• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Futuristic Rules and Guidlines, Character list [READ]


The Man Among Gods
Golden Rules.

1. <span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>NO GOD-MODDING,</strong></span><span style="color:#ff0000;"> </span>otherwise it'll only get your character killed a lot faster or kicked from the roleplay itself. <strong>This includes controlling Other people's characters and NPC's, Metagaming, and otherwise being an annoying twat.</strong> There are some exceptions here and there, however this is otherwise a no-tolerance rule, and your character/yourself will be punished if caught doing so, and anything involving this rule is purely up to my discretion only.

2.<span style="color:#00b300;"> </span><span style="color:#00b300;"><strong>A lot of things here are made from scratch!</strong></span><span style="color:#00b300;"> </span>So it's possible to expect some loopholes here and there as Im still building up this reality/world/universe what have you, But we do have a definitive plot now!

3.<span style="color:#ff0000;"> </span><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>DO NOT; Enter this role play randomly.</strong></span> People who join in randomly like "ohai i'm here now" without Private Messaging me will most likely get their character mutilated in the game. So don't do it.

4. <strong><span style="color:#0000ff;">Please make intelligent and thought out posts,</span></strong> the minimum i ask for whenever you post is at the very least 1-2 sentences that are PREFERABLY THOUGHT OUT beforehand. It's suggested you AVOID bad decisions unless it's directly stated that your character does things like that. Please don't waste our time, it's practically a death sentence to the character.

5. <strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">PvNPC AND PvP IS REGULATED STRICTLY BY ME</span></strong> (unless otherwise specified.)

6. <strong><span style="color:#00b3b3;">Please use the OOC tab for OOC posts!</span></strong> it's sometimes a clutter and a little annoying in the main tab.

7. <strong>Swearing is </strong><strong><span style="color:#00b300;">allowed.</span></strong> That doesn't mean <em>really </em>offensive vocabulary is allowed though, you know what vocabulary I am talking about.

8. <strong>No </strong><strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">Overly sexual </span></strong><strong>content, We must abide by RP Nation's rules.</strong> As much as I like to MAYBE sometimes smut RP myself, I please ask that you avoid anything <span style="color:#ff0000;">Highly or moderately sexual in nature,</span> as that is against Rp Nation's rules and in general code of conduct rules for <span style="text-decoration:underline;">legal reasons</span>. Romantic Stuff in general, Kissing, Cuddling and low key suggestiveness/implications are <span style="color:#00b300;">totally okay,</span> but we shall follow RpN's <span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>"Fade to Black" Rule</strong></span> if anybody decides to get a little Freaky/Smutty with eachother. Plus that kinda stuff is WAY more of a 1 on 1 thing, and typically is <span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>not</em></span> appropriate for a group RP such as this.

9. <strong><span style="color:#b3b300;">Please be Respectful and Use Common Courtesy.</span></strong> Which means please be respectful to other players, especially in OOC chats, if you have a problem with someone you either let me or a Rp Nation moderator know if things are that serious (Hopefully we shall never reach that point), Otherwise please just work with each-other, be respectful of each-other, and just let the bad blood be water under the bridge here in AG. <strong>You don't need any drama, and we sure as hell don't need any Drama anywhere out of character.

</strong> 10. <strong><span style="color:#0000ff;">Rp Nation's general forum rules apply here as well</span></strong><strong> if they are not covered here, and we must abide by them.</strong> Simple as that. <strong>


Some things to know!

If you plan to join, you must agree to be able to commit, otherwise its just a waste of time having someone join and then loosing them a week or two later

-I Also expect of everyone to read over, or at least skim over, every part of the update and everyone else's posts, even if they're not relevant immediately to them personally. It helps cancel out confusion and prevent people from needing to assault me with questions and have a general OOC awareness of whats going down IC.

-This roleplay might be a little slower then what's usually here on RpNation, so keep that in mind as well!

-You CAN Rejoin after you've become totally inactive, however keep in mind it doesn't make me particularly happy. -Major Updates are about once every week

Smaller, individual updates will be in-between those major updates for NPC/Player interaction, Combat, and anything else that would need Mini-updates inbetween. (Read Below in the spoiler for more details~!)

-I've been writing a prequel novel about Among Gods Revolving around Elijah and the First year she was on this world!

-The world is set in a sort of multi-verse esc environment, nearly anything CAN happen.

-I love to write lore, I'd appreciate it if you read some of it whenever I post cause DAMN I love making lore.

-I've Hosted Among Gods For Over 3 years now, and I hope whether you read along, or participate as a player, will enjoy Among Gods as much as I have and be able to share the passion and hardwork that I've put into this!

-I might add more to this list in the future!

As of 2/2/16, Among Gods works on a Play by post system, Roughly Every week i post a "Major Update", which is normally an immense, golden wall of text that gives everyone their actions and responses, normally moving players along, allowing them to take action in situations in Character, and in general learn the Reality of AG.

Basically, if you're a player, your job is to respond to these Major updates (as well as any player to player interaction there might be) with your own character, and you're going to want to read over these Major updates so you know/have a general idea of whats going on and where your character is situated!

Due to having a great massive amount to write for, It takes me (Neow) usually quite a long time (upwards to about 24 hours in general) to Read over everyone's posts (as well as regulate them if need be), Plan out what responses and situations i wish to give them, and to write it all out and flesh out the plans into a finished product including checking for errors and revisions. So please be patient with me! I Am only a single, simple man.

On occasion I may have one of the regulars write for me to help reduce my work load too! As for Smaller posts by me/updates that arn't Major ones: I will be making smaller updates for each individual player for some more consistent and active roleplaying <strong>whenever possible</strong>, these smaller updates will detail Combat, Character Interaction, and anything else that wouldn't be considered moving on from one huge thing to another!

Back In the old Days of the Mspaforums Roleplay and collab section, I updated the Roleplay Once a week in the form of these Ultra Massive singular Posts that included every active player's actions or responses to what was going on in the roleplay. (For example, I post a situation for the character to react to, they react to it and a week later I would respond to their reaction and keep chaining forward from there.) However thanks to Some feedback after our Exodus, those massive giga posts once a week will simply throw players into new situations/move things forward as a whole, and in the time between those Week apart super posts,  Fair warning however, I am still working on this all, so this all might Alter/change as time goes on! 



Chapter 10: A New Day

Pages 1-Current

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Last edited by a moderator:


The List of Currently Active players in Among Gods!

(Please note, some of the BBCODE here is a LIIIITTLE bit wonky so if a player has two quotes under them or if spoilers are all sorts of messed up, blame coding I've tried my best to fix what i can but it uuuuuuusually doesn't work.)


Elijah! The Woman Among Gods! - INDEFINITELY ACTIVE! (^U^)

(This is Both an Example Application and the Game master's (me) player character as well.)

A cyan colored orb begins inflating from nothing a few feet above the stone platform, shining rays of brilliant blues in every direction. Inside the Sphere a humanoid figure takes shape, just under 6 feet tall, forming hair and features among other things, however, growing more wolf like features such as a long tail, two sensitive ears perking on top of the head, and a short muzzle that would replace a mouth and nose. The Sphere surrounding the figure disappears, revealing a beautiful wolf woman. Her fur, kept short and covering her entire body, shining a pearly white, her ears tall and alert, long black hair flowing halfway down her back. A Teal shirt and a brown pair of pants appear on her shortly afterward. Her eyes slowly open to reveal a deep blue hue for both eyes. Her black, wolf like noose twitches, attempting to identify familiar scents. She looks down at her hands, clenching and closing them, trying to grasp in her mind that she is in existence again. A Name lingered in the back of her mind... Elijah... Elijah was her name...

*Note, this is a Basic Bio/Personality, which I would say is what I will minimally accept!*

Elijah is very shy, but is very outgoing with people she is comfortable with and is usually very friendly once you get to know her. She's very caring of her close friends and very cautious most of the time. Being quick to distrust anybody that appears shady or bad to her. Despite being shy, being in charge of a entire clan of people plucked form other universes has allowed her to become more demanding, brave, and overall less submissive to situations and Danger. Only ever trusting VERY FEW people with all her heart.

She's also completely mute and has no voice yeah that's a big detail.

The First Image of Elijah graciously made through a collaboration of many friends <3


Behold water mark hell



Jaik and Coils! The Assassin Duo! -ACTIVE!- (^U^)

SnakyDragon said:
Names: Jaik the Shadow Jackal, and Coils the Green Mamba
Physical Description: Jaik is about 6'1" and is dressed in silvered armor and leggings, around a black cloak with two sheaths at his hip. Armed in those sheathes are kukris about a foot and a half long, and strapped to his shoulder blades are two hand crossbows. On his sides are four dimly glowing bolts, two green and two blue. He has a palish complexion but stands tall and loud, unlike his earlier, more introverted self. Coils is a long green mamba with small, blue glowing cracks in his skin. For the record, his heart is a Modifier specifically tailored to conjure small items about a cubic foot or less in size.

Age: Agh, I can't remember. We'll say 28 for Jaik, 5 for Coils.

Gender: Male, both of them.

Race: Jaik is a human, though slightly affected by dark magic; enough to make it easier for him to hide in the shadows. Coils is (obviously) a snake, though he isn't natural born; he used to be a tattoo on Jaik's skin that would move around and talk - every Dimir assassin got one, except Jaik's malfunctioned and grew a conscience. Thus, Coils the snake was born, and in an influx of magic caused by Diana and Xenoth, Coils sprouted from Jaik's skin as a fully-fledged snake.


