

Name;; Roary Madison Deora



Twenty Years Old

Gender;; Female


Personality;; Roary is very sweet, queen-like, you see. She's polite,

raised with the quality of being elegant. She is also humorous, tending to be the one to light up

a dark room. Alas, everybody comes with their flaws and dark sides, and Roary's are dark. She suffers

with being bipolar, and can snap at any moment. Because of this, she tends to be short-tempered, stubborn and snarky.

Background;; Roary grew up with most of the other kings and queens, so that she would know how and how not to act. Her mother knew she was destined to be queen someday, and so she pushed Roary to be perfect. If Roary slipped up during lessons, or was anything less than perfect, she was caned. It hurt terribly, and soon, Roary began to figure out how to act. She then gained a new and better mother also, as her mother triumphantly paraded her 'perfect' daughter around proudly. Meanwhile, Roary pretended to be perfect, but some of the other kings and queens knew her as just a normal teenage girl trying to fit in and failing horribly.


The Fourth Queen


R.I.P Seventh Queen

User @Chair

Subject: Aoi Kusajishi


Age: 22

Gender: Female

Condition(Personality): Mentally unstable. Could be described as insane. Thin and refusing to eat anything but raw meat. Food source cannot be provided for prisoner. Simulators and morphine injected daily.

Background: She used to work for the Seventh Queen and holds secret information. After the queens death the seal that had been in place to keep her calm broke and she was captured and put in an asylum.

Time in Custody:Two years; Captured at the age of twenty annihilating families in the Eastern districts under the late Queens jurisdiction.


Role (To be revealed later as it is important to the plot.)

Other R.I.P Seventh Queen and Aoi is 4'7 (I have an addiction to playing short characters.)
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Reserve on the Fifth Queen please? 
User - @allizae

Name - Serena Ramona Aitken


Age - Twenty One

Gender - Female

Personality - Serena is known to be fair and just. She is known to look out for her kingdom. She can be goofy around those she's close to, but people know not to get on her bad side. She is the type of queen the backs up her arguments, even though she doesn't have to. Still very young, Serena has a bit of a temper, but tries her best to control it. However, she's a known perfectionist, never letting herself or her quarters get messy. She can get stubborn when she doesn't get what she wants, and has a bad attitude if she isn't allowed time to relax by herself.


Background - Born into royalty, with two younger sisters, Serena was the clear choice for queen. It was something that came naturally to her, and she often got irritated with her sisters for not acting like princesses. Unfortunately, coming to the thrown because both parents were tragically killed by a plague caused Serena to be very wary of new-comers, afraid of anything that could leave a person sick. Quarantining her kingdom was an unfortunate act of war, cutting off trading routes. Serena has tried sense to reestablish trading routes, but the death of the seventh queen has made this a difficult transition.


Role - Fifth Queen

Other - R.I.P Seventh Queen





Axel Barker








A natural leader through and through, normally one to try and encourage others to do their best, unfortunately, this also has caused him to develop a superiority-complex, and generally won't waste his time on incompetent people. Other than that, he is genuinely friendly and welcoming to everyone, though is quick to judge.


Born an only son, Axel was always destined to take over the throne from his parents, and so his parents spent most of their time training him in the arts of diplomacy, though they didn't believe in a weak king, and so he was also put through gruelling training in the kingdom's barracks. His constant training gave him very little free time, and as such he grew up to be a fairly serious person.


The First King


R.I.P Seventh Queen

User @SR388

Name: Gregorious Witchmond

Appearance: At 7'2", Gregorious Witchmond is a large man with a commanding presence. He has thick brown hair reaching just beyond the top of his shoulder blades which match his eye's color. He's not very approachable, as his look is generally menacing, as if in deep thought, one which shouldn't be disturbed.

He can often be seen in leather and chain mail, as though he were ready for a war at any notice. His burly body can be intimidating, and his harsh baritone voice frightening. His large hands have been rumored to be able to crush a human's skull with ease, while his wild facial hair would be sufficient in strangling someone. A long unkempt beard connected to his equally unkempt mustache, he almost looks like an over grown dwarf. He is a light skinned man, showing his time spent in winter laden lands.

