was like...'wat.' x)

Wait nevermind! You're photos are fine all I had to do was refresh the page! *Idiot award goes to me*
Haha yeah Spirits like alcohol, ale, wine, that kind of thing
Irithe of Estheram



Name: Irithe Lucinda Gray

Nickname: Rithe

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Siren

Power(s): Irithe has the power to control people by her own will, she is very weak at control, and sometimes can possess others without knowing it, and communicating with sea creatures.

Likes: Water, reading, music, and fixing others hair.

Dislikes: Her powers, manipulation, Harlan Overcross, being called a mermaid, fire and violence


Irithe was born to Estheram, a kingdom that is built in the sea, from there she has gained a curiosity of the upper world. She yearns to discover what snow is. Her curiosity is what linked her to Miralee. She has caused accidents to being curious, but learns through it. Due to her curiosity, she had learned that she comes from a family of Sirens. She loved to use her actual voice, until another had learned of it. She has then grown to fear herself.

She loves knowledge, due to learning new things and incorporating them into her life. She uses this knowledge to decipher what she could do to explain certain situations, and is very logical. This logic has caused her to believe in the only way she could be keeping her family and friends safe would be going above. Her knowledge is only wide in Estheram though. She has never felt trees, and yearns to learn how cold snow is. Her love for reading has made her dream of going to find the largest library in the world.

Irithe loved fixing her sisters hair, mostly because she loves trying new styles. That was one of her favorite things to do even after she left Estheram.


-Siren's Song

-Animal communication.


-Making weapons



-Fear of herself


-Fire, it burns her more than others


-Believes that she could kill her family

Preferred Weapon: Archery

Animal companion: A black cat

Gender: Girl

Species: Cat


Other: Frostberries, and steamed vegetables.
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Milah said:
Irithe of Estheram


Name: Irithe Lucinda Gray

Nickname: Rithe

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Siren

Power(s): Irithe has the power to control people by her own will, she is very weak at control, and sometimes can possess others without knowing it, water manipulation.

Likes: Water, reading, music, and fixing others hair.

Dislikes: Her powers, manipulation, Harlan Overcross, being called a mermaid, fire and violence


Irithe was born to Estheram, a kingdom that is built in the sea, from there she has gained a curiosity of the upper world. She yearns to discover what snow is. Her curiosity is what linked her to Miralee. She has caused accidents to being curious, but learns through it. Due to her curiosity, she had learned that she comes from a family of Sirens. She loves to use her actual voice, until another had learned of it. She has then grown to fear herself.

She loves knowledge, due to learning new things and incorporating them into her life. She uses this knowledge to decipher what she could do to explain certain situations, and is very logical. This logic has caused her to believe in the only way she could be keeping her family and friends safe would be going above. Her knowledge is only wide in Estheram though. She has never felt trees, and yearns to learn how cold snow is. Her love for reading has made her dream of going to find the largest library in the world.


-Siren's Song

-Manipulation of water


-Making weapons



-Fear of herself


-Fire, it burns her more than others


-Believes that she could kill her family

Preferred Weapon: Water Manipulation

Animal companion: A black cat

Gender: Girl

Species: Cat

I don't quite know, since water manipulation and the ability of manipulating someone is a pretty powerful combo and I don't want to run any chances of there being god modding so could you perhaps choose one over the other or create a weaker one or less used power to replace one?

Otherwise she's accepted
HighnessesReign said:
I don't quite know, since water manipulation and the ability of manipulating someone is a pretty powerful combo and I don't want to run any chances of there being god modding so could you perhaps choose one over the other or create a weaker one or less used power to replace one?
Otherwise she's accepted
. I

Okie dokie. I changed it to healing, is that better? :)
HighnessesReign said:
That feels pretty intense too and someone else's character already possessed healing.
How about keeping the water manipulation, Siren song and add communication with sea creatures and has limited shape shifting abilities ie. human legs to a fish's tale/webbed feet. An added bonus She can transform others lower bodies as well with her saliva (a bite maybe?), as long as they stay wet. (which could be addicting if it is abused(would defiantly make a romance interesting))
dkitsune said:
How about keeping the water manipulation, Siren song and add communication with sea creatures and has limited shape shifting abilities ie. human legs to a fish's tale/webbed feet. An added bonus She can transform others lower bodies as well with her saliva (a bite maybe?), as long as they stay wet. (which could be addicting if it is abused(would defiantly make a romance interesting))
That sounds really cool!

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