RP Character creation


Hydro Dragon
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hmm, so I see you've taken an interest in our program... first off lemme get a few pieces of information from you...


Nickname (Optional)


Appearance (Picture reccomended but description is acceptable)

A short biography


What makes you different? (Powers, abilities, etc.)






[SIZE= 24px]AGE RANGE 12-20 (Ancient beings/Other races excluded)[/SIZE]
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Jackson Shakkis (Pronounced Sh-ah-key)


"The Seal Wizard"





Appearance (Picture reccomended but description is acceptable)


A short biography

Jackson grew up not far from the castle's actual location. And a young age, ~3, Jacksn lost his parents to a tornado accident, which destroyed his home and killed his parents and siblings.



Normally quiet, but if you can get him to talk, he is charming and nice. Usually, putting others before himself.


What makes you different? (Powers, abilities, etc.)

 Seal magic - A form of magic in which the user breaks "seals" that enhance his magical abilities depending on the seal broken. Usually with a strong downside ranging from extreme exhaustion to comas.



Seal of Fire - Enhances his fire magicks. Puts extreme stress on the body if used for long periods of time.

Seal of Endurance - Enhances the stamina and rate at which he can attack. No long term effects.

Seal of Ice - Enhances his ice attacks. Has the chance to get hypothermia.

Activation Seal Lv 1 - Finisher move. Increases rate of attack and overall strength. Can cause long term stamina loss and muscle exhaustion.

Activation Seal Lv 3 - Breaker Move. Significantly increases all strength and endurance. Can cause death.


Basic attacks;

Flame slash - Infuses his sword with flames.

Icy slash - Infuses his sword with ice.

Lightning bolt - Sends a bolt of lightning at the enemy. Instantaneous attack.

Fireball - Sends a ball of fire at the enemy.

Blizzard - A volatile attack that causes the surrounding area to violently storm ice.




Fear of natural disasters.

Fear of when he uses his seals, he'll die.



When people are nice




Natural Disasters


Anything mean
"Sachiban-WD0153, Familiar, at your service!"


"You can just call me Sachi, though. Okay? Okay!"

Age : NA

"Did you know it's rude to ask a familiar her age? Because we don't have an answer. Why do you care, ehh?"

Sexuality : Pansexual

Eye Color

Hair Color


Physical Aspects




"You may have noticed my lack of feet... Don't stare! I don't need them though. I float like a feather. It's 'cause I work out."



Sachi is a magical familiar, one who is well known in the familiar plane, not only for her power but for those she served. Her most recent Master had passed away however, in quite the savage way, and the cause is unknown by all except for him and Sachi. She refuses to speak to about it to anyone and when anybody brings it up, she brushes it off quickly and moves on from the topic. It's unknown whether Sachi refuses to tell because she is deeply grieving or because she holds a deep secret. Either way it would take more than anyone could do to make her reveal anything. Currently, she's stumbled her way into the castle in the sky, after sensing the heavy magical presence there in search for a new Master. She claims nothing would make her happier than to find someone willing to take her and when someone agrees, they shall make a binding contract that is either broken by death or under certain unfortunate circumstances. Once bound to a Master, she is there to serve, helping in whatever way she can and protects the master with her life. It's unknown whether or not a familiar has the ability to exercise free will and deny any serious command of the Master, but as far as anything goes, she does what she is told.





Sachi is... how Sachi wants to be. Often sarcastic and arrogant, Sachi is one that takes a lot of patience to handle. She knows no such thing as a filter and will often speak her mind no matter what. Whether she regrets it or not later is a different story. Her pride is something she holds high and it will take her a lot to break down and apologize or admit that she was wrong. She's always seen making jokes or laughing with or at others expense. Truthfully, she's good inside, but its trapped behind a whole lot of unbearable Sachi. She'll do anything to protect her master, even if it means losing her own life.

Ice Cream ||| Lounging ||| Having Fun ||| Summertime ||| Movies ||| Animals ||| Pretty things

Threats ||| Liars ||| Being told what to do ||| Those who misunderstand her ||| Tomatoes ||| Bars of Soap ||| Lavender



A Familiar's Lifeforce

A Shield of Body and Mind


To Give Yourself Is To Give It All

The Body Is Your Weapon

The bond between a Familiar and their Master goes deeper than words. Their very magic and lifeforce is connected. While a Familiar saps magical power from their Master to better server them, the Master, in times of dire need, can choose to siphon the Familiar's life force.While magic is something that can be regained, life isn't and if the Master takes too much, the Familiar would die. Under the wrong circumstances, this is highly thought against in the magical community.

