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Fantasy Royally Lost


Forever Dreaming

Character Sheet Form

Fill this out as best you can to join. The more details the better.

No Mister or Miss perfects please!

I am not accepting any more non-royal character, such as peasants, farmers, hunters, etc.

{Insert an image here. Preferably not realistic, but anything works}

Name: {No names from movies, anime, books, etc.}

Gender: {Male or Female, obviously}

Age: {13 to 18}

Kingdom: {Name the Kingdom they come from}

Status: {Prince\Princess or Lord\Lady} {Note: The two non-royals accepted, are the only ones I will be accepting}

Sexual Orientation: {Straight, Bisexual, Pansexual, etc}

Personality: {At least a decent sized paragraph, details}

Likes: {3 or more}

Dislikes: {3 or more}

Extra Notes: {Anything else you want to say}

History: {A detailed paragraph or more explaining their life so far}

Important Note: Princes and princesses are siblings, no exceptions.

Lords and ladies can be siblings, but don't have to be.


The kingdoms and what statuses are open from each.

I will add more kingdoms should the need come around.

See the overview for an explanation on each kingdom, sorta.

  • Kingdom of Tudal
    Prince - @NaginiTheSnake

[*]Kingdom of Sapirene

[*]Kingdom of Vriya

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Name: Anastasia Genevieve Colette Marina Rose, Ana for short

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Kingdom: Vriya

Status: Princess

Sexual Orientation: Hetero

Personality: Ana is over all a wonderful person to be around, unless your her parents. She fights bitterly with them, at every possible moment. She and her mother are constantly at odds, because her mother is extremely stubborn, and so is Ana. While she doesn't fight with her father as much, it still happens. He is less stubborn than her, so the arguments that she has with him usually end with him apologizing for the argument, and then leaving her alone. When she is away from her parents, however, she is polite, graceful, kind, a good listener, ect. She is extremely energetic, and enjoys things that allow her to be active. Because of that, she loves to be outside. Usually, when it's cold, she ends up cooped up inside, so she often gets into a lot of fights during the winter. Her birthday is during the winter, and so is her birthday party, to which she has to wear fancy dresses, which she hates. She prefers something in which she can move.

Likes: Animals, reading, exploring woods and forests and the likes, being away from her parents, irking her mother

Dislikes: Being cooped up inside, the winter, her mother, fancy dresses

Extra Notes: No

History: Ana was always outside, from the moment she could move on her own. As a baby, before she could even walk, she was trying to climb trees, and explore. She befriended the peasants, taking a like to them, especially the hunters, and healers. She ended up going on many a hunting mission with them, or spending days in the woods with a healer, getting herbs and things for medicine. Her family had lived the fact that she loved the outdoors, but her mother hated that she was befriending peasants, and so to irk her mother, Ana would often run away, only to be found at one of her friends houses. Because of this, when it snowed, she wasn't allowed to leave the castle. She often ran away when it snowed, knowing it would take everyone in the castle a while to realize that she was gone, so it was a good time.​



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Name: Lady Elena

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Kingdom: Kingdom of Sapirene

Status: Lady

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: A lot of people hates her because of her rude attitude. Elena has always wanted attention and the only way to gain it, according to her, was of course, being rude to the people around her; she shows no respect to anyone, whatever their status is, even her parents are no excuse. She loves wearing her infamous smirk as she orders people around. You do not, EVER, want to say no to her or else, you'll face her wrath. She'll do anything just to get what she wants. Physical or mental abuse? Of course she's capable of those. She might not have any idea on what actual real fighting is but she have the 'lady's instinct'. She loves gossips, she never, ever, misses one gossip, as it might help her someday. And by what I mean help is persuasion. She's also very good at persuasion, she'll go through a lot of twist and turns until you'll spit out the thing she needs. She can go from tricking to blackmailing. She's never fearless.

But is she?

Elena is very paranoid when by herself. Her conscience eats her when alone, reminding her of the dirty tricks she let other people made, the feelings of the people she had hurt, and trying to change her to become the good person she was before. But she always pushes that little, bright orb away that represents the goodness that she hasn't turned back... yet, the key to her locked heart, the fire to her iced heart. She always have a mind battle when alone, that's why she prefers to be around a lot of people, to take her mind away from that 'temptation'.

