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Realistic or Modern Room for One More (Closed group)

Rose smiled as the girl began eating, "See now, I knew you were hungry." she looked at her and listened to what she said about school. Her mind drifted to Lucia's grades. "School is hard..." she said resting her arms on the table, "Then what are your favorite things to do?" she asked moving the subject away from school since that seamed to be a sore subject at the moment. She looked at the girl as she eat vary quickly almost swallowing the food before chewing. She wondered just how badly she was treated at the other homes.
Shyann looked at Rose carefully, she could think of plenty of thing she liked to do: puzzles, play with dolls, draw, tag, hop scotch, skip rocks, play go-fish, and many other things she got to do with a few of the other families she had been with. At least she had gotten to do those things at 1st and then everything would turn for the worst and those things would be taken away from her as a taunting punishment. "What are your favorite things to do?" she reversed the question, feeling rather nervous to let on much about her self. It was like they were interviewing her and she just knew they'd find something little to hate her for or to use it against her. She looked up at Mathew questioningly, he was so quiet but he was still there, listening and that made her curious.
Matthew smiled at Shyann, "Rose likes to do lots of things, she has a flower bed that is going to need some more attention and I'm sure she'd like some help with that." He offered, "I like make bird houses, and I like to read books and draw buildings, and lots of other things." Matthew replied hoping to coax her out of the shell she'd put herself in. They were people just like she was, with likes and dislikes as long as the focused on what they had in common and not the differences then they should get along well.
"Bird houses, huh?" Shyann said slowly "Why? Don't they build nests for their house? Why do you do it for them?" she questioned, finding the hobby odd "And umm... Ok, I'll help with your flowers..." she agreed, refusing to admit that she woul like it even though he really enjoyed getting her hands dirty and finding worms.
Rose gave Shyann a soft smile, "Yes, the birds could make their own nests, but how lovely is it when others take care of your needs? Even when you could have done it for yourself." she said glancing over at Mathew as she turned the birdhouses into a roundabout way of talking about Shyann's needs. "I suppose that's what we love to do most in this family." she watched to see how the girl would respond hoping she would relax a bit since she was clearly vary worked up and stiff. "Even my flowers provide for bees and humming birds, but they could have found wild flowers growing some where else." She knew that was a stretch but she wanted to connect everything as best she could.

Sophie screamed with delight and she held up the printer paper covered in scribbles. "Flower!"

Rose grabbed her then sat down with the child in her lap, she really needed to get the little girl to bed soon. The trouble was that Sophie was now all worked up with Shyann's arrival and now Rose would have to get her to settle down first.
Matthew let out a small sigh as Rose tried to connect everything together. Yes a good idea in theory but she was stretching it a bit. He'd back her up though, "Nests are good and the birds still make them in the houses but the bird houses offer more protection for them, and I like to watch the birds I think they are interesting animals." He replied, and glanced at Sophie.

"Maybe you and daddy can read a book while mommy and Shyann eat and talk." He suggested with a smile. Matthew assumed that Shyann would be more comfortable with just Rose than himself in the room and if anyone was going to get a good night sleep, they needed to get Sophie settled first.
"Oh... I like watching birds too... Like the yellow and black ones... i think they're prettiest..." Shyann let slip as she finished up her food "Thanks m.... Umm....?" she looked at Rose and bit her lip, she knew it wasn't going to get very far with this family, or any family for that matter. But enevitably they had all made that good impression and she could feel her hopes getting up all over again. She'd just have to keep reminding her self she supposed "Uhh... Ro... Er.... Mrs. Allen...?" she stammered around awkwardly, looking down at her empty plate "I'll wash it..." she volunteered, getting up and picking her dishes up and going to the sink. Anything to get her out of that situation was a good idea!
"BOOK!" Sophie exclaimed excited jumping out of her Mother's lap and running over to her father, "Book, book, booooook!" she repeated grabbing his hand and trying to pull him in the direction of her bedroom giggling. She had forgotten all about the other girl.

Rose winked at Mathew as a way of wishing him good luck then joined Shyann at the sink. Everything in her wanted to tell Shyann she did not have to wash the dishes, but she resisted. She did not want to tell a child not to do a chore, so instead she dried the dishes for her and put them away. "Thank you Shyann." she said as they finished. She placed her hand on the girl's shoulder, "And you can call us what ever makes you comfortable." she smiled.
Matthew nodded he'd have to see if they couldn't find a black and yellow bird while Shyann was with them. He smiled at Sophie and got up from his seat and held her hand. "I'll take that as a yes, and please don't yell inside it's too loud." He said softly and gave Rose a small wave as he left with the yougest.

