~*Rules for Role Play*~


The Kitty Soldier
What would be a role play without rules? Well, maybe these are not necessarily strict ones but they are important for moving this role play along and to develop the plot.

- Please type between two to five full paragraphs per post. An average of three paragraphs per post would be nice.

- Tag when directing contact to someone.

- Please feel free to suggest ideas to me anytime - you are a part of the role play world now and can help make it even better!

- Be aware that this is fast paced and it will go rather quickly. I hope you will be able to post 2-5 times per week. Minimum being so low because of school/work/real life.

- Avoid going back and forth with just one or two people. This will leave others behind and the plot might not even advance this way.

- Do not make any drastic moves without letting everyone know (don't god-mod).

- Ask questions as often as you need to either in the Questions forum or in pms. General rule is if the question will help others, no matter how silly you think it sounds, please post it publicly here.

- Relationships for characters are fine no matter the gender identity or the like.

- Be creative, make some crazy stuff up, and have fun! :D

~*Thank you!*~

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