Jaik comes from Esperia (for all of those Magic: The Gathering players, it's based off of Ravnica), a world made up of a massive city and a single grassland beyond. He actually explains the world really well in this monologue, so here you go:
SnakyDragon said:
I come from a world made up of a massive city - for the record, technically two cities. The Undercity, which was mostly made up of the Golgari guild, and Esperia, one made up of nine other guilds (though most think it's eight - more on that later). Each guild represented something positive and negative to the city - Rakdos represented freedom of expression, but also insanity and sadism; they had a demon for a guildmaster. They made up the majority of the entertainment of the people. Esperia the guild, not the city, represented law and order, but also conformity and corruption. Esperia the sphinx (I know, it's hard to keep track of all the Esperias) was the Master Judge and leader of that guild; they run the jails and police force. The Simic guild was about progress at all costs - genetics labs and breeding pools, they experiment with creatures to make them stronger and more able to deal with harsh city elements. The Mizzet guild, by contrast, worked with spells and magic, and worked to create the most powerful effects and longest-lasting fires. Of course, they had a dragon. Selesnya had Trostani, a triplet of elves acting as one, for a leader; the guild was sort of the charity of the city, and accepted everyone, but with the understanding that your identity was meaningless under the guild; everyone was the same rank, and everyone was expendable for the purposes of the city. Golgari was the trash bin - they cleaned up the dead bodies from the city and raised them for their own devices. Their leader was a lich lord named Jarad - yes the same Jarad; Ironically, my killing him kick-started his ritual to make him even more powerful, so he go the last laugh in the end. We became buddies, though, so no harm, no foul. Dimir was the secretive guild - most people didn't even know it existed. It was made up of assassins, and its leader was a vampire shapeshifter named Lazav. This was my guild - we worked hard to make sure that threats to the city were removed, in the form of troublesome newcomers or nefarious plots to rule it. Boros was the military and the usual punishment for miscreants - X years in the Boros garrison, and so on. Their leader? An angel named Aurelia. And, finally, the Gruul guild, one that despised the city and lived just outside of it, causing havoc. They had many guildmasters in my years at Esperia, but their most recent before the zombie infestation was Borborygmos, a cyclops. I killed his father, and he had the next-biggest bashing stick, so it was a pretty safe bet he was going to be the next leader.
SnakyDragon said:
During his travels as an assassin, Jaik came across a creation of Mizzet's (the dragon guildmaster of the scientific guild), a massive beast capable of inter-planar travel made up of glowing, diamond tendrils and a metallic core that would suck up the souls of those it killed to power itself. He stepped into a machine as it entered the room and inadvertently stole part of its teleportation power, which malfunctioned and teleported him to many places, ending with the Among Gods in-between world. He then got punished by Xenoth for randomly appearing (heh heh I was a bad roleplayer heh heh) by taking away all of his powers and binding him to this world. He traveled with a group of people (Koya, Meilikki, Chris, and Choco, among others) and underwent an identity crisis (ruthless assassin vs. loyal friend) before facing down the Warden (Koya's "death") and the beast that he took power from, as it had followed him into the universe in an attempt to gain its complete power back. After killing it, he gained the opportunity to return to Esperia, which he took, and the souls that the beast had captured returned with him. Mizzet, who was killed the by creature, managed to convince a group of goblins to plug his body into a machine that would zombify it - and give him access back to the world of the living. Jaik thwarted this plan, but inadvertently caused a zombie apocalypse that destroyed Esperia and created a zombie dragon infested by the dark side of Mizzet's soul to chase him back to the place where he first met the teleportation beast - and a small vestige of that same power remained long enough for him to come back to the world where we all now are. Mizzet followed him, but a horde of conveniently placed Tortured stopped him long enough to find a knight (Actually the first God we meet) who escorted him and Coils back to the Tower where we now are. He made a pact with Noah and Coatl to find out more about this "modifier" business and perhaps locate a way to curb the gods' power, as they are clearly misusing it.

Personality: Jaik has two personalities: One he uses with people he trusts (i.e. Coatl, Noah, the Keeper, perhaps Kalos, Mei and Chris) and one he uses with people he doesn't (high on the list are Elijah, that one robot, and the god). The trusting personality is loyal and perhaps a bit sarcastic; it's also fun-loving and conniving. The distrusting personality is cold, impersonal, and ruthless. He doesn't trust any gods, on account of his idea that if they really cared, they would have stopped the destruction of his homeland. Coils, meanwhile, loves having fun at Jaik's expense, and is a bit more intellectual and curious about gods, due to the fact that one made him the way he is today.

World: See above in the Bio section. It's Spoilered.

Abilites: Jaik is a trained assassin, so he knows how to fight VERY well with two kukris, and he also has pretty damn good aim with his crossbows. He can also hide really well (even better with that very sparse amount of darkness) and has a vocal and somatic code system with his snake. Together, they make a very good fighting duo. He, however, has absolutely no magic to speak of, and Coils can only create things (not energy, like fire or lightning, keep in mind, only physical objects or liquids), not destroy them. Coils can glide, but not fly.

Equipment: Jaik has two automatic hand crossbows and a magically replenishing (thanks, Mizzet!) holster that can hold up to 50 bolts at a time (25 per crossbow) and restores the bolts every 24 hours. He also has four "special" bolts: Two that have a very potent poison that acts as an acid when touching blood (lethal solution) and two that freeze targets in ten seconds (non-lethal solution). He also has five darkly infused bolts (thanks, Coatl!) that apparently have an effect on gods, but that's up to Neow to decide just how powerful they are. His two kukris are entirely nonmagical (perhaps something to be fixed later) but very well sharpened.

Voice: Jaik Coils
Errg! The Fishman! -ACTIVE!- (^U^)

creepingShade said:
I briefly look around in confusion but decide to just go with it. "My body? Describing is hard, but I will try. I think I'm tall, someone who knew numbers once said I was 'six feets.' My skin is dark green like murky swamp water and it's made of fine scales, but people gotta look real close to notice that. Gills along my ribs, sharp spines on my elbows like built in blades. My eyes are a dull gray, glassy orbs that sit deep in my skull, and my face is something strange and beastly. It's like one of those angler fish, but no weird glowy dangly thing. Two tusk-like teeths poke up from my bottom lip. The rest of my teeths are all pointy, and some got knocked out while hunting. Mm... Could use some fresh meat right about now..."
I, some sort of odd fish man, look down at my hands and squint my eyes. "Oh, look, webbed hands and small claws. Forgot about that. And, um...." I furrows my brow and take a literal minute to think. "My name is Errg! I think... Is it? Bah, it'll do. I can fix later if wrong. Was a big tough lone survivor, living in the bottom of the sea, away from those stupid coral cities. Too loud, too bright, too many liars. Bad place." I grunt and spit on the ground in contempt. "And something about a girl. Don't remember anything, lots of red though. And living in the kelp jungles was nice, until I got caught. Got killed real bad, didn't like it. But I guess I'm a good survivor, because here I am!" I smile like an idiot and let out laugh like boulders grinding together.
Thorn! The small horse! -ACTIVE!- (^U^)



He’s a calm and quiet individual, always observing his environment, and prefers to keep to himself. He prides himself on his problem fixing skills, and his ability to adapt. He secretly though, loves to learn any and all things. He will listen and eaves drop on any conversation if it involves something he doesn't know, bringing me to my next point. Thorn, morals and rules all have a somewhat...loose relationship. He’s not above invading privacy, but hurting people physically is usually not on his mind. I could go on and on, but hit Thorn up if you must know more.


Homeless, criminal past, and lots of dead people. He only recently awoke without his memories, in a hellish forest. He was apparently a wanted assassin, and blamed for several brutal killings of royals. During his journey, he ate the soul of a Timberwolf, and adopted a very strange relationship with it. Simply put, he stubbornly survived, and lost anyone who came close to him, even an individual he had feelings for. He sunk way past depression, seeking his revenge, and eventually found himself in a clearing, with flaming abominations, a space ship and


+Can summon a wolf companion, at personal cost of energy and more

+Oddly perceptive of his surroundings, but horrible at reading people

+Cursory knowledge of potions making, refereed to as alchemy

+Mildly proficient at stealth, lock picking and pick-pocketing

+Cursory level Telekinesis, and no magical training

+Cursory level Pugilistic skills, but still no training

I've selected Thorn's text to not be just light green,,but Chartreuse2. So fancy.
Chris! The kitsune! -ACTIVE!- (^U^)

ChrisClark13 said:
Name: Christian "Chris" Clark
Physical Description:

Kalos! The Weaver! -ACTIVE!- (^U^)

Bluesunnyday said:
Name: Kalos, The Weaver.

Appearance: Kalos is almost constantly clad in a fancy three-piece suit. He never takes it off, and it never seems to get dirty or rumpled no matter what he does. A pair of glasses rests on his face, in front of a pair of shocking grey eyes. His hair is immaculately trimmed, and everything about him seems to scream "Class". This does not, of course, always fit with his actions. Usually carries around a Violin openly. Secretly, due to his "unique" powers, he has a layer of black feathers on his chest instead of hair. These feathers will occasionally start molting.

Abilities: Despite his name, Kalos' main ability is the manipulation of sound-waves. To be precise, he can make them slightly more physical than mere vibrations. This, combined with his vast experience with musical instruments, provides him a reliable method of combat. While he technically doesn't require an instrument, instruments are by far his best method of actually dealing damage.

He is able to provide certain buffs to his team when staying in the back of the fight.


Kalos wasn't always capable of the feats he performs now. Once, he was your average musician in a magically adept society. One day, though, a stranger offered payment in exchange for a performance at a very important event. What he didn't expect was the event was a gathering of cultists to dark deities. Despite the horrors he witnessed, he played on through the night, ignoring the sights and sounds of everything. When the blood was shed and the sun had risen, Kalos was paid handsomely, as the stranger promised. But he received no monetary payment. Instead, the head cultist gave him a blessing. Of course, after what he had witnessed, they couldn't well just let him go on his merry way. Now, with his ability to weaponise sound itself, he was sent to gather artifacts and mystical tomes for the cultists. He told himself it was what he needed to do to survive, but the guilt still eats away at him...

NOTES: Kalos, if rendered without any instruments, can also do combat through singing or other methods of creating sound. It is simply far less effective than a blast from a trumpet or a banging drum solo.
Misfortune! The Spider Fiend! -ACTIVE!- (^U^)

ferociousfeind said:
-Physical description (or image): a spider-like being, grey fur with dull yellow skull on back of abdomen
-A Bit of bio: (hmmm, what's a good bio that I will stick with?) Misfortune would love to tell you stories of his past, bandit on the outskirts of civilization, but really he was average for his species, not the best with future thinking either, Edger was a knife his friends made and had enchanted, they would take turns throwing it at targets, he liked to play role-playing games as a sneaky bandit-type person who likes to keep a bit of the government's attention at all times. He then was transported to the "massive dragon god dude" to- wait, that's a bit spoiler-y isn't it?

-Any abilities or skills your character has: agility, sharp claws allow him to walk on walls, and on ceilings, if the material isn't too tough

-Name: Misfortune, the bringer of- oh, you don't want the cool extra bit at the end? but that's my favorite part!

-And anything else you would like to add if you wish to join: "wait, what's that there- OMG I'M 'THE EVIL PLOT DEVISE'!!!!! MUAHAHAHA!"
Koya and Danielle! The Soul of a Million lives and The Scientist! -ACTIVE- (^U^)

Bonzo said:

the disembodied spirit / body hijacker. (speech colour ~ #660000)


Bonzo said:

A soul wandering through the multiverse, shedding a body in one world and taking another in the next. Haphazard and carefree but tries to maintain a moral identity. Enjoys sharing a mindspace as an opportunity to experience new ways of living but never likes to impose.​
Bonzo said:

Hits: Creative thinking, chilling, people.​

Misses: Abuses of power, cruelty. Authority.

