round them up and break them


(crush me)


Alaska Kiera Johnson

[the basics]

Nickname: prefers AJ, which is clearly her initials, as she finds it fits her

personality more - nobody calls her Alaska other than her mother.

 Age: 21

Gender: female

[the details]
Likes: farming; animals; dozing under apple trees; archery/shooting ranges;

handiwork; lassoing.

Dislikes: rotting apples/food/crops; watching animals die; people trying to hurt

her family; deforestation; slaughterers.

 Fears: the farm being sold or burned down; her family members or her dog

dying; not being able to care for everyone.

Hobbies/Skills: lassoing; harvesting; horse riding (bareback or otherwise);

archery/sharpshooting; strength.

[the biography]
Occupation: works on her family's farm with, well her family. She and her big

brother do most of the hard labour alongside their dad while their younger sister

likes to tag along. 

Why were they on the plane?: she was coming back from a harvest showcase

to trade with farmers across the nation and represent her family and their farm.

Personality: hard-working and mature, Alaska is perhaps the more outspoken

one in the family who handles most of their business trades due to her determination

and resolve. Her siblings and her friends frequently come to her for advice or help in

solving their own personal problems, something she never objects to. She's brave and

reliable, completely honest to a fault, and if you need something done you can count on

her to do it. Both physically and mentally strong, she is very headstrong about doing

things on her own and likes to be independent meaning she can often bite off more than

she can chew in an effort to impress or take the brunt of something for someone else.

Alaska takes no issue with getting muddy or dirty and likes to much in and get the

job done, usually not resting until everything's completed in a manner that she's satisfied

with. She is also very stubborn and rarely will she give in if she's under the impression

that she's right which can often lead to tension between her and other people. Despite

this, however, she is known to be one of the more empathetic members of her friendship

circle, often putting the needs and feelings of others above her own especially in terms

of family.

Extras: speaks with a Southern American accent similar to the accents of people in

the southwestern Missouri and Oklahoma Ozarks. She also calls people things like

sugar[cube] and sweetpea as signs of affection, although more so when she needs

to comfort them.

Biography: Alaska has lived on her family's farm for her entire life, helping out

as much as she could from the day she could walk and talk. She was the second

child - the middle child - and by the time she was born she had an older brother

by four years. Michael fussed over her from the moment she was bought home

from the hospital, always reading her stories and taking her to visit the animals

in her stroller. As she grew up, he began taking her around the farm with him

while he completed his daily chores, teaching her how to do them and essentially

giving her a headstart when it came to understanding the life of a farmer. By the

time she was 10 they were thick as thieves, coming up with new quicker and more

effective ways to complete jobs around the farm, utilising teamwork and applying

their different skills. When Alaska was 11 - and Michael 15 - their little sister, Bailey

was born. Much like how Michael had fussed over Alaska, the two both fussed over

Bailey too (although slightly more so Alaska because Michael had far more chores

and responsibility than her at that age). The Johnsons are a tight-knit family, and

always have been - it'd take a hell of a lot to break them apart.

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