Royalty-Looking for Kings and Queens to lead.


Spirited Young Lady
I hope you join, dearest investigator of roleplays! I've got big plans for this and I kind of don't want them to crash and burn. I could use your help.
If you wish. It is a roleplay about Twelve Monarchs running a corrupt court. There were originally Thirteen and the court was a clean slate, but the Thirteenth(or Seventh Queen) was abruptly murdered and it unleashed tragedies of all kinds upon the world. A war is brewing and it's basically up to the players to put an end to the madness and solve the mystery of the murder.
Cool. Well, I'm interested. Maybe you could go into further detail? Like who the player/s would be playing as? Will it be another monarch, or an outsider? And maybe what type of players you're looking for?
There are three thing you can play as. A monarch. There are nine monarch spots open currently. You can play as a court member/soldier. Or you can play as a regular civilian. It would be good if there were male characters or people who can play as multiple characters.
I can play as multiple characters, and of either gender. If you need males, I'd be interested in a soldier and a monarch. Do you have a role play thread already created? Maybe some character sheet templates and more detail on the world? Maybe some info on the tragedies brought upon the land? Or is all that going to be left up to imagination? Also, is it like a magical world, with different races and such? Or a more realistic one?
It's a mix of magic and reality. The world is gone into depth in the roleplay itself. There are different races they just hide themselves away and the tragedies are caused by demons that were released with the Seventh Queen's death. The roleplay hasn't started but the thread is up.
I have a character sheet. You just have to copy and paste it into the reply box under character sign-up. You should be able to get to it by going to my profile page and looking under the roleplay tab. it's the only one with an accepting-signup thing. Besides you know it's called Royalty so that should help.
I apologize but the roleplay is closed and the remaining roles of kings and queen are npc's that are key to my plot.
Chair said:
I apologize but the roleplay is closed and the remaining roles of kings and queen are npc's that are key to my plot.
Well you should of been more specific and not led others on. You do realize that isn't nice correct?
It clearly states on the thread that it is closed. Sorry if it's inconvenient. There was a four day period where people did not sign up and I already had eight players. As I developed the plot I realized the left over roles were necessary to the development of the roleplay. Again I apologize, but I had posted this announcement on Monday and the roleplay closed Friday. I was not leading anyone on and I had no intention of being impolite.

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