Koyaanis has had a long and stormy "life" spanning untold years - certainly (and to his substantial regret) he can't remember every life he's had. Having no control over his apparent reincarnations, chance has led him a merry dance through the multiverse. Most of his lives were spent as a human, a few as other creatures and some in realities so alien his mind was simply unable to cope with them. Those worlds, and the toll the journey through unreality his soul takes between tlives, he finds harrowing. The abstract worlds filled with madness, fear and pain, though few, are enough to make him worry about his mental state and identity as an individual. He doesn't know who or what he truly is or what will become of him. Despite all that, his time spent on worlds where he has made friends and lived long happy lives help him to remain positive. His accumulated experiences have gifted him with some measure of wisdom and resilience - which he hopes will be his strongest asset facing the challenges ahead in the world of Among Gods.
Coatl! the Pharaoh! -ACTIVE- (^U^)

aquaInferno said:
Coatl, "The True Pharaoh" of Iania stands at about an inch under 6 feet but with a fully extended tail he can reach larger heights. His eyes have no whites but are amber and snakelike. His hair is brown and his lower body waist down is that of a desert serpent.
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Naga but some claim he became half demon after Mezbet's influence took hold. (more about that later)

Bio Pre AG: His kingdom of Iania is a cosmopolitan empire created after the conquests of Coatl's father. The Pharaoh brought into this world a pair of twins, Coatl and Asa. Asa was considered far the wiser of the two and became the Queen of Iania after the passing of her father. Coatl became the leader of the military due to his high status and learned the art of the sword while his sister perfected her mind and ruling. Eventually war broke out between a much more advanced civilization of the North. The technology of the North far outweighed that of Iania and when all hope seemed gone Coatl discovered a Tome in the Grand Library. The Tome was the first ever demon, or Fallen as they call it, by the name of Mezbet who granted him the powers of black magic and necromancy. Plagues of the undead decimated the North and forced them into retreat, but now Iania had to clean up the plague. Natural disasters stretching across all of Iania were proof to the people that the Gods rejected Coatl's ways. He and his followers were banished underground by the heartbroken Queen who would be pressured to exterminate her own brother. Revolution broke out and the rest is ancient history...

Bio now: Coatl now found himself in a strange world where he found companions among a ship called the Divergence. Coatl discovered horrible burnt creatures which at first looked like simple undead but as time progressed he found more and more with horrible mutations and powers. The Marauders took him in, more specifically Elijah and Delphi's group. He kidnapped a foolish man who tried to attack him and later was foolish himself in attacking a horrible robot automaton and wasting his energy. It seemed that without his Tome, Coatl's magic was restricted and caused physical strain to expend. Elijah had gifted him a journal and he received a flamberge as well from a "modifier hero" (probably Mei, she gave out swords to Jourin and Errg so I wouldn't be surprised). He met the second in command Delphi and took quite a liking to her military power and knowledge being a warrior himself. However, he was still unsure about this whole God thing. Mezbet had warned him about the fickle behaviors of the Gods. He met a group: Jaik, and Noah who seemed fairly trustworthy. He instructed them to look for anything unusual and to find a way to stop the Gods if need be.

Personality: Coatl is considered by the Below as the least uppity ruler as he treats his soldiers and wise (wo)men with the praise they deserve. This doesn't mean he isn't bossy. He is royalty and will certainly do his best to behave like it. He still has trouble treating others like his equal or above him even if he really likes them (which once again due to his professional nature, he has trouble expressing). Other than that he is cunning from his military leadership and will not be afraid to get his hands dirty.

Abilities: Dark magic, necromancy (both come at a cost and will harm him if he uses too frequently), combat of all kinds, especially great swords (his flamberge) and uses his light weight and snake half to utilize to maximum effectiveness. It is also seen that he can transmit silent messages into people's heads but doesn't normally do so. He cannot however read minds or receive a response from these messages, he only plants the thoughts.

Equipment: Flamberge and journal. Needs to find a satchel or something to hold more junk.
Meilikki! The Huntress! -ACTIVE!- (^U^)

Seahorse said:
Meilikki is a hardened warrior and huntress. She has a tan complexion and brown hair, a pair or large ram horns, thin red tattoos that run down her arms and perhaps most noticeably a pair of sturdy goat legs. Silver mythril armour now covered her torso and parts of her arms and legs. Always in her hand is a great gold and silver scythe with a large luminous crystal embedded just below the blade. The scythe radiates a powerful energy, or is that coming from the faun? It's almost impossible to tell.

Other than Elijah and the marauders, Mei (as many of her companions call her) has been here the longest and feels she is the veteran of the group. She is conservative with her words and strangers must earn her trust, but once they do she will protect them with all her strength. The events of that past three years few months weigh heavily on Mei, the sudden displacement from her home, the friends and companions she has gained and lost, the mistakes she has make and their devastating consequences... Meilikki fights for a more singular purpose now. Revenge, or more importantly, redemption.

Meilikki as she appeared towards the beginning of AG.

I'll update with a new reference when it exists.
Byron! The FrostBitten Reaper! -Active!- (^U^)

arcaneSentinel said:
Name: Byron "The Frostbitten Reaper"
Species: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Bio: Byron was born into a very poor family on a semi-apocalyptic earth where rulers live under constant battle over territory and resources. He joined an army that he thought would help him provide for his family. After a year or so of military training he was brought to a housing plant for promising soldiers. Eventually he was taken to the lowest levels of the facility where he was turned into a test subject. He could remember nothing of the days he was tested on. A few days after the testing he found out that the facility was only for creating human weapons. Instead of being sent to war or being tossed out was put into the coliseum to fight and kill for the entertainment of the higher-ups. He spends most of his days now lamenting the souls that he was forced to take and plotting to escape the prison.

Abilities: Can control ice, create ice from any water source (including: water vapor, excluding: blood, sweat, etc.), and create objects from ice. One of the few peolpe able to master the Diamond Ice technique: a type of ice that can only be broken and melted in extreme circumstances. He was taught this technique by some of the more experienced prisoners in the facility that shared his affliction.

Weapon of Choice: Uses his ice to create things such as gauntlets, swords, etc.

Personality: Very serious except when he's not doing anything important and can be stoic at times, due to his past. Whenever his past is brought up he just tries to shrug it off by trying to change the subject or excusing himself to go meditate. Doesn't like to kill wether its an animal or a human.

Appearance: Wears a white coat with his nation's insignia that reaches down to his knees, black pants, a dark blue shirt, and black boots that reach a bit above his ankles. His blue eyes turn into a lighter blue while using his powers. His hair is white with a small tint of grey. His nation's insignia is an image of two quill pens crossing each other with a sword going down the middle of them.
Ged! The Gleeman! -ACTIVE!- (^U^)

[QUOTE="Ged Merrilin]Ged Merrilin
Physical Appearance:

He is about 4’ 6’’and 50 pounds, this isn’t that he is extremely skinny, he is jest really light. A sort of cat/man with gray fur and olive eyes he even has a tail. He never walks if he can help it he is usually bouncing and springing around. He usually wears a hooded dark blue cloak saturated with lot of patches of various blue and grey colors, on the inside of the cloak the color is a deep red, and that has almost as many pockets as the exterior has patches. Under that he generally wears a rather tight fitting tunic of sky blue with brown pants (the attire for a gleeman, tumbler and bard). Sometimes he wears a large wide-brimmed hat that has obviously been through a lot, for it has some holes and is torn at the edges. On his belt he has a small knife, a leather pouch, and a skin of water. On his back he wears a sort of sack or backpack. The sack contains a harp, some balls for juggling, a harp tuner, a few spare strings, and some fire-starting tools.


He has a quick wit and can be rather lackadaisical at times, but he is very loyal. He can be extremely dexterous or quite clumsy. He can go from juggling fire while doing cartwheels to tripping over his own feet, however he is never clumsy while preforming. He is also generally rather modest, or at least he doesn’t brag about himself. Even though he loves preforming and showing his skills off he isn’t entirely comfortable in large towns and often times after a show will sleep outside under the stars. He has rather severe claustrophobia, and so therefor will never willingly go underground. He is a consumed by wanderlust, never staying in one place for very long and always moving around, He has little temper and generally avoids fights. Oftentimes he will only sleep about 2-4 hours for usually he doesn’t need to sleep much, sometimes though he will just sleep for about 14 hours at a time. He also doesn’t enjoy getting drunk or many types of alcohol. Hs also has a knack for popping up in the oddest places. He can recover very quickly from injury or sickness.


He is a gleeman, an acrobat, a bard, all of those. He loves his work of preforming and can do amazing feats of tumbling and juggling. He is also a minor sorcerer, not able to do much more than conjure lights and small fireballs for enhancing his tricks. A afore mentioned he also plays the harp, although he can play it well he doesn’t do it often, for he has no singer traveling with him and his singing is not something people enjoy listening to. He also has skill with knifes, and throwing them. He can read and write, though not extremely well. He admires artists and illuminators who make beautiful images on paper and hide. Also the languages of many people rest on his tongue. He is wandering to try to find the wizard Istal, The keeper of tales, and the Immortal Wanderer of Winds. For it is said that Istal knows all the stories the worlds have to offer, and that is the dream of a bard. (Note: I will not make Istal appear, he is a historian that would most likely watch rather that possibly change the course of this universe.)

His World:

He comes from Av’Læshc about 600 years after the fall of the cliffs. The specific area is the island of Hæmile (hay-mill-ie). In the the forest of magic, Jnærroc. His people used to be human descendants of Istal, but due to the high quantities of wild magic and their already magical bloodline, they slowly turned into cats and other stranger creatures.



- Extreme clumsiness

- Extreme dexterity

- Wanderlust

- Little sleep needed

- Good at Tumbling

- Good at sneaking and balance

- Bad at disguises

- Slow reader and writer
Marcus! The Thief! -ACTIVE!- (^U^)

[QUOTE="Shadow Dancer]-Marcus is a medium build, twenty-eight old, six foot tall human with long brown hair, pale skin and brown eyes along with burn scars on various places on his skin. He wears a black hoodie with a white tee-shirt underneath and jeans.
-Any abilities or skills your character has: he is a good thief with the unfortunate skill in taking lives, also resistant to magic (Not magics effects)

-Name: Marcus Vencule

- Weakness: anything that can kill a man.

-Bio: Marcus is from a world where magic is a common thing and paired with technology has created many wonders including teleportation pads and many types of magic infused swords and guns able to kill or heal others. Among the biggest developments is the magic condenser that gave birth to magical pills that extend the lifespan of people by hundreds of years. It is those born without any visible magical ability at all that are considered to be oddity's and are often treated as lower class citizens by the nobles. In actuality those without the ability to cast magic, draw it into themselves and instinctively use it in emergency situations. When they take the life extension pill they become ageless because of their void like reaction to magic. Because of this the ungifted are told that the pill will not work on them. the nobles scared that if the ungifted knew about their void like reaction to magic that they could find themselves without power.

