Roommates! [Inactive]

It was around 10pm and he had just finished his book about supernatural beings. The girl was already sleeping and he just couldn't. He walked out of the dorm and roamed the hallway when he saw a girl asking a brunette boy the way. He seemed bewildered and confused, so Kyle just answered the question that was directed to the guy named Greg. '' The cafeteria is downstairs,'' he simply said annoyed. He walked down the stairs and sat on the couch shifting channels on the tv.
Miki stirred as the door opened and light poured onto her face. She rolled over, her ears folding back. She looked at the doorway to see her roommate exit and shut the door. She tried to think of what he was doing before she fell back asleep, letting out soft purring.
Once Greg had left, Eri had crashed on her bed and ended up napping for a few hours. She woke up, realizing that it was getting close to midnight. Eri groaned, knowing that at this point sleep was not likely; she felt wide awake and fully energized. Once she had observed that Greg was still MIA, Eri decided to walk around some more to get a feel for the campus. As she made her way down to the common room area, Eri noticed that some people were still awake, or at least there were signs that showed people were still lurking about. Eri could hear the static from the common room TV not very far, and her suspicions were confirmed at the sight of the human she had tripped earlier, sitting on the couch.
Kyle laid down on the sofa dozing off a little while watching the simpsons. Well an adapted versions of simpsons with weird creatures. He kind of enjoyed it. He chuckled at one of the jokes when he heard footsteps from the entry. He groan knowing it was someone from the door, it just annoyed him how they would pop his bubble and annoy him.
Eri rolled her eyes when the human groaned, knowing that it was probably because she had entered the room. "Well aren't you just a little ray of sunshine. No wonder your roommate calls you an asshole," she quipped from the doorway, leaning against it casually.
Kyle barely moved and continued watching the supernatural simpson show, ''Well darling, she can call me whatever she wants to others.'' He simply stated.
"Hmm," Eri hummed in a lazy response. Not really willing to put the effort into a witty reply to his comment, Eri walked into the common room with a sigh, and sat on a cushioned chair that was near the couch. She glanced up at the TV and rubbed her temples.
He was kind of grateful that she didn't make him continue the conversation. He hated answering to stupid question. Tho that girl seemed like the silent type, probably not much of a talker. He could bare with it. He sat back up once the show ended, it was already 12pm and school was starting tomorrow. He didn't want to sleep to late either.
During the show, Eri had surprisingly dozed off despite the napping she had done earlier. She snapped awake at the sound of the credits, and another show commencing. She saw that the guy was still there on the couch, and it looked like he was planning on returning to his dorm. Eri could feel her bed calling her name, and stood to walk out of the room. She paused, then stole a glance at him. "You have a name? Because I personally would rather not call you an asshole the entirety of our school career," Eri inquired lightly, the ghost of a smile crossing her face.
Kyle sighted. At Least she was bearable and she did have a point there. ''Kyle, Kyle Warran.'' He said standing up from the sofa, ''What about you..'' he said looking at her boredly.She seemed interesting and not one of those pest of a neko. Might as well be on the positive side of some of them...
Eri nodded, then said, "Eri Collins." She reached the doorway, running a hand through her hair and pushing the stray strands out of her face. "I'm going to sleep now, since classes start tomorrow. See you around, I guess," Eri ended with a wry, and exhausted smile, as she turned the corner.
Kyle walked out from the room right after her. He got to his room and immediately flopped on his bed. He slept peacefully and snored loudly.

