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Realistic or Modern Runaways | Characters



❛ it's only love, nobody dies ❜
Character Sheets

**REALISTIC pictures only please!**


Face Claim:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Body Modifications:

Likes: [3+]
Dislikes: [3+]
Fears: [2+]
Quirks: [2+]
Theme Song: (optional)

Personality: [1-2 paragraphs or bullet points]
Bio: [1-2 paragraphs]

  • ke$ha
    raising hell

    seraphina rose petrov
    date of birth
    october 13
coded by natasha.
Last edited:
  • BFMV
    waking the demon

    grayson axel petrov
    date of birth
    november 22
coded by natasha.
Last edited:



I won’t be remembered as a girl who kept her mouth shut. And I’m okay with that.


runaway heiress


full name

Dinah Christiana Reed


D, Chris







She's a Rebel

Green Day





hair color

light ginger

eye color

dark brown

distinguishing features


Maddison Brown




ADVENTUROUS - Anything, anywhere, anytime, say the word and Dinah’s in. There is nothing she would be afraid of and an adventure is her second name. She loves adrenaline rushes and never says no to any new experience.

CONFIDENT - Dinah lacks many things but confidence is not one of them. She is courageous and outspoken and she can stand her ground better than people would assume. Her confidence overflows from her every pore and she is never afraid to speak for herself.

ROMANTIC - Despite her mean and snarky demeanor, there is still a little girl inside of her. Dinah was brought up on cartoons and sappy love movies. She yearns for love that would take her off of the ground, for a man that would simply smite her off of her feet and drive to the sunset with her. Inside of the hard shell, there is a tender soul. One simply needs to dig deep.


FISHING FOR ATTENTION - Never getting any, Dinah is craving attention and affection everywhere. Her words, her behavior, her clothing, all of it is just pointing out how desperate she is although she is never going to admit it out loud. Not anymore.

SARCASTIC & MEAN - Her heart turned into rock after not receiving enough love from her parents she craved so much. Despite all her nannies’ efforts, Dinah was never taught what it means to really unconditionally love someone and now, she’s trying to cover it with sarcasm, snarky comments and her impenetrable armour of mean.

ENTITLED - Living the life she did, Dinah now thinks it’s her prerogative to have it all. She makes her claims and is not sorry for anything. Being on her own her whole life, her head is set in a way that she is entitled to finally be happy. Plus she lived in a golden cage her whole life, was fed only the finest things. How could she get used to having anything less? Easily. She simply has to realize she ran away from home and became a street rat. Though for Dinah, that’s easier said than done.


puppies - breakfast for dinner - loud music - bad boys - color red - roller coasters - swimming - being in the center of attention - strawberries - snacks - spicy food - cars - experimenting - coffee - ocean - reading - cartoons


rules - being ordered around - loneliness - being ignored - her parents - competition - basic bitches - pancakes - brussel sprouts - not being right - cheap booze - bullshit - golden jewelry - running - her life in golden cage - hot tea


- ending up alone and insignificant
- turning into her parents
- heights


- pops bubbles all the time
- chews only pink gum
- braids her hair when bored or nervous



One might think that Dinah Reed always had it all. The wealthy family, best schools, popular friends, prom queen crown, hot boyfriend… But it was all just a pretty package on everything that was fucked up. When she was born, her parents were not overly excited as any other parents would be. They only had a child because it was expected of them. The second Dinah was born, they handed her over to nannies and barely paid attention to her.

In her early years, Dinah was confused, knowing that all kids had mommy and daddy and she, although having them too, barely saw them. They only met during dinners at long dining table. Mom on one end, dad on the other and little Dinah in the middle. She knew something was wrong but was too young to name it.

As she was growing up, Dinah started to understand what was happening. Her parents were simply not interested. They gave her anything she might want and even extra if she asked. Of course, teenage Dinah abused it as much as she could. But all she ever really wanted was attention. She wanted people to see her. That’s why she flashed around the family money, trying to buy affection from her friends and her popularity. No wonder she became the prom queen. People liked having her around. It was profitable.

But under that shiny crown, no one noticed the pain. Dinah’s heart was slowly but surely turning into stone and she became known as the Queen Bitch. According to her own words, if people didn’t really like her for her, why should she bother and like them for real?