Marcus happens to be one of the magic-less or as most say the ungifted. As a result he was made fun of and bullied a lot in middle school when most manifest their abilities. He took it in stride finding it fun to play tricks on his bullies doing things like stealing things and putting them on the desks of others causing fights. Sure he got caught a fair bit but Marcus always felt that it was worth it. As a result Marcus's many exploits made his middle and high school years tolerable.

It was when Marcus was eighteen and six months out of high school that he was forced to live as an infamous thief. It started when he decided to go into an abandoned warehouse to see why there was a heavily guarded caravan there. His curiosity not fully sedated when he found they were there to do more tests on the Life extension pill and ungifted and the true nature of the ungifted he made a snap decision to steal and consume a Life extension pill just to see if it actually worked, like the scientist said it would. He was able to steal the pill but was spotted as he swallowed it, the scientist ordered the guards to give chase not wanting to chance the truth getting out about the pill and the true nature of the ungifted. Marcus sprinted through the streets and alleyways using his knowledge of the area to keep the guards off him, he succeeded but when he got to his little apartment the next day he noticed it was trashed, and when he saw the news on his TV he was marked as a high bounty target for his capture.

From then on he lived on the streets stealing money to get food and water while also hiding his face for ten years he did this and on the tenth year he disappeared off the face of the planet.

(Hope you like it and don't worry I can wait.)
Izhane! The Alchemist! -Active!- (^U^)

creepingShade said:
-Physical description (or image)

-A Bit of bio

"Who am I? Well, my name is Izhane, I'm a salamander-kin, and I have a passion for alchemy. People back home tend to be suspicious of me, considering the get black skin with bright red markings, and my head being totally white so it kind of looks like a skull, but that's just silly. It's all just superstition, but people think I'm some sort of ill omen or something. Kind of sucked growing up, made it hard to make friends, but what're you gonna do? So, understandably, I was a bit of a troublemaker when I was younger."

"Now, all I really want to do is help people and learn. Especially about alchemy, magic, and how life works. I have a shop a few towns over from where I grew up, I sell medicines and potions there for not much more than what it costs to make them. I also do a bit of traveling. I've placed third in a tournament of the nation's greatest mages, I've helped clean up undead after a mad necromancer's experiments went awry, even tried making my own kingdom out in the Wild Lands with some other adventures."

"Didn't really see that last one to completion, but I helped get rid of criminals. Probably could have done more, but it seems a lab accident has knocked me out of my own reality."

-Any abilities or skills your character has

"I'm an extremely talented alchemist, and that's not just boasting. Potions, explosives, mutagens. You name it, I can make it. That requires a bit of innate magic to really get working, but all salamander-kin have a bit of magic in them. I'm also a decent shot with a crossbow, but it's not anything worth writing home about."

"That's without getting into what my species can already do. We're quick and agile and sneaky, and some say we're just natural liars but I take offence to that. Not only are we fire resistant, but flame heal us rather than burn. We also have a nasty, venomous bite and we can climb up walls like geckos."

- At LEAST ONE Weakness or Two.

"Unfortunately, we do have some flaws. We're smaller than most folk, and therefore weaker. We're also hurt more by cold magic than other races, so that sucks. Then there's the fact that I, as an individual, get really tired and drowsy when I have to exert myself for too long."
Maya! The Ray of Fire! -Active!- (^U^)

Bluesunnyday said:
-Name: Maya, Ray of Fire
-Physical description: Tall, mostly obscured under a white robe and metal mask. Underneath, she is rather lithe, pale skinned, and blonde. Her eyes are a deep red, and her face is round.

-A Bit of bio: Maya was born into the Burning Sun Order, a semi-religious order devoted to the hunting down and slaying of evil monsters. Trained from a young age in the use of firearms, she was quickly chosen for the title of "Ray of Fire" when she came of age, and was bestowed the "Guiding Light", an ancient vessel containing the essence of six elementals. Conveniently, it functioned identically to a revolver, her weapon of choice.

Maya spent the majority of her adult life travelling the world to perform the Order's will, slaying monsters left and right and usually being handsomely rewarded for it. However, one mission, before she could deal the killing blow to a magically inclined monster, it released its remaining magical power in desperation, teleporting her to a distant realm.

-Any abilities or skills your character has: Maya is in possession of a magical focus known as the "Guiding Light", an artifact containing the essences of six powerful elementals. The elements it uses are Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Holy and Dark. Maya can either use an individual element, or combine Holy or Dark with another to create a new shot type. They are as follows.

Holy + Fire = Purification

Holy + Water = Blessing

Holy + Air = Aether

Holy + Earth = Consecration

Dark + Fire = Hellfire

Dark + Water = Poison

Dark + Air = Disease

Dark + Earth = Gravedirt

She is also in possession of a worn revolver, which only fires regular bullets.

- At LEAST ONE Weakness or Two.

The Guiding Light draws from an inner mana pool. Unfortunately, it drains if used too heavily. It recharges over time, but overuse will leave her with only her regular revolver.

The Guiding Light is useless against creatures that resist magic, forcing her to use her revolver against them.
Galmiz! The Balkinan Priest! -ACTIVE!- (^U^)

[QUOTE="The Reaper Of Souls]

Name- "Hello there little ones, my name is Galmiz. Galmiz Maneri."

Age- "I'm 18."

Gender- "Last time I checked, Male."

Race- "I'm Balkinan."

Bio- "Oh, I was afraid of that... But, you have a right to know. I'm part of a race called the Balkina, a species of blood-thirsty warriors ready to spill both guilty and innocent blood to water the stones of our monuments to past kings. Being born of royal blood, I was next in line to be Faren, a king that would be the first to strike and the last to die upon the field of battle. A Great Honor that has been passed down through generation to generation of the Balkina... But, I did not wish to hurt a living soul! Refusing would mean death and accepting would mean more death... So I sneaked away into the night, escaping to an abandoned shrine of a nameless and faceless goddess.

I taught myself to recognize plants and animals, those who would heal and those who would kill. I declared myself a priest of peace, all who came to me would be feed and cared for like my own children. I gave advice through stories and folk-lore that had been traded for supplies at my shrine, it slowly becoming a place of healing and rest... But, then came the Faren, welding a strange weapon that radiated pain and fear... I had shamed the tribe by sneaking away and tossing out tradition. The king raise the weapon to strike me down, to kill me and crush all that I stood for... But, I was gone."

World- "Despite the blood-shed and the hatred, my home-land was beautiful. I have a painting, would you like to see?"


Abilities & Skills- "I am a healer, I cure both major and minor wounds and ailments. Also, i'm a priest of peace, I understand personal demons and try my best to help."

"All Balkinans are born with well-balanced tails, strong legs, and carnivorous teeth and claws make our race perfectly made for our home and close combat."

Weakness- "I won't and can't inflict harm upon a living thing unless in desperate need... Despite wearing priest armor, skin isn't as tough of most Balkinans."

"I despise having to carry such things,but my claws and teeth simply aren't in the equation. I carry a staff made of Kalik, the strongest breed of tree in my world, which I use to stun enemies. NOT to kill."
Ryan! The Runecaster! -ACTIVE!- (^U^)

Neuton said:
Hi, I would love to join your Rp. It symbolizes a book and I love doing book Rps.


-Physical description (or image if you'd prefer)

A tall, lean young man. He has brown hair and blue eyes as well. He is lightly tan as well. Ryan's eyes are big and he has a long nose as well. Short ears are on the side of his face as well.

-Describe their personality to a good extent

Ryan is a very shy person. He usually keeps to himself, unless someone is hurt or needs help. Most people thinks that he is mysterious because of his shyness. But if a person somehow goes through the shyness and meet him. Ryan will open up slowly. He is a kind hearted and friendly person who would rather knock someone out than kill the person. He is also the intelligent (but in some cases stupid) man because he is selfless. He will sacarfice his own body and soul to protect someone else. Even a complete stranger. Ryan is calm in most situation unless someone has died right in front of him as well.

-A Bit of bio/background story

Ryan has always lived in a world full of magic and I mean literally, in. The top surface of the planet are controlled by fearsome creatures. Giants creatures that kill any human in seconds. Ryan lived in a underground town called Terra. Inside the city, he learned a specific type of magic called runes magic. Rune magic is using magic that are inside inscribed rocks. The symbol inscribed inside the rock usually direct the magic to what the symbol represents. Example: If the small rock has the fire symbol on it and Ryan smashed it or says the magic word. The rock will explode and become fire. Anyways, Ryan has always dreamed to get out of the underground town. Until one day he got it. (Didn't want to make a long bio. sorry if it's too long)

-Any abilities or skills your character has

Ryan loves to learn. This means he can easily learn new skills (IN reasonable time of course)

Ryan has practice with a sword as well.

Ryan can do basic rune magic.

- At LEAST ONE Weakness or Two.

(Make it something more specific then just regular old mortality, like a phobia/crippled somewhere/weak against something)

Since Ryan has lived in darkness most of his life, with only a small amount of light. He can see easily in the dark, BUT this means he is blind during the day. (He is not a mole man. he is human, just can't see in very bright places)

Also Ryan is scared of huge beasts because the beast on his home planet killed many people he knew.

Weapons and clothing

Ryan wears a white t-shirt with a black jacket on top of it. He also wears blue jeans that have holes at the knees. He's weapon is a rusty sword that looks like a single sided pickaxe.

-And anything else you would like to add if you wish to join.

Yes, I love writing long detailed scenes and plots, but sometimes I write short because of one reason: my character can't do any action. Also if I get annoying or do anything that are against the rules, please PM me. I know this sounds rude or selfish, but only the person who makes the character can do what they want with the character. So if you want to kill me off, just notify me and I'll surly help you kill of my character
Monica! The Thugnificent! -ACTIVE!- (B')

Razyn said:
Monica the Thugnificent

-Physical description

Standing at seven feet tall, four inches on top, 174 pounds of lean dark muscle, Monica is a giant among men, women, children, and small pets. He wears stainless white jeans, high top sneakers, and a heat proof fleece jacket, all of which contrasts nicely with his dark skin and darker hair.

Monica can usually be seen carrying his 200 pounds of Bose brand sound equipment all of which is neatly strapped together and hooked up to his unseen backpack underneath. Aside from some miscellaneous jewelry (all gold) that's about all to Monica's looks.

