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Three Thousand Club
The ninetails was at it again. A relatively weak akuma was on the run once again but it was pretty caught up with the infuriating kitsune. Her briliant white plumage trailed behind her as she met each lash of a flaming whip with a rather quick dodge, sidestep or a leap. She was damn near impossible to hit and just when the akuma thought she'd hit her, she lept up, planted a foot in the middle of her face and was on the rooftops, crouched like a cat and her many tails unfurled behind her, twitching at the tips. She cackled in a wicked taunt before sticking her tounge out and taking off. Of course this was temptation enough to follow her. Kitsune ran across the rooftops, carefree, almost as if there wasn't a terrifying monster of a lady chasing behind her. 

Rai couldn't quite figure out what she was supposed to be. Apparently she'd come in with a traveling circus, some kind of beast tamer. Well all the taming in the world couldn't keep all the chaos that was the kitsune in order.Although Rai did wonder where the hell her partner was! He took so long! She knew he took a while to transform, but she was running out of tight places to lead this girl. She heard a familiar low growl and a light smirk grew on her face. Looks like she wouldn't have to use her Fox Fire after all.

She leaps up onto a chimny, turning about and giggling. Her voice clear as a bell. You're so screwed~ Was all kitsune managed to laugh out before the judgement call rang out like a lions roar and a torrent of burning white crossed inches infront of the masked heroine. Bye~ She laughs, hopping down as the smoke clears and the woman was left dazed and confused. 

Shisa rolls his eyes, annoyed at how close his partner insisted on cutting it. Must you always get so close to the fire? You know you can burn too right?  Shisa groans. He swore, Kitsune just had a deathwish. She kept getting closer and closer, jumping off higher ledges, dodging when she should counter for her own saftey. But she insisted on tangoing with death. And I'd heal. Nothing's permanent.  She laughs, hopping down from the roof, leaving the lion-dog to just groan. Death is permanent.  He huffs, deciding he had to go. Kitsune left stage right, Shisa left stage left and both wound up detransforming in the school bathrooms before class started.


Ren and Rai met each other outside the classroom, formally introducing themselves as politely as Japanese custom called for and went into class, deciding to sit together tward the back. The classroom had gotten an upgrade, getting more space. They decided to claim the seats that was behind Chloe's seat last year and began conversing about something in Japanese.

Marilyn was at work in her barn getting the last bit of her chores done. Genu where's my other water bucket? I just set it down I- Oh! Marilyn was suprized to see it was setting on the table right where she left it. She sets it under the water hose as genu was busy reading some of her feed labels. Gotta love the smell of sweet feed in the morning. She groans, picking herself a piece of corn from the bucket and nibbling on it. Marilyn quickly dumped feed out for her many sheep and was off to school in a brisked pace. Marilyn, slow down. I don't feel comfortable with you working yourself up like this. If you're late you're late, who cares.  She begs, not wanting Marilyn to suffer on her first day of school in france. That's sweet Genu, but I have to make it on time. What will the teachers think if I'm late? On the first day! They'll think I don't care then I'm black listed for all year.  She groans as Genu hides himself in her large mass of curly brunette hair. Some could joke that Marilyn looked like a sheep herself with all that poofy hair. It was so thick and she had so much of it Genu hid himself in it with ease. 

She slides into class, finding herself somewhat early, only two people in the room, speaking in some odd language. She decided she didn't want to sit in the front, too much attention drawn to herself. She didn't want the back because she didn't want to not hear her teachers. So she chose kind of in the middle, third row up in the column closest to the door. 

(I suck at starters, Come in however yall like)
Ashlynn sat in the back of class, as she was a shy girl in general. Her outfit showed she was not a local and was in fact a foreign student. She had her earbuds in and looking out the window and wondering things. Matter of fact was that just yesterday she had been flying through the skies and cleansing Akuma with the wind vortex. 

