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Realistic or Modern Rotten

Lovable Dark-side

I might be a scarf. Who knows?
Lovable Dark-side submitted a new role play:

Rotten - This world is like an apple that has aged, rotten to its core.

The world we live in is rotten, corrupted, and dead. As if God himself took a bite out of our world thinking it was an apple and didn't like taste of it, then threw us away. Leaving us to rot away. We are no longer stable living in a society where one can recklessly care about another. Nor, do we lend out helping hands in need. Sickness and poverty hang over most like a dark fog, crippling anything it touches. While those luck few sit on thrones made out of the bones who they killed to get...
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The world we live in is rotten, corrupted, and dead. As if God himself took a bite out of our world thinking it was an apple and didn't like taste of it, then threw us away. Leaving us to rot away. We are no longer stable living in a society where one can recklessly care about another. Nor, do we lend out helping hands in need. Sickness and poverty hang over most like a dark fog, crippling anything it touches. While those luck few sit on thrones made out of the bones who they killed to get their riches, blood staining their hands. But then again in this place who's hands aren't stained.

Who are we?

We are the children of this rotten world. The orphans, the high class, the dead, and the wanted. We are the generation that was born in the womb of misery and cold, and birthed into a world where those born before have ruined. Yes, we shall struggle like the rest, but somewhere there must be a way to flood this world with light.

Who rules this earth?

Finding one leader in this place if like searching for a needle in a haystack. The territory is broken up and marked by the small of measurements, each blocking seeming to rule their measly gangs with an iron fist. Though there are those who are stronger than others, and their will spreads throughout the city which we are set.

What caused this downfall in society?

War, what else? It all started with war. It was a fight over our country, over how it should be ran and how.


Details about our rotten world.


We are in one of the major cities called Old Chicago. Old Chicago is split into run by three major groups. The Rkyes. Mercs, and Tyrants.


The Tech of our world is set around semi-futuristic. It is a lot like modern technology, but with a few advancements. Computers are smaller and more advance, allowing us to have small hologram projectors in them, and clear audio speakers with sound control that goes down to the tiniest whispers. Radios also exist, because of there availability and convenience to the public. Most others things are the same since we aren't completely in the future and we have been set back a few years because of our lack of leadership and wars that have been going on.


Fashion is mostly the same, except one doesn't see that many dresses around anymore, and heels are only owned by those who happen to be rich enough to afford them, or have the skill to find or make them. Weapons such as knifes, guns, and other fun objects have became part of society as well. You aren't in style unless you are brandishing a knife at your waist.


Gangs now split up most cities and are a force to be reckon with. Once you are in a gang it is pretty much impossible to get out. Though there are some perks. one being you are safer because of the big numbers of people you can maybe trust around you. The second, because you have more food to eat depending on your position in the gang you are in. Turf wars happen regular and most gangs keep to themselves though one making an alliance with another isn't unheard of.


1. All RpN rules apply.

2. No god modding, bunnying, or mega gaming.

3. Be nice in the OCC.

4. Romance is allowed just remember to fade to black when things get juicy.

5.No one liners. I want at least one paragraph.

6. Be creative. No everyone has to be the same.

7. Cursing is allowed, but remember to censor it.

8. Put (Rotten apple) If you read the rules in your character sheet. I won't accept you if you don't.

9. If you have any questions or have any ideas about this rp then pm me.
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