-Describe their personality to a good extent

Monica is usually a quiet guy. It's not that he's shy, he's just quiet because he understands that his voice, the voice of a giant, carries heavy power with every word he speaks. He makes sure to pantomime as much as possible while speaking as little as possible.

Additionally, Monica has a superior amount of patience, able to withstand all assaults of honor and injury before he finally finds a reason to fight back with words or fists.

Despite all this, Monica will always answer a friendly musical challenge and belt out a huge battle of musical rap stylings. And he will always have a soft hum to everything he does and says, regardless of company.

-A Bit of bio/background story

Monica is the brother to Number 4 of the Righteous Six, a six part government force leading half of the cold and snowy nation of Rapland in a centuries long war. Rapland had almost always been contested for by the Righteous Six and the National Murder-Clown Association, but Monica had never wanted to have any part of the war. He lived his life quietly, away from the press and the conflict, seeking to live peacefully on his own. He even started his own indie label, to try and recruit promising young rappers who didn't want to fight the endless war of the R6 and NMA. Things were going well. Monica had his talents lined up, his first clients had earned their own gold album, and he had established himself as a man not related to Number 4 of the Righteous Six.

Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be. One morning, Monica awoke to the news that Number 4 was murdered in cold cream in a tragic and explosive whipped cream accident late the previous night. Obviously it wasn't an accident of any kind, just the news presenting it that way. But it didn't bode well for Monica. As heir to the Number 4, he would have to join the Righteous Six in their war against the NMA. Monica denied his birthright and fled the country and the life he had fostered, leaving his record label to his best talent.

Last he heard as he endlessly roamed Coolworld as a vagabond was that the Righteous Six was torn by a schism between the odds and evens, and that the country was falling apart under the oppressive rule of the National Murder-Clown Association.

-Any abilities or skills your character has

Monica has the impressive talent to reshape reality with his prolific rapping capabilities. He hasn't fully focused his talents as of yet, but he can do a number of simple tricks mysterious lyrics. These include instantly dry cleaning his clothes, refilling his drinks, and patching up any damage his clothes take. The only offensive lyrics he knows can knock back enemies, or depress/infuriate foes.

As the heir of Number 4, he should potentially have unlimited stamina, and lyrics that can change the bodies of his foes to his will. But he's never unlocked them, preferring to live modestly.

- At LEAST ONE Weakness or Two.

Monica, whether he likes it or not, is a Rap Giant of the Righteous Six. These two facts mean he has a strange code of conduct and habits.

He's forgotten which come from his race and which come from his upbringing.

-Monica always makes noise. Anyone can tell where he is based on sound.

-Monica does not wear anything that isn't stark white

-If at anytime he is wearing inappropriately colored garb or his clothes become the wrong color, he has to stop and impulsively remedy the situation

-He won't deny any challenge, but he will try to incorporate music into the challenge

-He attempts to spare every enemy
Hyperiex! The Bioniak! -ACTIVE!- (^U^)

[QUOTE="Azure Sky]
Name: Hyperiex Morphiak


Personality: Hyperiex appears as a jokester most of the times, while also being quite energetic and almost always smiling. But he is quite ironic and he will make fun of people from time to time, though he does it just to tease them. If you get past that initial appearance he is a really intense guy with high levels of morality and quite philoshopical.

While he is indeed rather calm and very hard to anger, or annoy, it isn't something impossible. His behaviour while angry is quite unusual. In such a state, Hyperiex does not raise his voice, talk in an aggressive way, nor can any rage be written on his face. In a state of anger, Hyperiex's eyes become lifeless and wears an empty expression on his face. In this state, Hyperiex becomes quiet, cold, ruthless and attempts to attack the subject of his anger (and almost anyone who tries to get in his way) without mercy.

Backround: Hyperiex is a Bioniak of the Morphiak subrace, from the planet known as El-Bios. Apart from their supernatural condition and high thermal resistance, all Bioniaks are capable of using biokinesis in one way or another, and the differences between their capabilities depends on their respective subrace. Hiperiex was quite peculiar among his kind, personality-wise. He considered that Bioniaks had the skills necessary for helping those in need from other planets, and he was also adventurous, wanting to explore other places, outside his home planet. He searched through El-Bios for people willing to join his cause, but most Bioniaks were passive, sometimes lazy and rather egocentric. Even those who initially accepted didn't show up when the departure time came, thus his quest in finding companions ended in failure. He eventually left the planet on his own. Throughout his travels, Hyperiex helped those he could and had many adventures, but his quest still continues.


#Experienced fighter- Hyperiex faced many dangers throughout some of his adventures and thus had to learn how to fight. He knows when,where and how to hit,dodge and/or counter.

#Bioniak (alien) physiology:

  • Supernatural condition- Hyperiex is strong enough to lift up to 3 metric tons, fast enough to reach 50 mph, and his durability is slightly higher than that of a rhino. His reaction speed is high enough for him to dodge transonic attacks.

    Unusual physiological characteristics- all Bioniaks, regardless of the subrace, can see clearly in the dark and have good hearing. They may seem very similar to humans on the outside but they are quite different: they can eat almost anything as it becomes energy during digestion and they do not breathe (their nose is an energy detector of sorts; it can even detect mana and other forms of esoteric energy).

[*]Biokinesis (self)- all Bioniaks can manipulate some aspects of their biological make-up, but the type of manipulation varies from one subrace to another. Hyperiex belongs to the Morphiak subrace, thus he is able to freely manipulate some aspects of his anatomy:

  • Elasticity- he can become extremely malleable and elastic, allowing him to stretch, flatten, deform, expand, and contract his whole body.
  • Appendage generation- Hyperiex can generate extra body parts, including wings, tails, and tentacles.
  • Shapeshifting organic weapons- his limbs can become a variety of organic weapons, used for both offensive and defensive purposes (such as blades, whipfists, hammerfists, shileds, claws and tendrils). He can also cover his body with spikes.

  • Thermal resistance- he can survive in extreme temperatures, regardless if they are high or low. The highest temperature he can withstand is 500°C while the lowest is -200°C.


#He cannot eat things which are not organic. While inorganic substances/materials can be digested, they are toxic for his body, and in some cases lethal. Even if they won't kill him in most cases, they will ,however, weaken him considerably and cause him great amounts of pain.

#He is more vulnerable against powerful light and loud noises than a human.

#Electricity is extremely effective against him, causing him incredibly high pain, weakening his body, and making him unable to use his body manipulation powers.

#He is very weak against magic, to the point where even low tier spells can cause high damage.

#Once he becomes elastic, he also becomes weaker against sharp objects.



Danielle Sakharov, science officer from the UGC Divergence. (speech colour ~ #66CCFF)

Near enough top of her classes since birth, Danielle was thrust into the AG universe by circumstance. Now has to cohabit with Koyaanis. Analytical, intellectual and unprepared for the wild nature of the AG universe, Dani seeks to understand the powers behind this new universe.​

Hits: Technology, information, order and rakija (in strict moderation, of course)​

Misses: Chaos, improvisation, violence

Reintroduction to AG
In a place precariously held between realities by science, imagination and sheer luck, Koyaanis and Danielle Sakharov are making preparations to depart. This is made easier by them sharing a single body - Danielle's, in fact. An overweight man in a nondescript uniform watches on, tapping his foot, while the girl in the purple chainmail gives a farewell hug. Danielle's body sits under their combined subconscious control into a device that takes up a large portion of a gloomy hangar-sized bunker.

The girl adjusts her armour, "Are you sure you need to go? We could use the help. Well, Koya can piss off - we have too much chaos here as it is."

Using Danielle's mouth, Koya responds, "Pfft. Your worlds can't handle me anyway..."

Danielle herself wrests control from him, "We'd love to, Spiral - but things are happening we need to be a part of - and over there it's messy enough that Koya's just a drop in the ocean."

"Fine," Spiral sighs, "we'll manage. I've never seen anyone rig an Osci array faster than you, though"

The officer spits "It's an Imaginary Oscillation Matrix, Spi, not array, and I can handle the job without her."

Koya thinks to Danielle, He's jealous of your nerd powers. Should see you play League of Legends.

"It's just a matter of recalibrating the relays to account for flux from the local star cluster..."

"Easy there, Ms Neutrino-Knickers, can't give them all of the secrets of their universe - that'll take the fun out of it. See you around Spiral" He nods to the girl. "Adieu" He says to the man glowering from his computer-laden desk.

"Alright, then. Get your arses... arse singular, out of my universe. See you around and stay out of trouble." The girl pulls on a lever while the officer slams out passcodes on his keyboards. Machinery clicks, whirrs and hums, sucking power out of huge energy sinks below the floor. Koyaanis feels the familiar yet unsettling drag of unreality pull him from the room into the non-space between universes. Danielle, not yet used to the sensation of being converted into matter more akin to consciousness than atoms, is quite glad she can sense Koya's relative calm.

Neutrino-Knickers? I'll get you back for that.

Dani begins to lose her grip on consciousness as her mind fails to comprehend the utterly alien unreality minds and bodies dissolve into. The closest thing to what she feels is like being claustrophobic and hollow at the same time.

Sorry, best thing I could come up with in all the excitement. See you soon

When we get there first thing I'll do is get you a new body and get myself some peace

No squatters rights, huh. We'll see about that...


Chris stands around 6' 3" he used to wear the clothing in the first picture, but has since picked up some marauder scorpion armor (sans helmet) to better protect himself. He also wears a harness to better load up on gear and his black coat from the first picture just for more pockets.He also has a white piece of shoulder armor tacked on that he wears on top of his coat.

Age: 19(...? he feels older than that for some reason)

Gender: Male

Race: Fox person

Bio: Formerly a resident of the USA... he kind of came to an abrupt end when his head got flattened by a car tire. He woke up in some sort of pit of black goo/water with a new anthropomorphic fox body (which is honestly is what body he would've chosen for himself if he had the chance). Chris was shortly picked up by Elijah after that and after a quick stop to load up on a bunch of guns Elijah provided for him, he made his way to the base.

Soon after he arrived the Tortured swarmed the base, he fought them off with the others, still caught up in the thrill of being in another world at that point in time. While Elijah was resting some idiot ran off with her modifier and the group chased after him. Ending up in a fight with the Warden that's really when things got serious for Chris.

Elijah disappeared soon after that though and he found himself taking charge of the Marauders, mostly as some way to meaningfully contribute without a possessing a Modifier of his own.

During the shitstorm that was the Divergence he finally managed to get a hold of his own Modifier and now he's looking for a way to quickly charge it up and take the fight Gods. Right now though he just needs to make sure that everyone survives up until that point. He plans on using leveraging every piece of video game and fantasy knowledge he has to that purpose.

