Rosehill High

Sam looked at Ryan as he was looking around the room to see which people he should go and introduce himself. Sam thought that she would give him some pointers "ok, Ryan those people are the snotty people, they wont really like you not being mean, over there is the nerds you can introduce yourself except you might get a bit brainwashed by them, and them over there are all my friends, so after class you can come chill with me and my friends so you can introduce yourself." Sam said with a smile. as the teacher started putting work on the board, Sam started to copy it down.. She nudged Ryan as to say "Get on with your work"
Ryan looked over the people Sam had categorized, wondering how she could tell so easily. After she nudged him he quickly jotted down the notes, hopping the class would go by fast because afterwards he could have dinner and he was starving.

"That sounds cool, maybe we could grab some food...?"

((Not to be rude or anything, I'd be happy to just rp with you Ashlee, but is anyone else still gonna jump in? We started wita loooot of people... C: ))
Sam laughed, "Yeah alright, im sure my friends wouldnt mind coming" Sam said with a smile. As she got most of the notes down, the bell went she packed up and waited for Ryan. "Come on Ryan, i'll introduce you to my friends" Sam walked over to her friends. "Hey guys, this is my friend Ryan" She said as she introduced him to everyone else and vice versa.

(( Jesi i wouldnt mind just doing it with you, i will wait until tomorrow and if no one else has replied except you and me it will just be a 1x1. between you and me))
((Alright, well I guess it's just us then ;D ))

Ryan glanced around at each person as they were introduced, offering a hand to everyone. Sam seemed to get along with them and he hoped he could consider this his new "group" as well, even though he didn't say it. He looked over at her and smiled as she talked with them. Almost as if to remind him, his stomach rumbled and he was deeply embarrassed.

"You guys wanna catch something to eat? It's been a long day. Well, at least for me." Ryan chuckled as he finished his sentence.
Sam and her friends looked at Ryan as if to say "are you a mind reader?" Sam and her friends walked over to their cars and started leaving, "Ryan, lets go!" Sam said as she offered to drive him there and back. Sam arrived as her friends were already there, it was the local pub/grill. Sam lead Ryan over to where her friends were they all sat in a booth and ordered their drinks. Sam had started a convosation with all of her friends and Ryan, "So guys what did you think of the first day? I thought it was great!" Sam said sarcastically.. Sam and her friends just laughed. Their drinks came and they continued to talk about random crap.
"It was definitely like I remember first days going. Having no clue who anyone is, the dame rules for every class, boring teachers. Hopefully the treat of the year is much, much better." Ryan says confidently. He managed to remember a few names with some faces. Lyla was the blonde, Katie the brunette, Peter the guy, and last but not least Karen with the shades. They all seemed friendly enough, much like Sam.

Once their food arrived the talk quieter down a bit, guess everyone was as hungry as he was! The food was delicious, "Do you guys eat here often? I could definitely get used to this!" Ryan says gesturing to his now half eaten meal.
Sam laughed at his comment "Nah, Ryan we come here about once maybe twice a month" Sam said confidently as she continued to eat her salad. Sam's friends had finished their meals and told Sam they were leaving so Sam looked at Ryan and gestured him that it's time to go. Sam paid the check and left with Ryan. They arrived back to the dorms and took Ryan back to his room just incase he got lost. Sam went back to her room and texted her mum to tell her how her first day went. After that she got changed and went to bed as she was tired.
After Sam and her friends had dropped Ryan off at his dorm, he changed into his pjs and jumped into bed, thoroughly exhausted from the day. It was close to midnight before he fell asleep as he organized his class hand it's he had gotten, trying to get a little idea about what each of his classes were. That afternoon with Sam had been a lot of fun and he was looking forward to seeing her again if only in class. She had been really sweet. He fell asleep with her on his mind.

The next morning he awoke early and took a quick shower, not caring to Khris back a few strand of hair that aways seemed to get out of place when he took a shower. He scampered off to breakfast for a quick bite before class, confident he knew where he was going, thanks to Sam.
Sam woke up in a happy mood, altough she had Ryan on her mind. She just couldn't stop thinking about him, she started to get the feeling that she had a crush on him but Sam shook it off cause she knew that Ryan would never feel the same way about her. Sam jumped out of bed and raced for a shower, she quickly got dressed and headed off to class. She knew she was going to be late but she didn't care. She walked into English about 5 minutes late with everyone satring at her like she had killed a person even though she hadn't. There was a spare seat next to Ryan so she went and sat next to him, she smiled while puffing. "Hey, how are you?" She asked him. She got her book out and started writing down the notes. After class she had a free period so she decided that she would go for a walk around to the park. She still had Ryan on her mind, but while she was walking she ran into an ex - boyfriend, She heard someone call out her name but she didn't bother to look up cause she didn't care. She was hoping that Ryan had a free period aswell so she decided to text him. "Hey, Ryan do you have a free period right now? If you do meet me at the park about 5 minutes away from the school grounds:)" She sent him the text and she found a nice spot under a tree and she started reading.

