RP Area


Very gay and really happy
A glistening school towered over the valley that it was situated in. The dark purple hue of the amethyst exterior shimmered compared to the dull mountain it had been situated on. The sun shone brightly onto the school, making it truly a wonder to look at. Multiple rails ran to a small station in front of the school, serving as a train drop off for the attending students. If one looked close enough, they could see a trail that led up multiple flights of stairs to a courtyard in front of the school, which had yet to begin bustling with activity. Students had just begun arriving, and this is where our story begins.

Nianadon looked out the window, surveying the passing blurs of green. The Forest the surrounded the railroad seemed to be never ending, yet the demon really didn't know how much time had passed. She often caught streaks of brown, which had to have been the passing deer. Or bear. It could've been a bear. Niana made a mental note to stay away from the forest.

Suddenly, the trees cut away and the train turned, exposing the school in one swift motion. Collective gasps from other students filled the train car, cutting the conversations sort. Their eyes were trained on the hues of purple that the school/castle seemed to show. Niana couldn't believe this is where she was going to go to school.

As she passed through the valley, she spotted other trains nearing the school as well,all holding just as many students as hers. She wondered where they all came from.

All of the trains neared the station, and began slowing down. Many students got up and looking the overhead compartments, grabbing their bags and sitting back down. Niana continued staring at the scenery around her, when she felt a tap on the shoulder. The nymph that had been sitting next to her had grabbed her bag for her. Niana gave a genuine smile, quietly thanking the nymph and turning her attention back to the window. The school, along with the valley, were now blocked by the silver of the train station. Many other trains had stopped next to Niana's, and students of all shapes and sizes began filing out.

The school year was about to begin.
Click Click click


Click Click Click Click Click

"Oda, please..."

Click Click Click Click Click Click Click

"Oda the other students are glaring..."



This had finally gotten the foreign boy to stop playing with the car lights. He took up an upset position, his hands folded in his lap, his head hung. The bright red bird that sat next to him looked more intimidating than he did. Of course the bird was also the one who yelled at him...

This was Oda and Hikma. Oda sat as a very tan boy wearing a simple pair of slacks and a heavy coat, witch remained unzipped, revealing his bandaged neck and chest. Hikma was a bright red Ibis, witch sat comfortably next to the boy,who had taken to playing with his hands so he wouldn't see the multiple glares at him. Already he had gotten on the nerves of several students,and the thought only made him hide in his gray jacket hood. With a sigh, the bird shook its head. 

"You must get over this fascination with lights. Its been 2 months. Can't you be more interested in something else?" It scolded, before looking to the group that surrounded the pair" my apologies. He is very...new to these kinds of things..."

While this didn't seem to be enough by their expressions. The students went back to what they were doing. The gasps and cheers that erupted brought the birds attention to the window, who quickly released a sigh of relief.

"There it is Oda. Our new home. I'll be sure to request a private room, alright?"

He only got a slight nod from.the hooded boy, and sighed. He shouldn't have snapped at him, but what was he to do?

As the train came to a stop, the students immediately began to gather their things. Oda simply waited until everyone was off,before standing, shouldering a duffle bag and heading off, Hikma nestled.under the strap comfortably resting on the bag as Oda walked.

Oda gave a glance around,keeping his hood up. Honestly he must of looked like he was burning up, wearing such heavy jacket in the weather. He stood out, that's for sure.

He started walking,keeping his hooded head low. Hikma just seemed irritated by the boys attitude, but didn't mention it.

(Hikma came about After I had posted my cs, and will simply act as a voice of reason and personal dictionary of sorts to the modern world. I hope that's alright)

@RomanticDaffodil @galaxycorgi @SeratheUnicorn so everyone knows :)
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"It seems that we've arrived," Cori said, her Russian accent still a tad bit thick. She ran a hand through her hair, and sighed, knowing it was still wet. Of course, had it been dry, it would mean she was dead. 

That would not be cool. 

The Rusalka grabbed her weaved bags and sat back down. The werewolf girl who sat across from her gave her a look, to which Cori responded with a roll of the eyes. "What, are you some sort of princess?" The girl snarled at her, grabbed her own luggage, and sat back down. Cori just smiled. 

"I guess not." She looked out the window, and let out a gasp. The girl across from her--Natalie, maybe?-- looked out it too. Both girls were in awe of the school. An amethyst glow seemed to enchant them, drawing them closer like bugs to light. It was truly stunning. "It's so pretty!" Cori said in awe, and Natalie had to agree with her. 

The school was simply beautiful. 

