Rules of Realspace


Lady of the Night
Rules and Regulations: Realspace


All threads, and the posts within, are to be In-Character content. Whilst Out-of-Character comments remain permitted, they should be kept to a minimum and located within spoilers embedded inside In-Character posts.


You may create threads for side plots and other extended interactions happening away from the events of the main plotline. You may request a thread locked when it has reached the end of its natural progression.

You are permitted to produce side-plots and other side-content aside from the main plotline in the form of seperate threads. You are to request a thread locked upon the completion of the side-plot. To re-open a locked thread, merely notify either of the Archons, if none are present, PM them and wait for their return.

Plot Locking

If you initiate, or participate, in an interaction or engagement together with other individuals you are obliged to continue until said engagement is finished. These IC engagements may be anything from diplomatic negotiations to full-on conflict. If you do not post any content within this group for at least 3 days, an Archon or the GM is permitted to utilize your faction(s) to further plot(s) that you're a part in. You may notify us of any prolonged periods of time where you may not be available, however, if we deem it long enough, we (the archons) may still utilize your creation(s) to further along the plot in your absence.


The use of Godmodding, powerplaying, metagaming, and otherwise intolerable, immoral roleplaying behaviour is not permitted (for those who do not understand what this means, or what the following terms mean they will be described in cronological order). The aforementioned terms are defined as; forcing a response upon a roleplayer's character or creation without aforementioned roleplayer's consent; forcing an interaction or event to progress without the consent of others involved; having characters or other assets operate on knowledge which they have, as of yet, not acquired through legitimate means within the roleplay.
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