Personality: At first he was in a "just along for the ride" type of mindset, but all the crazy shit that's happened has pretty much knocked that out of him. Right now he's in a sort of "power gamer" mindset as he finally feels that he has what he needs to start taking control of the situation that he's found himself in (rather than fuming about in impotent rage). He plans on powering up his Modifier as fast as possible while looking into how to do the same for others along the way. He likes to think of himself as a kind and honest person at heart, though he feels the current situation is too serious to allow anyone to just sit down and relax. All in all, he's highly strung right now because of the situation. It doesn't help that he's also naturally an introvert...

World: Modern Earth

Abilities: Chris is fairly decent with firearms as he at least knows the technical details of how to aim and fire a weapon, though he's nowhere near the professional level. His close combat skills are also similarly lacking, at least until he finds a way to fix that...

+Minor Fourth Wall Breaking: He is able to perceive the world around him through a different lens than most have. He can perceive the "events" that happen around himself in a moderate area or at least what general direction they are in relative to himself. He feels as if he focused he could probably perceive more details of the world around himself, but the fabric of reality doesn't like being directly looked at so right now he's just in "wiretap" mode lest he be forced to smack himself in the face again.

+Relative Power Sense: Using his modifier he's given himself the ability to get the relative power level of whatever he's looking at compared to himself.

Equipment: Black and White Modifier

Deadspace-style Plasma Cutter

.50 cal sniper rifle

Desert Eagle

Hold out pistol

Assault Rifle


Scorpion Armor

Nice Hat and Coat


Minor Forcefield shoulder plate

Two-way radio


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[inactive Characters]

Players who are inactive or have died IC will be listed here.

If you're here and you wish to rejoin, shoot me a PM!

Noah! The Arkadian! -INACTIVE!- (:'()

[QUOTE="king persassy]
Physical Description: Noah is about 5'6, and has a somewhat bulky build. She has long black hair which is loosely braided down her shoulders, and its full length is to around her waist. Her hair is somewhat held up by two bronze circlets, which signify a member of the Arkadia who has earned their position in society (more on what Noah did to get that below!!) She has dark brown eyes and very tan skin, and her hair is somewhat poofy. Two black bear ears are in front of her circlets, and her nails are somewhat sharp. She could be passed as a normal human otherwise. Noah is currently contemplating cutting her hair shorter in order to be out of the way.

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: The Arkadia -- A race of humanoid people who also possess some bear-like qualities, including bear ears and sharper nails. They possess the special ability that when they are properly equipped with the correct spell, a particularly skilled caster can transform fully into a bear for a short period of time. Arkadians must earn their place in society by either performing a brave, helpful deed or being a good citizen for four years (beginning when they are 15 years old). After becoming a full member, they earn two circlets, which must be worn by them at all times for identification purposes. Noah wears hers as hairbands, for example. Others use them as bracelets, anklets, or even as a necklace, depending on size. They are separated into groups, which could be considered as towns or clans, depending on how you look at it. These groups are all united, though, and are brought together by their common beliefs. In Arkadian society, magic is often practiced and is taught to willing, able members of the society. Most of the magic is centered on summoning their bear-like state in order to defend themselves and their people. Both men and women are taught this, and all people are allowed to fight, as long as they are capable and willing. There is no god or gods in particular who are worshiped by them, but they believe in spirits (think Native American beliefs) like tree spirits and animal spirits.


Pre-RP -
Growing up as an only child in a society where most families had many children, Noah was always given expectations that were somewhat unrealistic. Her mother, being a warrior of Arkadia, was often away, and so she was raised primarily by her father, who was the town doctor. He taught her much about medicine and how to help people, and this made her even more determined to help prevent those sorts of injuries by becoming a warrior and defending her people. Taking on the calm attitude of her father and the interests of her mother, she was dead set on protecting her village. When she was about nine years old, her mother returned permanently, and began to tutor Noah in basic fighting, teaching her how to utilize her fists and block against punches. Seven years later, Noah was walking home from one of her mother's lessons in a clearing when she noticed a human quietly sitting in the branches of a tree, wielding a bow and arrows and aiming them at her mother, who was walking right behind Noah. As the arrow was shot, Noah shoved her mother to the ground and ran for the tree, scaling it and successfully incapacitating the human. It had turned out that he was going to attempt to murder the leader of the village, and anyone that might have seen him. His reasons for trying to kill them were never discovered. Noah was made a member of the village that week, and had spent the next three years studying magic. Though she is still not too great at it, she's determined to become a proud warrior.

During-RP - Noah met up with Coatl and Jaik, who quickly made a pact together to find out what was really happening with the modifiers and so-called 'gods'. She then had a conversation with Seih, who used his abilities to transfer memories to her in order to inform her of what had just happened.

Personality: Noah is more stern than most, used to acting as an older sister figure for other people in her village. In a community where large families were common, Noah was an only child, so she had more responsibility heaped on her as a child than other kids. Rather than shying away from it, she embraced her position, eager for the day when she could be a warrior and help other people, like her mother. Although she is somewhat strict, don't take it to mean she's stuck up; Noah tries her hardest to be a person who others can rely on. Though she is somewhat stoic and is very bad with detecting sarcasm, she attempts to have a sense of humor. This backfires extremely on her, and very often. She also reads too much into things, attempting to understand things that she doesn't by overthinking it an extreme amount.

World (Where she came from): Noah's world is primarily ruled by her kind, with normal humans a minority and living in areas away from where most of the Arkadia live. Noah's village in particular was by a coast, surrounded by woods for miles. Most of the (known) world is forest.

Abilities:Noah, as a full member of her village, is equipped with the knowledge to transform into her full bear state, and knows other basic magic. She is still a novice at magic, though, and her spellwork is somewhat unreliable. She is also trained with basic knowledge of fist fighting, and is skillful at utilizing her claws in battle.

Weapon of Choice: A tome of magic, or her fists. Noah is also semi-decent with a dagger, but she prefers fighting with her fists.

Kerri! The World Walker! -Inactive!- (:'()

[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]

Name- Kerrialla 'Kerri'
Race- Unknown/Those That Wander Worlds(Thew for short.):

The Thew are a rarely seen, largely unknown, and extremely misunderstood race. Many who have put work into discerning their nature have often been led to the conclusions that they both step through realities and time like it is simply another room to be travelled through in a house hold.

Outside of mere speculation, the Thew are known for carrying a portfolio that carries pictures of beings that all appear similar, as if they could be one person, but all in variations of different species and races. These portfolios seem to be extremely important to the Thew, and even if stolen, they always seem to make their way back to their owners.

Furthermore, the Thew seem to either lie, be wilfully, or unwilfully ignorant of where they have been before, and what they did. They do not seem to ever have an answer for if they have lived previous lives or come from other realities or dimensions, and they seem to not recognise or even acknowledge being asked such questions. Also, while seemingly just as susceptible to outside harm as anyone else, they never seem to age, and there have been rumours that, if killed, they will appear again a few days later as if nothing had ever happened, harbouring no wish of revenge or retribution against their killers. As if they had literally just never reached the point up until their death. Despite this, they also don't seem to recognise this trait, and will avoid death and harm in general as much as the next being.

The Thew are also known for randomly speaking in rhyme or riddle about topics that they seem to have more knowledge on than they know, but very rarely realise or remember speaking such words at all. When a Thew does this, it is generally wise to listen.

Lupa! The Wolf of Shadows! -INACTIVE!- (TAT)

[QUOTE="Veles Lek]
Name: Lupa Hisouten

Physical ~ Humanoid - A thin, attractive looking human female appearing no older than 23. She has long, black hair and indigo irises. She usually wears some sort of dress, regardless of the occasion. Stands at about 5'2".
Physical ~ Lupine - Large wolf with pitch black fur and purple eyes. There is a white mark of the crescent moon on her forehead. Fur is moderately dense and quite fluffy, being especially so on her tail. Stands at about 2'9".

Mental - Lupa prefers situations with social contact, finding herself the happiest when surrounded by friends. She becomes very protective when her friends are in any form of potential danger, doing whatever she can to ensure that everyone escapes the danger safely. At her best, Lupa is calm, charismatic, and confident. At her worst, Lupa is reckless, protective, and impulsive.

After a long century of warring between the wolves and the orcs, the wolfish capital of Liasa finally fell. Captured by orcish warlords, the entire city was ravaged. It's people? Some were killed, some were captured. Within the wreckage of a city once admired all around the world for the special plant life that lived there, the trees began to take action. Some sort of magical beast inhabited the plant life, fighting the orcs with the terrifying powers of nature. Illusionary haunts, elemental golems, and even vines grabbing at their limbs became something the evil soldiers had to face. Soon this became too much for the warlords' forces. They hatched a plan to completely remove this place from the map, using alchemical flame to purge the location of all life.
The plan succeeded, and nothing but massive scorch marks remained. During the night, the fire had burned away at all within the once lively city.

The spirit of the nature guardian remained in the midst of the ashes.

A young woman, one who tried her best to help the capital of her people survive the war, laid almost motionless under the wreckage of her family's magic shop. The moon rose above the city, shining it's reflective light onto her face. The crackle of fire could be heard all around. This young woman knew that the afterlife remained only a few moments away. The moon disappeared within the burning light of alchemical flame.

And there she stood, once more, watching the sunrise in the ashes of her once beloved home.

Two souls, both lost within the midst of war. Both wishing there was some way to avenge themselves.

They traded looks at one another, both remembering the rules of life, and recalling the one exception to death: Resurrection by fusion.

It was a dangerous prospect, but they had nothing to lose at this point.

A supernal's life is never boring, and the coming years will be the most eventful in both of their lives.

Thus they fused together, becoming Lupa Hisouten, Wolf of Shadows.

Fast forward many nameless years...

Lupa climbed the mountain trail, excited to find herself face to face with a physical node of magical energy. Few could say they were ever able to see what physical, raw, magic looked like. Over the ridge, she climbed and saw the brilliance of a pure white orb of energy, floating only a few feet off of the ground. The light was almost blinding to her, possibly only being a mere annoyance to anyone else. "If I could get a little closer," she thought to herself. "Perhaps I could collect some energy."

Lupa slowly moved closer to the orb, surely feeling some of the effects that intense light has on her. In her mind, she began to question whether or not this was a good idea. However, before she could back away, the orb began to shoot out tendrils of pure white light. A few moments later, Lupa fell unconscious from the sensory and energetic overload.

Then she awoke again, somewhere else entirely.