"Why can't I be as strong as Blue Jay..." She said to herself with another sigh. She was of French and Japanese culture and spent the majority of her life in Japan. In all honesty, Ashlynn did not mean to act differently to hide her identity, but because no one knew who she was when she was Blue Jay. She felt as free as a bird while being... well, being a bird. She had no idea who Raven, her partner, was but she did not want to find out. This is because she was afraid of her judging her.
                Seeing a high dollar car roll up to the school was no unusual. The model Adrien Agreste went here after all, the boy’s face scattered across Paris as he promoted his father’s brand. Seeing a second one roll up just behind however, was a bit odd. Adrien stepped out of his own car, eyeing the darker vehicle behind. Not that it proved to be anything suspicious. Instead someone Adrien’s own age got out of the car.

                Alavro Rossi paused as he got out of the car, looking over the building that was going to be his school. This was going to be…interesting. Raising a hand to the storm grey car that had brought him to school. It was a rental, coming from the hotel that Jagged Stone had taken up residence in. Given that Jagged Stone was also his mentor and would be the performer that he was going to be opening for, Alavro had taken up residence there. At least for now. He…wasn’t sure what was going on with that whole situation. That was his manager’s job to handle. “Someone’s watching.” The voice was quiet, sleepy almost. Not unexpected for the creature that was curled up neatly in the internal pocket of Alavro’s scarf.

                Alavro hummed, raising his hand slightly to the model who had arrived just before him. He hadn’t realized that the model he had been seeing around would be attending the same school as him. He supposed it made sense though. This school was renowned for being associated with all manner of arts. His surprise only grew when he realized that they were in the same class. Not that he paused at all. Inclining his head to those who had already gathered, the rock star started up the aisle to the very back beside what would be Nathaniel’s seat. There he settled in, a notebook in front of him that was more set up for music than notetaking.

                Adrien was only a minute or two behind Alavro, his smile a bit brighter as he greeted the others that had joined the class before taking his own seat.
serena walked slowly to the school. She yawned as she moved like a zombie with her backpack in one shoulder. Her eyes where sleepy and blurry. She spent all night texting until her mom walked in her room. She was almost grounded and had to beg her mom. She stopped in front of the school and stared for a while. She shook her head to try to wake up and thought. She started walking in the school slowly and looking around. She seemed more awake now. But what really would wake her up is an Akuma of some sort.

Marinette had a lot of time to spare because she woke up early. She gave some of her bakery to her kwami tikki in case she would have to transform. The. She ate her self. She started walking towards the school which was only a road away from the bakery she lived in. On the entrance she met Alya, who was as usually in her phone texting. "Hey alya!" She said as she approached to her.
Beep Beep Beep

Rachel blinked twice before she decided to open her eyes grumpily, sit up and stretch her arms. Yesterday was exhausting! Well, not just yesterday, the day before yesterday was also exhausting and so was the day before that day! Everyday is exhausting for a young teen superhero dealing with double life. She kicked her blankets off her feet before fixing her bed and finally glancing on the alarm clock.


"Rachel, you have a class at 8 and can I also mention that you take approximately an hour to take a bath?" a black feathered kwami popped out of nowhere on top of the grumpy girl's dark locks. Rachel sighed before she did her stuff before going to school, she took a bath, dressed herself up, ate her breakfast, packed her things and kissed her parents' cheeks goodbye. She let out a small sigh as the morning sun touched her porcelain skin. "Ugh, can't I just transform and fly to school?" she mumbled to herself before she felt Ravvy, her kwami, pat her head. "Nope, you can't." Ravvy replied and Rachel only rolled her eyes before proceeding to school.

Upon arriving, the dark haired girl rolled her eyes again, school is where people try to talk to her. TALK. TO. RACHEL. Everybody knows Rachel isn't the talky material. Yet everybody seemed to remain oblivious to this and still try to talk to her. Some guys even try to use their pick-up lines on her. And when that happens, Ravvy would just die of laughter inside her knapsack like how a good friend would. The only person whose talkativeness she can stand (not really) would be her partner, Blue Jay. After ignoring a bunch of unfortunate students who was waving and greeting her (she's aware it was rude), she found herself sitting beside some girl in the last row since somebody took her favorite spot near the door.