What better way to protect the Master than with one's own body? Sachi can transfer all magical power to fortify her body and shielding her master from any harm. While in this state, the shield is nearly impenetrable but Sachi can hardly move and the shield only extends so far. Get to Sachi to break the shield.

Being a familiar means you don't have to worry about things like solid objects when you don't want to and getting locked out of a computer. Sachi is especially good at weaseling her way in technology and manipulating how she pleases.

Something like an ultimate power only to be used in dire circumstances, Sachi has a form of self destruct, damaging all those in a certain radius with half her power and using the other half to give the rest of herself to her Master to finish the battle. While Sachi may lay lifeless, Master now has heightened abilities and a sort of extra protective layer made of Sachi's own lifeforce.

Sachi can't shoot projectiles or make things happen with magic but she can fortify and enhance her own body for melee combat. She can take quite the beating but even Sachi can get wounded. As for her attack, her hands become something like electrified sparklers. When she hits someone not only does it hurt just as much as a regular punch but you're going to feel a shock too.

 Like this

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"Don't stare.  You won't like what you see."



Ko 27


The grotesque 



//A short biography//

I could tell you the story of a boy, born into the life of a cattle.  The story of a boy with an unknown mother and a stranger for a father.  The story of a wizard made in a lab.  The story of a young child turned monster.

I could tell you the story of a boy, who was hated for a fate he did not chose.  A boy who only knew of pain, day in and day out.  A boy who knew not the warmth of friends, only the wrath of enemies.  A boy who only knew the worst of himself, who could never and no longer see the good.  A shy boy who only ever wanted one simple wish.

I could tell you the story of a boy who only knows sadness, strife, pain and misery.  He who only knew what it is like to be hated.  He who only knew loss.  He who only knew how to be a monster.  He who only knew the world and it's inhabitants as assailants.  He who never asked for this life.  

I could tell you the story of Ko... but then I would run well over the word limit for a "short biography."


The freak in the living flesh, someone just meeting Ko would learn quite a few things about him. Firstly, Ko is a textbook example of a wallflower. The kid who stands against the wall near the snack table during the dance, only the dance is going on at all times for Ko. Due to his quiet and distant nature Ko can easily be lost among the crowd. Although, Ko likes it that way. He is social be choice, and chooses not to be social. Ko's lack of social interaction with others stems from a deep rooted fear he has with facing others. So, Ko will often do anything he can do get away from a social setting because he can get quite unconformable. Although, one would never know that just by looking.Ko is always wearing a smile that can be summed up with one word. Empty. Although that is not always obvious, the smile Ko wears is not always genuine and can usually be linked to apathy. Ko's demeanor gives off a generally cool impression, although that can be linked to a lack of care rather then actual happy emotions. Ko is quick to give up in the face of opposition. He hates confrontation and will often do whatever he can to get out of a confrontational situation. Even if that means going with something he does not want to go with.Ko can also be described as self sacrificing. While he does not like being around other humans, especially strangers, Ko is often all too eager to give without receiving. This may seen nice and well, but Ko can take it to extreme levels. He is completely willing to put himself into harms way to save another. That's not because he is simply a nice person, but rather because of his lack of concern for his own health and well being. In a world of live or die, Ko isn't too keen about doing either. Ko isn't afraid of pain, and if one catches him in the right moments, he isn't afraid of dying either.


[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Self cell destruction and creation: [/COLOR]The long and short of it, Ko has the ability to create more of the cells his body has, as well as destroy them at will. This ability allows Ko to reshape his body on a cellular level in many ways. When using this ability Ko's effected body part will always take on a warped and twisted form of flesh and muscle and bone. Hardly becoming recognizable as a limb anymore.  This ability allows him to enhance muscles, use bone as weapon or harden it, and even change size or appearance.

//Special technique: giga//A prefix given to a move when Ko pushes his power to the maximum limits. Ko rapidly grows as much muscle as he can in a given limb or two, which causes that limb to grow to absolutely massive sizes. A giga attack will often have enough power to finish off the enemy, or level a building. A giga attack is slow moving, easy to dodge if seen coming and after it is used Ko will fall unconscious due to the pain it subjects him to, meaning he only has one shot. 


