Rosalein Katharina Diefenbach


fallen angel

Rosalein Katharina Diefenbach

Character Name:
Rosalein Katharina Diefenbach of the United States of Rameria
Prefers just Rosalein or Rosa if you're close

Country of Origin:

United States of Rameria

The black sheep, younger sister of Klaus Diefenbach. Arrived at the Cendrillon Ball, partly to keep a close eye on her brother, and partly to focus on her studies and on her art. She's hoping to paint or just gather inspiration from the dancers.



18, born on Acerus 29, on an Aerasae








105 lbs

Other Distinguishing Traits?:

Really long, wavy black hair, and bright blue eyes make her very noticeable in a crowd, or even when she's sitting somewhere drawing in a corner (like the loner she is). She has the same eyes as her father, but her hair makes her stand out. Rosa frequently braids her hair, weaving strong flowering vines. When it isn't in her braids, it's just down or in a casual bun. The flowers will always be there, though. Her dresses are rather muted, as she prefers comfort to being flashy, to her mother's ire. Rosalein is also quite petite for a girl her age. She also does not care too much for fashion, frequently getting paint stains on her dresses. Her eyes are what can be described as focusing on everywhere at once except for the person she's talking to. She has a silent walk, and prefers to be outside of the limelight.

Romance and Partners?:

Yep! True to her royal background, it had become her social obligation (one she's dreading, by the way) to get married, settle down and have children. All of which, she is not looking to do anytime soon. Rumour has it that her wonderful parents have something in mind to remedy this issue. Unlike piling on excuses like Klaus, Rosalein only denies giving any answer, or just refuses altogether.

Rosalein has kept her sexuality relatively hidden due to political pressures and her social awkwardness. She also doesn't dance competitively, or even at all. However, for the sake of social obligations, she dances with either sex. She also has the potential to be a leader or a follower, if she was interested, that is. Rosalein is also dedicated to many solitary activities, such as painting, music, and her own studies. Unlike her brother, she isn't very easy to crack or to flirt with. Rosalein is also guarded by a wall of aloofness and dry wit. So, be prepared for tons of social awkwardness. For now (I might change it, but I'm happy with her sexuality for the time being), she strongly prefers princesses over princes, but isn't exclusive to either. Rose also has someone in mind, though she knows that it won't end very well for her sake. so she is trying to move on.

Position on the Rebellion?:

Personally, she relates to the feeling of being ostracised, as well as not being able to fully have the freedom and equality as others might. Based off her values, she is pro-rebellion. Rosalein is non-judgemental, believing in the 'live and let live' mentality. She hasn't formed a full opinion on the senseless violence. Part of her believes in the fact that the royals are much too self-absorbed, with the violence being a necessary evil to get the attention they have been neglected for many years. On the other side of the coin, many innocent lives have been claimed, which tips Rosalein off a bit (as she deems the violence as only 'irrational'). Though, Rosalein will fiercely support the Arien if someone conflicts with her views alongside her brother.

True to her nature, Rosalein is still a little skeptical of the siblings' shared ideologies. Who's to say that the rebels are as diplomatic as her treasured brother? From what the former princess knows, the Arien rebels aren't very sympathetic nor trusting of humans, considering the treatment from them in Lepumir towards its royalty. Rosalein is wary of her brother's optimism towards the cause, and the impacts of the rebellion on her country and the vulnerable capital... However, the whole issue isn't the priority, at the moment. At least, not for her. Besides, Rosalein isn't too concerned Klaus' political affairs.

When comparing the two Diefenbach siblings, it's hard to believe that Rosalein is related in any way to the former royal family of Rameria. Solitary and preferring individual study and improvement, it's odd to know that they have been raised side by side. Due to many years of being overshadowed by her sibling, she is withdrawn, and can easily come off as cold to others. Rosalein is one that does not bend easily to authority, nor does she like being taken advantage of. She is shrewd, cynical, and immensely independent. On top of all of this, it takes her a while to get close to others.

The former princess is also socially awkward, and frequently unsure of how to approach others. Though, she doesn't care too much about this fact, preferring to stay in the shadows and observe from afar. She tends to sway between focused and extremely out-of-tune with her surroundings, nothing in between. Either she is completely engaged in her work and her studies, or she bumps into chairs and walls in front of her. Rosalein is prone to spacing out in an unfamiliar situation, not paying much attention to others. Not to mention that Rosalein is very clumsy, ruling dance out of the question.