She silently sat down elegantly beside the shy-looking girl, Rachel's posture was perfect before she slid her phone from her pocket. She started navigating (more like stalking) the blog dedicated to Raven, which was called RavenCrew. She scrolled through some pictures from the fight last night, "Huh, when did they take this picture?" she mumbled to herself, unaware that the person beside her might hear her and see the picture of Blue Jay and Raven standing side by side fighting some sort of akuma.

@The Unamed Neko
  Julian lept from building to building, following the armed robber below him. Finding people who weren't always akumas was a past-time hobby for the wolf, something he'd gotten awfully used to. The wolf was already almost infront of the culprit before doing a side flip off of the building, landing straight infront of his unknowing target. "Drop the purse and give me your gun. Now." His voice was deep and hard to hear, something he did to demand authority. If Batman could do it, he could do it too right? The crook slipped out his gun, slowly aiming it at his own head. "Aww... come on. Fine, I'll give you a chance." The crowd watching was amused as he said so. He pulled the crook onto his feet as he placed the gun on his own forehead. "Don't miss... on the count of three. One... two..." In a flash, Wolf Blanc had turned to gun barrel down towards the thug's thigh, watching as he released a bullet. "Three." He now took the purse from the fallen crook's pocket, giving it to the owner before confiscating the weapon. "Dumbass... I'm watching you." He squinted his eyes before disappearing into the shadows, applauding was heard.

 Julian panted in the alley, looking to his watch. It read 7:28. Shit. He thought, continuing to catch his breath as Neko hovered around his head. "That's the eight crook this morning and you're still willing to go to school?" He nodded slowly, stepping off the wall. "Coach said I have an undying spirit." He mentioned, letting out a soft laugh before pulling the kwami towards his chest. It later morphed into the dog tag around his neck, picking up his bag from where he left it in the morning before rushing out if the alley. The bus comes in two minutes! He thought as he sprinted across the sidewalk. Various "sorries" and "pardon mes" were heard as Julian passed, skidding to a stop at the bus stop. He frowned deeply as the bus had already set off, watching it turn the block. Placing a hand on his forehead, he glanced around, sighing as he missed it. "One more second and I would've made.."


  He was interrupted as Sabrina Walters drove up in her pink fiat convertible. She was a cheerleader, one of the many that "liked" Julian. "If you need a ride, hop on. We go to the same school, y'know, tough guy." The blond european native flailed her hair as she spoke, Julian frowned again as his decision was made for him. "Is there a catch?" Julian asked as he entered the car. "You give me one kiss. But act like it's accidental. The school will go wild!" He nodded slowly, looking out the window as they began to drive towards  the the school. The pink car pulled up shortly after, as the car took a pause, Julian eaced out if the vehicle. That handsome asshole. Sabrina thought as her ticket to popularity-- to more popularity disappeared.

  Julian's run slowed into a jog and then a walk as he entered the school, nodding to Sabrina shortly before. The diva scoffed at his sight, causing him to grin as he continued in. He glanced around the school for a moment, continuing into his first class. Julian's eyes scanned those in the room before he returned to the only remaining seat in the back, glancing to Alvaro. I've bought music from him. Alvaro was someone Julian listened to but he questioned if the man seated beside him was the real one or a fan. Turning towards the board, Julian took off his bag, setting up the materials he needed for his first class. His notebook had quite a couple stickers of Alvaro and other artists plastered onto it, something that could catch the musician's eye.

Ashlynn looked to her left to see someone had sat next to her. She saw the picture and sighed. "N-not sure.... m-must have b-been during the fight..." she said quietly. She was not used to talking to people as Ashlynn so she usually stuttered. She looked back out of the window in a shy gaze. "S-sorry.... I-I was looking over your shoulder..." She said as she kept staring into the distance. "I-I just heard y-you mumbling and was curious." She said as she tried to shield her eyes with her hood. It wasn't to block her eyesight from Rachel, it was to block her eyesight from the Diva looking character that had seemed to walk by their classroom and looked in.

She transferred here because she was getting bullied too much in her old school and before she had moved she had gotten her miraculous. She had not fought crime at her old home so no one knew about Blue Jay fighting there. She moved before the summer and her first outing as Blue Jay she ran into Raven, and was that a sight to see, being mistaken for an akuma controlled person.