Form of the Wolf ~ Lupa can transform herself into her Lupine form at any moment she is not distracted and/or experiencing intense feelings (anger, pain, sadness, ect). Anything in her possession when she transforms melds into this form as well. If she is already in Lupine form, she can transform back to her Humanoid form under the same conditions.
Morphic Shadows ~ Lupa is able to manipulate the shadows and darkness around her. This can range from simple tricks (moving a shadow, distorting shadow shapes) to more advanced ones (making shadows darker, materializing darkness into a physical form). She cannot use this ability to create darkness where there is none. Materialized shadows in any form (weapons, armor, misc items) dissipate in intense light.

Shadowy Form ~ At it's core, Lupa's forms are both made of highly solidified darkness, as her original body was completely destroyed. This allows her to be able to change her looks while in a pitch black environment.

Light Sensitivity ~ Bright light makes Lupa has problems trying to see at distances. Intense light makes her ill and weak. A normal, sunny day has little effect beyond slight sight problems. Anything more than intense of a light source will begin to harm her. Solidified light (lasers) and other equally strong light sources count as 'more than intense' and tend to affect her more than someone not made of solid shadow.
Equipment & Belongings ~ Lupa wears a silver pendant of a crescent moon. She carries a minor bag of holding to carry her belongings, currently only containing the root of a eldritch tree she should not take out of the bag.

Adam Nona! The Hydro Samurai! -INACTIVE!- (:'()

[QUOTE="Paradox Turtle]Name: Adam Nona

Height: 5"6

Weight: 160 lb

Bio: There was nothing too special about Adam. He ate food, slept where he could, and traveled the realm for his only hobby, collecting flowers. Cut flowers, pressed flowers, live flowers; Adam collected and saved them any way he could to preserve their beauty. He even goes as far as using his powers of Hydrokenesis to supply his flowers with water while on the move to the next blossoming plant he finds. His sword is used more on plants, pruning and clipping, than on the flesh of others, much to his sword crafter's displeasure.

Weakness: Suffers from Panzosim, nothing but flowers makes him react deeply

Power: Hydrokenesis (waterbending)


W-R54! The GentleBot! -INACTIVE!- (:'()

a52 said:
Name: W-R54 (Often referred to as W-R or just W)
Appearance: A tall, humanoid automaton dressed in an impeccable but slightly sand-worn black suit, top hat, and gold monocle. At first glance it appears human, but any closer look will quickly reveal that it is in fact a machine.

Its face is an elaborate construction of brass and bronze gears and struts, with half of a sculpted metal face on the right. A strip of tape runs through its head to a roll on its back, constantly shifting and being rewritten. If it takes off its hat, an elaborate arrangement of brass horns (of the musical kind, not like goat horns) are present, through which it speaks. It has hands that resemble armored, brass gauntlets, but with only three fingers and a thumb each.

When threatened, it can expel hot steam from its wrists. It's also handy with a rifle and other accuracy based weapons, but it is most useful on the battlefield as general or strategist.

Bio and Other Info: It has no real personality, being a machine, but it is extremely intelligent.

Due to its own lack of emotion, it will often casually insult organic beings without realizing it, stating things as simple facts. For this reason, it may act extremely cautious and polite when first communicating with somebody it feels could be useful, often studying their behavior before making an action.

Although it is naturally cautious, the only things it truly fears are fire and water, because those may damage the tape, which functions as its memory.

Some minor quirks in its programming are present as well, which may cause it to act erratically in certain situations. The use of strong magic, something it does not have the capacity to understand, greatly confuses and unnerves it, causing unpredictable behavior.

It requires a steady diet of coal or other flammable materials to function, but nothing else.

Traits:-Math, logic, and mechanics

-Repairing itself (although it is the only one capable of doing so)

-Very durable


-Bad at communicating with organic beings

-Very good at communicating with machines

-Killed upon destruction of the tape, destruction of the machinery that reads it, or if its internal boiler explodes.
Alexander, The Powerful! -BANNED-

Note: Banned due to severe harassment, dis-respectfulness, general bigotry, and god modding.

[QUOTE="Torma Ximnus]

Name: Alexander Adreyus

-Physical description


-A Bit of bio

Alexander Adreyus is the son of a king and his consort in a land of magic, filled with magic users and aura users. However, this king was not a benevolent king. Rather, it was a king that never left his stronghold, and who wanted all the power for himself. He went beyond Avarice itself and became the worst kind of being, something you couldn't even consider human anymore even though he was still of that race. The moment he found his consort was with child, he ejected her from the palace and, after waiting long enough for Alexander to be born, the king sent his assassins to kill his former consort and her child as he desired no heirs, for he only saw heirs as inevitable contestants for his throne, and his power.

Alexander and his mother were always on the move to avoid the king's assassins, moving from city to city, kingdom to kingdom. Alexander never questioned the kind of life they lead, and his mother was never anything but kind and caring. She nurtured him and encouraged him to learn everything he could, and pursue what he wanted to know. Consequently, Alexander spent his first thirteen years primarily reading books. It wasn't until just before his thirteenth birthday that he encountered someone his age, a friendly and eager individual who only wanted to be friends and have fun. Everything about that other child made Alexander stop and think, and to question if what he had as a life was normal, and WHY they had to keep moving. When his mother said it was time to move again, Alexander refused until she told him why. With sorrow in her eyes, Alexander's mother brought out a necklace with the symbol of the kingdom they were from and of the king that ruled over it, and gently told him the truth of their lives, and why the always had to run. With the truth in hand Alexander, young though he was, knew he had to make a choice, and he didn't need to stop for a moment to think about what his decision would be. He already knew the answer the moment he learned the truth.

In that moment he forsook his remaining childhood and made a promise to his mother and himself that he would change everything-- that one day they would no longer have to run, and could just live their lives. Knowing her child would not be moved and that she couldn't bear to be parted from him, his mother agreed that they could stay in the city, but that they had to move within it and stay as uninteresting and out of sight to the world as possible. Alexander agreed and devoted the next three years to study, growing the genius that was within him and building his armor and Dynamo Units, inventing the drones he would use to assist him in battles, and learning combat forms. At the end of the third year he was ready to make his move, but in that moment a great war broke out as beings from another realm tore into his world, forming a rift and razing the land. As fortune had it he and his mother were finally leaving the city on that day, for none that were there survived. Leaving his mother with the family of the child he had met three years before, Alexander found an Aura Master and devoted himself to a year of intensive training as the Aura Master's student. At the end of his training, with Aura, Magic, and the technological might he crafted before the war, he entered the fray as one of the few powerful figures that would cause the turning of the tide, and sound the battle cry for all in his world to take up arms and defend their homes. During the war he bore the Pseudonym of Vari Juul Dhan and single-handedly defeated entire armies, gaining him the title "The Wandering Slayer."

The assassins hunting Alexander and his mother had been recalled at the start of the war, and once the war ended they did not return. Rather than return home, Alexander chose to journey the lands and gain all of the knowledge he could. After two years he became part of a small party of members that were hunting a man that called himself the Mercenary King, and became involved in many other events as well. During this time he never stopped pursuing his research or learning magic, and eventually reached the point where he could perform time/space magic and create pocket dimensions. With this power he created an engine that would cycle aura and magic endlessly, and grow both each time one was cycled into the other. He learned how to turn matter into pure energy and back again, and when his father the king died, he took his throne and single-handedly brought his Kingdom to an unprecedented glory with his wealth of knowledge that he freely shared with his subjects and encouraged them to make their own. However, this period would not last for long.

His world had once again been beset by invaders, and everywhere the boundaries between realms were thinning. Invaders from Earth were seeking an individual of singular power to bend to their will, magics within his realm sought to bring and end to magic, and many other individuals from many other places pursued their own agendas and brought chaos to the world. In the final hours of his universe his kingdom had fallen, and only a few powerful individuals remained. He entered the deepest space in his pocket dimensions and called upon the energy held there to take him somewhere, anywhere, else. As if in answer to his wish to begone from his doomed home, he was wrenched away from it by an outside force. However, this power, this force, this GOD that drew him out of his realm and towards another used not its own power, but the power he had stored and grown for so long to do it. Now he is about to appear, his great engines all but depleted, but his own considerable power still intact, even if diminished from years spent off the battlefield and on a throne. What will he do, and what will this brave new world unfolding before his eyes bring to him? Only time will tell.

-Any abilities or skills your character has

Armor: Crafted by Alexander himself, it channels and focuses both his own aura and whatever magic he wields and is worn under his normal clothing. It can also be used in tandem with his Dynamos to focus redirected energy and fire it back at his opponent. While the armor can be made invisible, he usually settles for just having it covered. The clothing he wears can also change colors and (within a limited extent) its shape.

Dynamo Units: He always keeps at least six on him, and they are attached to a belt or his back and shoulders when they are not in use. They are used for forming portals, drone construction/summoning, forming temporary energy construct around themselves (larger ones require more Dynamos), and firing off their own energy attacks. They each have an individual power source, but are connected to each other and Alexander's Armor via spacetime magic. He also has two significantly larger units that not only channel his power, but are also where he stores his six wands. His Dynamos and many of his other drones are also capable of redirecting or absorbing energy attacks fired off by his opponents, whether the energy is derived from aura or magic.

Wands: Alexander has two wands for offensive and defensive elemental spells and buffs, one wand specifically for buffs and teleportation, and one wand that is specifically for teleportation and healing. He also has two time/space wands. Each wand can only use one spell at a time, which means if a wand has an active buff running rather than placing a temporary buff enchantment on an item or person, it cannot be used for anything else. In Alexander's world, magic was all around him and was the source of power for all of his wands. Without magic present, he will have to channel aura into his dynamos to translate it into magic so the wands have something to pull from.

Aura: He can channel it to strengthen himself or manifest it as an outward force to attack or defend with. He also channels it through his armor and Dynamo Units.

Drones: These reside in his personal vault, which is in his own personal pocket dimension. They run off of a combination of magic and aura.

- At LEAST ONE Weakness or Two.

While his abilities are many, the strain of the travel and the amount of energy required not only drained his engine of nearly all its energy, but greatly weakened him as well. Once hailed as the God King for his power and benevolence, Alexander is now even weaker than he was during the war he fought in, and will have to rely more heavily on cunning and strategy while he recovers his strength.

While he is a kind person, his manner can often come off as brusque when in more personal surroundings. The flaw in his mannerisms is the direct result of a lack of social activity in his life and can easily turn others away from him if he is not careful.

Roy! The Technomancer! -INACTIVE!- (:'()

hector212121 said:
-Name: Goes by 'Mr. Roboto'. Not that he's a cyborg. Lets people call him Kilroy, or Roy for short. He really likes pre-6th world music.
-Physical description (or image if you'd prefer):Tall elf, always armored with the best light gear available. Dark haired under his helmet. Carries a duffel bag and has two heavy-looking belt-loaded shotguns strapped to his back. Has a light powersuit mainly meant for mechanical work; highly insulated and able to prevent light cuts, and has built in tools. Also, can anchor his feet to the ground.

