

Sophisticated Sea Dweller
Since I'm assuming you guys have at least don a few roleplays here, you should probably know all the basic rules. But nonetheless, here are some baselines that you may or may not be familiar with.

-Nothing erotic. I'm sure you guys got the PM about this, and I doubt things will progress this far. Other R rated stuff, like violence and cussing, is a-ok.

-Try and capture the spirit of HxH: keep things dark, smart, and whimsical.

-If you have any questions, PM @Lamladazor I. If you think it's a question that everyone should see, post it in one of the boards where people talk and tag us.

-The real world takes always priority. If you get too busy or too bored to go on, PM @Lamladazor I. Killing off a character without pissing of the player allows us to do cool things with the plot.

-Be excellent to each other. Don't go out of your way to be a pain in the ass, and be active in the boards dedicated to creativity in helping out your fellow hunters. A good community will do wonders for the lifespan of this project.

-If you know somone that would be interested in joining, invite them. I've given you all the ability to invite other members. 
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