Part of Ren and Rai's conversation suddenly switched to english as Ren noticed a flaw in Rai's eyeliner. You know if you do one eye perfect but flub up the other one you may as well have screwed em both up at once. You're only as sexy as you're worst wing. He laughs, however his pet peeve was being stroked. There was nothing Ren hated more than jacked up eyeliner. Well, that and god awful foundation blending but Rai hardly ever wore anything but a little eyeliner, which she messed up a little bit on her left one. What, you try doing you're left eye with you're right hand! She groans, deciding to rub it all off with her sleeve but much to her surprise she was pulled in a ren had somehow produced a tube of liquid eyeliner and was working on her. What the hell? Where did that come from!? Rai asks in pure shock.

Who doesn't carry atleast three on them? Ren laughs, finishing up and finding his pocket mirror. Guys, usually I- damn that's good eyeliner.  She stops herself, smiling. Keep it. My mom makes tons of it. She owns Jade Carousel, that boutique that's opening today.   Ren's eyes scanned about the room for a moment before setting on a particular blonde, smirking and switching languages.

Hey, think if I put on enough charm I could get him to come home with me?

Rai blinks before realizing who Ren was talking about. I don't think so. That's some bigshot's kid. Don't remember exactly, but I know I've seen him in a magazine. I think it's a no go. That one however. Rai motions tward Alvaro and Julian not differentiating which one she meant. Didn't know you were into dudes.

I'm into pretty. Pretty knows no gender. But you have a point. I've seen him somewhere before too, but oh well. What the worst that can happen? I get shut down? Ren laughs deciding to switch to english again. Good luck! Rai waves deciding to watch from afar. Ren settles himself on a table, uncaring that you probably weren't supposed to sit on the tables. May as well kill two birds with one stone. His mother did order him to start passing out fliers for grand opening along with the free samples of her mascara. He set one on Alvaro's desk and then one on Julian's. Hey, grand opening after school today. Wanna come? First store in paris and were bringing in exclusives.  He smirks, deciding to start conversation.

Marilyn didn't feel so great and a light noise caught her attention. A small white pill had been thrown from her hair. You forgot to take this Genu wispers in her ear. Thanks bud. She swore, without Genu she'd never take her medication. She'd brought a soda with her and quickly took the medicine that kept her blood thin enough to pump through her flawed heart. Then she reconized someone. Julian had apparently come to france too. She waved meekly, too sheepish (pun not intended) to speak up too loudly.

@Barred @AceofRoses
                Danyal pulled the car away as soon as Ace was up the steps. Not that he was going far. There was no need for the manager to return to the hotel. It would also be better for him to be close in case a bodyguard was needed. A bodyguard or Falcon. His research had pulled up that this city suffered from a lot of akumas. True it had its own stationed heroes, but still it was too much. At least when the call went out it had been easy enough to arrange. Ace had been wanting to work with Jagged Stone anyway.

                Pulling the car into a neat parking place at a café they had internet he got out. Danyal didn’t have the heavy build that most people associated with a bodyguard. Not to say he was weak or a twig. He had a build that filled out the semi formal clothing he preferred. Of course, the rings in his ears and the eyepatch hidden by the messed dark hair helped out to be more intimidating.

                His bag slid over his shoulder. He may not be needed at the hotel but that didn’t mean he didn’t have work to do. Paying, he settled at one of the tables. His kwami fluttered as he opened the bag. Holding out a pen to him, Rab settled in his unseen spot to watch.



                Chloe arrived in style and she waltzed into the school like it was hers. Of course, it was and it was important to make that clear. Last year a few had stood up to her. She couldn’t let that spread to the new people moving into their class. Especially because she didn’t approve of the increased class. The only reason that she hadn’t thrown a fit about it was because Alavro Rossi would be joining their class. Not only would her lovely Adrien be there, friend since they were kids, now she had a shot at getting a rock star too. The rest were supposed to be pretty international too, so that should work in her advantage.

