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Fantasy Runeguard (closed)

"S-stop!" As soon as he was lifted, Matthew panicked and flailed around in the air a bit. The action of being picked up like that made his hood slip off, so his face was visible to anyone who looked at. Currently, the teen had his eyes shut knowing what was about to happen. He messed up. Before even realizing it, his hands were glowing a soft, green-blue light to signify that he was a mage. He did that because he involuntarily was putting more effort into his sense ability. He typically does this when he finds himself in trouble. Really, all the action told him was that these guards were very strong. He could have assumed that without the extra effort.

His struggling eventually stopped and the teen was reduced to shivering. He opened his eyes, blinking a a few times before his quivering voice finally came out. "I beg you just... let me go..." Zonarch Zonarch
Albert took the dagger from Krey. "Take the kid, and take Krey." The guards jumped at this command and siezed Krey.

Daj muttered a curse under his breathe. Then, I'm one motion, slipped the sword and sheath from his belt. "If you're looking for magic users, don't forget to take me."

Albert looked at Daj, then down at the amulet that continued to glow red. He glanced at the guard closest to Daj, and instantly took the sword and grabbed him.

"Now is there anyone else here who would like to calmly turn themselves in?" Albert spoke, but his eyes locked on one girl. MegMath13 MegMath13
"See now your being a bully." She said and notched an arrow, "Seems to me that you don't really think your actions through. That little coin right there in your hand seems an awful lot like magic does the king know about you using magic to find magic users?" She said hoping onto the bar where she was taller than the man in front of her she then leveled the arrow with his head. "I'm sure that the king would find that extremely interesting ."

She wouldn't let the arrow fly yet, but she could let him think that she was going to. "You are such a hypocrite." She said calmly. Zonarch Zonarch
Every guard, that was not preoccupied with a prisoner, rwdied their halberds and formed a tighter circle around the girl.

"How perceptive of you," Albert said with a smirk. He held the amulet up for everyone to see it. It was a mirror heart, centered inside a silver gryphon. "This 'magic' you speak of, is a relic from the time of Witch Hunter's. It simply senses magical energy." Albert lowered the amulet. "It is no more magical than divining rods."

"Now I have given two warnings, turn yourself in calmly or things will get..." Albert paused and looked behind him, as though someone tapped his shoulder. He turned back slowly. "Again, I implore you, turn yourself in."

Without an explanation, he turned and exited the tavern, leaving his guards to handle the situation.

One of the guards stepped forward, his looks completely indiscernible from the rest. "Look girl, there are twice as many men outside this place as there are in here. Unless by some godly intervention, fighting would be futile." MegMath13 MegMath13
"I do not see why I need to turn myself in I am not a magic user and if it is because I spoke out against something there is no reason to harm me. Simple as this really you were threating myself and these kind people and even though I have no magic inside of me you still want to take me." She said and simply lowered her bow growling at a guard who tried to take it from her. "That was my father's if you touch it I will not hesitate to rip you into shreds and as I see it you have no reason to hold me. I would like to see the king to see if taking people who aren't even causing a problem is what you are really supposed to be doing. Yes I took up for them, but that does not make me a magic user. I've seen this happen in other towns but the guards were not ordered to do so. So unless you can think of a valid reason to hold me then I am going to the king."

She did not see any reason for them to want to take her in and she would certainly not go with out a fight. Zonarch Zonarch
"Hey guards, the guy with the magic amulet just walked out, that might be a problem..." Krey suddenly was a bit more nonchalant "Did you know that, apart, from poker and dice I also am great at hide and seek?" He smiled and vanished.
In the time window where the guards would be looking for him he jumped over the counter opened a floorboard and went in the beer/wine cellar. From here he could hide and if Albert came back with his amulet he could run. Cowards live to run another day, idiots don't.
The first guard who stepped forward had no visible reaction to this. Things remained silent for a brief moment til a second guard leaned over to him.

"She's right, without the Commander, there's no way we can tell she's magic, unless she made it very obvious."

"I know that!" The first guard barked back, sending the second one jumping in line. Another silent moment passed, before the guard would speak again. "Since we have no real proof of you having magical abilities, then there's not much we can do."

The remainder of the guards returned a resting position. "We'll take the three we've got to the cells. As for you..." The moment the guard diverted his attention back to the girl, one of the prisoners escaped.

The guard holding Krey looked around confused. "He got away!"

"Quick turn over everything til we find him!" The leading guard barked orders, sending the entire tavern into a frenzy.


Daj managed to pull away from the gaueds holding him. He had to get out somehow, this was not the end for him.

Looking around the chaotic tavern, Daj spotted the kid who spoke to him earlier, still being held for a prisoner.

