Royce Medellin




Royce Medellin


  • Date of Birth: 11/21/4001

    Gender: Male

    Blood Type: AB-

    Height: 5'9"

    Weight: 150 lbs

    Eyes: Blue

    Hair Color/Style: Brown, Longer, messy

    Body Build: Ectomorph (Light Build)

    Skin: Caucasian

    Tattoos/Marks/Scars: Two slashes from the claws of a bear, diagonal. One runs from the left collarbone down to the right rib-cage, and the other runs from the lower-left rib-cage to under the abdomen. There are also three scars on his face; one on each cheek, and one across his nose. He wears three bandages at all times to hide the scars on his face, because he considers them to be gross imperfections that make him hideous.


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