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Personality: He's often known for getting what he wants. Though sometimes he can be considered an evil and vile man, everything he does is for the betterment of man kind, or so he believes. A wicked tactician, it's been rumored that he could lead any army into battle and win, no matter the odds. He often outwits his opponents in fights, though he takes diplomacy advice from his council.

Gregorious Witchmond is known for getting the job done, by any means necessary. If it was so needed, he would slit a child's throat himself, making him a feared enemy. Yet he is fiercely loyal to those he calls his friends.

Background: Through opportunity, not bloodline, he has become a king. He raised through the ranks of the previous king's army, becoming the strongest soldier and receiving the highest honors for heroic feats. One day, after becoming the king's most trusted follower, the king died. With no bloodline to succeed him, it was left to Gregorious, as stated in the king's will. Ever since that day, Gregorious has been a ruthless ruler, and yet despite this, his kingdom flourishes.

Role: The Fourth King

Other: R. I. P. Seventh Queen! 
User: @SR388

Name: Entren Tickeroo

Appearance: A measly 5'6", Entren was made fun of when he initially joined the fourth king's army. His name and small stature are enough to amuse and disarm most opponents in a fight. His body is scrawny for a warrior, though he isn't skinny or starved by any means. He has a freshly trimmed head of very short blonde hair, and a clean shaven face. Among warriors, his is unnaturally smooth and free of scars. He is quick, and so doesn't often get tagged by a fist or weapon.

Entren Tickeroo is one of the few soldiers who opt out of armor, instead choosing a utility leather outfit, fully of pockets and made of lightweight material to allow for speed rather than protection.

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Personality: He is unnaturally pure hearted in a time of greed, though he can be fearful at times. He serves under the ruthless fourth king and though he wishes he could dethrone the wicked man, he isn't strong enough, or brave enough. He has accomplished many horrible things, including killing children and torturing civilians, in the name of the king. He believes he can do more good alive than dead, so he tries to accomplish the king's requests with as little harm as possible.

He is honest and well liked among his peers, and given the opportunity, he will take down the wicked king, anonymously of course, so he could keep his life. He is a rare breed, who believes in doing the right thing, though he just wishes he was stronger so he wouldn't have to fear the repercussions.

Background: He grew up a prosperous life, yet he was always humble. He wanted to join the army so he could defend his family and keep the kingdom safe. Despite all odds, his family is safe and intact, even though you'll be hard pressed to find similar families. He visits them when he gets the chance, but recently that's been hard.

Entren may have a funny name and appearance for a soldier, but his peers quickly realized he wasn't to be laughed at. When in a fight, strength seemed to no longer matter, as he would out-maneuver any opponent. He quickly rose through the ranks, where he now resides the right hand man to the fourth king, King Gregarious Witchmond.

Role: Soldier/Right Hand to the Fourth King.

Other: R. I. P. Seventh Queen.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/s5JDaRa.gif.74c853b809238633463c6e62c55b9c5b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18617" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/s5JDaRa.gif.74c853b809238633463c6e62c55b9c5b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Your Highness, King Alexander Webber Larkin III