Aside from Elena's nasty attitude, she loves fashion very much, her only hobby that takes her away from all the troubles of her life. And if she's very rude to the people around her, around dresses? The opposite. It's like as if her dresses and accessories and everything fashion related, are her boyfriends. She treats them with care and softness that you'll be able to wish that's how she treated you. However, when something goes wrong with her dresses, even just a scrape of dirt, you'll likely face her wrath ten times larger than usual.


- Dresses

- White, Black, Red, Green and other light colors

- Flowers

- Pink Tourmaline, Ruby, Aquamarine

- Gossips


- Manual Labor

- Dirt/Soil

- The words related to refusal or disapproval (i.e no, I do not..., etc)

- Forests, garden, something with trees and dirt.

- Sharp objects

Extra Notes:

- When she answers your question with a question, be prepared.

- Planning on speaking to her? Be prepared.

History: Elena is the oldest and has one younger sister whom she hates the most. Elena's father is the brother of the king of their kingdom while her mother is from another kingdom.

She was her parents' favorite, they cherished her, loved her and took good care of her... until her 'perfect, kind' younger sister was born. As the sisters grew up, their parents favored her younger sister more, complementing her younger sister to be better than HER. But what they did not know was that, her younger sister is actually stealing her ideas and then present it in front of their parents, making her younger sister seem intelligent and her, an average. It all started when she reached the age of 10, while her younger sister was 8. Their father was very competitive, and now that he can't claim the throne, he have passed that burden to his daughters. The sisters, who was very close then, was given some tasks that they need to finish by the end of the week. The two helped each other finish their tasks. By the end of the week, what happened changed Elena's life. Her younger sister lied to her by saying the wrong time of the time that they are supposed to present what they got from their task. Elena was scolded by her father because of her tardiness, and when asked what she did, it was the same to her younger sister, earning her an accusation of copying her younger sister when the idea was actually from her. Because of this, a sparkle of hatred started to spark deep within her. But, she was the kind, understanding Elena; she dismissed it. The next task arrived and she worked it alone but, her younger sister found another way to squeeze her again. Her younger sister threatened her to tell their parents about her dating a commoner, which her father will definitely disapprove, defeated, she gave up which earned her another accusation from her father. Her younger sister took everything from her, her friends, her parents' expectation from her, everything. After trying very hard, she finally gave up, one and for all, and let all those hurtful, accusations became true. She became that bad daughter they always said, she locked the goodness she have deep inside her, replacing that with anger and hatred.
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Princess of Teresa Anne of Tudal ;; Resa









Sexual Orientation:



Carefree and wild, rules and restrictions have always been frowned upon by her. She knows no boundaries and has little sense of what dangers actually lie ahead. Although intelligent, clever, and witty, she is reckless and fearless to the point of stupidity. She is fun and bubbly, especially taking pride in noticing the little things. She is detail oriented and likes to have a lot of personal time. She can be nosy and curious, always wanting to know what is happening around her. She likes having the upperhand and can grow arrogant rather quickly. She is flirty and playful, though doesn't really pay any attention to romance. She believes that romance exists, but doesn't think she would ever come across it for herself. She is always amused and finds most things funny, even when they're not. She is feisty and brave. She is loyal and believes in the Tudal perspective of equality.


cats, horses, winning, reading, blackmailing, card games, butterflies


chickens, losing, rules, being bossed around, being blackmailed, water (specifically deep water and rushing water)

Extra Notes:



Resa was born into a position where she is expected to follow rules and etiquette. However, this was never the case. She has always been reckless and repeatedly tried to sneak out of the castle to see the world beyond her chambers. Her parents are strict people, but have grown weary of her actions and don't know what to do with her. She is a Tudal citizen born with a Vriya driven heart. They hired private tutors for her. Although she was very bright, she rarely took things seriously enough to dedicate herself to them. She drove many of the tutors to quitting because they couldn't keep up with her train of thought.


