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The Clawed Fauni
Name: Luna

Gender: Female

Race: Gijinka

What are you: Articuno

Age: 18



Personality: Sometimes cold and unruly, can open up to a select few.
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Name: Serena

Gender: Female

Race: Tengu

Age:17 1/2


(See below)

Personality: Often a social-butterfly around people but can close up if the person doesnt accept her.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/images-2.jpeg.93542f4a71e2c5955a9504059accf1f5.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24896" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/images-2.jpeg.93542f4a71e2c5955a9504059accf1f5.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Luna finished shoving her things inside her new room. It was funny, there was an extra bed over in the room next to hers. Whatever, she could sell it later.
Serena walked towards her dorm, holding the number I her hands. "This one I guess." She thought ro herself before peeking her head in the door. There was already someone inside. "Oh well, hi there." She leaned against the doorframe waving at her, what she can only guess, was her roomate.
Luna looked at her. She blinked a few times before turning back to her room. "Don't bother me." She said, icy wind following her as she slammed her door.
Serena backed off and turned to the next door. She unlocked it and practically collapsed in with her bags. She began placing things in their appropriate spaces while jamming out to some MCR in her earphones.
Luna finished unpacking and turned on her stereo to some calming music as she sat down to meditate.
Serena pulled out an earphone and looked over at the wall hearing the cleansing music. "Curiouser and curiouser" She responded plopping on her bed.
Serena walked over to the wall and slumped down with her back against it, listening to the music and relaxing slightly to her surroundings.
Luna opened her eyes, her room growing cold. She breathed in and out until she had a small snow storm in her room.
Serena had enough. She grabbed a sweater and her bag and walked out the door. "Maybe she'll want to go to the market with me. NO. She told be to back off." She walked by the girls door hesitating before continuing forward.
"Oh yeah its me again" Serena looked at her feet. "Would you want to go the market with me today? If we are gonna be rooming we may as well pretend to be friendly with each other. "

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