At heart, she is an artist and an unrelenting intellectual. Rosalein possesses a rich inner life, her interests driven by only herself. With visual art and music (the piano and violin), Rosalein frequently loses herself, becoming indulged in her work. She enjoys reading books and studying on her own time. Rosalein is a dedicated student, through and through. Naturally curious and questioning, it's not uncommon to see her studying machines around the castle or around the capital city. Equipped with a quick wit and a creative mind, it's no doubt that she's one to look toward the future. Her art and music is an expression of her inner life and her emotions that often go ignored. It is another expression for her love of precision and complex layers.

She is slow to form opinions on someone, preferring the 'detached observation' method of things. It's not often that emotions will get in the way of her thinking. This logical way of forming thoughts leads Rosalein to have an opinion many issues after an unbiased look at both perspectives, including the Rebellion. One surprising thing about her is that although she isn't interested in politics, she'll tend to have a well-read opinion on many issues and affairs regarding her country and others. The reason? Her pet peeve. She cannot stand ignorance, and makes sure she knows every aspect before opening her mouth. Additionally, Rosalein will gladly ridicule someone, or engage in a heated debate over issues that are personal to her, regardless of the consequences.

Emotions? Unheard of by the Diefenbach girl! Just kidding. Obviously, she has emotions. They're just... muted, mostly because she isn't too good at handling them. Though, once you earn her loyalty, that stays. Forever. Rosalein has a soft spot for her brother, and is protective over him. She isn't as cuddly or affectionate as her brother, but her love is silent and strong. She doesn't have much experience going for her romantically, but secretly, she enjoys poems and witty banter, all that sappy shiz. Rosalein frequently stands up for Klaus when she feels he is being unfairly treated. Which happens often, considering he isn't the most assertive type around. If there's one thing Rosa and her father can agree with, it's that she worries too that his kindness will be his downfall. Oddly enough, if something were to happen with Klaus, Rosa would do anything to honour his wishes, even carrying on his political career, if push came to shove.

Rosalein also has a bit of a reckless side. Valuing her independence at all times, she rejects traditional values. Getting married and settling down isn't something she strives for. The former princess has an adventurous streak, that both the President and Lady Elect of Rameria are not very fond of. She'd rather run away than have her fate be decided for her.


Born only a year later than her older brother, Rosalein was the overshadowed daughter of two former royals attempting to maintain power. As a child, she was awfully curious, shy, and would often hide away in toy chests. Before her cynicism grew childlike wonder. She roamed the castle, fancying herself a lone explorer. The fact that her mother and father merely focused on the golden child than their socially anxious little girl. Servants took the responsibility of caring for her, but Rosalein typically denied the attention, preferring time to be alone.

When she had family, Rosalein played games and enjoyed an innocent life with Klaus. Books, especially the wonderful ones with pictures, made up her world more than actual people did. There were times when the young girl practised painting these pictures she saw in books, showing them to her brother. That was her own form of adoration she needed. In her bedroom were shelves and boxes of these pictures. Like the saying goes, practice makes perfect. Eventually stick figures turned to portraits turned to full body sketches. Not fully realistic yet, her art became a vital part of her life somewhere down the line. Some would say spending a life without leaving your home was a nightmare, but Rosalein enjoyed her time at the Guildenstern castle.

Roman and Freya were lenient about her few public appearances, as well as supportive in the beginning. Allowing her simple violin and piano lessons, Rosalein fell in love at the age of 9. The Diefenbachs bought her a high-end violin, with a golden nine-point star resembling the crest of Rameria. A grand piano would later be moved into her bedroom, so that the Diefenbachs could be greeted with horrible beautiful sounds each morning. Her progress within the year alone had accelerated tremendously, with the sacrifice of her own social life. Her only friends became those in storybooks and her few accepting family friends. Sure, she went to events, but was not as well-received as her brother, the famed 'President's Son'. During these events, she was forced to learn only the basic dancing to get by, showing none of the enthusiasm she held for both her music or her art. After that total fail and unremarkable show, Rosalein only attends events if she must or if her brother forces her to go with a series of pleads.