"Passengers may leave," a voice from the speaker said, making Cori jump. 

Nonetheless, the girl stood up with the others, smoothed down her homemade green fish-scale skirt. Somehow, one of her friends had made it from one of the fish in the pond, and there was no smell. Her tight black shirt, socks, and shoes were simply given by some of her admirers back home. 

In fact, most of her clothing and things were either hand-made or given to her by admirers. 

She grabbed her luggage and exited the train. This was going to be one fantastic year, and she knew that it would also help her make new friends. Perhaps she would even find someone who she liked, and they liked her back. Cori started following the other students, walking up to the path that would lead to the school. Oh, I hope my roommate is nice! We do get roommates, right? She furrowed her eyebrows, ignoring the people around her, and just thinking. 

@RomanticDaffodil @Mistory1997 @SeratheUnicorn
Indigo Rivers was sitting in a train compartment.

By herself.

Because she had locked the door.

She usually did this when on public transport, because it was better that the alternative - People realising what she was and running and screaming and crying that "They don't want to die" or be hypnotised. Or the opposite... Even now she could see some boys in the opposite compartment ogling at her as though she was a supermodel. Which honestly, to them, she might look like. It wasn't fair. If she dated a boy, he only ever dated her for her looks, which is irritating because that's not even what she looks like. She could never really open up to people though, because they generally either didn't care or were only listening to her in the first place because she looked nice.She rolled her eyes, and tucked her knees up to her chest. The journey was almost over anyway.

The train slowed to a halt, pulling in at her station. She reached up and grabbed her backpack, which she slung over her shoulders. She idly wondered if there would be a pool, or maybe even something in her dorm room so she could excersice her Mer side. She glanced down at herself. Having come from the ocean as well as the land, she had on an interesting assortment of clothes. She was wearing Black knee socks and a skirt, as well as a black tank that was ripped on the sleeves that wasn't supposed to be ripped. But she didn't care abs out fashion.

She slid the door open after unlocking it with the hairpin, and exited the train. She tripped a little as she stepped onto the platform. She did have an excuse though. Legs are more difficult to manage when you spend over half your time with a tail. 

Anyway. Where was she supposed to go now?



The red bird gave a glance around, eventually seeing the flow of students. Giving a sigh, he looked up to the still silent boy.

"Might be best to hang back, Oda. Or risk getting washed away by the flood of students."

The boy only nodded,taking a step back,before planting himself there. The bird continued to look about,watching the many students pouring free from trains. He happened to catch sight of a poor girl nearly falling as she stepped free from the vehicle. She looked as lost as Oda probably felt. 

The bird hopped down from his perch, startling Oda as it weaved through the crowd. A bright red bird was hard to lose though,and Oda was following behind, dodging students clumsily as he hurried.

"Miss! Miss!" Hikma barly managed to catch up before she really started moving.

"S-sorry miss...one moment..."

The bird heaved,obviously tired. He needed to run more. He hadn't been as active as he used to...

"It...may be best to stay put for now. It will only be more disorientating getting caught in the crowd. Me and my charge are waiting.... Oh..."the bird paused,noticing Oda not at his side.

"Now where is that boy...oh, here he is!"

The hooded male hurried over,coming to a stop beside the bird, taking afew short breaths. Before he had the chance to say anything,the bird continued

"Sorry, we are waiting out the swarm. Care to join us?"

Oda realized Hikma was speaking to another,and turned his attention to the birds target. As soon as he saw the girl, his emerald eyes widened, and he quickly hung his head, hid eyes being hidden once again by the heavy hood.

Indigo heard a voice who appeared to be talking to her. She looked around, before her eyes lit on a bright red bird. Was that whether person talking to her? She had never been addressed by a bird before, so this was a new experience. Then again, considering where she was, maybe it was completely normal. She idly wondered if here illusion worked on birds.

The swarm of people was growing larger and larger, and almost impossible to travel through in the stampede. Of course, a mature siren would hypnotise everyone I to stillness and waltz through like a queen, but Indigo wasn't like that, and neither was she in that much control of her powers. She nodded to the bird. They couldn't reach the school like this.

She then looked up as she realised the bird had said "us", meaning there was someone else. A boy, older than her by his height had hurried over, and was breathing heavily. He had very bright green eyes. Nice. He looked at her and hung his head, leaving his face obscured by his hood. What did he see?

While she was waiting, she decided to nail down the formalities. "I'm Indigo... I'm a Siren." She turned to the boy, curious. "What do I look like to you?" She asked bluntly. It was easier to tell people that it wasn't real, rather than have them confused. Some people even saw people they knew, like an ex girlfriend or something. It was better for them to know.

