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RPepe Nations (Full/Closed)


Morning of January 28th - Tahana (Rākau forest)

They approached a small camp to the side of a wide river, in the camp there was a few primal buildings and a burnt out fire surrounded by a couple of logs. A rather shoddy bridge reached far out into the water and at the end of it there stood two more royal guards, and behind them in the water there was a long and rather wide wooden boat with a leather roof. In the boat there stood 6 slaves dressed up nicely for the occasion holding oars. In the camp there was one drunk man passed out on the ground and two more with swords on their backs sitting around the ash filled campfire.

The two men around the campfire seemed to be negotiating prizes on something and they were both wearing expensive fur clothing. As the men noticed that they had arrived they quickly turned their heads towards them, stopped negotiating and stood up, "Oha Hemi!" (Hello Hemi!) one of them exclaimed. Hemi diden't look very happy about meeting them, he knew they'd be there but he didn't want to talk to them. He simply gave them a swift nod in response and turned to Dario with a smile "We're here!". Rae felt that she could not afford to be excited, thoughts about what could happen started to once again spurr up in her head again. The Wenizi river wasn’t known to be very dangerous but she couldn’t help but hypothesize. Rae noticed something strange, there was very clearly a tusk from an elephant sticking out from one of the buildings half opened doors. Suddenly it was gently kicked back into the building by one of the men, she looked at him and was met by an irritated and dismissing look.


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Morning of January 28th - Tahana Dynasty (Rākau forest)

Dario read Hemi's and Rae's faces and he saw the concern. Rodrig would probably be quite unhappy with the slaves, but Dario didn't mind.

He analyzed the people at the camp. They had exotic furs, probably hunted by themselves since they didn't look too rich otherwise. He could definitely see that they were hiding something as well, but as they didn't want to show their game, they probably didn't want any trouble. He couldn't be sure however, since he wasn't that familiar with Tahana. From what Dario could make of them, they were poachers.

He turned to Markio and said: "Cuehdato serka." (Stay close."). Markio answered with a nod. Dario then turned to Rae and asked quietly: "Will they be a problem?"
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Morning of January 28th - Tahana (Rākau forest)

Rae kept looking at the men in front of them, "They already are, but do not worry about them." she silently answered. A door opened on one of the higher elevated building and an old man smoking stepped out. He too was wearing furs and had a very prominent grayening beard. "Let us go..." Hemi said quietly to Dario and hastily started to Walking towards the boat with Rae in his fallowing. The old man looked irritated and his piercing eyes fallowed them, "Waikura whakatara..."(Damn scum...) Hemi mumbled to himself.

(Kan inte flytta texten till sidan av någon anledning)


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Morning of January 28th - Tahana Dynasty (Rākau forest)

Markio looked at Dario with unease. He knew a criminal when he saw one, and these were definitely not honorable men, but since Dario gestured for him to go sit in one of the boats, he didn’t bother to do something that would give them away. Dario sat down next to Markio and the other teraguans in silence. He hoped that there wouldn’t be too much trouble along the road.
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Morning of January 28th - Tahana (Rākau forest)

As they all sat down in the boat the men in the camp looked at them with menacing eyes, one of the men by the fire flashed a smile towards Hemi before going on about his business. Hemi now as concerned as Rae snapped his fingers and the slaves started to row sending the boat down the green tinted cloudy water of the Wenizi river. Rae looked at Hemi with concerned eyes and was met likewise, it was her job to make sure they arrived safely and simply couldn’t let down her guard around people like those at the camp. “Mataara” she whispered to one of the soldiers carrying a bow ordering him to be the lookout during the boatride.


Morning of January 28th - Tahana Dynasty (Rākau forest)

As they left the camp behind them, Markio thought about the men. It was men like them that killed his younger brother fifteen years ago. He was happy that they had left them without anything brewing up between them. Dario looked at his surroundings. Never had he ever been in a climate like this. He was thankful that his robes weren’t tighter and that he didn’t have any hair on his head. He could see that his guards had rolled up their sleeves and cut the legs off of their trousers, but the sweat was still running down their faces. Dario couldn’t wait to arrive at his destination.
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Midday of January 28th - Tahana Dynasty (Ati savannah)

The boat ride was long and warm but peaceful, there wasn’t much commotion and it was a smooth ride throughout. On the way they’d been met with the wide opened eyes of the jungle people who often don’t even leave their villages. One of the guards had reported that he’d seen suspicious figures and movements in the jungle, it was kept in mind but ruled of as wild animals or some villagers wanting a closer look.