Blaine Maverick






The Kingdom Sapirene



Sexual Orientation:



Blaine is an energetic person, he likes to roam around the kingdom usually helping out some of the villagers with simple things or just spending time to himself in the forest nearby practicing his sword fighting along with having a good look at the details surrounding him, but he can be a complete brute when he needs or wants to be to someone he doesn't like, for example if there were to be someone rude enough to hurt his parents, friends or anyone he loved he would go absolutely ballistic on them once he found out or saw what was going on. Blaine has a nice soft smile which goes along with his warm eyes and he still goes out to tease people out of pure entertainment, he chooses his words carefully when doing this just trying to earn something out of the people to make himself feel better. That's not him though he really is a sweet guy who can get as shy as he does when talking on stage to his people, because he's pansexual he has a hard time bonding with others or making friends since he thinks they might expose him, he sometimes walks alone throughout the streets to find others he might help, they don't like him they like his help, he knows he'll never form a strong connection with the villagers. It's not great feeling like the biggest outsider in the world even though he's the son of royalty.




•Being himself

•Playing some royal sports



•The forests

•Making jokes


•Proving people wrong

•Tall people


•His role as a prince

•Treated as something more

•Being blamed

•Being left out and ignored

•Pushed around

•Called names

Extra Notes:

•Blaine likes to talk in different languages just to confuse people.

•Taps or lifts the heel of his shoe whenever he's nervous, angry or feeling perplexed.

•Stares at certain people of out curiosity or just plain boredom.

•Laughs at people's jokes just so he can make them feel great.


Blaine was raised in a kingdom full of several servants, at a very young age he thought he was like by all of them just because they did nice things, he always thought they were his friends and that they enjoyed working or watching him play, sometimes he actually asked the younger maids to play but they always refused, as he grew older he knew they all had their own problems so he tried to see if he could talk to them about it(since he was always taught the sapirene way was to solve social or personal issues in order to keep balance throughout the kingdom, always be kind and treat others equally) but as always they had run away from him, being royalty his father said that if a servant ever ignored him that he was to yell or order for them to come back and listen, but Blaine wasn't that person so he let them all walk away from him.

During his stages of growing up he began to build a wall around him, one that he would only let his sister through but no one else, because he had a hard time socializing and making friends he had never thought about how other people felt sometimes, though he always takes others into consideration it's very rare for him to think about their feelings, feelings were something he wasn't able to grasp quite well so he thought of everything as a small game, or a joke, he never knew if anyone was serious like him.
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Name: Lord Bran

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Kingdom: Tudal

Status: Lord

Sexual Orientation: hetrosexual

Personality: Bran is an over confident noble, who believes he is smarter then most people and will go out of his way to try and prove it. He spends most of his time either reading or just spacing out and thinking about random stuff, forming plans how to become the richest man alive or how to become the king or even about how he will spend the rest of his day. He believes that every man deserves the same respect he gives or earned and no man deserves more respect just because of his status or age, for that reason he never disrespect any one below him but also doesn't show the appropriate respect for those above him even if it might get him into troubles.

Likes: Reading, thinking/planning (even though he doesn't carry his plans most of the time), animals, money.

Dislikes: Being told what to do, people underestimating him, people disrespecting him, being unable to find a solution to a problem.


Bran was always the odd one out of the group, he didn't have any friends even though he was close to a lot of kids in his class he never really befriended with any one of them, he preferred to spend his time alone reading books or spacing out.

Bran always had a problem with authority, he hated when grown ups like his father or teachers were disciplining him for doing something wrong when they themselves did the same or even a worse thing. Bran had a hard time with his parents because of that, he quickly grew distance from them and was force to handle his problems on his own refusing to get any help from any one, he wanted his success to be his own and not something his parents made for him. He didn't hate being a noble nor did he try to escape that reality, he accepted it and used it for his advantage for his title and family name was a tool and only a fool will throw away his best tool. In his teenage years Bran started to notice that most of the people he was suppose to look up to were beneath him, his teachers now not only trying to discipline him even though they did things a lot worse then him, now also taught him stuff he already knew not only that but he knew more then them. Bran started to think he is better then them he stopped paying attention at school and even stopped going to most of the class only showing up just enough so they wont be able to kick him, and even though he didn't ace the tests he was getting pretty good scores considering he didn't pay any attention in the class.


Name: Olivia Durrenham

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Kingdom: Vriya

Status: None of the above, she is a hunter.

Sexual Orientation: bisexual

Personality: Olivia attempts to act very formal when around other people, and is generous to even those who don't deserve it. She trusts people too easily and will try to help anyone who asks for it. She is usually very cheerful, but if she gets tired someone might get smacked, possibly Olivia.

Likes: The sun (and the night), Her pet ferret Luna, Being important, Red roses.

Dislikes: Failing a task, not helping when she can, getting lost, being surprised.

