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Fantasy Royal Rebellion ((Closed))


Alexander sighed to himself as he walked around the royal castle. He had decided to take a walk to get his mind off all the things happening around him. He was the King’s son and was expected to know all his duties and future duties by now, which he did, but that did not make it any less stressful. He was dreading the day that he had to take over for his father. He only just avoided having to see the beheadings today because he pretended to not feel well. He had apologized over and over to his sister, and she had repeatedly said she understood as she knew how much he normally dealt with.

He sighed again as he began to head to the Great Hall. It would be peaceful there and he could walk around the edges and pace in odd directions all that he wanted. Alexander opened the door to the Great Hall once he arrived. He looked around. He had expected it to be empty, but there was a servant girl. It made sense though, he had forgotten that soon there was to be a ball in the honor of the Kings name.

He thought a moment. He was not sure how far along this girl was in her work, but it would be awfully rude to walk across something she had just cleaned. Alexander smiled for a moment. This was one way that he was different from his family. He was kind to the servants and thought about what they had to go through or how certain things might affect them.

He began to walk across the floor, trying to avoid the parts that looked wet, so he would not get them dirty. His plan was to go through the door on the other side and just go to the outside court area, but before he could make it to the door he slipped and landed on his bottom. He hadn’t been as careful as he thought.

At the same time he fell, the door he was heading for opened. It was one of the older servants. She began to freak out. “Are you alright Prince Alexander?” She asked in a panicked voice. “Let me help you up!” She said as she hurried over to the prince.

“I am fine.” Alexander said. “I am fine.” He began to get up without the older servant’s help. “I wasn’t paying close attention to where I was going. It was my own honest mistake. I am so clumsy at times.” He gave a small smile to reassure the older servant. “Will you check on my mother please?” He asked her. “I want to make sure she is doing well, but I have not had the time just yet.” While this was only partly true, he wanted to keep the older servant’s mind off the younger servant. He did not want the young lady to get in trouble on his account.


Michelle did not feel well. She knew she should not be here, but her father insisted she see at least a few of the beheadings of tried and convicted criminals. Her brother had already played the sick card, so she couldn’t play it as well. She did not like seeing such things, but her father said as royalty she had an obligation to see at least some types of these things from time to time since she could be queen one day if anything happened to her brother. She supposed she was lucky enough to not be her brother, who would have to deal with most of these things the day he became king.

She honestly felt so sorry for her brother. There were so many things he had to remember, as well as so many things he had to do. Meetings with other kingdoms, observing the death sentences carried out, keeping peace or leading during war. It made her feel tired just thinking about it. All she really had to do was keep a good image and she would be mostly fine. The only way for her to have duties such as her brother’s, is for him to die and she not be married.

Michelle was a bit surprised when a knight talked to her, she had been in her thoughts. She blushed. “Yes, please.” She spoke softly. She could not stand this scene for much longer. Her father should be happy that she had stayed for as long as she did. She had tried to focus on her people around her, the villagers who trusted the kingdom with their lives, but at the moment she couldn’t even barely stand looking at them. There were so many sullen faces in the crowd, among angry faces as well. She knew fairly well these people were friends and family of the deceased and also of the other ones condemned to die today.

“Would you like to sit for a drink?” Michelle asked the knight. He was well-known and trust-worthy, so she was not worried as much as she does with other knights. There were some knights that just bothered her soul and made her feel dirty. She did not like those moments around them. “I am rather parched myself.”

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