                Walking into the room, she flipped her hair and took an assessment. Adrien was already here, looking perfect. That annoyance was behind him, in her seat. It wouldn’t be worth making a scene about it though, especially since she was unlikely to win. Some little thing was behind them. Chloe smirked. That poor girl, nothing could be done for that puff of hair. So unfortunate for her. Ivan, Nathaniel, and then the one she was searching for. The rock star looked rather different than he did on stage but that didn’t matter. What mattered more was someone was already bidding for his attention.

                Taking an assessing glance at the other side of the class, she went up the steps. “What’s this?” She didn’t even ask before snatching the eyeliner. “A new boutique?” Smiling sweetly she turned the brand through her fingers. Decent. She would actually wear this. “I will be sure to come, and no doubt Adrien would be happy to attend as well, right Adrien?

                Pausing for only a moment to give him the response time, she turned to her actual target. “I’m Chloe, daughter of the major. You’re Alavro right? The musician Ace?

                Honestly, Alavro hadn’t noticed the others coming in. He knew that someone had sat down beside him, however when there was no more than the usual double checking he let the thought drift away. At least until a familiar picture caught his attention. He glanced up from the notebook turned sheet music, even leaning forward to be sure that those were stickers dedicated to him.

                Before any real comment could form someone else had appeared. He smiled slightly at the one giving him eyeliner. Not surprising considering the dark markings that indicated he normally wore a pretty good amount. “My manager arranges my schedule and rides. I can check with him at break and see if I have an…” He was somewhat surprised that the blonde girl had come up immediately, although as soon as he looked over her he realized why. She must be the queen bee, and he had caught her attention immediately, lovely.

                Inclining his head slightly he brought out the smile he usually had when on camera. It was real enough as it went, although it had been practiced and perfected to look good. Nice, subtle, but with clear acknowledgement. “Alavro Rossi. It is a pleasure to meet you Ms. Chloe. If I could ask though, please do not think of me first as a musician here. I am attending to learn, just as any other student.” Although he would be absent a number of times for recording and promoting, practicing for concerts. He would be absent whenever he was Jackal as well.
[Kensuke & Hatsuki]

Two Japanese teenagers were sat in a the rear sits of a car, the girl asked the boy to hold a long white box she had as she took a small mirror and smiled repeatedly like if she were rehearsing an act.

-You know, smile and tilt your head sideways is a cliché- said the boy

The girl see him for a seconds, she wasn’t angry but she wasn’t glad either about the comment, then showed him a lovely smile while closing her eyes bowing a little her head causing some of her bangs fell on her forehead, like a kind female character in anime.

-Now, that’s a cliché- she replied as she put her mirror again in her satchel

Although their conversation –in Japanese- continued discussing if it was or not a cliché, it seemed to be an argument both remained calm and not even doing visual contact, then the voice of the young woman who was driving the car told them –in Japanese as well- they had reached the Francoise DuPont College. After some minutes in the office of Mr. Damocles, and after some paper work, they were assigned to go to Ms. Bustier’s classroom.