Extra Notes: She has a ferret name Luna that hides in her sack when travelling

History: Olivia grew up as an only child in the kingdom of Vriya with her mother Elise and her father Harry. She learnt to hunt with her father when she was seven and started hunting on her own when she was nine. She became lost in the forest one day when she was 12 and seemed to wander further and further away from anyone. Her favourite memory of her family is a dinner she had with her Mother and Father. Her dad started singing before falling back into his chair and whistling a tune, and it carried on the whole night.

(I know you said that I was allowed to make a character that wasn't royalty, so I tried to make a character that wasn't too helpful.)​


Name: Loretta Lister

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Kingdom: Tuland

Status: Lady

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (Closeted)

Personality: Loretta is one of those girls who tried to grow up too fast and ended up being a little more childish than before. She flirts, whines, complains, teases, tricks, and takes little seriously. Although Loretta is a vain, arrogant little flirt most of the time, those who stick around long enough to get to know her discover that she's actually rather sweet, honest, loyal, and more intelligent than she lets on.

Likes: Men, animals, literature, jewellery, exploring, horse-riding.

Dislikes: Dirt, insects, deep water, thunder, loud noises.

Extra Notes: Loretta is rather good with horses and canines, though felines tend to hate her.

History: Loretta is the only child in the Lister family, as her mother Lily died due to complications in childbirth. Loretta doesn't really miss her mother, as cold as that might sound, simply because she never knew her; her father, Lupus, still speaks highly of her, but rumour has it that he was never very faithful. Loretta was raised mostly by her grandmother, who did her best to make Lori into a little lady, though she was only partially successful. There are no other events in Loretta's life that are worth mentioning, as she would describe her life to be 'dull'.

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Jessica Christine Torres









Sexual Orientation:

Lesbian (Closeted)


Jessica is extremely friendly and kind. She is nice to literally everyone, unless you give her a reason on to be. She loves to make friends and talk to those friends. However, she struggles with Monachopsis, which is the subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place. She describes it as half of her brain saying that she doesn't belong and no one wants her around but the other half saying that she's having fun and she's with people who are her friends and whom she loves. This happens most often at party like events so she normally stays away from those type of situations. But other than that she's absolutely the best person to be around. She's fun, funny, outgoing, and loving.


. Dogs and Cats

2. Thunderstorms

3. Music

4. Theatre


People who are ignorant on a subject but think they can still have an opinion about it.

2. Closed minded people.

3. The cold.

4. When people chew with their mouth open.

Extra Notes:

Jessica plays four instruments, can sing, dance, and act. Her family as always been very into the arts. She plays piano, clarinet, guitar, and flute.


Jessica is the only child to Maria and Juan Torres. She grew up happy and healthy with her parents. Being part of the Royal court though had some advantages and disadvantages. From a young age, Jessica always knew she was a lesbian, before she even knew that there was a word for it. But because she is of high status, she could never reveal her true feelings. She felt safe enough to tell her parents and they love her all the same; however there is no way they could let this information out to the public.​

He has dark green hair, almost black, and his eyes are forest green. He's often seen wearing attire fit for his status.

Name: Prince Nikolas Aldric of Tudal - Also known as Nik or Niko

Gender: Male

Age: 13

Kingdom: Tudal

Status: Prince

Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

Personality: Nikolas is quite the opposite of his older sister, Teresa, personality wise. He is quite studious, and puts his efforts towards his lessons, making him much more liked by his tudors. He feels that rules and restrictions are there for a reason, and should be respected. He often frowns upon his older sisters disreagard for them. He is quite sensible, and often finds the least harmful solution to problems, even in the bit of politics he has been subjected to. He every bit as intelligent, clever and witty as Resa, though he puts it to better use as their parents would say. He would rather be in the castle, helping his parents in the court, or in his study, working with his tudors, than be outside the castle walls. He can be arrogant, but it's often hidden well, and he doesn't get violent unless needed. Gossip, is one thing he will not stand for, and he tends to get quite angry when he hears it. Despite his differences from his sister, he is still scariliy protective over her, though she doesn't need it most of the time. Nikolas isn't often seen having fun, or passing his comfort zone in big ways. His curiosity is often pushed towards politics and he was raised with the good of the kingdom in mind. He believes in the Tudal ideals of Equality, and is quite loyal to his kingdom.