in his Twenty Fourth Year

The first and last male son of his father

the late King Alexander Webber Larkin II

King Alexander runs a tight reign, his rule is fair and just. He is very flamboyant and has been for a long time. He rules alongside his twin sister, a move that was unpopular at first but has grown on the subjects as time has gone by. This is not just because he feels she is just as capable and worthy of the throne, but because he knows he will never take a Queen. He is one for throwing splendorous feasts and parties for his court and subjects, returning their love and adoration in any way he can. But when it is time for a fight, he morphs into a gruesome fighter placing his kingdoms honor in his sword and armor.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/tumblr_m8yytg1Uy91rv1d8ho1_500.gif.5677f32cc8d88a355f0c7c8bb216f346.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18616" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/tumblr_m8yytg1Uy91rv1d8ho1_500.gif.5677f32cc8d88a355f0c7c8bb216f346.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His father was everything Alexander ever wanted to be. Wise and vigilant, with a love for his kingdom. Four winters ago, the king was poisoned with wine from his own private supply--or so it is said. While it was unknown to the kingdom who assasinated their Good King, it was apparent that there was a hole in the kingdom. And the only one who could fill it was Alexander--but, he was too broken to do it alone. So, with his first decree, he made it possible for his sister to rule along side him. From that day and forever more, the first male in line from his line would rule alongside the first female from her line. The people revolted, but as the months turned to years, they saw the same wisdom in their Alexander as they saw in the Old King. He was their future, and he was their glory. If only it were known how true that was.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf43de3b9_giphy(3).gif.c1b82b7abf8f141f1ec9891ed519822b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18626" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf43de3b9_giphy(3).gif.c1b82b7abf8f141f1ec9891ed519822b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Third King

R.I.P, The Seventh Queen



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User: @strawberryjammm

Name: Sulayman Abassia al-Illali ibn Dawud


Age: 20

Gender: Male

Personality: Sulayman is a cheerful and kind ruler, and he usually listens to the advice of the grand vizier, his father figure. There are rare occasions in which he does not follow the grand vizier Assomedai's suggestions, but he is fully capable of ruling the kingdom on his own. He tends to be easily annoyed by political situations, and has a small lazy streak.

Background: Sulayman was the youngest child of the previous king Dawud Abassia al-Haram ibn Yassa, born to his 145th and final concubine. He was the 54th child of the king, and was raised and educated by various servants and most notably, the grand vizier Assomedai Agrat ibn Mahlat. His father was corrupt and lazy, yet he still managed to keep the economy of the kingdom stable. Though the citizens were discontent with the king's frequent mistress-mongering, they tolerated it due to the general stability and peace of the kingdom. Like all things do, the king apparently died from the various tonics said to give immortality that he took on a daily basis. The royal alchemist and his family were executed on account of murdering the king, and the incompetent and fledgling Crown Prince ascended to the throne, refusing a regent to rule in his stead.

However, tragedy befell the kingdom following that incident. An invasion by citizens displeased with the rule of the Crown Prince rose in rebellion and stormed the capital. The Crown Prince and the other 52 children along with the queen and the king's concubines were murdered or died in the burning of the palace and harems. Sulayman miraculously survived the razing of the harems, and was found completely untouched when the royal soldiers and eunuch guards stemmed the rebellion. He was quickly forced to become the king at the age of 12, guided by the grand vizier. Sulayman trusted his surrogate father completely, and obeyed his suggestions without question.

Under the grand vizier's influence, the kingdom flourished under a rule of an iron fist. The economy flourished and stabilized, in contrast to its previously chaotic state. The citizens were joyous at this change, and looked on Sulayman as a wise, powerful ruler and a wonderful change from the incompetent past kings. They saw him as the ruler who was a miracle, and were ignorant to the grand vizier's manipulations. The grand vizier began to shape his image into that of a deity instead of a king, and the citizens worshipped Sulayman on the level of their deities. The laxly disciplined soldiers became disciplined, zealous soldiers, the amount of imports were reduced, the rate of exports and economic self-sufficiency was increased, and the training of an unknown unit. They did not mind the steadily increasing drug trade, the execution of those who opposed Sulayman's rule, the secret experimentation, the corrupt officials who served the grand vizier, or the slave marketing that was put into place.

And so it continued to this day.

Role: The Fifth King

Other: R.I.P. Seventh Queen!
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Mikkelle Sting

Alreenia Everheart





Serious, fierce, takes long time for her to trust people, quiet and gentle.

Unknown except for the fact that she's Egyptian.

Second Queen

R.I.P. The Seventh Queen
Chair I might have to withdraw from the role play. My dad said I'm spending too much time on it, and isn't letting me use his computer



"Oh, no need for formalities. Call me Victoria."

Victoria Constance


"Why, I'm right here."