The main disadvantage is that no matter how Ko uses this ability, he is always subjecting himself to pain. Although Ko is good at not letting it slow him down, something as simple as his muscle enhancement will cause him to experience large amounts of pain. If Ko uses his power too liberally then he will quickly pass out due to the pain he subjects his body to. Self harm is the biggest worry with using his ability. Ko also can rupture his skin with a few of his abilities, which can lead to intense blood loss. The faster Ko creates cells, the more pain he subjects himself to. Destroying cells causes no pain however.

Ko also feels pain and his more sensitive to physical contact then normal humans by 50%

[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Ko cannot use his ability unless he has his skin covered. This is not a physical limitation so much as it is a mental one. Ko is disgusted with his own ability and is very hesitant to let other people see it. Unless he is wearing his hoodie he will refuse to use his power with others watching, even if it means losing, or worse. He also will only use his ability when absolutely necessary even if is skin is covered.[/COLOR]


+ The sound of silence 

+ Short hugs

+ Sweets 
+ Whales
+ Not talking


- Loud people or things 

- Seeing others in pain

- Broken promises 

- Green fluid

- Flarp puddy  



"It's just a little blood... don't worry about it."



Friends forgone.



New resolve.



"This monster will be the one to cut you down."



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S. Paige Takkyn / Shadow 

(Don't ask what the S. stands for, I won't tell)

Nickname (Optional)

Book Worm



Appearance (Picture reccomended but description is acceptable)

Right eye is Black and left eye is electric blue


A short biography

Paige had always been the odd ball, if having two different eye color wasn't weird enough her ability made it even worse. It is unclear of what exactly her power consisted of. It gave her nightmares and amounted into Insomnia. This made it hard for her to live a normal life and as much as her parents tried to be patient with her frustrations grew. She finally decided to make it easier on everyone and just left. It was shortly after her 14th birthday she found the school. Even after being there for two years she still has yet to open up to anyone and get a better grasp on her abilities. Maybe this year will be the year. 


Paige is very quiet and unsure of herself and others. She is creative and perceives things beyond what is really there. She believes everything has a purpose and a reason far greater than what it seems. She loves to help people in a behind the scenes sort of way. She finds her confidence in books and is never seen without a book. As quiet as she is there are times where she can be hyper and laid back but this is very rare and usually happens if she can manage a good night rest. 

What makes you different? (Powers, abilities, etc.)

Her power is definitely one of perception. She can sense the energy around her and others allowing her to predict movements of others which can come in handy. The other part happens in her dreams but are never happy ones. She is unsure if it is future events or past events or even real at all. She refuses to talk about them and after an episode she will stay awake for days on end. 


Insomnia after an episode of who knows what

Her perception can be off and some energy can come across bad even if it isn't

Fear of people



Being accepted 

Uninterrupted sleep


Anything pumpkin flavored


Bad/ Dark energy

Things she can't understand

those who judge her 


A creature has asked Paige to free them and has now intercepted her body. Although it is not free to be it's own being it is using Paige as a decoy. It's up to you to figure out who is who at any given moment. 
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Alexander Deloria



The King of Lust





A short biography:
Alex was raised in a house filled with nothing but men, all of which were normal people who had no abilities whatsoever. Alexander himself began showing signs of having abilities at the age of 7, after he accidentally lifted his entire house off the ground. After that incident he began working hard to control his ability. Meditation, practice, studying, whatever he could possibly do, he did. After a few years Alex became so skilled with his ability that he was able to condense gravity into a tiny cube for devastating power. Alex kept his ability a secret from most of his friends, that was until he joined Valheim Academy, where he learned that he could really let loose on his abilities.


The ever so seductive Alex, he's known for his flirtatious attitude towards women. Before he attended Valheim academy his friends would repeatedly call him "The King of Lust" due to his "affection" for woman. He can be a bit careless at times and can be quite disrespectful when it comes to it. Despite his appearance, he's usually the one to provoke a fight between himself and another, enjoying ever second of it as well. Despite what he may seem, Alex is quite sensitive, hiding his emotions behind his lustful attitude. He once went as far as to talk a school girl out of suicide, helped a little girl search for her parents for 3 hours straight, and rushed a random woman to the hospital that he found laying on the ground.

What makes you different? 