Likes: Books, rules, solving problems, learning, and politics in court

Dislikes: Breaking rules, being outdoors, cats, and gossip.

Extra Notes:(I'll add to this throughout the rp)

History: Nikolas, due to his sisters wild, uncontrolable actions, recieved a much more strict upbringing, as his parents did not want to deal with two unruly heirs. Born into high status, he's had life quite easy. His parents started early with his training in court politics, and by the time he was 7, he was a prominent figure during his parents sessions. His lessons almost always went over smoothly, and he became well liked by his tudors. He grew up on the idea of someday leading, though he wasn't all that fond of it. While his sister spent her time sneaking out, he could be found in his chambers studying, or working on some new assignment. He didn't often get out of the castle, so instead he got information he needed about the kingdom from the servants. Raised on equality, he talked to them as equals, and often found some wya to help them out if possible. His life as a whole, so far, has been pretty much uneventful.


@Jess Buck - Lovely. Your accepted. :)
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Name: Mel

Gener: female

Age: 15

Kingdom: Tudal

Status: peasant

Personality: Sweet, caring, rebellious, troublesome, awkward, straight-forward, insecure

Likes: Food, daggers, combat, tattoos, peircings

Dislikes: perky people, know it all's

Orientation: straight

Extra: Plays ukulele and sings amazingly, don't make her mad when she has daggers

History: ran away from the vriya kingdom because my parents abused me harshly. Mel doesn't give a last name because she isn't part of their family anymore.



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@Mel Lovely. Your accepted. Just remember, your character is not allowed to do everything for the royals. Simply teach them when needed, and help where you can.


(Lord) Caith Durst






The Kingdom of Vriya



Sexual Orientation:



Caith is one of the most likable people many have ever met. He is easy-going, witty, cheerful, and jovial. He's indiscriminate of who he treats kindly and is the sort of boy to pull anyone out of their shell, he seems to have the wisdom to look beyond people's exteriors though that's really all the wisdom he possesses. He has a very weak sense of self-preservation and self-worth and often when stress will push back his worry and concern in order to calm himself.

He's a quick learner though with many odd talents for unsuspected things. He's driven by a love for other's and not truly a love for himself, though he can fail to express this to others at times.

He's rarely ever serious and often not too great at reading situations, but he is a good listener when you can get him to become serious.

Perhaps his greatest quality is his patience, which is seemingly never ending, very few have ever seen him raise his voice in anger, and none have ever seen him raise a fist in wrath. But perhaps this is truly because he remains distant to others and has never become close enough personally to anyone, not even his own family, in order to be riled by the actions of others. And it's true, Caith has trouble connecting with others and bearing his pains for others to see. He's very slow to open himself.

He's also slow to really laugh, sure he can often be found chuckling, but mostly out of sympathy for the people he makes to smile.

He really does love to make other's smile though. Even if he is a fool at times. He seems to never lose face though, as he has claims to have no shame.

The boy could probably be nude in front of a crowd and still carry on as as he weren't at all. And that's the sort of strength he has, he is truly stubborn, he refuses to give his enemies the satisfaction of his dignity so he casts it aside himself as if he has none.

Lastly, Caith actually does give respect where it is due, even though he seems the type to not. He never intentionally tries to insult others beliefs and standards, though he does not claim that he does this.

He's not the type to do things half-heartedly.

It's either all the way or not at all for the young Lord.


- Ballroom Dancing

- Drinking Songs

- Line Dances

- The Piano

- Summer

- Apples

- Books

- Languages (Learning them as well)

- Stained Glass

- The hymns the choir sings in the cathedral near his families lands.

- Poppies

- Cider

- Children

- Cats

- Ducks

- Horse-back Riding

- Summer Storms

- Festivals

- Feasts

- Competition

- His Family

- The Idea of Family

- Names


- Small Dogs

- Cedar Trees (he's allergic)

- Being told what he can and can't do.

- Rules

- Cold Weather

- Heavy Snow

- Pretentious People

- People who care too much about looks

- People who aren't willing to get messy

- Most Politics

- Strict Foreign Policy

- Donkeys

- Staying in one place for too long

- Violent Children

- Spoiled Children

Extra Notes:

- His family owns a multitude of hunting dogs and the farm near his family's manor owns a multitude of cats. All of which he has named.

-He is quite a capable pianist and dancer. He also has some talent for whittling.