He didn't say anything for a moment,shifting nervously.

"U-umm...p-pretty purple...purple hair...blue...eyes...umm..."

He honestly didn't know what to say, but he flinched at his own words, hoping he didn't do anything wrong.

Hikma looked the boy over,and after a moment seemed to realize the problem.

"I'm sorry! He feels he may have offended you! Where he's from its rude to look a lady in the eyes...and as he's learned, looking anywhere else on a lady is also considered rude anymore..." the bird trailed off,thinking,before shaking his head.

"Do you allow him to look at you?it's custom for him to get permission..."

Indigo frowned at his description. Purple hair, and blue eyes? No way... Could this guy actually see her? She had actually never met a guy that could see her properly before. This guy was either Naive, Gay, or just not interested in having relationships, and hey, she could respect that.

This guy was different to the other guys, but not in a 'I wanna date you' way. He just seemed more innocent and polite somehow, compared to other guys she met. 

The birds explanation made sense. Where did he come from then? It must be an interesting place. "Yeah, it's ok, you can look at me!" She told him, still slightly shocked. "I get looked at all over all the time..." She muttered darkly. 

After a moment his eyes flicked up,his face coming back into view.

"Umm...s-sorry.....but...yes...p-purple hair...blue eyes....b-black c-clothing mostly....ummm" He shifted nervously, trying to find more to say.

"Oda, why don't you introduce yourself? Like we practiced?"

This made the boy nod,taking a breath.

"S-sorry! My n-name is Oda N-Nuba! What's y-yours?" He held out his hand to shake,but his body was stiff as a board. The bird



Oda's hand was bandaged much like his chest and neck, only the fingers remaining free. He waited nervously for her to react

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Students were left standing on the wide platforms as the trains departed in unison, probably driven by some sort of elder magic. A smooth voice sounded over the hidden intercoms. "Students, if you would kindly walk towards the stairs and in the direction of the forest, there will be teachers there to guide you." The message repeated over and over, getting most of the students to turn their attention to the forests and begin walking. Some of the younger ones had pushed ahead of the groups, running towards the forest and out of sight. The crowd slowly started moving, and then the people in the front broke into an all out sprint, remembering what was ahead of them. A new life. New people, safety, food. The prospect of eating had excited most, and the group gradually started moving faster. 

Niana was being pushed in all directions, being ignored by various monsters all with bright smiles on their faces. Niana was excited too, and soon their happiness wore off on her. She started running too, moving her duffel bag behind her. She started giggling, and some people around her joined her. This place was a safe haven, a protection from humans, somewhere where they could live their lives normally. That was all Niana had ever wanted. Niana ran with the pack, and gradually started to slow down with the rest of them. She heard shouting. "Boys and men on the left! Girls and Woman on the right! Ambiguous genders in the middle!" The message, like the one in the train station, was being repeated over and over. Niana shifted to the right of the pack, where she heard higher pitched voices and louder laughs. She was in the right place. However, she couldn't seem to catch sight of the teachers that were instructing her. 

Niana looked up towards the sky when a shadow passed overhead. There they were. Several leathery winged demons were flying overhead, projecting their voices and instructing students. Niana gave a small smile. They were her kind. 

@Mistory1997  @SeratheUnicorn @galaxycorgi
Walking over to the right, Cori found herself pausing. A contagious wave of giggling had spread over the students, and soon she found herself joining in. Even if she found her laughter obnoxious--being a high-pitched sound. Looking above as a shadow passed, she noticed the teachers. Were the teachers demons? Coraeva glanced at their leathery wings. Most likely they were. However, she started walking, but was distracted by her thoughts.

This school was all that she wanted, to be away. It was nice to actually go, to do something productive. Plus, she heard that there was a lake, and it would be awesome to explore it by moonlight. Sighing dreamily, she thought of all the people she would meet. Perhaps she'd even find romance. 

The girl bumped into someone, another girl. "Oof!" she sounded, "I'm sorry!" The girl in front of her was a demon as well. "Oh, hello, I'm Coraeva, but most people call me Cori. What's your name?" It was best to introduce yourself than just ignore them, she thought. 


Kenpachi, also known as Ken or "Lazy Security" was lazing around on top of the massive structure, watching as students, that were all shapes and sizes, were guided toward the stairs and into the forest area, by the intercom. He wasn't a teacher, so he didn't come down to help guide the students. He was more of a bird-of-prey, swooping down at the sight of bullying or a good fight.


