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RP partner needed

Your telling me, i knew there was something off about them. They werent behind us untill we walked out of town. -James looks over at the other group and growls softly before looking down at his hand still holding ellie's and blushes slightly and lets go- A-are we ready to go?
James smiles looks over at her and says happily- Your welcome, we have to stick together dont we? -james says and lets her walk first- Ladies first :) -He sees the wink she gave him and a small grin comes over his face-
Aria walks in front of him letting her hands slide in his pockets. "We do have to stay together. We need each other to survive. We already have proven that." She says. The two walk forward and the two groups have went thier separate ways. The cobble path gives away to a simple dirt road with trees of many different types surrounding it. The heat of the day is already becoming noticable because of the humidity. The sun still was pretty low in the sky considering it's still earlier in the morning.

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James smiles and walks with her and nods- We need each other to survive out here and to make sure we dont go crazy -james says playfully and smiles walking on the nice dirt path again and looks at all the nice trees and flowers as he feels the heat start to get to him and thinks of how she is feeling and pulls out a small bottle of water and hands it to her and says smiling and happily- Here you go aria, drink up, we dont want you getting dehydrated now
Can I really trust him? Did he put some poison in it so he can rob me here? No that's ridiculous, he would have robbed me earlier, if he wanted me to. "Thanks. I should have bought some supplies. I can't believe that I didn't." She says.

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James smiles and shakes his head- Dont you worry about it, i have plenty of supplies if you wanna take some now before we go any further you can and ill guard you till your done. Take as much as you want i dont mind. -James says very trustingly and happily stopping and handing her his bag after he takes his sword out-
"Your pretty good. Why don't you have anyone?" She asks as she transfers some of his stuff into her bag. Sometimes she feels guilt using guys like this. Especially when they are truly nice and caring but Jame is different than the others.

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James just stands there and smiles guarding aria happily and looks at her and says- Have anyone? You mean a relationship? I don't have time really, or should i say i didnt have much time to look for someone, i was always trying to get enough money from the adventures i take to buy food and supplies for the next trip i take, never really being able to settle down much. But honestly i absolutely LOVE what i do, i get to see the rest of the world and meet amazing, and sometimes beautiful people like yourself.. -james' sentence seemed to drop off after he said that, and doesnt know if he should feel embarrassed or not- Your not a bad catch yourself either there aria, why arent you with anyone? -james asks with a smile-
"Not enough time in my life to be with someone. I haven't found the right one yet. I just keep moving and before I wasn't intrested. " She says finishing with what she was buying her self doing. "Thanks. I'm glad I can travel with you."

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The pleasure is all mine aria -James smiles more and picks up his bag again and replaces his sword, feeling the bag being a bit light but he shrugs it off and walks with her again and smiles as he slowly goes to reach for her hand as she is in front of him- Do you think you'll ever find that right one?
"I don't know," She says, she let's him take it. She doesn't mind letting people hold her hand. It allows them to feel more comfortable with her. It's a talent she has. She makes people feel safe in a way, sometimes.

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James smiles and holds her hand while walking, making sure she is safe in every possible way as they walk. James sees a path split up into to two paths and looks at aria and asks- which way do you think we should go?

( sorry @Draig but this is a 1x1 with me and animaltamer )
"To the right." She says with a motion with her hand. "Your a gentleman." A errie bird that is the size of a turkey vulture flies from a tree. It is a dark blue with a light blue lines on its wings. It has a long beak with jetting teeth and long neck. "What is that?" Aria asks. "It looks kinda cute." The bird lands a few feet in front of them. It only has one eye. The bird makes a loud cry out to that startles Aria and makes her draw her bow quickly.

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James smiles at being called a gentleman and then sees the bird fly in front of them and sees her draw her bow and pushes her hand down a bit- Careful aria, It is just hurt and cautious about humans. -james slowly walks up to it and holds out a hand to it and kneels down, the bird looks at the man and the woman them back at the man and walked up onto his arm and james turned and smiles- See? Harmless
"I was startled." She confsed. "I didn't expect it and it's apperance." She came closer at a slow pace to look at the bird. There is a small cut on its side. "We should take him with us "

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Yes, we should, that's a great idea, it looks like the poor thing has been attacked and just barely got away -james says softly smiling at aria-

( ill be back later animal i gtg for now )
Aria slowly moves to pick the large bird up, it let's out a squak. "Hush we aren't here to hurt you, I promise." She says. The bird looks suspicious but doesn't move to hurt her. She pick it up and when she doe she can see the large talons on it. "What should we call our new friend?" Aria asks. "If it is going to travel with us then we need a name for it. "

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(Okay. I'm going to be heading to work soon so I'll be slow at responding.

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james smiles and watches her and thinks of a name and says- How about.... Albus? Albus sounds like a good name doesnt it?
The bird calls out and this makes Aria giggle. "I'm going to take that as an yes. I wonder if we will run into any trouble or if it will be smooth sailing from here."

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James smiles as Ellie's giggle and nods his head- It should be smooth from here, if not we can always have Albus and I protect you -james says smiling-
"I'm not helpless." she says with a smile. She wonder why every one always assumed that she was so helpless, was it simply because she was a woman. That wouldn't make since. They didn't live in that area anymore right? "I just don't carry a weapon as obviously as you do." she adds with a small smile. she keeps walking a steady speed. The keeps rising and the temperature does the same making the two start to roast and only being able to find shelter in the trees shade since there isn't any clouds today. Aria, Albus, and James can hear the sound of running water in the distance. "why don't we go to the water and stop there for lunch?" Aria asks. The heat of the day was getting to her. Albus's talons were starting to dig through her shirt into her skin and her shoes were soggy from the sweat. She need to rest just like she could tell that James did.
James smiles softly at her and nods- I never said you were helpless aria, your one of the strongest and amazing women i know or ever seen, you are no where near helpless -James says with a smile and rubs her shoulder softly and asks- Want me to take albus while we rest and go to the water? You look like you could use some fresh water -james also says with a soft smile and walks over to the water with her-

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