But what she really wanted was attention from her parents. No matter how old she was, Elijah and Lilith Reed simply did their own things, leading the family business, and didn’t care what was happening to their daughter. Dinah started her fight for their affection with piercings. First it was easy, just ears, then nose, and a few more. Later she added tattoos, as many as she could. But that also never got her anywhere. And this whole time, only one question kept nagging at the back of her head. Why did her parents not like her? What did she ever do to them?
After graduating high school, Dinah’s rebellion peaked. She started to party harder than ever, drink and smoke beyond the limit and drugs were not something she avoided. On a few occasions, the police brought her home and only the family name helped ensure that she was not charged with DUI or possession or anything else. Dinah was simply desperate and didn’t know how else to force her parents to notice her.

And that was when she cut herself. Sitting on the white marble floor in the large hallway of the Reed mansion, Dinah sat down and slid the razor blade across her left forearm in three places. For a while, she watched the blood stain the snow white floor but soon, her eyes started to flutter and she fainted. Her maid found her in a puddle of her own blood and called the ambulance. Dinah spent a few days in hospital and was sent to the therapy. All within one year after she finished high school. College was unreal for her. She wasn’t interested. But seeing that neither were her parents, she decided that enough was enough.

One night, Dinah packed her backpack with a few spare clothes, made sure to raid the family safe properly, grabbed a bottle of some expensive bourbon and slammed the door. Even running away seemed better option than staying. Her family name opened the whole world to her and she launched her tour of living the life. However, unexpected happened. For the first time ever, the Reeds actually started to care. Although it was for all the wrong reasons. All they needed was Dinah to return money she had stolen alongside the credit cards. Dinah got on the list of wanted persons and was hunted not only by the police but by her own parents and their people. The high end life was no longer an option and she cut all the cards in a desperate attempt to get rid of evidence. Her life turned from lavish and luxurious into one of a street rat. And she's been on the run ever since...





character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.



favorite movie

Breakfast Club

favorite book

The Godfather

favorite drink


favorite food

chocolate cake

♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:



I never thought I’d die alone. I usually laughed the loudest, who would have thought.


runaway loner


full name

Alexander Nicolas Warren









Adam's a Song

Blink 182





hair color

dark brown

eye color

green with a hint of hazel

distinguishing features


Timothee Chalamet




EVERYONE’S FRIEND - Alex has no quarrel with anyone, doesn’t hold grudges (excluding his piece of shit father) and is basically friendly with everyone. He might very well be the nicest kid in his shitty neighborhood on his good days.

SMART - It might not seem that way but Alex is actually hella smart. He never went to college only because his family would never be able to pay for it. Though he never shows it, or at least, very rarely as in his neighborhood, being smart is usually not what you would like to show off.

SKILLFUL - Alex is not only smart but he also has his skill when it comes to fixing things. He mostly deals with cars, working in a small local garage but he can also handle some electronics if necessary. He is your guy if you need to get your phone fixed or oil changed. You name it, he can most probably do it.


DEPRESSED - For years now, Alex has been struggling with depression and anxiety. It doesn't hit him often but when it does, it stays for days. He is supposed to be taking pills for that but he refuses and insists that he can deal with his moods on his own.

CYNICAL - Alex doesn’t believe in many things in this world. He is a disillusioned young man and considers most of the things not worth his time. Cynical, sarcastic comments are something that is typical for him as much as seeing him with a paperback copy of a novel stuck in his back pocket.

SUICIDAL - It is connected with his depression states. There were a few situations when his depression was so difficult that Alex thought he simply had to end everything. In combination with his family situation, there is no wonder that Alex has raided his mother’s pill bottles quite a few times already.


tinkering - quiet places - smell of gasoline - his dog - smoking - light drugs - comic books - reading - old movies - Chinese cuisine - herbal tea - day drinking - fixing cars - black coffee - sour candy - fast driving - pain


his depression - anxiety - formal clothes - his family - cats - being looked down at - crowded places - noise - vans - being the center of attention - bitter taste - hot weather - goodies-2-shoes - fake people - yelling - board games


- not handling his condition well
- having to return home
- needles


- carries a book in the back pocket of his jeans
- always has a cigarette behind his ear
- never talks more than he feels is necessary



Alex Warren was born as a mistake. He was never supposed to happen because his father never wanted kids. He was a good-for-nothing junkie his mother kept falling for. And then, when she got pregnant, Timothy raged and almost forced her to get an abortion. Yet Linda decided to have her son. And a year after Alex was born, Timothy overdosed. That left Linda, the diner waitress, alone with a toddler.