((Sorry for taking so long to reply, I never had the chance to get on the computer and i couldnt get onto this on my phone either.. :) ))
(( It's all good, I was just hoping you didn't decide to drop it :P ))

Ryan smiled as Sam took a seat next to him, she was pretty cool, even if they had only just met yesterday. English was a little boring to begin with but, Sam had made it interesting. She made a few jokes here and there and served as someone he could actually talk to in the class, he was new. After English Ryan had a free period. He decided to walk back to his dorm to catch a power nap or something, the first week or so was always the worst when it came to sleeping in new places, well, for him at least. Just as he walked in and emptied his pockets of his wallet, keys, and phone, he got a text. It was from Sam and he flipped it open to read:

Hey, Ryan do you have a free period right now? If you do meet me at the park about 5 minutes from the school grounds

Ryan quickly replied with 'Yeah, I'll meet you there. I'm not sure I'll be there in 5 minutes though, I don't know exactly where I'm going xP'

Then, he grabbed everything he had dumped on his bedside table and headed out to his car, driving along the roads in search of a park he didn't know existed. It seemed that Sam may turn out to be one of the most random, interesting friends he'd ever had. None had asked him to come meet them places he'd never been before, it was exciting.
When sam got the text message she smiled and waited for him.. she seen him drive past so she decided to text him to say that he had drove past. She laughed and went back over to the tree she was sitting under hoping he would see her. She was so excited that she was getting to spend a whole hour with him, with no interruptions. She was debating whether she should tell him that she likes him, although she is scared that he's gonna get weirded out and feel awkward around her which she didnt want as she has made such a bond with him. She seen him walking up to her, she laughed as she continued reading. "Hey, glad you could make it." She said happily.. "Oh, can i tell you something?" Sam asked nervously. As she was going to tell him that she liked him, she smiled and waited for his repsonse.
Ryan finally found the park she was talking about. When he got her text about how he had missed it he realized he had driven past a couple of times! He wasn't the greatest with directions. Ryan had parked his car not terribly far from the park itself and as he walked up, he saw Sam get up from her stationary position at the base of a tree, book in hand. "Hey, glad you could make it. Oh, can I tell you something?" she asked him. "Sure, anything. Is that why we're here? Cool, second day of friendship and we already have a secret meeting place, awesome." Ryan said in reply with a smile. He took a look around, getting familiar with it all. There were quite a few young children running around the play ground, a few trees scattered around, and an open feild complete with a dog park. It was a cute like park, very multipurpose.
((I'd answer you but I'm not sure what Ashlee has in mind, she sorta pops in and out xP fill out a character sheet and wait till she comes back?? Sorry, I'm just not sure xD ))
((no worries, i found it. i always wait to be accepted, i just didnt know if there was a signup thread or not, but i found one.))
Sam smiled as her stomach got butterflies. "Ryan I know we don't know each other very well but I reallt like you for you, like i love your personality its great.." Sam said as she looked down at the groun, she was so embarrassed that she had just told him that even though they have only been friends for a few days... She sat back down at the base of the tree with her head burried in her knees.. as she was blushing like crazy and didn't want Ryan to notice. "Ryan, I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable" Sam said as she lifted her head from her knees..

(( Sorry stardust I sorta made this a 1x1 with jesi, because most of the others werent rping, sorry ))
Ryan blushed a little at Sam's remark. No one had openly admitted that to him before. He took a seat next to her against the base of the tree and put a hand on her knee. "Hey, don't be embarrassed. These past few days have been fun, but I think we should take this slow." He said, a little chuckle in his voice as he sat and hoped he hadn't upset her. She was pretty brave to just come out and say it.
Sam looked up at him and smiled, "ok, I'm cool with taking it slow. But I but had to say it cause i couldn't keep it a secret forever." Sam laughed and laid her head on his shoulder.. she always believed that she would never meet a guy like Ryan but she is glad she did. She slightly thought to herself "do I love him?" She asked herself but she never really found an answer. She decided that she would draw something in her sketch bookk that she had. She drew what was on her mind which was her and Ryan together. She had her name and his with a love heart. Se decided.that she would show Ryan. "This is what I was thinking" She told him and blushed again she had never really felt this way about someone before.
Ryan was glad Sam saw his way about it. It was such a short time he hadn't really come to a come to any decisions on how he felt about her, yet. She laid her head against his shoulder, and he watched her as she pulled out her sketch book and started to doodle. It wasn't easy to try and act like he wasn't watching her as she was sketching right in front of him. He was only slightly surprised when she had doodled their names in a perfect heart. Ryan didn't know how exactly to respond but managed to say, "That's cute," With a little laugh. Quickly he thought through how bad it would be to indulge her, he found nothing wrong with them as a couple. It wasn't like they were getting married, right? "Would you mind being my girlfriend?" He asked, taking one of her hands in his.
Sam was shocked when Ryan took her hand and he asked the question, Sam looked at Ryan as if to say are you really asking me out. She smiled at him and she started laughing, "of course I will be your girlfriend" Sam said with a smile on her face. She was so excited, she laid her head back on his shoulder and started drawing again , she didn't really know what to draw, so she drew the surroundings of the park. " co'mon it's getting late, we should be heading back" Sam said as she got up. And packed away her drawings, pencils and her other stationary things.
Kael walked out of his dorm with his viola slung over his shoulder. he whistled an upbeat tune as he entered the school area and he headed to a vending macine and grabbed a bottle of water before wandering around a bit before class.

((sorry i wasnt sure what to post?))
Sam had a free period, so she was just walking around the school till she noticed someone new at the drink machine. Sam decided that she would go and make new friends, " hey I'm Sam" she said with a smile to the guy with the viola, she put her hand out so he could shake it if he wanted.
After taking a long drink from the bottle, Kael heard someone approach. he smiled as she introduced herself, "well, arent we the social butterfly? I'm Kael, nice to meet you." he shook her hand with a light chuckle, "youre very forward, im usually the one who start conversations, but it seems you've got the upper hand on me!"
Sam smiled and shook his hand, " yes, I am a little social butterfly, I always like making new friends" Sam said while she let go of his hand, "so how you likening the new school?" She asked as she was curious. But as much as she wanted to hear his reply she had to get to class, " I'm so sorry kael, but I have to get to class"
Kael took the handshake, then gave her a nod as she mentioned class, "its ok, we can talk later. i gotta get to math anyways" he said, pulling out his schedule. he still hadnt bothered to find any of his classes yet.

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