-Describe their personality to a good extent:

Paranoid, cocky, yet somewhat selfless. Keyword somewhat.

-A Bit of bio/background story:A run went wrong for him. His Johnson betrayed him and decided to test a teleporting device almost guaranteed to kill him. Instead, it fucked up all his active drones, leaving him to replace the broken parts and swap between drones as needed.

-Any abilities or skills your character has

Wireless psychic hacking.

Sprite creation. Not the soda; little artificial intelligences that very rarely gain actual sentience. They can help hack, pilot drones or protect his mind from other technomancers.

Drones: includes a pair each of: small scouting drones, sniper drones and sword-wielding drones.

Gyroscopic weapon mount: While firing a gun heavy enough might throw him off balance enough, his shots will still stay on point if he's using this. Attached to his pack.

300 degree sight: camera mounted on his pack that can see almost anything bigger than a fly.

- At LEAST ONE Weakness or Two.

(Make it something more specific then just regular old mortality, like a phobia/crippled somewhere/weak against something)

Another Technomancer can try to hack him, though that runs both ways.

A failed hacking attempt can temporarily cripple or kill him if the IC is built to cripple or kill.

His sprites could become sentient and become huge pests.

Armor stops bullets, but isn't hard, meaning he takes a bit of the impact spread across a far wider area.

-And anything else you would like to add if you wish to join.

Most things, including guns, from his world are hackable. This means that he will try hacking people's guns if pointed at him. He will fail miserably. Cyborg parts will likely end up the same, but more discretion there.

Seih! The Reclusive Psychic! -RESIGNED!- (:'()

Lyrositor said:
Note: this is the short version of Seih's description. The full description is available at the bottom, spoilered.
Name: Seih

Appearance: Seih is a member of a (comparatively) young alien species called the Keir (see "Additional Lore" for information on their society). As is characteristic of this species, Seih is extremely small, towering at just under a foot of height. His heterochromic deep-blue and electric-blue eyes are large (relatively to the size of his face) and nearly always wide open. He has unkempt dark gray hair streaked with white bands and ashen gray skin. His clothes are a palette of drab, earth-toned colors; he never travels without a large, hooded brown cloak which covers his entire body. Physically, he is extremely weak.

Personality: Seih is introverted, but out of necessity rather than choice, as when strong emotions take sway of him he can temporarily go insane, potentially even bloodthirsty.

Powers: Seih's abilities are psychic in nature. He can fly for short bursts of time, attack with psychic bolts and shield his body from physical and mental attack, though all of these actions require intense concentration, which quickly tires him. Additionally, he can temporarily increase the intelligence or reflexes of willing targets by transferring his mental strength. He can read weak-willed minds, with some difficulty, and control very simple minds. If Seih goes insane, his psychic actions receive a moderate, temporary boost of power.

Name: Nan-Aht-Seih (Seih being his "real" name, Aht an indicator of his function, and Nan of his location)

Appearance: Seih is a member of a (comparatively) young alien species called the Keir (see "Additional Lore" for information on their society). As is characteristic of this species, Seih is extremely small, towering at just under a foot of height. His heterochromic deep-blue and electric-blue eyes are large (relatively to the size of his face) and nearly always wide open. He has unkempt dark gray hair streaked with white bands and ashen gray skin. His clothes are a palette of drab, earth-toned colors; he never travels without a large, hooded brown cloak which covers his entire body.

As a Keir (see Additional Lore for more details), Seih's brain is hardwired to avoid any automation of biological functions - this means Seih must constantly, consciously remember to breathe, choose which muscles to flex, etc.. As such, while Seih has an extremely developed and sophisticated brain, like all of his kindred, he must concentrate at all times to remain alive - even his sleep is mostly a trance. This means that while Seih has potential genius-level intelligence, the fact that he has to think about basic biological functionality at all times simply gives him slightly above-average intelligence.

Keir are usually extremely physically weak as a result of their near-exclusive reliance on their psychic powers (see "Powers" below), and Seih is no exception. Without any psychic boosts, he is unlikely to harm anything stronger than a fly. Using his psychic abilities tires him much like physical exercise would, however.

Personality: Even by the standards of the rather introverted Keir society, Seih would be considered a recluse. Though partially explained by his natural shyness, Seih also suffers from a common mental disease which plagues his species: when under the influence of strong emotions, he tends to lose the control of his higher faculties. While for most Keir this is just a slight inconvenience, in his case this manifests himself as a severe loss of sanity and, in the case of some emotions, bloodthirsty sadism. So far, Seih has been able to avoid major accidents by carefully avoiding excessive social interaction, but a few incidents have led to some injury, mostly to himself.

Despite this, however, Seih dearly hopes to make new friends, but refrains from fear of harming them.

Powers: as a consequence of the extreme control Keir exercise over every part of their brains, they have long since learned how to tap into their psychic potential as a way of compensating for their physical weakness (in their day-to-day lives, Keir use this to transport small objects, boil some water, etc.). Therefore, Seih is able to fly for small periods of time (he much would much prefer either a vehicle or somebody's shoulder to sit on), shield his body, temporarily enhance his strength, project damage-dealing psychic darts and, if the subject is weak-willed, read minds (simple animals can also be mind-controlled, though this is extremely tiring and makes Seih oblivious to his surroundings), along with a few other minor effects. As another consequence of the control he exerts over his brain, Seih is also extremely resilient to mind probing, and can choose to show what he wants others to think; he might not detect a mental intrusion if it is extremely subtle or very light, however.

A unique ability of the Keir is their capacity to redirect their mental power to other living beings, enhancing their intelligence and potentially their reflexes, if they also take over the lower functions of the other's brain (a more taxing endeavor). If the target's will is high enough, he can refuse the supplemental mental resources.

If Seih starts losing his sanity, his mental strength grows proportionately to the amount of control over himself he gives up. If his aggressiveness also grows, this can manifest itself through more powerful attacks, for example. This can hardly make him invincible, however - it is simply a moderate enhancement of existing capabilities.

Additional Lore (probably not relevant to the RP, but here for anybody who's interested):
Lyrositor said:
The Keir evolved as a genetic curiosity: very early on in their evolutionary history, they somehow developed the ability to harness the psychic potential of their brain, which precipitated their progressive mutation from a relatively unremarkable herbivore into a sentient race. By the time Seih was born, it had been approximately 7,000 years since the first organized Keir settlements had been formed, and Keir society had reached a pre-industrial level of development (with little collective incentive to move into the industrial era, despite some Keir scientists' best endeavors).

By now, the near-totality of the Keir's planet has been colonized and is divided into approximately a dozen major countries. Rank in Keir society is usually determined by the amount of other Keir one has assisting them mentally: a powerful Keir might have as many as twenty assistants surrendering portions of their mental strength in exchange for compensation, while national rulers often have hundreds of Keir at their disposal, constantly enhancing their mental strength to the point of near omnipotence (a few countries have since outlawed this practice, as they consider it a form of slavery). The richest Keir can even afford to have their bodily functions handled by others, which is considered a degrading and humiliating practice by proper citizens of Keir society.

Keir are assigned three names. The first one, pronounced last, is the equivalent of a first name, and is the one most commonly used in casual conversation. The second one indicates their current function in Keir society (or lack thereof, in the case of the children and elderly). The last one, prounounced first, specifies the current location they live in (usually the country's name, but depending on the local legislation can also be a district, a region, a territory, etc.).

While generally at peace, war occasionally breaks out between the various Keir factions. The outcome is usually simply a matter of greater mental strength and larger numbers, relying on the mental stealth-shielding of the more powerful psychics by the less powerful, though many other strategies have been developed over time. The recent introduction of gunpowder has significantly changed modern warfare, as even the weakest psychics now have the ability to instantly kill the stronger ones.


Description/Image- Kerri stands at a diminutive 4'4" Imperial under most circumstances. Her appearance is that of an anthropomorphic cat, with cinnamon hued fur and digitigrade legs. Her eyes are a lush green similar to that seen in tropical flora, and her body is lithe and wiry in it's agility based musculature. Her 'mane' is brought back into a trio of braids that are all tied into a single ponytail and hangs down to just below her waist.

She adorns herself in a set of lower leg sleeves, forearm sleeves, a crop top and a kilt made of some form of futuristic materials that contrast the primitive styling of her clothes.She also wears a pendant with an intricately designed Celtic knotted star. While she doesn't remember why, she does know it is important to her.

Bio- Literally just stepping out of somewhere and onto the ground, Kerri has little other than her portfolio, journal, sword and sidearms on her person, she deems it fit to head to a nearby camp simply because it is the nearest notable location to her.

Having just arrived into this realm, it is time for Kerri to begin her life anew, with only her journal and portfolio to give her a hint at her lives before.

Personality- Calm, carefree, jovial and friendly, there isn't much that can cause Kerri to worry. Her ultimate goal in life to discover who she is meant to be, but her history is both a source of frustration and worry for her. While she doesn't often show it, there is a great sorrow and fear carried by her in the form of hidden questioning of the why of her existence, and the chance that there could very well not be a reason at all.

Despite this, she feels that her life gives her a unique position to allow her to help others as well, and she does her best to protect those that she deems in need of it all while furthering her own search for purpose and point to her life.

Due to her unique characteristics and her race, she isn't quite sure what she thinks of gods and the like. She was not invited into the realm by gods like others have been and because of the difference in her arrival compared to others, she has a harder time believing in all the same things others might. While there is a chance this could lead to some head butting, Kerri largely tries not to offend anyone too much.

Abilities/Skills- Carrying a lancer longsword(true longsword, see claymores), or a longsword with a strong but thin blade, equally suited for stabbing as it is hewing flesh, Kerri's longsword is extremely lightweight, and those that would study it would find it's composition to be strange and unfamiliar. There are those who would even call it's existence impossible. Despite this Kerri' wields it with great skill and dexterity, easily swapping between both one handed and two handed fighting styles while staying light on her feet and employing her agile manoeuvrability to out perform and outmanoeuvre her opponents.

To supplement her skill in close quarters with a bit more reach, Kerri also carries a pair of revolvers, both large and seemingly cumbersome that she handles with ease. Similar in composition to her sword, but also quite different, the best guess anyone could have is that her weaponry comes from a whole other plane of existence and shouldn't exist in the one she inhabits now.

Other- Kerri has exactly two hundred a thirty eight pictures in her portfolio, and furthermore she bears precisely one hundred and ninety one notes ranging from assumed total years of existence to comments about certain races to simple philosophical quips scattered amongst the pages of her journal.

Kerri also suffers from both Monophobia, the fear of being alone, and Athagoraphobia, the fear of being abandoned.

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