---end of the day---
Miki yawned, opening her eyes. She twitched her ears as she sat up. She looked at the clock and got up. She went to go change and brush her hair. She walked out in her new uniform. She didn't like the fact she had to wear a skirt. She sighed and walked downstairs. She grabbed a piece of toast with butter and cinnamon sugar and shoved it in her mouth. She then walked out the door.
Eri groaned loudly at the sound of her alarm clock blaring. Wishing she could stay in bed longer, Eri reluctantly dragged herself out of bed and into the shower to clean up. After fixing her hair and pulling it up into a messy ponytail, she slid her horrific uniform on with utter distaste, mostly because of the skirt she had to wear. If there was one article of clothing Eri absolutely despised, it was skirts. She felt like a cutesy little girl in them, and being a Neko didn't exactly help. Knowing that there was nothing else she could do to improve her appearance, Eri stalked to the kitchen, swiftly eating a bowl of cereal and leaving the dorm.
Kyle woke up after Miki left. He groomed himself and left to go to school. His first course was Mystical Creatures 101, probably one of the weirdest course he could of gotten. He had hesitated with the fighting class but prefered not since he was just humain. Anyway, he liked supernatural. He sat in the far end of the class waiting for the bell.
After getting her initial school stuff organized, Eri changed out of her regular uniform into appropriate attire for her first class, fighting. She knew the moment she received the form that fighting would be the most exciting elective. This is what she hoped for, because the rest of the electives seemed to require a lot of sitting and listening. She stepped into the gym area where she saw some other students mingling as they awaited the start of class.
Miki walked into the gym, looking around. She saw a few other students inside. Some had wings, others had scales. Some where just normal. She noticed another Necko in the room and deduced that it was Eri from the dorm. She walked over. "Hey." She said, relaxed.
Eri smiled at the sight of Miki, someone she finally recognized. "Heya. I wondered if I would be seeing you here. You seem like the type that would enjoy this particular elective," she said in reply, measuring the rest of students up by size, skill, and ability.
"Yeah. Your a worthy opponent yourself." Miki said. She began to observe the other people here. She saw some more muscular people but she was fast.
"Oh god I'm going to be late, I knew that was a bad idea." Greg had to rush to his next class in the next 5 minutes. He managed to make it by a hair but he still made it. Although he didn't feel like fighting because he was so exhausted. God, that was the worst night ever. Why do I get caught up in stuff with those kind of people. He managed to remain calm until he saw a familiar face, a fellow student that was with the group of boys that he had hung out with last night. Oh god....him? The boy stood next to him and gave Greg a warm smile. Greg just sighed this is gonna suck. He was going to attempt to ignore him until the kid brought up last night and what Greg had done. He went on and on about it until Greg finally walked away. Why is it such a big deal, I mean it was an accident, it was self defense. Greg had came from a long line of martial artist, so Greg had been trained by his father, Daniel Moses, a very famous martial artist. Greg had one major problem he never would have discussed with anyone. But now if those boys go around telling everybody, he might just have his one secret gone for good. "I have to talk with those kids." He said this so quietly that no one could hear him.
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Bea grumbled to herself as she headed to fighting class. Her new roommate had boringly enough slept and slept and slept. Dead as a doornail. She'd seen his name on some of his things, so knew who he was, but they didn't make him less annoyingly DEAD. Seeing the two other nekos in the same class brightened her up immediately. "Hi Eri! Hi Miki! How're you guys? I met my roommate, but he's boring. Do you think we'll be doing something fun, today?!"

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Kyle stayed in class listening to M.Hanji blab about Dragons and Unicorns. He was dozing off until he saw the fighting class outside. He stared at the window waiting for more action.
After saying hello to Beatrice, Eri branched off to begin sparring with some of the other students. She started off facing a larger creature that had the features of a human but the ability of something else Eri couldn't pick out. Regardless of her opponent's size though, she managed to calculated his moves simply because she was smaller and faster than him. This made it easy to calculate his attacks, dodge them, and hone in on his weak spots. Nearly two minutes later, Eri knocked him over with an alarming force, winning that sparring match.
Miki started sparring with this burly guy from there class. He was similar in attitude to her roommate, making this all the more fun for her. She jumped and landed a roundhouse kick on his chest, sending him to the floor. She pinned him until 10 seconds was up. She stood and walked away.
Greg was in a high train thought until the teacher had actually started to talk. He began to say stuff about technique and using peoples own strength against them. This was stuff taught to Greg over and over again when he was younger. He beginning to doze off until he heard something about having a quick spar between some people. Greg had quickly rose his hand Maybe a good spar would take this off my mind. He quickly announced a challenge to everyone in the building. A cocky student had stepped up, he seemed to be some kind of half dog half human. The cocky student began to brag about how much he loved to beat up humans and made a quick charge at him. Greg didn't even flinch at the sudden rush "amateur" Greg jumped a good bit off the ground and landed a good kick to the kids head knocking him out. "Well that was easy. Is there anyone else who wants to spar?"

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