-Personal Gravity Manipulation-

Alex is capable of controlling his own personal gravity. He commonly uses this ability to float and fly. He also uses other techniques such as focusing the center of gravity of his fist to his opponent, causing a faster and stronger attack. Alex is known for his Gravity Cubes, small cubes of condensed gravity energy. These cubes can be used as projectiles or mines. Once triggered these cubes increase the gravity within a 8 foot radius, drawing in everything in the area and even capable of breaking apart the ground itself and most importantly collects all the air in the area. After two seconds the cube suddenly release everything in a devastating blast.

Can't fight in tight spaces

Free floating

Being forced to stand still
Being in a room full of guys
Bossy people 
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Alexander Deloria



The King of Lust




A short biography:
Alex was raised in a house filled with nothing but men, all of which were normal people who had no abilities whatsoever. Alexander himself began showing signs of having abilities at the age of 7, after he accidentally lifted his entire house off the ground. After that incident he began working hard to control his ability. Meditation, practice, studying, whatever he could possibly do, he did. After a few years Alex became so skilled with his ability that he was able to condense gravity into a tiny cube for devastating power. Alex kept his ability a secret from most of his friends, that was until he joined Valheim Academy, where he learned that he could really let loose on his abilities.


View attachment 171767
The ever so seductive Alex, he's known for his flirtatious attitude towards women. Before he attended Valheim academy his friends would repeatedly call him "The King of Lust" due to his "affection" for woman. He can be a bit careless at times and can be quite disrespectful when it comes to it. Despite his appearance, he's usually the one to provoke a fight between himself and another, enjoying ever second of it as well. Despite what he may seem, Alex is quite sensitive, hiding his emotions behind his lustful attitude. He once went as far as to talk a school girl out of suicide, helped a little girl search for her parents for 3 hours straight, and rushed a random woman to the hospital that he found laying on the ground.

What makes you different? 
-Gravity Manipulation-
Alex is capable of controlling gravity, one of the four fundamental forces, to his liking and to a high degree. He commonly uses this ability to float and fly. He also uses other techniques such as focusing the center of gravity of his fist to his opponent, causing a faster and stronger attack. Alex is known for his Gravity Cubes, small cubes of condensed gravity energy. These cubes can be used as projectiles or mines. Once triggered these cubes increase the gravity within a 8 foot radius, drawing in everything in the area and even capable of breaking apart the ground itself and most importantly collects all the air in the area. After two seconds the cube suddenly release everything in a devastating blast.

Can't fight in tight spaces

Free floating

Being forced to stand still
Being in a room full of guys
Bossy people 

I really do like your CS, but the Gravity manipulation seems a bit OP. It seems like he can control gravity in the surrounding area which wouldn't be fair for others he's fighting. And considering they are a on a floating island basically, I dont think I can allow it. So could you please change it to be a little less OP, like maybe only able to control hHis center of gravity
I really do like your CS, but the Gravity manipulation seems a bit OP. It seems like he can control gravity in the surrounding area which wouldn't be fair for others he's fighting. And considering they are a on a floating island basically, I dont think I can allow it. So could you please change it to be a little less OP, like maybe only able to control hHis center of gravity

I honestly didn't take any of that into consideration, but I see your point now. I'll probably change the ability all together.
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Name: Lilly Donahue

Nickname (Optional): None, she doesn't have many friends

Age: 16

Appearance (Picture reccomended but description is acceptable) Picture below

Lilly has long white blonde hair that cascades down her back and ends right above her hips. She has a tendency to dye the ends different colors, but lately she has been wearing it natural. Her clothing style is a bit...eccentric, to say the least. Most of the time is in black but accessorizes with brightly colored beads and jewelry. She stands about 5'6" and she always jokes that most of that is legs anyway. Her eyes are a striking green that have a small tint of silver woven into her iris.

A short biography:

Lilly knows she is different, she always has. When she was younger, she fought with the differences between her and the others. She didn't see things like everyone else...they didn't hear the people in the shadows...why not? Many of the children feared her growing up. Her statements always seemed to be made up, but she always said them with a straight face. The day that her parents began to fear her was hard. Lilly and her parents lived in her grandparents old home. Her grandparents had passed before Lilly was born, so her family decided to just stay. Lilly was 6 when she told her mom that Grandad didn't like her remodeling the kitchen. He didn't like the way she had been drinking a lot at night... the alcohol was making her sad...please stop. After that day, everything was different.

Through her early years, Lilly suffered with depression. She found friends in the deceased and began to cut herself off of the living world. They would never understand her...not like the shadows did. As she grew, her parents began sending her to schools that could possibly teach her how to handle her...differences. That is when she started to attend Valheim. Her depression had lifted a bit and her personality shifted. She became more cheerful and realized she wasn't that different...just a bit creepy.


