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Royal Trouble

No problem, I've been dealing with a lot of stress too.

Name: Lucius Blackford

Age: 19


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  • mv5bmta2mda2njixmzjeqtjeqwpwz15bbwu3mdu0ndk5ntm.jpg
    70.9 KB · Views: 11
Annabelle woke up early a week before the wedding, only three days before her wedding rehersal. She threw her feet over the side of her bed and walked over to her full sized mirror. She looked at herself long and hard, her hair was a mess, her eyes tired from a sleepless night full of anxiety about this wedding. I'm only 17, how could they expect me to get married and make life choices so early...I'm not even an adult, she thought to herself. Anna grabbed something a little more fitting for the day than her slip night gown. She pulled out her favorite dress so that she could look good for her suitor she would be meeting for the first time today, not that she could do much about it if she didn't, they were arranged to be married and that was that, as her mother and father had explained much to her dismay. Her marriage would bring peace to her great country, and she could sleep sound at night knowing that she had saved the lives of many men...even if she hated her husband every day. She called in one of her servants who helped her with her corset and hair, braiding it to one side. "Thank you Mesquite." The servant bowed her head and left quietly.

Anna took a deep breath and walked herself downstairs to meet her suitor.

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