"A lady never tells."



"Well, I'm sure you know."



"You'd just have to find out."

Victoria is very witty, and intelligent. She always has something to say, and will put it in the politest way possible. She can be a bit passive aggressive, but it gets hidden within her politeness, and wit. People can't really tell when she's making a sharp comment because her voice will be calm, and will be worded politely. As a princess, she was always caring and kind, and those traits have been kept onto her. She would do almost anything for her kingdom. Victoria's about the bravest person you'll ever meet because shell do something unacceptable for a queen to help her kingdom. Though all of this may sound nice, she can be very blunt and intimidating. All of these traits back of her sweethearted personality, though she can be bad at times.


"Well... It's in the background."

Originally she wasn't supposed to be queen, but a mere princess. She was born into royalty, but she was the youngest of her sisters. Her other sisters were kidnapped, and she then had to be put up for the crown. Since she was the youngest, she was the most reckless and less elegant of the three offsprings. That had called for drastic measures, and she needed to be taught how to be fit for the role of queen immediately. After being taught for about two years before she found a suitor, she was fine and dandy. She's now the Sixth Queen.


"I am the Sixth Majesty."

The Sixth Queen


"Nothing else can be told at the moment."

R.I.P. Seventh Queen

I was wondering if I could perhaps play a non-royal role? I have a court dancer character I'd like to play. Would she need to be hired? Because if so, whomever wants to hire me is more than welcome to!
Non-royals are always invited! Also you could always ask one of the other players if you could just be on their court or you could work for an unoccupied role, like Sixth King Cedric, whom I play.




{Preferred Name}:Brooke

{Played By}:Buhzookalee



{Physical Description}:She's a young woman of strong build, her body firmly packed with muscle and fat, giving her a slightly carved and curved body from her childhood on her father's farmsq. Brooke's face is pleasant with two, pink-colored scars on the side of her skull. Green eyes survey anyone she passes, their large size lending her a certain quality that people can not help but notice, whether good or bad. She has curly auburn hair that falls down over her shoulders.

{Personality}:Although Brooke is a member of the court, she enjoys to joke around and have fun immensely. She tries her best to keep a smile on her face, despite the fact that her bipolar disorder keeps her moods constantly changing. She prefers to use her tongue over her fists in her fights, her mother trying hard to raise her as a lady. Brooke's boiling point is very high, but when reached, she forgets her mother's teachings and becomes very violent and physical, and it is very hard to calm her down. Despite her strong demeanor, Brooke is too trusting of other's and is usually too eager to see the good in those close to her. She's also desperate to find love, but she keeps that want to herself as not to frighten away any gentleman who wish to just be friends. However, it does tend to make her a slight flirt and she hopes others mistake it for friendliness. Her loyalty runs very deep for those she loves and despises any who betray her, break her heart, hurt those she loves, etc. For her young age, she is very wise, and is a great sounding board to bounce ideas off of.

{History}:Brooke was the middle born child in the Barushka family, her father a tall, sturdy Slavic farmer, and her mother a round plump lady of the court. She has two brothers, younger and older, and has learned to take a punch here and there. She grew up in the court life, shadowing her mother, taking in everything she saw and learning the ways of the rich and powerful, although her own father was poor. As Brooke's family began to lose face due to their status, Brooke instead began to rise on her own, as her talent, beautiful dancing and quick wit were recognized and sought after by the lords and ladies. Afer having many masters and mistresses, Brooke is well versed at being a companion and entertaining the court. She's gone on many travels, hunts, and events, and wishes to stay in the court lifestyle.

{Role}: She is the court dancer/companion for King Alexander's court. As court dancer, Brooke is fully capable of entertaining the court or teaching dance to lords and ladies. Brooke is able to entertain at events, be a confidant to her King as well as a constant companion and if desired a potential love interest. Although her main asset is dancing, she is skilled at writing, singing, archery, hunting, horseback riding, and is very skilled at listening and giving valuable and wise feedback. If told a secret, she never lets it go, making her very trustworthy.

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