Caith is the second son and third child of the Durst family. And he was never the perfect child as many insisted his sister was, but he never seemed to be the disappointment either. He was a troublemaker for sure, always sneaking out of the house at odd hours to play with the town hoodlums and he always seemed to befriend the warted old women who people liked to think were witches or the suspicious scarred men at bars. Yet he never missed a lesson, especially not in language or arts. He was a cheerful child who didn't seem to get along with his two elder siblings, at no fault of his own. His brother, who was to inherit the family crest was a strong-willed boy and actually much more free-spirited than Caith, envied his younger brother's freedom. And his elder sister disapproved of his disobedience to his parents, tutors, and overseers. Caith really didn't notice, he was too caught up in his little world of made-up adventures to really mind the troubles of his teenaged siblings.

And by the time Caith noticed it was too late, his brother had fallen terribly ill at the age of eighteen and his sister was married off for the benefit of their domain at the age of thirteen. At this time Caith became the inheriting son and he realized just how little freedom his brother had, had. He was very bitter, but he kept up outward appearances, all smiles and witty jokes. He'd still sneak out at times, but much more rarely and every time he did he'd be reprimanded badly. By the time he was sixteen he had removed himself from the lives of most of the people he enjoyed when he was younger, he had become distant, yet he was still good-tempered.

His brother had seemed to be on his deathbed just before Caith disappeared into the woods.

But somehow Caith, though he's concerned, is enjoying being lost.

Name: Elena Maverick

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Kingdom: The Kingdom Sapirene

Status: Princess

Sexual Orientation:Straight

Personality: Elena is a natural born leader, she loves a challenge, a thrill. Anything adventurous is right up her alley. She's in love with her people, her kingdom. She spends most of her time studying the history of her kingdom or attending different social events, or better yet planning them herself. She's always been an outgoing girl, who one day hopes to be Queen. She would let nothing stand in the way of that. But the truth behind the seemingly perfect princess is that she is actually very alone. She makes all these parties and goes out of her way to be around so many people because she's truly a needy girl who craves attention. She yearns to be noticed so Elena has been working hard since she was little for it. Often acting out didn't work so she took a different route to get where she is now.


Social events,

Horseback riding,





Rude people,

History: Sapirene is known for its loyalty. Maybe that's why Elena is so loyal to her mother and father. She would do anything to make them happy, to keep the seemingly perfect family in order. Yet she knows all the secrets each of her family members hide. She knows the lies they tell the Kingdom. Especially the biggest lie of all, her mother. She seem's like such a sweet person at first, but her words can be harsh and crushing, she's manipulative and rude. Yet Elena still wants to impress her. How she wishes to be accepted by anyone. She has her brother whom she loves dearly. But she chooses not too tell him her problems, he has enough to deal with on his own. So she keeps it all to herself and plasters on a perfect face for her kingdoms sake.

Extra; Pm me for any relationships,

CS Isn't quite done, tweaking still needs to be done.
Galactic Cloud] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11634-summerwolf/ said:
@SummerWolf[/URL] (Is it okay if I make another character, not a royal one by the way)
(If you'd like to, your fully welcome to. I'm not against the idea of more characters :) )
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{Insert an image here. Preferably not realistic, but anything works}

Name: Adéle Anderson

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Kingdom: She was born in the kingdom of

Status: Town Thief

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual {Closeted but very flamboyant}



+Expensive things.

+Causing trouble.

+Messing with people.

+Going against all rules and laws

+Literature along with poetry


+Pranking people



-Being thrown things at

-Shouted at

-Authority and ownership


-Your face


-Being affectionate and sappy (sometimes)

-Letting her guard down

Extra Notes:

-Always carries a belt with thin ropes tied to sacks, many filled with stolen coins, small bread/wine, tools and finally a tiny journal strapped to a bottle of ink with a pen.

-Has some wounds on her back from past events

-Always wears gloves and keeps daggers in her boots.

-She can read simple words limited to 8 letters but isn't exactly the best writer.

-Can play the Fiddle/Violin, usually plays folk or soft music with it though.

-Adele has dyslexia but is surprisingly able to read many simple things like signs on shops or small thin books, she writes very rarely due to her getting aggressive after seeing that she can't write a word.


Ever since Adele was young she was drowned in nothing but scorn causing her to grow up with very little self esteem,
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