Lilly is very friendly but she is a trouble maker. After learning she wasn't so different, she began to not care what others think. She can usually be seen in the library, cat calling random strangers, or curled up under a tree with a coffee.

What makes you different? (Powers, abilities, etc.)


Soul detach: Lilly can temporarily remove herself from her body. This is called astral traveling. While she cannot affect the living world while detached, she can listen in on conversations and explore the castle. This can only happen when she sleeps and if she is bothered she will be brought back instantly. If she is bothered, this can cause her to forget everything she witnessed while detached.

Spirit walking: Lilly can speak with the dead and allow them to take over her body for small periods of time. This allows for communication of knowledge and allows her to tap into their abilities while they were alive for a small time. This can only last for a maximum of an hour or Lilly will pass out. Even if the possession is 10 minutes, Lilly comes back extremely weak.

Dark summoning: Lilly can use the shadows and darkness as her power. Her abilities can range but she is still learning quite a bit. She can currently use the darkness for cloaking, disorientation, and can hurl dark orbs at others. When a dark orb connects with a living being, it can cause one of three things: temporary paralysis, temporary hysteria, or temporary blindness. The person depends on the effect. 


Massive amounts of light

Negative spirits

Manipulation magic




People who wish to know more about the afterlife and spirits

Scary stories

Walks at night


People who want her to constantly communicate with dead relatives

Horror movies

Anyone who assumes she is a "witch"

Being in crowded spaces


Kairi Kudo
Appearance at the bottom


A short biography
Kairi had grown up being raised by her grandmother who was once well known for her unique sword skill which had been taught to Kairi. Kairi found herself getting constantly scolded by her grandmother and we'll...everyon around her for her harsh and blunt way of putting things. When Kairi was 15 her grandmother had passed away leaving the girl with no one and no where to turn. She had once heard about the school that could only be seen by the gifted, not tat she ever would believe to have found it. For the past four years she did odd jobs to make a living until one day something caught her eye. It happened to be that very castle in the sky.
She comes off as rude and blunt, not even showing that she cares about a lot of things. Underneath her cold and rather violent exterior she just doesn't want people getting close just to lose them like she lost her grandmother. When she does start to care about them she becomes more protective and start to show a bit of kindness to them, though compliments from her are few and rare. Despite her rash acts when she is upset, she is quiet intelligent and pretty good at coming up with strategies.
What makes you different?
Kairi unique sword sword abilities. She welds duel katanas. If she slides the left katana over her right katana, the blade will engulf in flames letting her send out a slash of fire for long distant attacks. An if she does the same thing on the other katana, it will engulf in a blue light letting her send out a wave of ice.
Weaknesses: she has a few. One due to her stubborn personality that causes her to not know when to retreat, another depends on what element is being use on her blade. If she is using the fire element, wate or ice attacks would have more of an effect on her. If she was using an ice element then fire would do more damage to her. The last weaknesses is her temper that tends to bid her from rationalizing a situation.
She likes to fight, polishing her sword, sweets and looking out at the stars.
Spicy food, most people, lectures about how rude she is and waiting.

Name:Toki Hisan 

Nickname: Son of death, softie, cry baby,  & Fuzzy.



A short biography: Toki Hisan is the son of former graduate and great warrior Mokuto Hisan. His father spent the first twelve years of his life attempting to teach his son his ability of Wound Induction, or the ability to will injuries onto people, But to no avail. Toki not only seemed incapable of this ability, but he seemed more interested in his mothers profession of Herbalism. That was where Toki shone, he is a naturally gifted healer. However when he had first turned thirteen he realized that it was no just because of his interest. He and his mother were scouring the forest for materials when a hunters stray arrow struck his mother in the chest. It was a blow that spelled certain death, but in his shock Toki was able to save her, he pulled the arrow out of her chest, and applied some salve to the wound but as soon as his fingers touched the wound it faded away the same way the morning fog does.   He chalked it up as a miracle and a few weeks later the time arrived at his house. His father was very excited and begged his son to open the book. 

Toki was afraid however, and he did not open the book for nine months finally finding the courage to do so on his fourteenth birthday after hearing his fathers "your a man now" speech. 

He opened the time and despite his fear applied to be a enrolled at the school. 