They reached the classroom and the girl extender her arm to grab the doorknob, but she stopped suddenly, it was the boy who grabbed it, opened the door and entered to the classroom followed by the girl, both took seats next to each other in the last row of the class, but with some seats of separation of the rest of their schoolmates in that same row.
Charlotte was running,but didn't notice until she almost ran right into a moving car. She slowed down because she was had to say sorry to the person in the car,but she just shook her,"Children" the woman said as Charlotte started jogging away. She was never late to being early for school. But she was now. As Charlotte got to the school thinking of new beginnings and friends then she bumped into a girl talking to a friend at the entrance,"Oh! Sorry", Charlotte said to Marinette in a strong accent before walking quickly into  to the school and the classroom. Seeing other people already beat her Charlotte thought the front rows were going to be empty.They weren't. Charlotte sat in the second row because it was one of her favorite places to sit. She may be shy,but that won't stop from good grades and hearing the teacher correctly,"I can do this" Charlotte said to herself as she looked around the classroom. She watched as Sabrina was talking to some guy named Alavro and turned around to see Chloe in her face,"Excuse me,but I think you should move because me and my friend Sabrina sit her", Charlotte didn't move and looked at Chloe like she was crazy,"I don't really think I care. Just because your friend is popular doesn't mean I'm going to move from the best spot in class. Sorry friend,but if I can deal with kangaroos I can deal with a girl,so run along if you don't want to sit next to me" Chloe made a face like Charlotte was crazy and went to Sabrina,"Sorry Sabrina,but the girl won't move. By the way she seems to be one of the Australian students. D-do you w-want to sit somewhere else?" Chloe asked her blonde friend in a quiet tone. "No of course not" Sabrina said excusing herself from Alavro,"This girl must not know who am. Let me go talk some sense into her", Sabrina said walking over to Charlotte with a mad look on her face,"Excuse me kangaroo herder your in my seat". The Charlotte's eyes went wide. She did not just say that,"I'm sorry to rain on your parade,but I'm not moving. You probably shouldn't have been spending your time swooning over boys snail eater." Charlotte shot back. At first she thought she was going to handle it nicely,but then didn't care,so Charlotte just shot back. Sabrina gasped and got even madder,"Do you even know who I am boomerang thrower" Sabrina asked. " I do. I just don't care. Just because your dad is mayor doesn't mean you get everything you want,but I'll spare you this one time. Bye" Charlotte said in with a smile on her face as Sabrina walked away. She usually wouldn't act in such a way,but no one was going to stop her from getting an A. @AceofRoses @Iryxa
Marinette felt a bump in her back. The two quickly turned around. It was one of the new students. "hey, doesn't that girls mom help out at the bakery your parents work in?" Asked Alya as she turned back to Marinette. "yea. I guess it's pretty nice." said Marinette as she held her backpack in her hands and smiled at Alya. The two started talking again. They got to school early so they had time to chat but they slowly started walking inside the school. They had separate rooms so the two friends had to say goodbye to each other and go to their classes. Marinette walked in her classroom. All she hoped right now, was for Chloe to be somewhere away. Somewhere FAR away. Marinette put her backpack over her shoulder as she walked in the classroom which was pretty lively due to the new students and old friends.

Serena still stood. She rubbed her eyes to come back to her self and it worked a bit. "you stayed up for too long last night." said her kwami as it peeked through her purse over her shoulder.  "I guess." Serena admitted as she poked her little kwami back down to the purse and she seemed go back in. Serena sighed and walked in the school. She was still tired but she got less tired as she walked closer to the school. In fact now she was pretty excited for the new day. She also wondered what kind of people would be in her class. And what kind of gossip she could spread around. Maybe she could find some later after she was fully awake. She walked in and looked around the school. It was nice and loud. Jay passed the paper to her from her purse and Serena took it and said "thank you jay." she smiled and looked down at the paper. She wrote down all her classes and breaks, class rooms and times so she won't forget. She headed for her classroom with a bit of excitement and wonder.
Sariffina didn't really care if she was late. Time was relative to her and she believed that things did not really start until she arrived anyways. It wasn't really out of conceitedness, but she had learned that you can't really miss what you never experienced and maybe her story involved being late. There was all of that and the fact that she had already prepared before class and expected everything to be reiteration of what she had already went over. Tying her hair up tight, Sariff placed her fake glasses upon her face and headed out her bedroom door. Like always, no one was around to greet her with breakfast or a "have a great first day in this foreign country I dropped us into," but it was whatever.

Sariff decided to just grab a satsuma since she still somewhat carried about being too late. She had a thing about all those eyes following you when you first enter the door. Did anyone really like that experience? Either way, she grabbed a bottle of water and her small leather backpack/purse and headed out. Oh, the school is also only like a block away so there was that. Sariff threw her peel in a near by garbage can as she popped a slice in her mouth. Sariff wondered what had brought her here as she saw all the diverse people enter the school. It seemed that she wasn't the only foreigner coming in.

[COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]"I believe someone else from my old haunts was coming here as well," [/COLOR]she thought, but was sure it wasn't anyone she was really close to or they would of told her, not that she was super close to anyone. Unlike most the students around her, Sariff dressed more to her surroundings and other than her bright hair she would say she didn't seem like a foreigner. It didn't hurt that she had been to France before and could speak a good bit of the language. Being a con-artist's niece had its perks.