"New souls have arrived."


He'd mutter to himself, putting the unsheathed sword onto the ground, point first and used it to push himself up. Then he took the same sword and placed it over his shoulder, holding it there, before he walked toward the edge and swung down into the window below him. This was his office, where he would get the reports of "Situations"


"Lets see how many we rack up this year."




(Sorry for the short post. I'm a bit tired.)
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Hearing the sound of teachers giving orders, Oda jumped, his eyes looking about. 

"Umm...I should...I should go. Have to...umm..."

 He stumbled, and shook himself.

"I-I hope we meet again!" He called as he hurried off. The bird watched him go,and sighed, looking to her.

"Thank you for humoring him. I'm afraid he isn't the easiest to get along with, so really, thank you." 

The bird gave a bow,before hurrying off himself.

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Niana turned around, flashing the newcomer her brilliant blue eyes. She adjusted her scarf and stopped with the crowd. She stared into Cori's eyes, returning the state with her own wide eyes. "I'm Nianadon." She answered over the volume of the crowd. "People call me Niana." 

It had happened. Niana had found someone to get to know. It seemed silly, but it really excited Niana. She broke into a huge smile. "It's nice to meet you! I come from a long line of demons. Respected demons. But I would care less if people bowed down to me or not. I'm not like my ancestral demons." Niana paused and dropped her smile. "Sorry," she said, giving nervous laughter, "Got a bit carried away there." 

Kensue had kept to herself most of the journey, mostly engrossed in her book that she was reading. The beast would only glance around occasionally, but that was it. She was wearing a huge hoodie which covered her head, which is what she wanted. She had tried to avoid the crowds but found it somewhat difficult. All she could think was that at least this was her last year. Though, she didnt really want to leave. Not because she had friends, no but more that she'd miss the school's gardens (which she took care of) and the teachers, the few people who weren't alarmed at her appearance. She kept away from the crowds and stood reading, there were some others nearby but she wasnt interested. She sighed and flicked a page, one ear flicking around as she listened slightly. 
Cori laughed, "Oh, it's a pleasure to bump into you! I'm a Rusalka... From Russia!"  She grinned at the demon girl in front of her. Niana. I'll have to remember that, she thought to herself. "I'm so excited for this year! Ah, none of the other girls from the section of the river I lived in were up to coming. They have a lot of admirers, you know!" 

She moved her hand out, gesturing as she was talking... Only to accidentally hit Kensue's book out of her hands! "Oh! I'm so sorry!" she apologized, and quickly picked the book up. "I've had so much trouble, walking today. I guess it's from sitting for so long... But those are just excuses! Here's your book!" The rambling Rusalka ran a hand through her hair, cringing. So far not so good for first impressions... 

"Oh, I almost, forgot! I'm Cori, it's nice to meet you!" She said with a grin. "Sorry, the grandmother of my river was very wise. And told me to introduce myself to everyone I meet, bump into... I'm the most clumsy out of my group... Y'know, if you couldn't tell already..."

@RomanticDaffodil @Rumble Fish
Kensue wasn't paying attention to what the girl was doing, or listening. She only became aware of her presence when she suddenly felt her book being knocked from her grip. She looked at the girl as she hasti;y apologised and handed her the book back. She glanced down for a moment before taking the book from her in her paw like hands. She huffed and looked back at the girl. "It's fine, nothing got ripped." she answered simply before opening it again. She only got half way down the page when she heard the girl speak up again, introducing herself. She sighed at her clumsy demenor, though she seemed harmless. "I'm Kensue." she responded with a slightly softer tone as she put the book down, "And that's good advice." she added, pulling her hood up slightly more, still rather anxious about the girl seeing her.

"Kensue is such a cool name! Whoa! Your hood is soooooo cute!" Cori gushed, noticing the fabric and color it was made of. She looked at the girl, and noticed how bright her eyes were. She might have been anxious about her seeing her, but the color was just so pretty... "Oh my gosh," Cori said, "Your eyes are really pretty too! I wish my eyes were that pretty, mine are just creepy. They glow in the dark! Isn't that weird?" Cori shook her head, "I'm sorry for my rambling. I've just never met any one other than fairies, other Rusalka, centaurs, and elves. Oh, I met one werewolf. She didn't really like me.... And here I go again." Apologizing once more, Cori shut her mouth before opening it once more. 