Personailty:Toki is a very shy and soft spoken boy. He can be slightly effeminate and emotional. To top it all off he is a bit of a coward, he will freeze up with fear and hesitate with little actual threat being present. He will however swallow his fear and stand shaking between his friends and whatever may threaten them. 

What make them special?:

Damage rejection: Toki's power is the opposite of his fathers. He can reject wounds and damage from reality. It is a superior form of healing magic that causes to wound to fade away as if it were never there. If done in time this can even repair fatal wounds. This power can be used on himself or others. 

(Latent) damage transference: eventually the true nature of Toki's power will be revealed, it is not to remove a wound but shift it to another target. This target can be something simple like the ground or a pillar. Or more complex like an enemy or a moving target.


Pushover: Toki is a coward. In order to avoid being hurt,humiliated, or even scolded he will do just about anything he is told, this makes his an easy target for bullying and coercion.

Kind hearted: Toki is very nice, too nice in fact. He will often go without if he has something someone else needs. He also would rather allow himself to get beat up then hurt someone else.

Not a fighter: Toki can't fight to save his life, his punches are in terrible form, he has basically no combat strategy, and a very low pain tolerance. 

Activated power: Toki's power must be willingly activated by him. As such instant kill techniques, attacks that render him unconscious, and most stealth attacks will make him unable to use his power. 

No offense: Toki currently has zero offensive capabilities, even once he awakens his latent power he is only capable of using damage dealt by his opponents. 


Clean environments, cooking, making medicine, people enjoying his cooking, being complimented.


bullies, conflict, pain, loud noises, his own cowardice, hurting others, seeing others in pain. 
Name:Toki Hisan 

Nickname: Son of death, softie, cry baby,  & Fuzzy.


View attachment 178278

A short biography: Toki Hisan is the son of former graduate and great warrior Mokuto Hisan. His father spent the first twelve years of his life attempting to teach his son his ability of Wound Induction, or the ability to will injuries onto people, But to no avail. Toki not only seemed incapable of this ability, but he seemed more interested in his mothers profession of Herbalism. That was where Toki shone, he is a naturally gifted healer. However when he had first turned thirteen he realized that it was no just because of his interest. He and his mother were scouring the forest for materials when a hunters stray arrow struck his mother in the chest. It was a blow that spelled certain death, but in his shock Toki was able to save her, he pulled the arrow out of her chest, and applied some salve to the wound but as soon as his fingers touched the wound it faded away the same way the morning fog does.   He chalked it up as a miracle and a few weeks later the time arrived at his house. His father was very excited and begged his son to open the book. 

Toki was afraid however, and he did not open the book for nine months finally finding the courage to do so on his fourteenth birthday after hearing his fathers "your a man now" speech. 

He opened the time and despite his fear applied to be a enrolled at the school. 

Personailty:Toki is a very shy and soft spoken boy. He can be slightly effeminate and emotional. To top it all off he is a bit of a coward, he will freeze up with fear and hesitate with little actual threat being present. He will however swallow his fear and stand shaking between his friends and whatever may threaten them. 

What make them special?:

Damage rejection: Toki's power is the opposite of his fathers. He can reject wounds and damage from reality. It is a superior form of healing magic that causes to wound to fade away as if it were never there. If done in time this can even repair fatal wounds. This power can be used on himself or others. 

(Latent) damage transference: eventually the true nature of Toki's power will be revealed, it is not to remove a wound but shift it to another target. This target can be something simple like the ground or a pillar. Or more complex like an enemy or a moving target.


Pushover: Toki is a coward. In order to avoid being hurt,humiliated, or even scolded he will do just about anything he is told, this makes his an easy target for bullying and coercion.

Kind hearted: Toki is very nice, too nice in fact. He will often go without if he has something someone else needs. He also would rather allow himself to get beat up then hurt someone else.

Not a fighter: Toki can't fight to save his life, his punches are in terrible form, he has basically no combat strategy, and a very low pain tolerance. 

Activated power: Toki's power must be willingly activated by him. As such instant kill techniques, attacks that render him unconscious, and most stealth attacks will make him unable to use his power. 

No offense: Toki currently has zero offensive capabilities, even once he awakens his latent power he is only capable of using damage dealt by his opponents. 


Clean environments, cooking, making medicine, people enjoying his cooking, being complimented.


bullies, conflict, pain, loud noises, his own cowardice, hurting others, seeing others in pain. 

That poor kid is going to get pushed around by Kairi so much I feel bad for him (Aka Kairi the she devil)

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