True to Ramerian noble tradition, she was sent to boarding school in Rushmaur, where her nerdiness truly flourished~~~~~
Spending time away from the castle proved to be quite helpful in furthering her education. Packing up almost a minimal amount of clothing, her art supplies, and her violin. Obviously, the girl's not going to take her piano to Rushmaur, but luckily for her, she found tons of opportunity to play for the five years of freedom. There, she realized there was just so much to learn and to do. She appreciated their outlook on new technologies, and the progress that Rameria was making. It was nice to be among people that could finally relate to you instead of being cooped up in the castle most of the time.

There was a piano close to their quarters, allowing Rosalein to practice early and often. Both her studies and her arts became famous around the school, and eventually Rushmaur. Her grades grew to the top of the class. In many ways, the environment became her escape from royal duties. However, communication became scarce with her brother as Rosa began to sell her artwork across the state and perform her music frequently in the capital. News of his fame spread all over the capital of Rushmaur a year before before her return back home.

However, once she had returned to Ilarion, she realized many changes occurring to her family. This was the start of her brother's political career, even if he was not eligible for election. Of course, Freya and Roman would know to prep him 3 years before, slowly building trust and reputation. Rosalein has previously stated (many, many times) that she has no interest in a political career. I mean.. she can barely speak in public, for heaven's sake. While the lack of attention on her parents' part was never much to complain about, compared to her fame in Rushmaur... she felt envious, almost resentful of Klaus, whom she had grown close with. Their relationship took a turn for the worse, but as the years went by, Rosalein has slowly realized that Klaus was not the larger issue. But after all this isolation, she grew to be immensely independent. Regardless, her love for him didn't change. Though, Rosalein felt a sense of frustration. Returning to her family wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

What Klaus couldn't see was the strings attached to his body, pulled by Roman and Freya. For her, it seemed like he was being manipulated. In an odd way, the new concern over reputation ended up being a total culture shock. Returning to Tenenbaum, she's met many potential political allies and has heard of many major players, even the famed Princess of Euthalia. Her charms certainly fazed her, leaving a memorable impression of the encounter. Rosalein appeared to be the only one that could see every ulterior motive with her family, in her opinion. Freya had a harder time grooming Rosalein to be presentable, dressing her in eye-catching outfits and makeup, to much rebellion. They became stricter towards her, which only ended in the girl lashing out and locking herself in her bedroom, practising music or painting until her fingers bled and her eyes felt heavy.

This led to tensions within the family. They had a daughter that refused to uphold the charismatic nature of the Diefenbach family name, this was definitely bad for their reputation. In an attempt to save face, Freya and Roman began to promote her skills in both visual arts and music the more she holed herself in. It was a never-ending cycle of Rosalein doing everything she can to maintain her independence, shutting herself out with her only passions, and her own parents profiting off of this. The strategy worked, Rosalein's art becoming famous across the country, maybe stretching to regions farther than Rameria. This was humiliating, but it had a bright side. Now, everyone knew the famous Diefenbach artist, with Rosa gaining a newfound fanbase for her art. Still, she has never quite forgiven Freya nor Roman for what they had done. Three years being back in the capital felt like centuries.

The last straw was a deliberate attempt to take away every freedom she had. Without even a second thought, Rosalein found herself to be packing up her things and leaving for another adventure once more...


Roman Diefenbach:
Rosalein is more aware than what most people of their 'President for Life'. Her father is scheming, and she knows it. Well... not really, knowing... but judging from the things he stages, Rosalein would consider him so. Compared to her mother, Rosa tolerates her father more, even respecting his tactical schemes. Maybe not on herself, but on others and for the prosperity of Rameria. If only he would just butt out of her business and stop telling the poor girl to start 'making herself useful'. Rosalein feels that he does not appreciate her art or any of her talents, and feels as if she's talking to a brick wall than an actual human.

Freya Marliese Diefenbach:
Rosalein's mother gets most of the backlash, and well-deserved, in her opinion. The Empress of Media herself is shallow, and attention-seeking, to say the least. Like her father, Rosa respects her wit and her charisma, but that doesn't really stop the lasting resentment. In Rosalein's mind, she is merely grooming her daughter to look pretty for future suitors. In regards to her arts, it rubs Rosa the wrong way that she draws attention to her art only for the fame it brings her family. For most of her childhood, she's gotten away from most of her helicopter parent tendencies, turning to the more approachable and popular Klaus. However, now that her prized son is going off to the ball to find a suitable partner, there's no doubt that her attentions will shift to her unrelenting daughter. The difference in treatment became obvious, being stricter about her behaviour and dress.