"I'm sorry, Kensue. You probably would like some quiet because you're reading," she smiled sheepishly. "I'm just really really really excited for this place! Everyone is so cool! Like, Niana here is this awesome demon that has awesome ancestors. I don't know if I have ancestors or not, I've heard the humans tell stories about my kind. How Rusalka are created when a girl commits suicide in a lake or river... By drowning," she twisted a strand of her hair. "I hope it's not true, but it would explain the paleness of my skin!" 

@Rumble Fish @RomanticDaffodil
Niana glanced at the girl in the hood, sensing something about her. She was different. She could sense the fear and anxiety that ran within the girl. The only way she would be able to sense this about the girl is if she was a major monster. Thought struck Niana, but she brushed it aside. Now was not the time for judging. She gave a small smile to the girl and extended a hand. "I am Niana." She said in an accent that sounded along the sides of Italian. She could sense so many negative emotions from the girl. It set Niana off guard. She hadn't used this power in a while, and it just felt wrong invading this girl's privacy.

@galaxycorgi @Rumble Fish
Cori smiled, "Wow! I already have two friends!" She looked at the fist she made in front of her collar bone, muttering, "Take that, Petinia!" At first she began humming, but then remembered what happened last time. She didn't know if it affected monsters or not, but nonetheless she stopped. The girl moved the wet bangs from against her face, "This path is awfully small for the amount of students coming. Like, no wonder I've been so clumsy." She shook her head, moving her hand back--gesturing again. 

This time she accidentally hit a small bird traveling by a mummy. "Oh, sorry again!" She hit her forehead once more. "Maybe I should've just stayed in the water for another year." 

@RomanticDaffodil @Rumble Fish @Mistory1997
A short sqwak erupted from the bird, who fluttered his wings to right himself. Oda Imidiatly turned, looking frightened. He hurried over,coming to a stop beside the bright bird.

"Hikma! hal 'ant bakhir?" The male spoke, examining the bird.

"I'm fine,boy, I'm fine! It was an accident. Isn't that right miss?" The bird shifted his gaze to the girl, and paused,looking to his charge.

"Um...miss?would you be so kind as to allow my friend to look at you?"

"I'm so sorry!" She apologized once more. "Oh, sure?" Cori furrowed her eyebrows at the peculiar question, "Why couldn't he?" She smiled at them, "I'm Cori, it's nice to bump into you guys!" The girl had bumped into so many people today, and it might have been fun, but she would have liked some water. Her eyes lit up as she got a bottle of water from her river and took a small sip of it. Immediately, her voice began to get less rough and more smooth. She cleared her throat, waiting for the response. 

The bird released a sigh.

"We need to...figure something out with this, boy. We can't ask every woman we meet. It will not only get aggravating for others, it will drive me mad asking."

The bird shook his head with aggravation,before looking to the girl,realizing she had introduced herself,and quickly snapped his wing against the boys knee.

"The girl has taken the initiative to introduce herself. Now it's your turn..." 

Oda looked at his companion,slightly confused,before realization hit him.

"Sahih! I'm s-sorry miss!" He quickly focused on the girl in question, before his hand was out for her to take in response 

"M-my name is O-Oda Nuba. Its v-very nice to m...m-meet you..?"

His words were shaking,unsure if he had done it right. The bird sighed,doing its equivalent to a face palm.

"Admirable try, Oda...but ease up,please. Your to tense..."

"It's okay! Just loosen up a little, and you're going to be awesome!" Cori said, giving him a thumbs up. "Keep practicing and you'll get there!" She giggled before asking the bird, "And who might you be?" In all of the excitement that had been happening today, Coraeva was genuinely happy. I hope that this school has good food. Oh, and not salty food. Ugh. Salt water. Gross. I also hope that I'm going to stay this happy. Normally by the winter I get depressed if I'm not in the water. I did bring some from home in a couple of bottles, but will that last the entire year? Oh, there's always the mail. I'm sure Zera will send me some if I absolutely need it. 

"Hmmm? Oh, I am Hikma. Oda is very...new to a lot if things. So I am simply here to guide him. Honestly, the boy is still fascinated by simple light switches!" The bird gave a chuckle, and Oda gave a grumble,blushing with embarrassment as he hid in his hood,turning away. This only made the bird laugh more.

 "Oh don't be that way boy! Its no as if it's a bad thing! Come now, lightened up...and maybe I'll let you play with the flashlight later!" The bird only cackled,simply teasing the boy. 

 Oda seem to take it abit harder than that,and after a gust of wind and a cloud of dust appearing around him, all that was left was a sarcophagus laying on the ground, to old straps tied to a bar resting on the side.

"O-oh...oh dear..." 


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