She walked into the classroom that seemed rather full and picked a spot in the far, left, front corner. Most people used the back to keep from attention, but being a front student kept the eyes away from you as well. She settled down as she perked her ears to listen to her surroundings.
[Sorry a bit late]

[Natsuki and Kensuke]

Natsuki grabbed a book and started to read and Kensuke started to check his cell phone, however that was an act, as though their eyes were focused they were listening the classroom, of course, the main thing was the argument between a blonde and a redhead and a girl apparently from Australia.

-Undisciplined people- said Natsuki almost whispering to allow only Kensuke could heard her unintelligible Hokkaido dialect as she didn't like that sort of scenes

-Westerners- replied Kensuke in the same dialect to express they were from a different culture

-The West is undisciplined- added Natsuki

But while they remain in silence Kensuke felt something and also did something unusual for him raised his head and stared at during only mere seconds at a girl with a black hair with two short pigtails [Marinette], then he feared she might see him and put his eyes on his cell phone again. 

*Probably I'm just tired* he thought for himself trying to explain his recent behavior, but the image of that girl was still on his head.

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Marinette walked in her classroom. Her eyes scanned the room for an empty spot. It still should be fun even though there is no Alya right? She had high hopes for the first day that nothing will go wrong or at least an akuma wont show up in the middle of the class like it usually does. She had a lot of time to be ladybug while the vacations lasted. It was fun but she had to get back on school. With a smile, Marinette walked over to an empty desk in the middle of the class and sat down. Then she heard a voice coming from her bag. "new year of school should be fun shouldn't it Marinette?" it was her kwamii tikki peeking out of the bag with her shy voice. "it certainly should be, Tikki." Marinette said as she poked tikki back in her bag so no one will see her. Then she slowly got out her learning books, notebooks and just things to get ready for class. 
[Natsuki and Kensuke]

Natsuki stare at Kensuke, he is smiling, something very unusual as both had been taught to not to smile unless necessary, but he was there smiling without a reason. And if anyone followed his sight, could see he was staring at a Chinese girl [Marinette], again. Worse, as she approached her hand to Kensuke's shoulder to ask him if he was ok, she felt a little charge of static electricity, it could only be felt if you could reach him from some inches, it was unusual for him.

But while Natsuki tought what was wrong with his friend, Kensuke was staring at Marinette, this time in a very obvious way, just like a lovey dovey teenager.

Marinette was sitting in her desk and for some reason, she was chewing on the end of her pencil. She probably was worriedor nervous for another year of the school. Although she was starting to think about something, she was distracted by the feeling that someone was watching her. She quickly stopped chewing on her pencil and looked around without turning her head. Well she found that nobody she knew was in her new class. But she also found somebody staring at her which startled her in her mind but she didn't make a move. She gulped and looked back to where she was looking. Luckily she found her purse in front of her which she decided to put down because the class was about to start. She looked back down and asked

"hello?" in a very suspicious manner.

Kensuke had been caught staring at a girl, for a second they crossed sights, Kensuke had his cheeks a bit flustered, but as they made visual contact he saw to other side, but after a second he made visual contact with the girl again, he was clearly nervous after all he had been caught lookg at a girl, and waving his hand clumsily said -Konichi ... hello-.

Natsuki attempted to ignore the scene, but an expression of disapproval by the actions of her friend was clearly written in her face. Though she was also confused "Why Kensuke would be staring at a stranger?", and in the mind of the embarrased Kensuke the same question arises. The uncomfortable moment might have last longer, but then the classroom door was open a teacher might finally be entering.

Marinette stared back with her hands folded. She didn't want to seem like a ride type so she put a smile on her face and ignored her intentions to make a word frown like she usualy does. Only then she noticed the pencil in her mouth although she didn't make a move. The squeek in a door made most kids turn their heads including Marinette. It seemed like the teacher was trying to get ready for class but everyone was still chattering. Marinette tried to ignore what just happened but she turned her head bac and this time without chewing on a pencil. "you're one of the new kids right?"

she asked as she slowly tilted her head. She was sure she saw the pair somewhere. They might be the transferred students she heard about not long ago. The teacher didn't seem to start the class just yet and it might be a chance to get better reputation as a normal girl rather than a super hero ladybug.

