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Fantasy Ruins of Tregia - Lore


He Who Sees E's
Introducing the races

*Please hold for additional Lore. We are currently waiting for additional tabs*

In the world of Tregia, there are three primary races. These are: The Prana, the Bruun, and the Naru. However, there is also a fourth race that is capable of standing amongst the others, and this would be the Fauna.

The Prana______

Plainly said, this is the most human like race. Their lifespans are relatively normal, their heights always vary, and their intellect seems to always provide growth. However, they are practically the wild card, not falling into any single stereotypes and appear rather balanced across the board.


The Bruun


The Bruun, those who would otherwise be branded giants. The males of this race often peak at eleven feet (335 cm), whilst females at eight (244 cm). Their muscle mass easily sets them apart from the other races, as even a child can easily press two hundred pounds. Their average life span is roughly ninety years. Normally they are viewed as somewhat narrow minded, however it has been proven that they are the quickest race to adapt.

Notable Feature; Bruun tend to be darker in skin color. As well, their irises are quite small.

The Naru______

The Naru, those who would perhaps be branded hobbits in relation. Their life spans average at about 130 years. They are by far the shortest race, with males averaging a 3'6'' (107 cm) and females at 3'3'' (= 99 cm). Despite this disadvantage of height, they prove to be the most agile of the races. As well, due to their light weights and frail figures, they are capable of sneaking quite easily. Furthermore, they are capable of seeing the furthest at night. But perhaps the most unique feature, is the fact that their bones are somewhat rubber-like, almost making them seem unbreakable.

Notable Feature; The Naru have no visible pupil.

The Fauna



The Fauna, those who are cursed, and forever deemed beasts. Their size varies greatly, just like the Prana. Generally they are found with the ears, and tail of an animal. This race's advantage lies in the sole fact that they are gifted with Dark Magic. As such, they are heavily despised (and feared) by the other races. Normally killed, or imprisoned deep underground when found. They tend to act easily upon emotions, especially rage. But luckily for the other races, the Fauna are an extreme rarity. Most individuals go through their life without ever seeing one, making them somewhat of a legend.

Notable Feature; Animal ears, a tail, and dark magic when enraged.
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