Klaus Mathis Diefenbach:
Klaus is Rosalein's beloved older brother. They have a loving relationship, and Rosa thinks the world of him. His new senator duties don't take time away from their friendship, but Rosa was never demanding of anyone's time to begin with. He is eager to help others, and an effective leader, and one of the only people Rosalein trusts. Personality-wise, he is different to Rosalein in every single way. He is also a talented dance prodigy, she is sure that him and Luciano will take the winning spot at this year's Cendrillion Ball.

Brynocki Flaut:
Awww, what a guy! Rosalein has taken a liking to the Aria (I mean, who hasn't?), and feels a protective instinct towards him. She truly trusts him, and frequently enjoys a nice cup of tea alongside the black bear. There have also been several moments where both her music and her artwork have moved the man to tears.

Cynthia Stenger:
Known to Rosalein as Cynthia 'Psycho' Stenger. Her perfect exterior puts her off, and built a wall between her and Cynthia from the beginning. Not to mention, Rosalein doesn't trust her and goes out of her way to make the most passive-aggressive comments possible. The Cendrillion Ball scandal was unforgivable, in her opinion, because of how much she knew Klaus values dance.

Dance Level:

If I had to place her, she's at a 2. Rosalein has only learned basics to get by, never attends dance competitions, has no partner. Wants nothing to do with dance, unless a pretty princess is able to sway her otherwise. Though, that's not to say she hasn't cheered on her own brother, or watched him practice a couple of times. However, it isn't much to call herself a dancer. The "road to dance is a road of roses" means nothing to her.

Last Year's Cendrillion Ball:
Rosalein did not attend because she was not of age. Second, even if she was eligible to attend, Rosa can barely tell left from right. However, she is very aware of her country's scandal regarding last year's Cendrillion Ball. You can ask Klaus if you're willing to hear all about it. If you ask her, she'll only give you a blank stare (with a hint of a glare) and outright ignore you. In short, Rosalein thinks that Cynthia is a total psycho, and that her whole family is causing her brother unnecessary distress. Furthermore, Rosalein is not aware of what had happened before the public accusations. She has attended a few political meetings involving Klaus and Fleeming Stenger. Let me tell you, it was difficult for the girl not to throw choice words at the senator after the incident, yet, in order to keep herself informed, Rosalein demonstrated an impressive amount of self-control.


- Has unusually vivid dreams of every kind. They're probably what most of her more abstract works have been based off of.
- Once fell from her bed when reading an interesting book about stars and still kept reading on the ground, seemingly unbothered.
- Rosalein is currently ambidextrous, as is necessary for music and her visual art. She was born left-handed, though.
- Really does not like spicy food.
- Klaus attempted to teach her some basic dance, before Rosalein tripped over her own feet and vehemently refused to get up, pouting like a little girl. The sibling dance lessons stopped from then on.
- Just looking for a Princess Debut.
- Could kick your ass at chess and riddles
- Jaded Disney Princess

One furby. Two furby. Blue furby. Pink furby. Greg Brady furby.

Just me.

Personality Index ~

MBTI Result:

INTP-A, the Logician. "Logicians pride themselves on their inventiveness and creativity, their unique perspective and vigorous intellect."

Mind = 92% Introvert. Rosalein is withdrawn, and can often be seen as cold. Even as a child, she enjoyed her adventures alone, as well as solitary pursuits. Her friend group is very select, and barely initiates conversation. Most of her world is inner, so her tendency to be absentminded is huge.

Energy = 84% Intuitive. If Klaus and Rosalein have anything in common, it's their willingness to dream. Rosalein is also open-minded, and looks at everything from different perspectives. She's a curious student, and likes to connect ideas and systems together. Can also be quite an abstract thinker. Her art and music tend to showcase this.

Nature = 73% Thinking. Rosa takes things objectively, and likes to analyze how things work. Doesn't take too well with strong emotions. Enjoys debates and logical fields. Searches for the truth. Very rational.

Tactics = 82% Prospecting. Flexible and prefers to keep options open. Spontaneous and independent, doesn't care much for structure or independence. Not good at thinking ahead. Her organisational skills are horrible, and don't even bring up her sleep schedule.

Identity = 61% Assertive. Rosalein prefers to take things as they come, and does not care what others think of her. Sure, she has her insecurities, but she does her best to overcome them. Doesn't try to hide who she is.