While the teacher entered in the classroom and the rest of the kids turned their head to her, Kensuke remained lost at Marinette, as his head was now hold on his hands staring at her, he was passing from a boy recently fell in love to a teenager kinda creepy. As Marinette asked, he replied still smiling

-Yes I am- and after a pause he added - Anata no me ga suki desu- he said, probably Marinette didn't understand, but in Japanese it meant "I like you".

Hatsuki was angry and that was relatively obvious even behind her cold face, she pinched Kensuke's arm in an attempt to stop him of doing what she considered non-sense, but actually she looked exactly  like a jealous girlfriend.

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Marinette listened to everyone around including the one she was talking to. Honestly she didn't know Japanese. Her uncle did though but the problem is, he can only speak Japanese and that's all. She would sometimes use her parents to study but that wouldn't last long. There was just something weird about how he was talking to her but she couldn't put a finger on it so she brushed the thought off her mind.  Marinette looked at the other one. She seemed like she knew what he was talking about but of course Marinette didn't even though she has people all around her to Help her study. She doubted she would need Japanese at all. She still kept a smile on her face that slowly turned into a natural one rather than an awkward one. She didn't know what the next thing he said was so she decided to keep it in English.

"well I hope you like it here so far. Heh"

she said with a weird shrug. She was still waiting for someone to come in the classroom. Someone that she knew but no body was here.  She suddenly heard a jingling and a laugh from her purse which made her distracted and a bit worried.  She really hoped it wasn't tikki laughing again. She quickly said 

"uhhh one sec!"

she dug in her purse and saw tikki laying there and giggleing. 

"would you stop that?!"

she whispered to her kwamii who seemed to enjoy her anger. 

"sorry Marinette! It's just fun to watch."

her kwami whispered back. Marinette rolled her eyes and quickly turned back around like nothing suspicious happened. Of corse she was really bad at that so she did what she usualy did.

"uhh sorry bout that!"

she said trying to hide her kwami.

Kensuke didn't reply to Marinette's first question, he simply smiled peacefully completely lost at her, but as turned around to deal with Tikki, Natsuki took her chance to pinch his arm again, this time in a worse way, enough to take him back to the World, -do you realise you are talking in Japanese?- she said trying to avoid what he had been talking about liking that girl. 

-Did I speak in Japanese?- he said as he had literally lost in Marinette's eyes, he didn't remember about talking in Japanese he didn't remember being talking at all. The sharp eyes of Natsuki turned to Marinette, she seemed suspicious, but she couldn't see nothing in particular.

-Sorry, about that, my friend is still kinda confused due to the jet lag- said Natsuki joining to the conversation trying to stop Kensuke of doing something ridiculous ... again, her sight was somehow intimidating.

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Marinette shrugged. Now she was sure that the two where new to the school.  She was used to that act. That happened to her when she was around Adrian a lot. She didn't even recognize doing it herself sometimes. "it's alright. It happens often when iam around Adrian."

she stopped at the thought of what she just said. She blinked few times and froze on one place without moving and barely blinking. She had to fix what she said before she got into trouble with the new kids. "I mean that's just me and that happens all the time but with a lot of people but I mean mostly with few others well one and I mean it's not like there's something weird between us or anything but it's just common!"

she had no idea what she just blabbed out but she hoped that it would make up about what she said earlier. She was never the type of girl to think about what she would say when she is nervous. Everything just came out of her mouth randomly when that happened and that happened a lot with her. She blinked few times and hoped that the two wouldn't suspect anything about her. At this time Alya usualy helped her but she wasn't in her class so she was by her self.

Natsuki stare at Marinette as if she were in front of a silly kid -Aha, you speak too much for someone you care very little-, she said that phrase with an acid tone, after all, she sees Marinette as a inhabitant of a barbarian country. 

Kensuke remained looking at both girls, he didn't want Natsuki to speak something really harsh to the girl he just met, he knew how his partner was. At that point the teacher seemed to be ready to start the class.

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