David had gone back to his room as he wasn't sure what else to do. He figured he'd be called if he was supposed to be some where else.
Shyann looked up at Rose and shook her head "I don't know what to call you.... Or him...." she motioned in the direction Mathew had gone "So umm... Have you had foster children before me?" she asked, changing the subject since it was so uncomfortable "I guess you weren't expecting someone like me, huh?"
Rose wrapped her arm gingerly around the girl's shoulder as she began leading her towards the stairs, "No, you are our first and Yes, we expected to get a beautiful little girl or boy made in the image and likeness of God. So yes, we did expect to get someone just like you." she said stopping to give the girl a little hug before walking with her up the stares. "As for what to call us. You can call me Rose and my husband Mathew, or what ever makes you the most comfortable." she smiled.
"Rose... Mathew... Got it" Shyann nodded shortly. This made it easier since she didn't have to deal with the awkward decision of possibly calling them mom or dad. Now it was clear there was no way that she was possibly going to keep her. "Right... Because God has big splotchy skin, huh?" she rolled her eyes, wondering why anyone would believe in an imaginary being.

Lucia went into David's room and started to grab some of his toys when she saw that Shyann had non in her guest room "You know, maybe she's just too shy to play with us. Maybe she'll warm up a bit if she has toys to play with her self" she explained to David so he wouldn't get too upset "I'm giving her a bunch of my stuff too. At least for a little while, ok?" she said, hoping David would agree to her plan. She grabbed a 20 piece puzzle, some blocks, a ring toss game, marbles, a few books, and a hand full of hot wheel cars just in case Shyann might be a tom boy type of girl.
Matthew got himself situated with Sophie in hope that reading would help calm her down for the night. Then maybe he and Rose could get some sleep, as it seemed like tomorrow was going to be interesting to say the least.

David at Lucia as she was taking his toys, he was going to protest until she explained what she was doing. "Okay if thats what your doing and it'll make her feel welcome and maybe nicer then okay." He said and got up from his puzzle, and went over to Lucia. "Do you want any help carrying the toys?" He asked curiously.
"Yeah, That'd be great" Lucia smiled "Let's hurry up and get them all set up in her room before she goes in ok? I think she'll be really thrilled by it" she said hopefully, hugging her little brother before handing him the box "Where are your stuffed animals? I think she would like something to hug at night... Maybe something you wouldn't mind parting with?" she suggested.
David nodded and hugged Lucia back the he took the box. "They are in my closet, and I think she'd like Puppy Dog and uh maybe Beary too." He answered and ran to his closet and pulled out a teddy bear and a stuffed puppy. Then he went back over to his sister and smiled, "I hope she likes them they are the nicest ones."
Rose stopped in front of the guest room door, "No, because his image is imprinted on your soul Shyann." she said before opening the door for her, "And that's all that matters to us." she added as she followed the girl inside. She turned on the lamp by the bed and shut the over head light off so it the lighting in the room would be less harsh, "Well, I know it isn't much... But it'll do for now." she said giving her a weak smile, "Do you need help unpacking?" she asked.

Sophie was curled up beside her father listening to him read her favorite bed time book, "Goodnight moon". She had never heard the end of it as she always fell asleep before the second page was even reached.
"I think she's going to love them!" Lucia said confidently and took the things to Shyann's room "You set those out and I'll set her dresser up with this make up and costume jewelry" she said excited that they were doing something so nice for their temporary sister. She looked up when their mother came in with Shyann "Hey, we wanted to surprise her" she smiled sheepishly at Shyann

Shyann looked at everything and smiled a bit at the effort these strangers had put in for her "You did this? For me?"

Lucia nodded and went over to hug Shyann "We are really glad you're here" she said honestly.
Rose smiled placing her hand on Shyann's shoulder, "I think we should let Shyann settle in for the night. We'll get to know each other better tomorrow." she said before ushering the other children out of the room, "If you need me, Matt and I are in the bedroom at the end of the hallway." she said before closing the door behind her.

She made sure Lucia and David both got started getting ready for bed before peeking into Sophie's room. She gave Mathew a soft smile when she saw their youngest curled up in his lap fast asleep as he read to her. She tiptoed in and gingerly picked her up and laid her down in her small child's bed that Mathew had built for her. Her name carved with care on the small headboard with a Tau cross above it.
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