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~ Relationship Journal ~

Evalyn Euthalia
Romance: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Friendship: ★★★★★★★★★★ From what I know of Evalyn and the times that I have met her, she's been pleasant. I wonder if it's only for her, being the only princess. I wouldn't consider myself friends with many people, however.
Klaus Mathis Diefenbach
Romance: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Friendship: ★★★★★★★★★ My dear brother. I don't show this much, but I know he has the ability to do whatever he wishes and win the hearts of many. A great older brother, if you ask me.
Rosalein Katharina Diefenbach
Romance: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Friendship: ★★★★★★★★★★ That would be me. If only all these stars and hearts were for my art, then they would be brimming. Hopefully. I'd like to think so.
Luciano Barbosa
Romance: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Friendship: ★★★★★★★★★★ I merely tolerate him because of Klaus. End of story. We have nothing in common other than passion, which I'm sure happens to be the only thing driving us both. I don't like his competitiveness, though.
Tristan Thaddeus Sinclair
Romance: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Friendship: ★★★★★★★★★★Don't know him. Greedo isn't really on the top of my mind every single day. He seems okay, though.
Dahlia Lenore Sinclair
Romance: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Friendship: ★★★★★★★★★★I have only heard whispered rumours, and nothing more. From what I know, she was once lively.
Naomi Marie Thalassa
Romance: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Friendship: ★★★★★★★★★★Will curiosity kill the cat if I wonder about the new Marine representative's arrival?
Asuran Dorix
Romance: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Friendship: ★★★★★★★★★★I don't know him, neither does my brother for that matter.
Kiefer Arlie Avescamp
Romance: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Friendship: ★★★★★★★★★★Have not spoken to him in a while. I hope he's still out there, reading and enriching his studies. Some of the talks we have had were pleasant.
Jervis Inigo Falx
Romance: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Friendship: ★★★★★★★★★★---
Brand Falx
Romance: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Friendship: ★★★★★★★★★★---

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~ Diplomacy Journal ~
No strong feelings towards the unofficial head of Roserasia. Their princess is interesting to say the least, and I can't wait to meet her again. Not sure what to do about the whole 'Cendrillion Ball' thing. How hard are these dancers going to paint? I wonder if my art is around the castle... I can't remember. I wonder what the Euthalian family is like now.
Home sweet home. A brilliant country where everyone except my mother and father embrace my talents. Naive, free, and optimistic. I'm not too sure if the first part of our country is our best interest. But I'm certain my brother has what it takes to run Rameria. However, we are vulnerable, maybe more so, especially Ilarion.
I don't have much of a strong opinion on Galleria. I don't care too much of the past tension, but I think my brother and his partner will do much to improve relations between the two countries, even indirectly. I am curious to see what's so special about Gallerian steel, maybe feel it for myself. They're prideful people, perhaps they won't take too well to this arrangement.
Hmm... I've been told it's beautiful, nothing more. Possibly unremarkable in terms of competition. They seem like Euthalia's cute little lapdog. Could have dependency issues. I've heard of a sickly princess recovering in Euthalia. Curse my absent-mindedness, her name is on the tip of my tongue.
Living in an interconnected country like Rameria, it's odd to hear of a country being so self-sufficient as the Marine Queendom. I'd like to see their representative, I'm quite curious about the way they've lived. For now, all of my thoughts are rumours.
Magic intrigues me, as does their technology. Personally, the defensiveness can be justified. I am fascinated by Dorimon music, I suppose I have some crumpled sheet music stuffed in my violin casing. Cold.
Also cold. I am fond of the thunderstorms and the rain. Their libraries museums give off a sense of being in your own world. Nezzie and Rameria have a good trading relationship, and I'd like to learn about more of the ancient knowledge exclusive to Nezzie. Maybe there are important secrets simply dying to be found out?
Sea Republic
The architecture is nice, as is the focus on the visual arts. Of all the other countries, I am the most interested in the Sea Republic. I'd like to keep an uninvolved eye on the Republic and its art. Despite popular opinion, the Cesar Kingdom rebellion doesn't strike many strong feelings with me. As most things don't.
I was too young to have truly known Prince Lysander. I've heard he was an intellectual. Though... a weird gut feeling of mine thinks he is still alive, somewhere. If the Arie had caught his location, they'd put his head on a spike too. I do hope he's alright. The rebellion causes justifiable concern, and I think that Rameria should protect itself.

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