"Curse it!" He ran full speed, attempting a tackle on the guard, but with the heavy metal armor, Daj simply bounced off.

Once on the floor, the guard reached down for Daj, but with his training in effect, Daj swept his leg, hitting hard in the back of the guards knee.

The guard dropped to his knees quick, releasing the kid. Daj jumped up and grabbed him the hand. "Hey kid, follow me!"
When he was released, Matthew stumbled slightly on his feet and managed to keep himself standing. At this point, he didn't care if he was making it obvious that he was a mage. His hands kept that same glow as he was able to sense more of his surroundings, and as a result, he wasn't even phased when the man that helped him took his hand. The teen didn't have time to decide to trust this other man or not, though. Nodding quickly and tightening his grip on the other's hand, he allowed the other to lead him around. Regardless though, he was thankful towards the stranger for helping him out. "Ok!"
Daj took a quick look at the scene. Not one single guard was paying mind to him and the kid, instead it looked as though all the drunkards were feed up, and began fighting back.

"Alright, follow close." Daj moved with very precise movements, weaving around all the fights that had broken out.

After taking the longest path possible, Daj and the kid had finally reached the door, and upon opening it, Daj was left with more questions.

"Where are the guards?" The outside of the tavern was empty. Was the guard bluffing? "Whatever, we're out of that matchbox, but not out of the danger yet."
The young girl jumped down from her perch and looked at the boy and the man she'd been talking to earlier. "Good god, me talking seemed to distract them long enough for all three of you to get way." She ran after the two men and looked around as they got outside. That's strange there were no guards and the head guard had said there were many more. "It's dark maybe we should be cautious."
Matthew kept up with the other man with relative ease despite his strange route out of the bar. Once outside, Matthew sighed and gathered his bearings for a moment. That was far too close... He was silent for a while, just closing his eyes for a few seconds more. The teen put both his hands together as if he were praying. Matthew was putting his ability to the test, trying to sense for any threats close to the group of three. Doing something like this was how Matthew got so far despite being blind. "...There are no guards nearby. We just need to leave this area." After saying his piece, his hands lost their gentle glow and he opened his eyes. His hands lowered back down to his sides.
Krey ran up to the group "You're not leaving me in that hell-hole, are ya?" when he caught up with them he tried to catch his breath "That... sure was something... wasn't it? Long live basement shutters!" he smiled, happy to have gotten away from everything. He was obviously not concerned about the guards, out in the streets he loose them with ease.
Daj stood in the streets looking around. The sun had completely vanished from the sky, however, upon further inspection, a bright light could be seen across the city.

"There is something going on here." Daj looked opposite from the light. Several more guards were running their way, but not one paid any attention as they passed them.

Finally, following the procession, the guards from the tavern had gathered themselves. They all ran outside, paying no mind to any of them. Instead they all ran off in the direction of the rest of the guards.

"Well I'm following, anyone else curious?" Daj looked to the group around him.
The light wasn't visible to the blind teen for obvious reasons, but with him knowing that it existed or not, it didn't take long for Matthew to shake his head to Daj's suggestion. He frowned, simply listening to the sound their heavy armor made as the guards ran past the group. For a moment, he was afraid they might have stopped and apprehended the group there. He was already attempting to take a few steps backward away from the direction in which he thought the guards ran. Matthew was more than likely still shaken up from the whole situation, though, as he was unknowingly walking the same way the guards went. He misjudged the sound's direction. "After we just barely escape from those same guards? I don't want to..."
"You want to go towards the people that just tried to arrest you, you think this is a good idea?" The young girl said and bit down on her lip seemingly in deep thought. "Should we really go that way?" She said looking over at Matthew, who certainly looked as though he didn't want to go towards the people that had tried to arrest them. Her mind was telling her that they had been willing to kill if they hadn't come along peacefully. She was a smart alec but that didn't mean that she couldn't sense a bad situation. But if they did go in that direction, she could probably talk to the king and get information about what she had to find.
"oh, sure just walk up to them and ask them what is going on. They surely wont recognize any of us." Krey said sarcastically. But then the cliche keep your friends close and enemies closer line of thinking kicked in, also he wanted his dagger back. and he wanted to steal a new dagger... "You know what? I changed my mind! Lets go, after I made some changes." He quickly changed the main colors of his clothes into black and made himself blond. "This little parlor trick should help..."
"Right, it does seem odd to run after them, but we look like four random individuals." Daj looked on to the glow. The scent of smoke finally catching up to him.

"There may very well be some trouble over there, people may very well need help."

After finishing, another guard walked out the tavern holding Daj's sword. Once he noticed the group, he looked more rested. "Uh, hi there."

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