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"Nice to meet you, Hikma! Well, lights are quite interesting," Cori said with a chuckle. When she saw Oda transform into a sarcophagus, she bit her lip. "Oh, well that's also interesting..." Cori said, rubbing the back oh her neck. "C'mon, Oda! Aren't you hungry? There's going to be food at the castle- I mean school!" As she tried coaxing him out of the sarcophagus, she looked up at the school and sighed, "It's so pretty!" The girl looked at Hikma, "I'm sorry, but that sarcophagus looks really heavy... Do you need any help lifting it?" 

The bird clicked his beak,thinking.

"Well. I'm afraid It is really heavy. I should have known better. He doesn't like people poking fun at his ignorance of the world. He could be in there for hours,if we are lucky..." the bird thought for a moment. Before shuffling over to the duffle bag that had been dropped before hand. Opening it up,he looked around,before pulling the two sets of wheels. Setting them down, he sighed."once I get him on these wheels, he should be much easier to move. But with his weight,it will take more than just us to get him on them. You wouldn't happen to have any friends to help would you? It would make things much easier..."

One of the three demons in the aid looked down at the group. "PLEASE SEPERATE THE GENDERS." she screeched, angry they had gotten out of line. Niana looked up at the demon, examining her leathery wings and no hands, shredded hair, and dark skin. Suddenly, realization dawned on the demon girl. She was standing underneath the three furies. She grinned, waving up at the demons. "THANK YOU FURIES," she shouted, grinning wildly, "LOVE YOUR WORK." Before any of the demons could look down to pinpoint Niana, she had blended back into the crowd. 

The girl's line began to slope downhill. Near the front of the mass lay the entrance to a large cavern. Inside, Niana could see light shining out, telling her that this cave probably lead to a part of the school. She glanced at Oda and his current situation, but figured that it would be easy for him to resolve it. For now, Niana looked ahead, excited to enter the cave.

(I'm on iPad so I cannot tag.)
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Kensue kept quiet and simply nodded at the excited girl's rambling. She typicality would get annoyed with her reading time being interrupted like this, but the girl seemed harmless enough so she couldnt be angry with her. She did smile slightly when she complimented her name and did reply with a "Thank you" but she was a little wary as Cori suddenly complimented her eyes. The only thing about her that was genuinely human about her appearance. At her comment about her own eyes, Kensue shrugged, "Not really. I've seen weirder when it comes to eyes." she commented with another short smile, before pulling her hood up again, noticing that some of her nose was starting to show. "And it's okay, I've... read this before." 

She glanced at the said Demon/Human girl that Cori was standing next to, Niana. Kensue's eyes widened a little but they quickly settled. Having been to the school for a long time, she had seen a lot. Though she still couldn't help but feel worried, she towered over the pair at almost 7ft and -while she felt that they wouldn't actually mind- she couldnt shake off that feeling that if she took her hood down, they'd immediately become afraid of her. It's happened too many time before. She noticed that Niana had her hand extended for her to shake. Kensue paused for a moment before reaching her own hand out for her to shake. Normally Kensue wore gloves when outside or in public, but on this day she had left them on the train, leaving her large, furred and clawed hand totally exposed. She kept herself in a position that didn't show her legs or her tail. Probably an over-exaggeration, but you cant be too careful.


As Oda listened to the commotion outside his little hide away, He grumbled. 

He just wanted to be left alone for the moment! But that's not going to happen. In truth he had chosen a bad time to be upset, but it wasn't his fault! Hikma was being mean and picking on him...

 This is probably one of those "relax" issues Hikma had been scolding him over.

"Don't take things so serious" The bird said.

"Just because something is said doesn't mean it's meant to hurt" He was told. Oda never got that. Why say something mean if you don't want it to hurt? Ra, why has the world gotten so hard to understand?

After a moment of personal contemplation, the ancient coffin shook,before bursting into a cloud of dust, revealing Oda standing in place once again. He didn't say anything, taking up his bag and turning to walk away. He paused, thinking about his actions.

He quickly turned back,giving a short bow.

"I apologize, miss Cori. My attitude was rude and misplaced. I hope you can forgive me..I must make my leave now,sadly. I hope we get to meet again..."

The boy gave a short breath, before hurrying off to the line he had been told.

The bright red bird was quite,looking the boy over.

"...that ended better than I had expected. I must follow. Thank you for your patience..."

The bird finished,hurrying off after his charge


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