When Alex was two, Linda met Robert. The submissive woman she was, they got married six months after. She became pregnant soon and gave birth to Alex’s brother Theodore. It was clear from the beginning that Robert was not very fond of Alex and when Theo was born, the differences became even more apparent. Robert only cared about his own son, his own blood. To him, Alex was always nothing but a waste of space.

Alex was always trying to look for some nice, quiet, hidden spots where he could go and not be around his stepfather. He would curl up with a book and get lost for hours. He was always coming home late and Robert would yell at him for not helping out enough. Theo never had to do anything but Alex was expected to take care of the whole household when Linda was working double shifts.

From his early childhood, Alex was sometimes slipping. He could fall into depression and in those states, he was having real dark thoughts. Robert never understood that and even during those episodesm he would nag at Alex, call him names and even beat him, making sure he always did it in such a clever way that no one knew. When Alex tried to tell his mother, she only stroked his cheek with a smile and asked him to be nice to Robert and make it work. And that was the first time Alex tried to take his life, popping half a bottle of his mother’s pills he found in the drawer of his night stand.

When he later woke up in the hospital, his mom was sitting there in tears. And when he finally got home, Robert beat the shit out of him for trying to get out of his duties. Alex started to focus on his studies as he was always good at school. College was no go since they didn’t have the money but he could at least do something that he found good and useful. Books became an even greater escape for him. Books and tinkering with anything he could lay his hands on.

After school, Alexander joined a local garage and became a mechanic. It killed two birds with one stone. Robert was finally quiet (-er) and Alex did what he liked. Of course, the situation at home was only getting worse and worse. Robert started to drink and the beatings became a habit. It extended to Linda as well. Only Theodore was safe from his father’s moods. None of this was adding to Alex's state of mind and it let him to a few more attempts to leave this world.

Until one day. Alex came home from work later than usual. He had to stay because there was a lot of work to do and his boss asked him. Alex forgot to call home and once he appeared, three hours after dinner, Robert lashed out at him, drunk out of his mind, broke his nose, broke his upper lip and caused him a few more bruises all over his body. That was the proverbial last drop for Alex. He had enough and decided to defend himself, shoving the drunken man hard. Even harder than he actually meant to. Robert stumbled a few steps back and lost his balance, falling backwards, and he hit his head hard against the dresser. For a few long moments, Alex stood there and watched the dark puddle of blood growing around Robert's unconscious body, until he finally realized the situation fully. Alex slipped out of the house, stealing Robert’s most valued possession - ‘69 Chevy Impala - and drove away, determined never to come back. His thoughts were running a mile every passing second and he knew he could never ever return. Not if he wanted to avoid prison time.





character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.



favorite movie


favorite book

War and Peace

favorite drink

Scotch, rum, vodka,...

favorite food


♡coded by uxie♡
  • 04
    full name
    Adeline Garnier
    tear me to pieces, skin to bone
    date of birth.
    December 7th.

    place of birth.
    Dallas, TX.


Last edited:
  • 04
    full name
    Julien Garnier
    bridges are burning as we walk away
    date of birth.
    December 7th.

    place of birth.
    Dallas, TX.


Last edited:

Rhiannon Hastings

An English Runaway

  • Basic Information

    Name: Lady Rhiannon Hastings

    Nickname: Rhi

    Age: 20

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Heterosexual


    Face Claim: Zella Day

    Hair: Dirty Blonde

    Eyes: Blue

    Height: 5’7”

    Body Mods: Pierced Ears; Recently Pierced Nose; Wants a tattoo

    Theme Song: TBD

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

♡design by latte, coded by uxie♡

Charles Etton

An English Chaperone

  • Basic Information

    Name: Charles Etton

    Nickname: Charlie

    Age: 23

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual


    Face Claim: Theo James

    Hair: Dark Brown

    Eyes: Dark Brown, Almost Black

    Height: 6’

    Mods: None, but has a scar along his hair line from a polo accident

    Theme Song: TBD

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

♡design by latte, coded by uxie♡
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