They’d reached the edge of the Ati savannah and were preparing a meal for the company, it was a long way left to Maaka and one they wouldn't make on an empty stomach. They’d once again stopped at a small camp by the riverside, a small group had been sent there to prepare for the company's arrival. The camp consisted out of a few twig buildings and a large pompous red tent. In the middle of the tent there was a large but low wooden table with red and golden pillows around it made for sitting. Around the table sat Hemi, Rae and Dario's company while the Tahanian guards protected the area and went to hunt down an animal for them to eat. On the table there was a large metal plate with grilled red snappers and an assortment of meats. Beside it stood a very large bowl filled with all kinds of fruits and berries, it was to say the least a colorful display. There was also a multitude of smaller bowls with sauces and a basket of bread. Hemi had been famished during the entire boat ride and felt as if he couldn’t wait another second to eat, “Let’s eat!”.

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Morning of 29th January. Citadel Gates.

Tetda walked along the caravan.

The spearpoints reached towards the clouds and shimmered in the dimmed morning light. The wagons were loaded with the supplies and the settlers sat ready. The soldiers stood in formation as their queen slowly passed them with an inspecting look. When she reached the front of the collumn she climbed ontop the first wagon and looked at the anticipating people infont of her. "Ta end baina yaagaad ta nar bügd medej baigaa! (You all know why you are here!)" She yelled. She raised her arm and pointed backwards, out from the city. "Ta tend gazar tarialakh ni zövkhön bish, gekhdee ene ni uls orny ireedüig batalgaajuulakh gej baina.(You are going out there not only to farm the land, but to secure this nation's future.)". In her small pause a small cheerfull chatter started to spread amongst the people. "Ta bügd üüniig khiij chadakhgüi bolno. Mön ta bid medne. Ta takhil örgökh , ikh sain saikhny tölöö baidag bolokhoor khüükhdüüd maani khezee ch ölsökh baikh bolno!(All of you won't make it. And you know that. Youe sacrifice is for the greater good, so that our children will never have to starve!)". The cheers increased. "Abrijan ovgiin aldryn tölöö!(For the glory of the Abrijan Clans!)" The whole street started chanting. As the Queen stepped down from the wagon the gate opened and the caravan headed out into the vast unknown.

Midday of January 28th - Tahana Dynasty (Ati savannah)

Dario digged into the food. He was used to fish, since he was a Teraguan. The fish wasn’t like the fish at home though, it barely tasted like fish. The soldiers, who were used to a lot worse food, were extremely grateful. At first the Teraguans were careful, since they didn’t know if they would disrespect some Tahanan tradition, but as soon as they got to the meat, they couldn’t help but to stuff their mouths full. Dario wished the whole journey could be as good as the food.
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Midday of January 28th - Tahana Dynasty (Ati savannah)

Hemi was happy about their enthusiasm in eating, an enthusiasm he shared. Rae on the other hand didn’t eat more than necessary and finished early as usual. “You seem to like the food, I am gladdened!” Hemi said with a big smile and took a hefty bite into a large red mango.

Outside of the tent a few of the soldiers were starting a fire while the other were either standing guard or hunting. A band of three soldiers emerged out of the heavy jungle foliage, one of the had a very small deer over his shoulder with a long arrow pierced through it’s neck and another has two rabbits with their feet tied together in his hand. “Titiro rite tatou anō ka whaikupu i ki raa…(Looks like we’re going to have to ration again…)” one of the soldiers by the fire said and put a large metal pot filled with water on top of the fire. They started preparing the animals by skinning and gutting them, everything they were able to eat was kept to not waste the little food they had. What they’d gathered was roasted by the fire and put into the pot, what they got out of it wasn’t very appetizing but it was what they had.

While some remained standing guard most of them gathered by the fire and talked and laughed as they ate. One of the men who had his back turned towards the forest suddenly grunted out in pain and tried standing up but instantly collapsed revealing a long arrow sticking out of his back. The other soldiers hastily stood up and raised their shields towards the jungle, “Te tangata ki raro, te tangata hanganga! (Man down, formation!)" one of them shouted on the top of his lungs. As out of nowhere another arrow hit one of the soldiers in the thigh from the opposite direction. The soldier fell on one knee and broke the arrow in half and suddenly group of around 7 men charged out of the jungle towards the soldiers while arrows came flying from behind them.

The orders rang through the tent and Rae’s blood went cold for a split second and without a word or second thought she charged out of the tent and saw the incoming enemy.
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